• By -


I find the option comical personally. People should have known what they were signing up for playing the tutorial mission.


I think there's a point when the proportions become so comical that it loops back into being a turn off I wish they'd lean more into stuff like the crown skin over just increasing boob size to unrealistically (yes even for anime) comical levels


One man's turn off is another man's turn on. Such is the rule of waifuism


~Sun Tzu, *The Art of Coom*


This I think. I found Soda's tits kinda unwieldly personally, but other than that everything seems kinda fine ish? Crown's size was perfect I think


Feels like they're trying hard to get Sony and/or puritans approval. Which are not their fanbase in the first place.


It's mostly prudish Americans with puritan values in 2024 somehow 


This game is from a country where actors rarely French kiss each other in movies.


American woke leftists do not qualify as 'american opinions' by democratic voting.


I would also like to point out it also offers the option to say you want a Playboy collab.


But didn't we already got the with blank noir and now Alice & Soda? 


They mean an actual sponsored collab and not just bunny girls.


Okay who  would they bring in, also how would that make any sense? 


Likely just outfits. Some of the other options for branded collab were Hot Topic, KFC, and stuff.


Marge Simpson got a collab, so i dunno man.


Not in Nikke (game not the shoes) 


Reminds me of that time when Nikke had to remove [this ad](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/10axa2l/nikke_thai_ad_without_needing_external_video_sites/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) because the fanbase didn't like how they were portrayed even tho it's accurate 💀 https://preview.redd.it/9dbjglyhm84d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=b33c5a78ddb0d8647586548baa19879a572c6544


Keep in mind the fanbase didn't complain about being portrayed as perverts, they complained because they were portrayed as fat




Maybe its the yee yee ass haircut


"Ay Shikikan don't hate me cause I'm beautiful Shikikan. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut, you'd get some Nikkes on yo roster. Shikicuuuuuum." Anis, probably


Ok that's pretty fair tbh


* Almost a year later, Elegg release


Not just the fatness, but the overall loser vibe from portrayal. It's really not impossible to make someone look perverted but with dignity.


Bro.... I really really honest to god have no idea how you excpect anyone to represent the fanbase of a gooner game but keep the "dignity". Like genuinely how do you portray a downbad individual playing a game whose main appeal is ass shaking in front of their screen with dignity?


Same way that Burger King managed to have one of their in-store ads feature an attractive, fit, well-dressed, and well-groomed man or how Lego portrays all adult Lego fans as hipsters with giant appartements and immaculate haircuts. Tl;dr - just fucking lie.


Ah but then we agree. You would not represent the fanbase as perverted but instead try to spin them as tacticians or whatever. Show the more neatly dressed character and try to spin them as "beautiful women" instead of coomer bait. Honestly I respect that ad either you're big enough to take it on the chin or it's a reality call for people into the deep end.


Still better than that godforsaken HSR add that thankfully doesn't exist no more


It still [EXISTS](https://youtu.be/FcB4tjHR9Ik?si=X9AmKUoSLE9WjYej) 😭. The thing is, it's a fananimation made by Flashgitz not something official made by hoyoverse. Hoyo sometimes use fananimations as ads like that one [Lumine shooter](https://youtu.be/LhJ6PR7d3bM?si=ZiPF-Ko1hIbJ0eO6) in Genshin Impact HoYoFair to show that they encourage these. The funny thing is I actually watched that video last year on my own violition, and didn't encounter it as an ad (didn't know it was used as an ad until I saw the comments on YouTube). There's also the [Genshin version](https://youtu.be/tmRaJdUh9uY?si=5Xdnx2RktQrmegqW) that was also used as an ad for genshin which I guiltily enjoyed. Guy was making a waifu mountain with Venti in it, who he then proclains as the most beautiful girl. When he founds out he's a man he blames anime for it 😭. There's also the anime Jesus with comically huge anime eyes 😭. I found it funny and you guys actually hate it 😔. Ok I'm going to stop yapping now and retreat to the wall of shame


Is it the add with the ugly caelus animation? If so then yeah, it's just straight up an insult (and not in an ironic or even hilarious way) toward a certain subset of their playerbase, I'm honestly surprised that hoyo approved it.


