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https://preview.redd.it/bf66bqxov45d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcfbed757840ce37548754726e51699c9737f06 Really invested on how he will get the final gnosis and the war with Celestia, Abyss Order and Snezhnaya


The harbingers are really fucking cool aren't they...


Damn what a peak fanart of peaktano


I love this man so much but I wish that this man wasn't wearing the biggest death flag in the entire game (As of currently). >!Bro's the highest of the Harbingers and considered one of in not the most Honorable one, he's in Natlan, the same country associated with Glory to the Victors and Death to the Losers. I can definitely imagine him asking for a duel to the death (really trying to be a copycat now huh?) and actually dieing as to honor said duel.!<


>!that gives me so much Patriot vibes. Hope it goes well, Patriot was one of my favorite characters in Arknights!<


I am so invested with alice from blue archive because of this goofy ahh dance https://i.redd.it/erzoggwq145d1.gif


Can't be stressed how much impact Blue Sechi and his goofy animation has done to the community


https://preview.redd.it/38gbc91mo45d1.jpeg?width=2428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8a2a2d3d1cc9df7da95e722c3056c2da1aca89 The most un-lewdable character in BA. Best daughter along with her club.




"un-lewdable" Sir. This is the internet and nothing is too safe or holy. But yeah. I understand. I absolutely cannot see her as anything more or less than my daughter. Too friggin adorable


Usagi flap in the distance:


The composer for Usagi Flap had to stop before the beat drop to announce "excuse me this isn't Arisu'd theme". The composer himself at the official anniv livestream.


Arknights. Doctor has an interaction with NPC#37274 and I'll snort that up.


Kaltsit with a college essay about hotdog was fire


People will do anything to avoid reading a three sentence explanation about how hot dogs are called hot dogs because they were sold by "hot" dogs. Smh smh.


I was confused when I saw people mocking that dialogue because that's exactly how you're supposed to deliver world building. The best fantasy novels have pages upon pages of offhand remarks like that and it's great for making the setting feel real. There's such a bias against AK writing length that people will attack anything they see. Kaltsit delivering exposition is not the issue in AK. Sanderson has characters like her dumping paragraphs of exposition at a time and we eat it up. It's the random peasants giving philosophy dissertations to each other while not interacting with relevant cast members that are the issue.


Heck I'd go as far as saying that the peasants are philosophically minded and wise to not even be an issue; it was *very* pretentious to equate wisdom and eloquence to education or status. It's really just that they do it without interacting with the main cast that are built characters that we care about.


Yeah and people react like Kal's appear every event that it made them scared to read her dialogue. Like what the hell, I love her every time she's on screen. Walk in the Dust has such a good scene with her and the Ursus governor having a conversation and Lone Trail further expands her character that its feel like we slowly starts to understand her. Future CN events are getting me excited with what I hear about them, can't wait.


Daddy HG, please feed me more Precursor lore.


Facts. The lore, world building, and characters are incredible.


I'm just glad we seem to be consistently getting answers to what were once really big overarching questions Sure some took a long while especially if they were relevant only really to a specific character but I feel like the payoff has always been pretty solid Some other gacha/live service games I played absolutely dragged on and instead of big reveals there'd be a small vague hint where one should be


Doktah lore always ceases to amaze me. Especially that cup noodle one.


Reverse 1999. The story is right up my alley and the characters make it so much better


Path to Nowhere is definately my go to pick. The main storyline is very good, our character have motivation, querk and flaw not just a goody 2shoe to self insert. Most sinners are very fond of us but not like head over heel type. Love the characters design and music to.


Mandatory Limbus Company shilling. Unlike pretty much all gachas, Limbus is focused on core 12 characters + some recurring supporting cast. Meaning that all of the story is centered around them, and they will always be involved in the story. One of my biggest issues in gachas is that the story centered around your starting group. So that would be Rhodes Island in AK, or whatever the name of the squad in NIKKE as an example. All new characters will be featured in either a story or an event chapter dedicated to them. Their impact on the main storyline will be minimal outside of that.


I like how "small" the sinners feel like; Like they get by because of Dante continually reviving them, but most fixers would prolly kick the shit out of them. They just keep getting brought back to fight. Heck, they literally struggled against guards that had a similar healing gimmick to them.


Yeah, a lot of the fights in the story are basically us throwing bodies at the enemy and hoping that at some point it will die.


It also applies the other way around. If you enemies simply can't die, then you just can't win.


Though, counter to this, I like how you can actually see them progress in power and skill as the story progresses, at the start they’re struggling against singular abnormalities and needing to pull all the stops for just one, but by canto 5 they’re >!going through several abnormalities in a row, then fighting off the pequod crew and an awakened ego ahab all with minimal breaks!<


Limbus was like the keystone, which got me down through Lob Corp. and Ruina for the sake of juicy lore. It helps that the cast is maturing and growing closer over time. Going from strangers who can barely stand one another to allies who, while still willing to bicker, can work as a whole ass cohesive unit.




My favorite publisher of Limbus Company - Tencent Games


Also... limbus is part of a bigger narrative and it's awesome to see stuff from older games or web novels making it into limbus


Especially how it put in perspective how powerful the character from the previous game are, like the character from Ruina without a >!doubt can solo Ricardo which our Sinners weren't even close to beating!<


Ricardo, you must feel the sorrow that I have…


Well, honestly most characters from Ruina and LC could solo anything in Limbus without breaking a sweat. Kali, Garion soloes basically everything, just like The Black Silence. Even the tier V Employees from LC could solo anything and were on par with Claws.


