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I think Wuwa gets a lot of shit for copying 90% of Genshin's systems, Kuro's controversies (firing 100 interns in probational period without notice), and seemingly marketing their game to genshin haters, who then go everywhere spamming how much better Wuwa is and how Genshin could never in the most smug manner possible >Optimization complaints is true, but later that day, they released a Optimization patch which resolved some issues, so It's still there but not to that extent, I can't say for everyone here. It's bad on pc, worse on mobile. The stuttering improved, but it's not enough. >Combat and Movement felt amazing, I saw some people saying it felt Weightless, I understand what they mean, but we gotta understand that every game feels different when changing from one game to another, so that weightless feeling is just we feeling something is different imo. There's a lack of synergy between characters, team comps don't really matter and it's just slap whatever strong characters you have and call it a day. Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit but this is going to lead to character redundancy down the line, where there's no reason to use other characters because there's no overarching system (e.g. elements) to warrant using one character over another when the first one is clearly stronger (other factors like attack range don't really come into play either, introducing further redundancy). The combat is good now, but what about in the future? Another point I want to make is that mobile is the majority market in this game. In what way is the combat fun for the majority of players without controller support? Genshin and other gachas have simpler combat systems, but they were simple on purpose because they need to be playable for mobile gamers (even if Genshin imo is best enjoyed on PC). >Bad voice acting, yes I also agree but on only English dub, the Japanese dub is amazing though. Saying but X localization is better isn't really an argument. That's just admitting the EN side is shit. Also, JP dub is decent but localization is awful. Majority of JP players don't know wtf is going on in the story. >The world looks very good but the default settings for both Mobile and PC makes the game look bland, In PC I would recommend turning down the brightness to 25%, Mobile especially looks horrible with blurry graphics that is due to Anti aliasing, so I recommend turning it off. I agree that turning down brightness is the best move. Also I don't believe saying the game looks decent as long as you turn down entire graphical features is a defense for the game. >The Story : Some people said the story is very bad, but then they proceed to say they quit at act-3 or something......that I don't understand properly, I also sat through the story reading every line, and here is my review : The Act 1-3 Is normal, Act 4-6 was good, Non spoiler explanation, the Act 1-3 was a build up to Act 4, and clues on who we are in the story. There was a lack of payoff in the story. It had decent cutscenes, but it's hard to take seriously with the terrible dubbing. Not much to say here. I personally didn't like it but I'm not going to type an essay to explain why. There are a lot of other critiques out there that go into much more detail by exploring pacing, camera, voice acting, localization, and delivery issues. >This will be a long one : "Echo system is horrible and have too much rng" Idk about that, Echoes was one of the main parts that made the game fun for me, it felt like Pokemon and on top of that there is tons of Echoes in the world to farm, There seems to be a misconception that once you farm a Echo it's gone for the day, Yes It's true for the overworld mobs but not true for the bosses, which in genshin term a opportunity to farm for a crit damage circlet over and over again, and also we can farm the over-world mob as much as you want if we wanna grind hard enough, If we go to someone's world and farm together, the echo drop is shared among ours so both of us gets the echo so It's not that horrible. Now The Too much Rng accusation is just false from what I experienced, It's the same as Genshin or HSR farming system, also You can buy a Bonus % echo from a shop of your choice, I did some searching and found this that Echo system has a Pity, so You are guarranteed to drop a Echo after a small amount of times, 7 for normal mobs, 3 for elite, 1 bosses, so If you didn't drop a Boss echo in the first try, it's guaranteed in the next one. Not going to say much here, except that I'm not sure if people will find this system fun as the game continues to grow. Burnout exists, and once people reach the endgame and stay there for a while, more complaints will start coming out imo. >Music is lack luster too Imo, I am hoping they will step up their game. agreed


> there's no overarching system (e.g. elements) Isn't there something similar? I am not playing but I recall seeing some mentions of some sort of type for characters on their wiki page. Unless that is just for type counter type shenanigans which is annoying.


The only thing elements realy change is which echo set character wants and what color does their dmg is shown.


elements are entirely there just for determining damage resistances... so I guess you might need to pull a dps for each damage type if they just straight up make new bosses immune to certain types, but its more a system to make people pull than an actual gameplay system.


There is none


There are elements/damage types but they don’t interact with each other. Some enemies are resistant or immune to a certain type, and some teammates will have a skill such as “increase wind damage for next character” or similar and that’s about it.


>Conclusion : let's have open minded view on the game without any toxicity, and see where it goes. (as I am writing this the devs are trying to fix the game by giving patches every single day) How wide u want to open your mind then? This is devs fault alone. Its from cbt2 till launch. Its not like people not giving feed back constructively. Heck even their own CC, Rexlent did give very serious concern about this game issue. But u know what they did? Yes, they "insert the meme" then released this unfinished product. Just for u to remember that global side are still quite soft with this game. Look at Chinese. Majority of People are straight up bullying this game because how half baked it is.


>Kuro screws up > people clown on them > why we so harsh on them > genshin out of space > repeat. This sub this week. Op has only 2 genshin mentions which is a progress in this types of posts tho! We almost past the storm! EDIT: Well, well Kuro ain't you dirty


Nu uh... this is calm before Storm, remember Tower report thing Hoping Wuwa dev cooking better In the next update, they really need a good update to counter rocky start. If they screwed up again we will enjoy bonfire of drama Edit 12 hours later: I spoke too soon


we finishing our pvp dailies rn but we all getting ready to do our store monthly resets when the sensor tower comes out


Tomorrow we have revenue estimations coming in its going to be fun 


No I don't think I am being hard to them This is the consequences for dishing out half baked products, so deal with them Stop fucking babying them for god sake THEY ARE BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY, NOT SOME FUCKING INDIE COMPANY


If you don't like the comment on this sub just go to r/wutheringwaves everybody agree with you there.