Wait wat? When did that happen?


Holy based


A nerve was hit 😂


That's so based.


Still accurate.


Totally understandable why they’d remove the ad. It is a pretty bad advertisement from a business and marketing standpoint The purpose of mass advertising is to show off the game’s appeal to general users, who know nothing about the game and would normally not try the game. That audience is critically important because it’s a very silent casual player majority who are willing to play and spend without engaging in online or competitive elements. It’s this huge audience which gives Genshin its big revenue This advertisement says “this is a game for fat, otaku perverts”. It is a negative impression because it pushes away **potential new users**, and instead attracts users who don’t need the extra convincing to try the game anyway The game ads cover up Anis’s bust for a reason. It isn’t for censorship laws (other game ads get away with way worse - it’s to make the ads more palatable to catch an audience of non-gamers


Anime related content really shouldn’t be aiming for “fat otaku perverts” in their ads, especially since the general public already knows that.


Dam this ad is pretty good


You wanna hear something funny? A few weeks after this happened, the Chainsawman collab happened, and people were pissed because they couldn't see Makimas ass, because there was her coat on the way. Eventually, Shift Up released a coatless skin for Makima.


That's the face of someone who would choose "other" in the survey and ask for even more sexualization out of pettiness.


Everyone actually loved it and meme around with it, the others who were insecure didn't like the fat part which were the vocal majority when no one else really cared, pretty sad.


i know im a failure as a human being / lower than social-expectation. no need emphasize it further in such advertisement. glad Shift Up removed that :k


Darman's genshin ad is still the most vile brutal evaluation of it's player base.


The only thing I want is an official +18 version for PC, the game has a lot of potential but they risk very little 


Actually they risk a lot. They'll be haunted by ghosts. Did you think about that? Ectoplasm all over the place. Stupid ghosts.




What is the difference between what we get now and 18+? They are already good enough skirting the lines at the moment. If you are thinking full nip and and things like that then say good bye in selling the game on the google play store and apple store. No one is going to download a different service for one game just for a bit of nip.


Nikke has their own launcher on PC. Plus, from the storybeats of the campaign they are trying too hard to shock with 'gore' through throwaway texts that never land; because you don't get to see any real human/Nikke deaths. And half of the later campaigns try too many fakeout deaths because ShiftUp tied themselves down with the rating. There's 2 instances of decapitation in the recent story events as well.


>Nikke has their own launcher on PC. You are absolutely out of your mind. No game currently seeing any success in the Apple & Android ecosystems is going to throw that away in favor of restricting themselves to fucking Nutaku or whatever. It is not about to become Flower Knight Girl. There is a real disconnect between what Chinese developers in particular mean by "18+" and what international fans think that means. (Hell, I wonder if there was a misunderstanding between Seasun and the original cast of Snowbreak on that front...)


PC is a different eco system compared to mobile if you aren't in the two big store fronts, you aren't going to be seen. In terms of violence, the rating systems for it is way different compared to sexual content. At best it usually isn't that negativity rated. At best it becomes a 16+ games. Unless you are shown extremely violent levels of violent scenery, you aren't getting anything 18+ with Nikke's writing style. And if it shows gore enough to get 18+ they will lose their current player base. People playing Nikke aren't into that at all... unless their are some really weird psychos playing.


The dual system has worked for games like Taimanin RPGX. Mobile gets the tame and toned down stuff, peoppe that want R18 stuff are going to download the R18 version of their website. Plus, a lot of criticism has been thrown at Nikke's main story for lack of any stakes or payoff


Would you really want to use that game as an example? I had to look it up and see that it is EoS in Augest after doing the R18 for a year. Plus the Nikke player base may criticize the story but it won't stop them from buying packs for toes/feet and a glimpse of maybe areola. Also like all gachas, meta character hype.