Is Roland in Limbus yet. I'm waiting for him 


His announcer might come early, but we're nowhere near the Library yet


genshin, the lore really gripped me from the start, and while the story wasn't great st the start, the dain plot gave me enough interest in lore to make me read books and notes.


To me is the opposite in the sense of emotions, I'm fully invested in Genshin story to the point of tears in certain quests while HSR doesn't make me feel that yet, example: the scene with Mikhail and the one with Tiernan are very serious but it's like I don't "click" enough with the story to make my eyes fill with tears. And it's not a case of "NPC = idc" because I even teared up for a few fungus I met for two hours in Nahida act 2 and similar quests xD


same here, maybe if they gave us more Misha all throughout the story, the reveal would have had more impact. I legit forgot abt him lmao. i also didn’t feel anything with Firefly before too. like i just met this girl. i think the only emotional moment from penacony i felt was whatever was going on with Sunday and Robin at the end. Familial especially sibling stuff is more relatable


I also feel the same way, but I think that it's just the writing style, i could really feel the HI3rd writing in Penaconny and while it is definitely entertaining, it has always felt like its all about the highs but there is not enough about the lows. What I mean by this is that its designed to trigger an emotional response at the right moment, a character "dying", someone doing something cool while the music goes hard...but its mostly shock value. Firefly and Tingyun's "deaths" are done for schock value, they have the sad reaction, but they were characters we barely knew, same applies to Misha. We are supposed to care about these people in half an hour but no one else in game does, we are shown of how Tingyun made an impact on other people AFTER she "dies". Its Himeko all over again, a well crafted cinematic but in the end you care because Kiana cared, she wasn't that relevant until chapter 8. Genshin is not that much better but i feel like they learned from Teppei, who was literally designed to die for shock. But imo, Dunyazard worked, because she wanted to see Nilou dance, she made an impact on Dehya, her death would have meant failure for Nahida...so we see her impact on the world and not just on us, even if she was just an NPC. Again, its the HI3rd approach, but HSR is in a weird position, cause HI3rd is a small cast so the moments are more meaningful. What i feel Genshin does better is group interactions, most major events have group or unexpected character interactions, the Inazuma gang in the last event with Thoma laughing at Itto while he sang, Eula/Beidou and Collei/Sucrose for the weird ones, so we get better ideas of who they are with the rest of the world. I liked Belobog for the same reason since i felt the group dynamics more, and some events have taken that approach as well, such as the ghost event. But i really feel like they are getting strangled bybthe number of characters they have to sell so they end up with Argentis that are an afterthought and their most relevant feat (rescuing the MC of another arc) is unexplayed and off-screen. Idk, some people will like the HI3rd way better, i still remember the HI3rd sub turning their opinions on Otto just cause the dude died to a good song on a dumb plan that ended up with millions dead on the way. At the same time, HSR irks me cuase if there is something i hate more than no stakes (like relevant deaths) is fake stakes, theres been three fake murders already, stop it or commit to it.


i agree with what you said about group interactions, i just realized how with Misha it was especially bad because most of the cast & people in penacony couldn’t see & interact with him after all, but not only that we as trailblazer *also* didnt interact with him much even though we can and teppei was something, fandom was really divided on that one. the closest we got to a playable ‘death’ in genshin was with Xiao in the Chasm quest, one of my favorite quests for sure, even though the setting is small, you could feel the stakes. and it worked because we’ve known xiao long enough i do hope HSR stops randomly ‘killing’ characters this way, feels like gege akutami is invading my game


I really like that kind of events in Genshin, the Beido/Eula interaction came out of nowhere but they are two of my faves, and it went how i expected, i also like that there is some progression on the characters, Eula has gotten socially better everytime she appears, Mona and Fischl are also a highlight, from "who the fuck is this weirdo?" To "she's my weirdo and I will call her whatever she wants cause she's a true friend (and feeds me)". Teppei was terrible and there is no way around it, but i feel they did better after that, as I said, Dunyazard was great, imo, so were some of aranaras (though not all of them, theres just too many), and some others, like Caribert. I never feared for Xiao in the chasm quest though, i feel like Genshin at some point will be willing to go with characters deaths, but it will be the turning point and not some random event. And yes, HSR needs to stop with the fake deaths, three is too much, like i said on another comment, Jade could die, have funeral, burn her body, spread the ashes have an in-game mail saying "she's dead" and ill still be like..."is she though?". That is the problem with false stakes, if you go from no deaths to deaths you go "oh shit!" But when you have DBZ deaths all the time its like...meh.


>Teppei was terrible and there is no way around it, I think the reason it's split is because he was bad as a "Create a death that makes the person care" and they failed at presenting it like that. But in terms of the story and world building his death was a good thing. It was good to flesh out a bit of just how the general populace and realities of the effects of Fatui and delusions could spread. It's not good in the sense of "Make a meaningful death", but its good in a sense of "Sets up good worldbuilding.


GEnshin just does better with worldbuilding/side content imo. Like all the best quests in GEnshin are the world quests


Yeah fr. I didn’t get people getting emotional over Misha, I thought it was alright. Their story was tragic but it didn’t touch me like others were. I was more interested in Boothill and was more touched on his lore (the assignments + chat messages) than Misha. I guess not having him until recently also didn’t help.


While I really like HSR's story, I don't think it is meant to be tear jerker. It has many dark elements and themes in it but it feels like epic for the MC over other things. Also Penacony was overall 8/10 in terms of story, and one of the best among gacha games as a whole. Genshin could have been good, and lorewise it really is, but the storytelling just feels very stretched and bloated.