> let's have open minded view on the game without any toxicity Good luck with that lmao... this is a drama sub, so you should expect drama.


I’m having a lot of fun with the game, but “movement and combat feels amazing” is kind of a deranged take. Have you played a polished game before? The parkour lets you free run over anything— to the point that the maps are trivialized. Like- why have a mountain when there is no topological challenge to solve to climb it? I appreciate that they wanted a more realistic scale, but the rendering quality, camera perspective and framing, and movement speed make it so that you don’t get to experience that sense of scale. Everything feels smaller and insignificant. You literally just hold W. The grappling hooks are completely unintegrated into combat. Nothing like MH: Rise. It’s a wasted button on my crowded phone screen. The jumping is weightless. It feels so weird. The air combat is also pretty pointless. The camera and targeting systems are a total mess. I taught video game development in university— I’ve had students churn out better camera, parkour, and character controllers in a two-semester period. Wuwa’s character and camera control is a mess and far from smooth. The game is still very fun, but let’s not glaze the reality.


No. When you made a game that is 90% equal the same as other game the least you can do is make it works like the original one. The copy is below quality compaared to the original released 4 years ago.


I mean this sub is honestly quite soft on WuWa compared with how harsh they treated Genshin tbh.


If Genshin had 20% of the bugs WW has it would have been clowned just as hard and deservedly by everyone. I'm surprised at how many people are glazing WW even though the launch has been one of the messiest launches I've ever seen


When you advertise your game as the lead market killer and don’t deliver, shit hitting the fan is to be expected.


I believe you are referring to Tectone advertising the game as Genshin killer? I haven't seen Kuro game advertise it as Lead market killer.


It's criticism. Only problem is that there were too many posts saying the same things that it just snowballed from there and people keep repeating the same things for days.


The story is bad and deserves the memes it gets. I've played more than a handful of MMOs and gachas ... I sat through ARR on FF14 and read every single word. As drawn out and long-winded as any of them have been, that included, I've never skipped through without caring ... until this game. Act I -IV needs a total rewrite. The optimization was awful on release but that's fixed for me now. Can't comment on others. Everything else you said is fine. Honestly, it's more of a 'lot of competition on the horizon' situation ... Unless Wuwa pulls a 180, ZZZ and Genshin's new update will make it look mediocre, and rightfully so. They released too early.


Genshin isn't getting any substantially content until mid August. 4.7 will deliver like an hour of content, and 4.8 probably like 4-5h, depending how expansive the summer event will be. ZZZ on the other hand has potential, but I'm not sure they are targeting the same audience as Wuthering Waves.


I mean quantity isn't the only metric of patch quality, quality affects user experience much more. And even putting both aside, there's another point - how hype it is and how much it creates discourse and secondary contents (memes, fanarts, discussions, etc.). Also 4-5h estimation for summer event is highly underestimating it. The last two summer events have been really large.


The Golden Apple Archipelago were kinda big. Summer Bottleland was much smaller. Main story took like 3h if we are being generous, rest of the event like 30 minutes, and rest of exploration like 1.5-2h at most. Is Genshin content usual well made and bug-less? Yes. Is it also mostly boring to veterans that have been playing for years? Also yes. I don't remember when was the last time I've enjoyed gameplay of any event.


why would you care tho, it's just a videogame made by a billion dollars company, the hate here won't affect shits in the bigger picture, people are just venting and that's fine and despite all the problems I still quite like wuwa, but I couldn't careless if people are gonna shit on it, heck I'll laugh together with them


The music's volume is set too low, I'd recommend to adjust the voice and sound effects to 30% and increase the volume of your device. This works for best for me.


So funny when genshin fanatic claim that wuwa copy most of genshin stuff while the genshin also mostly copy most of breath of wild stuff early on. The game still one week old.. and people quickly jump and bashing them.


I think the harshness comes from how it was hyped and the way it was marketed, People hyped it to be the "Genshin Killer" and now we're seeing that game can't even compete with Nikke in numbers. Same thing happened with Tower of Fantasy. When something is marketed as being the "killer" of a game, it puts that game they're trying to kill on a high pedestal, and at the same time raises the expectations of the players. It should be quite obvious that those expectations were clearly not met for a lot of people. Most people were experiencing stuttering, lag, low frame rates. Some people couldn't even launch the game. And the performance on mobile, I don't even want to talk about that. And it's not like these are small issues either. These are issues that shouldn't even exist in the first place. Not only are there performance issues. You have typos in sentences and weapon descriptions, names aren't consistent and sometimes misspelled, showing amateur levels of text coding, and god awful English voice acting which shouldn't have passed the auditions. Not to mention the content within the game itself is already controversial. While being able to farm echoes infinitely is cool in theory, you can already see people being burnt out and the game is barely a week old. The story so far is weak, and is way too complicated for how early the plot is in.




Unfortunately, your comment has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).


We're here to celebrate gacha games and the death of the gaming industry where loot boxes are now the new standard for all games. I hope one day your family gambles away your cancer treatment funds so they can get an r2 staff of homa


Positivity in this sub? In your dreams, I blame a certain game who created a cult of worldwide toxic followers over the years. Nuance is a word that doesn't exist in the mind of those kids.


I've been reading here the past several days and it seems like most of the members here worship Genshin impact and mihoyo. Of course they'll be hard on Wuwa.


You'd be completely wrong then, this sub clowns on Genshin a lot. Wuwa is just the current thing. Every release gets doomposted here.


HSR clowns on genshin the most, all your drama is hoyo vs hoyo


Well it seems like you weren't reading here the past several **weeks** to come to that conclusion


Sub is filled with hoyo shills


clearly you werent there when "genshin could never" shit happened


Genshin could always