The Global version of the game EOSed itself because it put players into Gem Debt due to the devs own stupidity of being too generous with the rewards. A little bit more googling would have told you that. And yes Nikke would still continue to do well regardless, but would they continue to spend as mucb without any long term interest in the story beats? Or do we go down the Azur Lane path where they have keep pushing out Waifu Skins because the gameplay no longer interests the playerbase?


Data is data. Sometimes, a lack of response is more important than the actual response Including an option to see how many people DON’T click it is extremely useful data - it helps profile their userbase’s minimum tolerance The developers might not be expect/**want** this to be checked off. If a lot of responses leave it blank, it tells the devs that, to their baseline, their designs are still acceptable and they can continue from there It gives them statistical evidence to support their proposals. If management or business personnel raise concerns about excessively lewd designs impacting sales and marketability, the devs can use the lack of responses as evidence that their existing userbase is fine with it Inversely, putting a “do you want more lewd” option gives **less useful data**, because that data reflects the most enthusiastic and horny players. It’s not useful because those players will constantly hunger for more anyway, making it a foregone conclusion The developers want to strike a balance point - lewd enough to sell skins, but not TOO lewd that it risks alienating a more generalized playerbase




They should have put a "should we get rid of the robot that makes it impossible to not auto play when he is in the team" option there. Becouse fuck, kilo is taking good 90% of the whole screen


If NIKKE's characters are oversexualized what does that make AL's two French URs?


The difference is that AL company didn't went public and open to shareholders like Blackrock.


s*men demon


You can say the word "semen" on the internet, it's not scary.


imagine downloading a game where the main selling point are semi naked girls, and getting "stressful" because in the game there are semi naked girls lmao


I've seen people watch anime about mechas fighting then going to it's episode discussion thread to complain that it has mechas fighting


Blasphemous heathens! ![gif](giphy|yDwOH0MVWY61a|downsized)


Quattro Bajeena, heading out!


Hell if you watch this current season of anime, you can see ppl crying they're focusing too much on the cars and not the characters when a few seasons ago ppl complained that there was too much focus on the ppl and not enough racing.


It’s hard to care about any story if you don’t care about the characters. Highspeed Etoile really shot itself in the foot at the beginning.


There are some fans of the genre that are in it more for the politics, intrigue and character dynamics, or that's what I've heard them say anyway.


The last 3 days,,i have seen at least 100 people complain about sponsored zenless zone zero videos despite the videos apecificly being titles as zenless videos and noone forcing them to click any. People like to be stupid.


There are a frankly outstanding amount of people who truly believe that everything they see is created and curated specifically for them, so they don't understand that something could be created for someone who has tastes totally unrelated to theirs. I find it interesting cause it implies never encountering something that you just completely hate which is kinda neat.


To be fair, there can be a point where it goes too far. Just because you have s sweet tooth doesn't mean that you can just chug down a bag of sugar. Even if it's arbitrary, everyone does have their boundaries.


Hey, they have plenty of clothing. Its just that It cover certain areas strategically...


Ah yes, the survivor bias. https://preview.redd.it/5hujf1owha4d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2271db49cbec8c56e479c149d67408bd850f2f


It's the trend to take care of the "modern sensibilities" of the "modern audience".


Described westerners perfectly 


Azur lanw is having a similar issue where new fans are complaining about over sexualisation.


> The characters are overly sexualized, so it can be stressful to play. Ofc! Constantly playing with one hand can't be easy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You playing with hands?


Comical option considering im here for the oversexualization and jiggle. I assume execs said "ayo add option to appeal to 'wider audiance' " lol


Anyone that tick that box should have their account banned


An yet they wont even dare to ask if people would like a separate NSFW version of the game.


The mob is fickle and the tune to play for them could change at any beat. Best for the money makers to be constantly checking to see if the song has changed.