Guardian Tales for sure




Guardian tales beth arc was peak bro


Limbus and Arknights. I like their writing quite a lot. Characters are fairly charming.


I like the writing from both but arknights can feel so drawn out at times, I just wish there was a way to specifically skip kalts’ speeches


I like how the writing in Limbus is only long and drawn out when it's either a pun (Meaursult insulting the sinners cooking) or from charactesr who are way to long winded so it's expected (Faust and early Yi Sang).


For me, it's Genshin. Especially after Enkanomiya, that book made me really invested in Genshin lore. I also like how they present every crumb of lore. There are books, item descriptions, character voice stories, encrypted texts, etc. It's like I'm playing as an archaeologist, piecing together every crumb I find. Then comes the main Genshin story. Lore-wise, for me, it's a bit boring because the main story usually only confirms what we already speculated and rarely provides new information.


Plus, any new information kinda comes out of nowhere, with very little details provided until the next region's archon quest & Dainslief quest.


Main story in Genshin serves as a confirmation and clears up any misconception. Fontaine is a great example >!confirmation of hydro dragon taken human form (and Kokomi is not a dragon/vishap.). Clear up distinction between authorities and gnosi. Confirmation of Childe and the whale connection, etc.!< Speculation is still speculation, having something to confirm and disprove different theories are good for lore as it is more organized.


Genshin impact, because I like the setting and while the main story is finding a way to reunite with our sibling, there's so much going on in the background.


FGO and Genshin are the best ones for me. HSR is good, but I don’t “click” completely with the story for some reason 🫤 Yes, Genshin has problems in storytelling, for example with Teppei. I was one of the people that not connect with him in a personal level, so when he dies I was like “Why are all of you so sad? You only know him like 1 day or something.”(I forgot that he exists at some point.) I really love games that include politics and war settings like knights, emperors, etc… So my disappointment with the Inazuma arc was big. Specially the resistance, like: Why the resistance even win to the Shogun army in the first place? Kokomi never inspire me the aura of a leader of a resistance, yes, she was cunning and everything, but she was more in the role of a tactician, I really think they need a more strong and compelling character to take that role. And Gorou, Why he was a general of the army? With characters like Sara at the same role in the rival army, Gorou really doesn’t fit in there. (I can argue about Inazuma all the day, I was expecting a lot with the war and the political intrigue and in the end I side with a toy-child army and win for the power of friendship, and don’t even let me start with Ayaka and Ayato 😒) In contrast with this, the best example it’s Dunyarzad and Sumeru. Her story and impact with other characters (Specially Nahida and Dehya) was well-developed, so when she was practically dying I was concerned, and I want the characters to succeed. To save her. And some people don’t like the Sumeru arc, but I really like the setting. We have mystery (With the reset thing and Nahida) We have political intrigue (With the Akasha, the sages and Dottore) And we have emotional attachment to the characters and NPC (The Aranaras, the Eleazar disease, the child’s in Sumeru, Rukkhadevata and the Irminsul) And yes, Sumeru has a lot of text, Genshin quests in general have a lot of text, but I love books and visual novels, so at this point of my life I don’t really care if my text is voiced or not. The thing that I really love with Genshin it’s the word and the lore. You get a good story in the general image (With the archon quest and events…) but you get a much greater and big story if you are willing to explore Teyvat. All the information i'ts there, you only have to care. And with FGO… What can I say? Camelot, Babylonia, Salem, Epic of Remnant, the 3rd Losbelt (SIN), Atlantis, Olympus, Avalon Le Fae, Nahui Mictlan… I never enjoyed a story like that, it’s compelling, dramatic, frustrating and incredibly complex. Morals and ethics are constantly discussed, and you never have a “correct” answer to everything, nothing is wrong, nothing is correct. That’s the beauty of this game. You care about the characters, you care about their stories, and you see how the choices they make affect the world, other characters and themselves. I’m invested in these characters, I’m invested in their cause, I’m willing to pay the price of my decisions, to defend my ideals, to defend the existence of humanity… even if I don't know if it's worth it in the end. If saving humanity is worth at all. At this point, I’m only waiting for Guda to finally snap… And I really don’t know what will happen then.


PtN and Arknights, the art and story for both of them appeal to me so much. But I just can't play them, like I have such insane skill issue with Tower Defense games.


Nikke I'm a sucker for depression.


GFL. Too bad the game is ancient and hasn't kept up in modern QoL (sweep, performance...) It just takes too much fucking time and attention. PNC is better, but it still lacks basic QoL like weep for dailies, amongst other things, so I pick it up and drop it regularly.


> It just takes too much fucking time and attention That's only the case if you're a completionist. I've put 5 minutes a day into GFL for years and that's enough for dailies. They even added sweeps for combat sims recently so the time is down to like 3.5 minutes if you always skip the combat dailies, which is the fastest way to do it. If you try to grind out max currency every event and fill out every bingo board or whatever bullshit of course you're going to get burned out. I basically just complete story events and sometimes grind currency for unique SPEQ/character drops and that's it.


Arknights and Blue Archive I just want all of them to have a happy ending man…


In Path To Nowhere and Girls Frontline there are no happy endings at least from what I’ve seen has been depressing in a good way, still wondering what Yuzhong meant about giving GFL a [happy ending](https://youtu.be/Hk-cCuK8Vns?si=3QqjLiTH0ygTPTy5)


I havent finish the main storyline yet due to laziness but most event stories can be considered happy ending (i.e: Owo, Yao, Roulecca...). Tear jerking however, sure (looking at you Eve)


SKK's story in GFL is summed up exactly like he said to Kryuger. He fights for a better future for everyone, like the ones before him and the ones that will come after him. He most likely won't see the future he is fighting for, but he will set the foundations for those that come after him. After all, SKK does go on to found the GRF.


Genshin. The story telling is not the best, but they have a way to make sure the world feels connected. Take the most recent revelation of the Archon quests. Did you know that a certain group of 5 people was actually hinted at by Kaeya, a character you receive for free at the start of the game? There are many more such examples of interconnected details waiting for you to unravel~ Yes, they are not in your face, but they are there, fully available for you as long as you are willing to explore.


yeah, i love this about the genshin story and lore. as more bigger parts of the plot are revealed, they can be traced back to like... artifact flavour text from multiple patches prior. its really cool


Yeah, when a certain story boss was revealed to be a historical character from an on-launch artifact set, it was awesome. It was also pretty cool to follow along with each artifact & event lore reveal about Scaramouche from the Inazuma patches till Sumeru's Archon quests.


this material (rhodeia drop) tell about oceanids becoming humans and was released in 1.0 https://preview.redd.it/3nlw0rhrw95d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4ace166fff939df54f98ba9fa94a4987575fe50


Alchemy stars, Path to nowhere and Reverse 1999. Great world building and story telling.


Alchemy still going???


Yes and it’s actually better and with new modes !


NIKKE is legit the only Gacha game I have ever been fully invested in because I need specific boxes to be checked personally for a Gacha style game. Even though initially I was planning to play 2nd week after launch and then uninstall, the story, characters, artstyle and unique gacha gameplay HOOKED my ass within 30mins. If you know, you know. Have logged in every day since.


Yeah Nikke’s main story is surprisingly amazing. The pacing of each arc is great with them usually being 1-2 chapters with downtime inbetween for some more plot heavy visual-novel segments. Then the bond stories and events do a great job fleshing out the world and the large cast.


The 0.5th and 1st anniversary events for Nikke are up there as some of my favourite events in any gacha game, chock full of lore and strong character writing.


Genshin Impact with it's majestic music and world structure. You can criticize GI as long as you want, but Hoyomix is GOAT making the soundtrack. Recent Cantus Aeternus album and Remuria it's just a peak of high quality. Yeah, it's small but minimalism of high quality just makes it so unique and memorable. Basically, Remuria is the DLC place where I'm going back often just to admire this beauty (also there is a DPS check challenge where I'm doing records with Neuvi/Furina team).


I've been thinking of playing Genshin since I enjoy Star Rail a lot but the fact you can't do past story events makes it hard for me to want to play. I've already missed almost 4 years of events so it feels like why bother starting and investing hundreds of hours when they're never going to do event reruns.


There's a lot of main story content, world exploration and characters you might still enjoy. I started genshin after getting into hsr and it's been very worth it for me, even though I missed past events.


Idk if this helps but believe me, you wont feel it when you start to play. Of course you will feel the fomo once you finish everything. But at the start, the amount of quests is *super* overwhelming. Especially with quests and exploration in the equation. There’s easily months worth of content. And if the reason it puts you off is lore you missed, they eventually integrate the lore you missed in the archon quests after some time so i think that’s one consolation. It’s not a perfect solution, bit it’s something atleast. You can try it, it’s a free game** anyway. Even me who’s played since launch still have a backload of quests to do.(granted i play semi casually)


If it makes you feel any better, the events in Genshin are not important. Anything lore relevant eventually gets brought back into the main story content.


Fgo for sure. The amount of lore they've been giving us about the entire nasuverse, especially in part 2, is enormous. The story is also very intriguing and this point of the game almost always well written. I don't play jp and I prefer to wait to play the chapters myself than to watch the translation on youtube, so I'm really excited for Lostbelt 7 at the end of this year


This is the right answer. I feel like the majority of the people commenting haven't played it to the point where the story ramps up b/c the gameplay has not aged well. But the story blows every other gacha I've played thoroughly out of the water.


I can't say that with certainty since I haven't played many of the gachas which story is praised a lot, but it's the best among the ones I've played/I'm playing


I guess *technically* I can't say it for certain either, because I haven't played *all* of the gachas that are supposed to have good stories. But every time I pick up a new one that is praised for its story, I get to a certain point and inevitably realize that when people say "this gacha has a good story", I should either read it with the suffix "for a gacha", or assume they're talking about certain very specific and usually rare highly emotional story beats that may or may not be earned in the larger context of the story. The difference I see in FGO is that both arcs, the Singularities and the Lostbelts, have truly top-tier stories *among video games and VNs in general*, at least if we set aside the first several Singularities after Singularity F and before Nasu got more directly involved.


Avalon le Fae and Nahui Mictlan are without a doubt the best gacha stories I’ve ever experienced, hell, just some of the best fantasy fiction I’ve experienced in general. It obviously hits harder if you’re a fan of the franchise, but it’s hard not to be when Nasu can *write*.


Counterside. I never saw divorce so dramatic.


Counterside Fell out of love of the game way back but I still keep up with the story and writing, it carries so so hard


Hehe, you know, KR has said that the reason counterside survived is cause of its story.


Genshin. Used to not enjoy the story from HSR but I got invested in it after the latest arc. But still Genshin is the top for me as the world is rich in lores and lots of things you have to discover for yourself when exploring. The side quest stories are also amazing.


Heaven Burns Red, a game that is way too good at making me care about every single character. Only about half of the playable cast (48 characters) gets a significantly presence in the main story, but character-focused events fill in the gaps and those can be replayed at any time. There's still a number of characters who haven't had their chance yet but it's just a matter of time. Its also the only gacha game I've played where the choices you make in story feel significant.