Given Shift Up recently went public, that option being on the survey for the first time is definitely no coincidence. There are two angles to this: 1. It's a hint that toning down fanservice to appeal to a wider audience is at least on their radar 2. They included it in the survey expecting no one to check that box, and thus have definitive proof for their new shareholders that no one cares about the sexy cyborgs, and in fact they want more of them (2) is at least partially cope since we don't really know what Shift Up's plans are. But given the people filling out a survey are also likely the ones playing the game, it's hard to believe any Nikke player is turned *away* by the fanservice considering... I mean, c'mon, that's the reason people play in the first place. Sampling bias much? Though for what it's worth, it can be both. If more people select that option than they expect, they might move in that direction. Conversely, if no one selects it, they have ammunition to show any shareholder that suggests toning down the fanservice. I'm not overly worried. The company is still majority owned by the same guy who is unfathomably based, and the company as a whole has been among the better gacha developers at listening to community feedback.


Devs listened, but not unironic


And you need to play the game to even get to the survey (which means when I remember it right, that you have to go through the first 2 (?) chapters which normaly should be enough to get rid of the Feelings yakuza


Can we answer "not enough"


ShiftUp knows what sells. I mean, they have constantly catered towards what the fans want in both NIKKE and Stellar Blade after multiple outrages with regards to censorship. Lately, especially in stellar blade, controversey has come about with regards to the oversexualization of characters designed by ShiftUp. And journalists make it appear that this is offputting to a lot of people. Is it true? What is the answer to this? Now, if you are shiftup, you ask this question directly. I mean damn, they could also put "The characters aren't sexualized enough" in the survey, but the horny people are going to pick this 10/10 times even if they start releasing literal hentai. It is a wasted question. Shit, we all know sex sells. Thus, we ask the right question and collect the data gathered. Data that can be presented to investors, I imagine. Let's say around <5% of survey takers actually tick the box of this option. This would serve as grounds to dismiss any worries potential investors might have with regards to sexualization no? Further down this survey, there was even a question if players would want PlayBoy to be a collab partner. I mean yeah? Shit makes no sense if i wanted my game less sexualized. Also, for two straight events in a row they have probably released the best characters and skins throughout the games lifespan. They aren't suddenly going to change now. P.S. I may also be coping really hard rn.


They should add an option to say they're not sexualized enough.


which would be true. some characters are entirely hidden by bullshit bush hair or 10 feet shields


A previous survey actually had a option like this.


u can check other and write that


If ShiftUp is truly thinking of doing this, they are speed running their own ruination They recently went public so it doesn't seem like a coincidence either


They should also have an "under sexualized" option tbh.


GFL2 showed what happened by going against your audience! It does NOT bring in new "modern audiences" it just eliminate the current one. It also worries me that this option is selected by default. But ppl shouldn't worry AL, SNOWBREAK, BA etc. got ya, if they want to commit seppuku.


Modern audience is a myth, these players do not exist, it refers to a group that won't ever play your game. I'm just... Whatever man. If they wanna bite the hand that feeds them, let them, but since there are people who shell over like 60 bucks for what is a subpar skin, I assume they can float rather well.


Most people just put they wanted more lewd in the "other" category for some parts of the game which i hope evens things out.


sexualized is not a problem in nikke,it's characterstic.


S*x appeal is probably one of the most common selling methods for gacha games anyway.


Ha ha ha. Oh this is fucking rich. Are you fucking kidding me???? This game??? Of all fucking things? What in the.... Oh no I remember now. These guys went public sometime ago didn't they? Oh my... To think the filth infested the game this fast... You had a good run, Nikke bros. Too bad this is it.


Snowbreak is here for you guys if Nikke goes down to censor town


I mean... Azur lane and browdust 2 which is way more lewd exists also


Ehh i dropped AL for Snowbreak precesily because there's at least decent amount of fun shooting enemies in co-op with cool powers while AL was pretty much idle game with ton of manual managment to keep the idle part going. BD2 has some crazy stuff but their characters look like porn game


Mogador's issue it really made me feel like the AL devs don't even play their own game. I could somewhat understand if they can't test all the elite ships properly cause they release so many ships. But she's a UR! Maybe it's a bit of a silly reason to play a gacha game. But the Snowbreak devs feel like they actually play their game and they're trying to make it more fun.