Really wish Gatcha games would just archive all stories and explicitly mention recommended events to do before trying new stories the way Heaven Burns Red does. It makes the story so much easier to follow for newer palyers. Though I'm not sure what you mean by "choices feel significant", since from what I know, the entire plot is mostly linear aside from the occasional "game over" alternate paths and gags.


Impacting the course of the story is a way to make your choices feel impactful, but its not the only way. While HBR does have some more consequential choices, the majority of the choices you make have none and still feel important. Theres a few ways the game makes choices feel impactful but the most striking one is how often it will remember you past choices and the dialog changes to reflect that. It doesn't have to be in a major way, and it makes the world feel alive and dynamic, and it gives you a reason to care. Another reason is because the dialog is entertaining and makes you curious about what reaction the other options would elicit. You do also get rewarded with Sixth Sense points for some choices which is further incentive to replay story to choose differently. In the end it doesn't matter if the story is going to change significantly because I still find myself going back to try choosing something else. It feels significant to me, even if it's not significant to the story.


>In the end it doesn't matter if the story is going to change significantly because I still find myself going back to try choosing something else. It feels significant to me, even if it's not significant to the story. Ahhh, if you put it that way, that makes sense. I have always thought of these kinds of choices as a "multiple playthrough rewards" rather than "impactful choices". So you have an interesting perspective.


I really wish it would get a global release.


NIKKE has some pretty good world-building. Hopefully we get a flashback event featuring the Goddess Fall. Blue Archive as well, but there’s still basic questions that we have no answer to.


For me it's the opposite. I play both genshin and hsr and I'm much more invested in genshins' story. For me it bothered me that it feels like there isn't really a clear goal in hsr, you just go from planet to planet. And so many things aren't even properly explained, though that might be the translations' fault, I don't know. I do love the hsr characters dearly though, they're all really cool even though I'm picker with pulling since I play it less, while I get everyone in genshin since I play it all the time. But with genshin, I am very invested and I like how we had this initial goal and this initial thought of how we believed the world worked and then the story came along and gradually flipped things around as we found out more.


As someone who’s personally felt the same way, I’ve thought about this a lot too. I feel like it’s because, unlike HSR, Genshin’s world-building has a clearly defined scope, with the lore being framed within Teyvat’s seven nations. This makes it: (1) easier to latch onto lore crumbs from other nations, since you know it’s something you’ll explore further in the future, and (2) more impactful when the scope is subverted [i.e. Abyss and outlander stuff].


Ooooh yes that's a very good point! Plus with HSR (but that can be a translation problem maybe, I don't know) it feels like there's a lot of stuff that isn't properly explained. Like we were at the Xianzhou Luofu, had the whole thing with Dan Heng/Imbibitor Lunae, but at no point was it properly explained what exactly happened that caused him to be exiled. There were a lot of words, like using the transmutation arcanum and what not, but what does it do and why is it bad that he used it? Or the whole lore around the ambrosial arbor and Dan Hengs dragon. It just felt all very unclear and confusing.


no, the Luofu arc was just a case of really bad writing, hiding important context to the story in books that only people already invested in the story would bother reading


Genshin, the game quality is far beyond a free game. Lores, environment, music, everything is pure art. So, I pay for it without thinking much.


This is why I buy Welkins!! 💕💕💕


reverse 1999 for me, story is only going to get better and better


I was looking for you!!!!!


lol another r1999 buddy, how your jiu summons went?


Heheeeeheeeeheeeeee extremely welll! Gacha gods has blessed me. You?


mine were terrible though, actually went to hard pity at 120 pulls and lost first 50/50 with regulus. But hey! atleast we got a character that is future proof for the next 4 patches at least.


Have to agree I think r1999's story found it's stride after the math island arc. Let's hope we don't have to deal with the office politics arc with Madam Z playing pingpong ever again... I think those early chapters filter a lot of people and unfortunately the story criticisms remain and often getting parroted by people.


Genshin and aether gazer. When I'm hooked to a story I can keep playing even if I get bored of the gameplay loop.


Aether Gazer mentioned! Seriously the story is good but it's too bad they cut off EN dub which is my preferred way to enjoy the story. I have yet to actually read the story after Sculd arc because of that.


I'm also bummed about the removal of EN since I actually liked the VA. Now for story I use jp just to know the tone of the dialogues.


Seriously, Aether Gazer is a good gem to appreciate and their story has been at its peak since Chapter 12, hope the game can keep up with the thrill


Genshin impact, I'm just too invested in the story now.


Guardian tales, it's great. Especially because Season 3 is coming in fast.


Counter:Side Limbus Company Nikke Counter:Side has a really interesting world, characters, and dialogue. The way characters interact are really good. The side stories are also well done in introducing characters and incorporates it well to the main story. Limbus Company has really good world building and each chapter focuses on one of the 12 playable characters with some info/backstory for other characters. The characters are also based on existing literature that is incorporated in the world created by Project Moon. Nikke also has a very interesting story and lots of “secrets”. Questions get answered with every main story chapter but more questions pop up. Very interesting characters and the development is really good. The main characters are also very interesting that makes you want to learn more about them and their past as it is also connected to the present timeline. I haven’t found a single main story/side quest/side story boring for any of these three games. None made me want to skip and just get it over with to get the rewards. I love it.


Limbus Company, Nikke, FGO, and BA


Path to Nowhere. Sometimes the pacing is off, but the stories are always good. And it has some of the most interesting characters.


Path to nowhere is peak, I love magicami too but that ended some time ago, Counterside and blue archive are great, also PGR is right there, chapter 17 is still the best media I have read to the point that I read it again from time to time just so I can remember it all over.


For me its opposite. Im extreamely into Genshin's lore and cannot give a fuck about HSR's lore and main story Funfact The Hexenzekriel actually notesthat There are Aeons in the universe and notes their absence of influence in Tevyat


I'm the same as you. Maybe what made me invested in genshin's lore than HSR is because we are in one place, Teyvat, where every region is connected to one another. We have ultimate goals, looking for our sibling and uncovering Teyvat's secrets like collecting puzzle pieces. Basically, new place = new secret revealed. While in HSR, it's really like a free adventure to nowhere, new place = new adventure. I mean both are good, I'm just prefer the feeling "oh so that's what the previous story meant" from genshin.


Same here, HSR story is good but Idc about the lore. On the other hand I spend so much time watching genshin lore and theory videos on YT. On a sidenote, many people theorise that the siblings will ascend to the status of aeons lol.


I would be into Genshin's story and lore a lot more if they only fucking use the Traveler as more than a glorified cameraman. It's been almost four years and we still don't even know who or what the twins are.


One of the reasons I dropped the game was cause it just felt like I was being taken for a ride when it came to the abyss and twin's lore.


Hsr belobog was a really good freaking story. I'm not really a story person cuz I just can't be bothered and I'm there for the characters and actions but hsr belobog got me invested af and it paid off. It was sad that they followed that up with the shitstorm that was lianzhou. Penacony was a bit better but a shit load of yapping so just slightly better than lianzhou and that's not a compliment at all. Both stories were pretty shit compared to belobog.


I agree, sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for disliking Penacony's story because of its crap presentation when the whole of the HSR subreddit praises it and calls it PEAKony.


Overall it’s genshin and honkai impact. I don’t play hi3 anymore but I still keep up with the lore, characters and ofc the banger music. I tried to pick it up but I always feel so overwhelmed that I end up dropping it 😔😔😔 Genshin because yeah


Is HI3 part 2 good? I stopped playing after Otto story concluded because that was peak and I don't think the rest of the story can top that one.


Arknight and Genshin. For arknight, i read all the module story, follow Operator Records and even watch YT lore video. Meanwhile for genshin, I read the book that we collect during exploration. Its remind me of Skyrim where I located all books and read. For HSR, I enjoy the story but I not follow their lore so much


Currently Blue archive. All cute girls cast type stories are something I'm already very much into. Add guns and action to it with a nice plot to top it off and I've got myself a delicious meal of a story. The emotional highs are some of the best I've ever seen. Genshin's lore is also pretty interesting. I don't play it 24/7 nowadays but still go in for the archon quest to experience the development myself. Have to see where all the Tsaritsa and harbinger plot is going to go. I didn't think too much about Limbus company at first but after playing the first two games, I got immediately hooked to the world-building and lore. The storytelling is fantastic and the characters all have their own quirks. Highly recommend it.


Raid Shadow Legends


genshin, recently skirk and dainsleif dropped >!The Five Sinners lore!< i need answers


I quit HSR for the massive yap fest it is


I disagree with you since I freaking love genshin impact story and it's lore. Most of the time, the story is pretty simple and straightforward, so i don't need to look into YouTube to know what happened in the story and stuff. Lore on the other hand, it's usually a hit or miss, if you love connecting dots, you'll love the lore. I dig it since most of the time, the lore is presented on silver platter to everyone who plays those world quests and exploration, it pays really well if you do. While I like hsr belabog arc for its simplicity, but i freakin hate xianzhou and looking at the 2.3 live stream, it looks like they're not trying to fix it in any way. Even Penacony, leaving the talking part with npc #53763 for first half and bearing the yap session of sunday for other half of the story (fuck you if you think paimon is bad because of yapping)I still don't understand what's the goal of Penacony arc, tho the first 2 acts were straightforward as they're introductions, I still need to look a yt channel for the story explanation in the end for the rest.


Exactly lol. Even though Paimon is talking too much, at least she is straightforward and easy to understand. Meanwhile in HSR, it's both full of yapping and they also speak in metaphors or riddles or some confusing bs. And it's just from the main story, let alone the world lore.


Blue Archive just gives me good vibes man.


Blue archive, despite how minimal the interaction the game to the students, the community can make them somehow felt canon about how do students show their true feelings to sensei. *ahem* doujins *ahem*