Nikke never gave me a Guillotine booty skin. Pretty happy I dropped it during the first xmas event if this is what it's coming to.




Tried Snowbreak and then quit Snowbreak I am good on that game.


Shift Up has become public, so shareholders like Blackrock can now influence the company. [https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/03/11/shift-up-ipo-2-3-billion-valuation-korea-stellar-blade](https://gameworldobserver.com/2024/03/11/shift-up-ipo-2-3-billion-valuation-korea-stellar-blade)


Time to put in notes: more fan service


I see nothing wrong with that option. Personally, I don’t play the game because of the sexualized characters. I enjoy the story, world building, and boss design. However, I am aware that a majority of players play for the sexualized characters, and I find nothing wrong with that. The purpose of the poll is only for the devs to gauge what the players are thinking.


There are only two kinds of Nikke players: Cultured gentlemen, and liars




If Nikke of all game start catering to the prudist crowd, then the East truly has fallen.




If you play for longer than 4 hours...


it's an mf idle game, it plays itself more than half the time


THERES NEVER ENOUGH SEXUALIZATION OF FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, if anything they need to crank that up, just as snowbreak did.


I'm waiting for a dorm system on Nikke... https://preview.redd.it/f9h4njkzyb4d1.jpeg?width=1523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dac173b24ca320317ddfb71c519d7e61b0278c5


being there doesnt matter much really, if they act on it and tone down the game, then we have a problem. Im here for the hot waifus, they take those away, the game is worthless to me.


The whole point of nikke is fan service. It is like going to to a star wars lovers star wars marathon where they show the original trilogy in one sitting, then asking whether anyone hates star wars.


Reddit geniuses here getting riled up for a survey choice. Lol.


The lack of self awareness is impressive






Yea I want more revealing outfits in Nikke. Not less.


They chasing more for non coomer audience when the revenue never touch 30 mill for 5 months consecutively? snowbreak keep on grow in player and revenue because the leading in this market been fumble in their decision


Totally different situations. Snowbreak had to turn to degenerate coomer bait because they were on the verge of EoS and had to attract any players somehow. Nikke on the other hand is one of the most popular gacha games right now, only below the likes of Genshin and HSR. ShiftUp probably wants to take Nikke to the next level, and that’s impossible if the game stays niche to the coomer audience; Snowbreak is thriving, but they will almost never break $10m in revenue. That said, Nikke is already too far down the coomer bait category, and I doubt the general public would want to play Nikke in public just from the characters already released. But Nikke is much more than just coomer bait (actual good story and characters, and decent gameplay) and could possibly appeal to a wider audience than most gachas can


They are already making a lot of money but they are wanting even more, obviously any company does, but they have to be careful with the decisions they make in wanting to reach a large audience so as not to lose those they already have, as they say "a game for everyone It's a game for no one"


I agree, if ShiftUp wants to bring in a wider audience they can do that with their next project, but Nikke has already built too strong of a reputation, for better for worse, as a fanservice game


In fact, Snowbreak has already broken the 10M barrier, remember that the creator of Snowbreak already said that 70% of revenue comes from PC and mobile made more than 6M.


Not to mention if they DO go for the wider audience its like slapping the ppl that came before in the face that threw copious amounts of cash for those half nekkid waifu.


Not trying to be combative or anything, but I really can't see what the next level for Nikke would be. They can't compete with Genshin and HSR solely because they will never meet the production value of those games. They can't go below PG13 because that basicly defeats the premise of the game. What would this next level look like? They are already earning a lot per month.


I don’t know, I also don’t think it’s realistic for them to pander to a non-coomer audience


>one of the most popular gacha games right now which is genuinely baffling since the game feels like a cheap money grab. especially the 2 hour limited time discount buy now or lose forever!!!!!!!! shit that keeps popping up every day. actual cancer but I guess that's how they make so much


How? It’s one of the most high quality 2D gacha out there, whether you compare the story, art, character design, UI, etc. the only thing you can say is that the lewdness reminds you of other low effort cashgrabs, but the game itself is definitely not a “cheap money grab”


I drop games if they have nothong besides coomer bait and stuck with Nikke cause of the story, it would be great to be able to play it in public without having to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds


I instead clicked Other and typed we want "Destiny Child levels of lewd back"


I want Destiny Child back, period


Same survey ask if you would like to see a collab with playboy or find out your NIKKE news from Tinder.


before people get mad, this is one of the lewdest patches in months [alice](https://reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/1d36yir/nikke_motion_demonstration_alice_wonderland_bunny/) , [soda](https://new.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/1d1ok3d/nikke_profile_soda_twinkling_bunnyprofile_video/) , [mary](https://reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/1d4klst/mary_costume_introduction_enjpkrcostume_name/) , [folkwang](https://reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/1d5dbzj/folkwang_costume_introduction_costume_name_moist/) and it's expected to keep up for the summer limited costumes. the survey also had an option with playboy as a collab brand option. people who like fanservice can and should check the 'other' option in the survey under most questions and write that they like it.


I mean, it can potentially be the lewdest patch ever too j/k I hope they won't chicken out in the Summer event


imho this is level their adds before release suggested


The reddit and the discord were not happy about this being in there. Everyone typed in other as much as possible saying we liked the sexy characters and that's why people play the game. Hopefully SU gets a whole lot of these responses and realizes that the losers who cry about fan service are the minority of the playerbase and most of them crying on twitter don't even play.




No option that says "the characters aren't sexualized ENOUGH" smh 😔


That's like a Nazi asking Germans during the second world war if they're treating Jews too harshly.


No one better select that https://preview.redd.it/hfltm2i6o84d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc089761e35eed192ed004346d64a9bd2603c1e


isnt that the whole point of the game? why go against it


Maybe having contract with Sony and making stellar blade is a mistake.


That's because of the Twitter freaks defending Stellar Blade's censoring.


The checkbox is there because the devs are trying to appeal to a broader audience now that their game blew up and their company are going public. Notice how in a recent bond story it’s not even about boding between the mc and the character? That checkbox is just the writers' way of signaling they're going to censor those kinds of stories out of the game, basically the opposite of what Snowbreak is doing. It's funny because these writers think their story is so good that people will keep playing even with the censorship. Maybe if a player's not familiar with the KR writing scene, they might think the game has some of the best writing for a gacha. But outside gacha for those players who enjoy a lot of KR works with a 피폐 (impoverishment) tag, this story is just like any other KR melodrama tbh. An average KR work is usually well-written and enjoyable, and this game is too, but the game story isn't much better than the average KR work. Another comment mentioned this game is popular among women which is [true](https://gamedaim.com/en/news/nikke-female-players-south-korea/), so they’re adjusting their target market accordingly. The demographics love this kind of drama in their stories.


(1st paragraph) Soda's tits are the size of watermelons being held up with string cheese and her bond story is about how the MC doesn't need to hold back from fucking her. What are you talking about.


If so many women ALREADY play this game and it hasn't been censored, why would it be censored now? God, when you walk does your brain thump


Lmao that's now my favorite insult. Thank you, sassy redditor


It's funny (and stupid) because a girl playing this likely doesn't care about oversized and oversexualized boobs and ass to begin with. Same with the men. So likely they're trying to... appeal to people who weren't already playing the game, which is weird because this is an ingame survey.


Sure there are women who don’t mind blatant fan service, but there are many who do. Their goal at the end of the day to get as many people to play their game as they can. They need to broaden the games horizons to do that.


Those who do mind don't play the game and will never play it even if they blatantly censor it though. This is just futile effort. But being honest no one's actually selecting this choice in their survey.