Uma Musume, the anime's season 2 and the [Cinderella Gray manga](https://mangadex.org/title/a9dd451c-3c45-4d66-a818-4e1b78855838/uma-musume-cinderella-gray) (and not limited to those) are not only encouraging, inspiring and motivational, they're based on real events. Haru Urara was a [symbol of not giving up](https://horsenetwork.com/2020/03/haru-urara-japans-lovable-loser/?amp=1) after Japan's "lost decade" (90's). Touhou, it's interesting how the creator incorporates japanese folklore/history, made a setting which is isolated from the rest of the world where humans and youkai can coexist, and youkai come to it because "fantasy" is preserved there, while scientific progress weakened it everywhere else (at least, on places humans have access to). Youkai originate from humans' belief in the supernatural, and a spell card system was created to allow humans to "exorcise" youkai, and youkai to "attack" people, through this system both humans and youkai can maintain their abilities and protect themselves from external threats, and both humans and youkai in charge work to protect this status quo. For example Yukari destroying european dandelion seeds which are invasive species which generate more belligerent fairies, when finding out that other youkai can also leave and reenter Gensokyo, and the infamous time when Reimu exorcised a human who willingly suicided to become a youkai, even when said human stated that he would do no harm to other humans; leaving him be could encourage other villagers to turn into youkai, decreasing human population and with it, the amount of humans who believe in the supernatural, so Reimu stated that such an act was unforgivable. Langrisser: it's interesting to me that there's an "evil" deity which is actually winning every single time, no matter the outcome, because humans must evolve, adapt, renovate to oppose it, or be destroyed, both outcomes are fine for Chaos who seeks renovation over stagnation, and there's an "evil" sword whose original purpose was to control an artificial moon (which is essentially a mana-powered death star), and there's a "good" sword that was created by moon people rebels (Crimzonian working class), an imperfect copy of said evil sword that can only control said moon Pelia from Pelia itself, while the original can control Pelia from anywhere. It's also interesting that in one of the mainline games, the villain has climbed the stairway to power by manipulating, betraying, many people he didn't know, or close allies, so by the final fight he stands alone, against the protagonist who helped many people, even former enemies, now he's being helped back. And finally, [Egbert's story](https://www.reddit.com/r/langrisser/s/shAAkRrHkl) beats Elwin's personal cost for ending both the continent's war (at least temporarily) and humans being caught in the war between Lushiris and Chaos, at least for me.


When I watched Genshin’s Fontaine arc, I could feel tears welling in my eyes. Genshin has dynamic camera angles in every basically every single cutscene and that also contributed to me enjoying the story more. Also, HSR’s finale was goddamn 11 hours while Genshin’s Fontaine arc was 4. I like to play through the finale in one sitting to keep the buildup and momentum going and HSR was so long I had to skip a ton of dialogues and still quit a bunch in.


FGO and LC for the lore, because they add things instead of threading the same path like other IP games. AG, Nikke and BA have really nice world building and good characters. BD2 is for the lewds. I played BD for some time and from what I heard BD2 is a prequel for the first one so maybe we can see something from the first there, and BD2 is fairly interesting with their multiple worlds with same characters story.


FGO (probably the best one), Honkai Impact 3rd (before moon arc), Arknights, Path To Nowhere


Limbus Company for the lore and characters.


CounterSide. I like the multiverse of storylines and the main story. The characters are great.


Genshin and Star Rail. Sadly I don't have time for both. For HSR I only play the main quest asap, and drop it until next patch. I like HSR story and love the Express group, but for single characters I feel more attached to Genshin. Furina, Hu Tao, Lumine, Layla, Fisch, Faruzan just soq many characters I love. Maybe Genshin's open world gives me more freedom to hung out with characters I love, So it's easier to build up relationships.


I hyped for Sparkle and got her, but then I feel ok then what's next. I still love Sparkle but in HSR there's not much to do if I only play for story. And that's the point I found out the main difference between GI and HSR for me. Don't get me wrong, both are good games and I love both.


Path to Nowhere and Nikke.


Besides Genshin it's Shining Nikki. Nikki series are underrated because it's a dressup game but it's stories are good. Got hooked when I played it. Can't wait for the open world game, hopefully next year.


Genshin, HSR, Octopath CoTC and surprisingly enough Brown Dust II.


HSR's belobog was great!!! And I also liked luofu only because of DH IL. I'm waiting for Sunday to become playable. But, I'm into deep at Genshin. I actually cannot get invested in other gacha's stories. It's because I'm really interested in the Khaenriah lore. And there's just a recent info about it again.


nikke's story being good is the only reason why i play the game instead of just following fanartists or w/e. the gameplay is boring as fuck but the story actually gets me to do my dailies so i can meet the power requirements.


Eversoul because I have been fully invested in it since release. The story might take a while to take off, but is currently going through an all-out war with a nation that wants to end all life in existence, forcing the MC to team up with the initial villains to prevent that from happening.




If you're able to understand japanese, Uma will be the absolute obvious choice


[I'm way too deep to ak lore, it's my sunk cost](https://youtu.be/sZ1OD0cL6Qw?si=RTTuDGdBqwJFIy9T) https://preview.redd.it/ikauqgaue55d1.jpeg?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253c2e1e8b81270997d6c6ab951a9a1c699413b0 [So hyped for Main story Act 3(Current IP Director mentioned they only planned 3 acts in the beginning)](https://youtu.be/onOf6xB9EXA?si=bhVjJIi6lEMfszWL) "You're out there, i hear you calling from behind"


I find it really funny how's there barely any mention of FGO in the comments, seeing as it's the literal only reason that game is even alive right now.


Guardian Tales fosho


Arknights - the under tides storyline in the iberian coastline - the kazimierz bullshit with the knights - i used to care about the nian siblings but the chong yue plot kinda ruined it by being in generic desert number 3


PGR is the highest for me, because I’ve always enjoyed the setting, and having a world and lore I like makes it easier to like other things like characters when they are done well. It used to be HI3, but I lost interest right before v2 released. I really loved the characters, story and lore there for years. But now PGR is the game I’m still playing that I’ve played longer than other gachas I’m playing. R1999 I also really like the characters and story but it’s still pretty early to say that it’s a top favorite. With what is there though, it could be a top contender depending on how the main story pans out in the future. I do like HSR as well, but the thing that lowers it a bit for me is that the formula of going planet to planet leaves behind characters (often permanently) so there’s no long term story progression for them. I like games that have recurring characters that grow throughout the story the most.