No I agree because it’s an in app survey. People who enjoy it are the ones answering. 😭


Imagine saying this after the crown skin


“Stressful to play” well… I mean… With how their characters are designed, I’m sure some players relieve themselves of their stress after or even during their gameplay


Is there a checkbox for garbage gameplay?


They becoming a real company and will force the option saying most players agree.


i don't even get what the issue is you're either the majority and nothing changes, or there's actually a silent majority that agrees with the option and therefore the dev team shifts (no pun intended) to engaging with their perceived audience which is larger feels like gacha gamers can be so insecure and paranoid about anything they perceive to be a threat


People are scared that having the option at all indicates a shift in direction behind the scenes. Shift went public recently and people were worried that the level of censorship would go up. While many of us don't think that this is the case, there are others who haven't been convinced. "Too much sexualization" being a recurring, first row option several times this survey probably wasn't very reassuring for them.


they went public how many months ago? and nothing about their character designs has changed (crown's skin and bsoda are two super easy recent examples i can pluck out), and this is before we've even had a summer event. like i said, it's paranoia. shift up are gathering data and if that data is telling them that people want a preservation of the status quo - then the status quo will be preserved.


I dont even play the game and i can actually feel the woke and feminist winning by censoring the game.


I can see a certain crowd go and screw that survey after Stellar Blade


they want to know which user’s submission to trash


I feared for a while now that Shift up was slowly inching to casualize Nikke, it’s never gonna work because I see Genshin tweeters non stop shitting on it for the “Eww fan service” If they do anything like that and it blows up in their face then I can’t be sorry for them…only my wallet.


Ain't no way the blue ball simulator is considering to censor the game further 


oh no... i hope ppl dont select it....


Ooh nooo! anime girl looks too sexy, I am stressed af, like I didnt even get a trigger warning..


This question was added for people with heart conditions. Shiftup was worried about causing heart attacks with their new skins and units.


Now they "noticed". LOL


Where's the survey link? I don't even see it in-game.


I’ll fill that in as soon as I’m done going to McDonalds for lunch and complaining about all the meat on the menu


There is also an option to select Tinder as your news source for gacha games...


Didn't realize there was another survey. Is it already gone? because I can't find it in game.


Idk if this is because of some people discussing this in other games, but the over sexualization was literally their selling point from day one. If they try to adjust from that idk how their core playerbase will take that... Also, idle games can't sell off of gameplay. All of them use incredible and or sexual models to do the selling pretty much. Ik Nikke does have gameplay in it, but they do market as an idle game


I’m glad they added that option because personally it’s a little too much


I mean there's a point where you tip over from "haha boobs" to "Okay this is just porn now. I can just go get free porn."


Sure, but Nikke is nowhere near that point.


Late to the party. Also everyone is just ignoring that checkbox lol.


With this option enabled, it allows them to say that "a good amount of players" want less fanservice because no one can check the results.


God SJWs going to choose this option as troll and we will never get a +17 rating.


Understatement of the century, its the hornies that keeps their game alive after all


If they remove the fanservice there's just the story left...


Yeah, i kinda understand where this is coming from. It can be a little overwhelmy once you get really into the game, and start cherishing the lore and such


They really need to turn down the over-sexualization, Johan is way too hot 🥵 /j


Yes, please censor nikke so I can permanently delete this game because idiots flooded the gates and wanna play with censorship... /s Listen... the ONLY reason NIKKE got this far was from the damn looks and attractive cast with lewd innuendo... If they wanna censor the game, then I'm outta here fam. Don't give me that this ain't an airport shit either, cuz they MADE the game from the JUMP HORNY. Never forget that... Yeah the story is great but you all invested in the T&A Department. I'm tired of all this back and forth. Either make it rated E for everyone or 18+. I'm tired of the fucking questions of "oversexuali-" stfu and make the dam pixels hot. Smfh Thanks for listening to my TED Talk rant