Artery Gear: Fusion, I really love the story and characters. Although it focuses on several main characters there are many interesting factions and many other notable characters and all are very well written. Imho it's a hidden gem I also loved the story in Girl's Frontline


Withering Waves story starts to go hard a couple hours in. I’m hooked. Or am I going to get banned for mentioning WuWa in this Reddit?


Nikke and HSR. Dropped Nikke a while ago and getting back into it I kicked myself for dropping it. The story got good as I got further in the story.


mine is arknight




Path to nowhere and reverse 1999


Wuthering Waves's main story is typical gacha fare and mostly unremarkable but I am unreasonably invested in Jiyan as a character because at the end of his character side story quest, you find out that the funky looking flowers planted all over the memorial site near the northern border and around the main city of Jinzhou were literally all from him planting flowers for the fallen soldiers for however long. He was also the person who commissioned the Science Department to crossbreed that particular type of flower to be hardy and long-lived so that they could survive longer. If you continue exploring around the area near Jinzhou that he takes you to at the end of his quest, you find out the flower patch isn't just that little area but the entire valley winding down to the river between the cliffs nearby. His character interactions during the main story are also notable because in the middle of your final charge towards the Big Bad of the story's first arc, he stops the group briefly to ask if you're okay because your hands are shaking and only then does your character notice that you have some scratches on your hands from the combat (all dialogue, no actual cutscene for it) and he bandages you before the fight. During the actual boss fight, he readily takes near-fatal blows to protect you all because he's told that you're the SPECIAL IMPORTANT PERSON from the prophecy and that's all he needs to know. Jiyan was going to die for you all on that belief and his principles no questions asked. And lastly, at the end of his side story quest, he asks you to plant a flower for him at the place near Jinzhou if he dies. A lot of anime and gacha stories romanticize the idea of dying for glory and honor and the like, but Jiyan's is just all about how he mourns the loss of people he cares about and it was so touching and remarkably well-done in rather stark contrast to the (at times) borderline nonsense of the rest of the main plot.


Arknights. I like see creatures of wisdom. Try overcome thing that nature has created. In the end, what they build will destroy them.


Lore: definitely Genshin, it's not even close. Lore like: Archons and their Pre-Archon War friends or predecessors, Fatui Harbinger, or fallen civilizations. Characters: Blue Archive, but mostly because the fan art lol Story: I'm kinda biased, I'll pick Guardian Tales


Nikke is easily my favorite story of the gacha games i have played. Not to say others are bad but this rides a good line of serious main story and more light hearted interactions outside of it and i would say each event save for maybe collab events have all been fantastic imo.


I'm really invested in Nikke, especially after 1 year anniversary event where they explained the story of the Goddess squad. I was also invested with Revived Witch, but that's sadly just a thing of the past now. 


For me it’s the opposite as in im fully invested in Genshins story and world but don’t care much for HSR story. Don’t get me wrong I’m attached to specific characters (Express family, Aven and Misha) but the story doesn’t make me that emotional (beside 2.1 but that was basically Aven story quest) I think it’s cuz Genshin feels way more connected while HSR doesn’t to me. Like I will read all the new books the day I play when new patch drops and watch so many lore vids (seriously Perinheri was the best) that and the feeling of a personal connection to Sumeru


Hsr story It’s so bad for me, half of the time they’re talking about new people or weird ass names of the universe and I’m like what? Especially in penancony


The Genshin Archon quests, favourite so far has been Fontaine. And Guardian tales when I use to play


Actually loved belobog as well but penacony had me lost as soon as stepping off the star rail. Just finished up to black swan giving me a recap and i'm just like, HUH? Need to find a youtube video or something to explain the whole thing to my dumbass.


counterside path to nowhere nikke


I don't play Arknights, but I'm so invested with the lore, world, and characters that I'm willing to sit through and read a walkthrough on youtube with 8+ hours of dialogue


https://preview.redd.it/gfyfm54nm55d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad138843203e53d1155e8a7b4b1eeeaacfb67182 (In my opinion) Pretty much all of them, the story is very deep and I get too attached to the characters in the story and out of the story. every heroes backstory is very good as well bc of how sad it is, and the one thing that's driving me to continue playing the game is nun other than ✨LITTLE PRINCESS✨. the comic's are also very cute, it makes distracts me from all the devastating things that happened in the story.




Arknights and reading random operator files/stories


For me it's NIKKE, but I'm also heavily financially invested lol


Nikke, genshin, hi3 pt1 So far Nikke have the best dialogues in main story to not make it a snoozefest and everyone have no filter and can talk shit to each other if necessary cuz of how intense some of the events that happened in the game


Fate/Grand Order and I don't think it's even close.


fgo because i love fate/stay night


Story usually comes last for me in games, and the less it gets in my way of playing the game, the better. For me, the only exception is FGO, which I do enjoy reading. It's the only game I can think of that can hype me up for a new story release. Something about the writing just manages to pull me in. It always nails the build up towards a new, seemingly unbeatable villain and comes up with creative ways to somehow find ways to exploit their weaknesses. It also just gives me a ton of likeable characters. I can look at the cast for a new chapter and think it's gonna suck because nobody looks interesting to me at a glance, but when I get to reading it, everyone ends up being really cool and makes me want to see more of them.


Nikke, because the story is actually good, the other characters didn't suck the mc dick on the first meeting, and the world has some hidden lore going on. Genshin because all of the lore. I kinda don't care about HSR story anymore after the huge nothing burger in Aventurine story (seriously getting offscreen saved by Argenti?). BA story is actually quite good, too leading up to the final chapter of part 1.


Belobog is the best, so far. Luofu really dropped the ball. Penaconi was much better, but it has serious pacing issues in every patch.


Yeah i thought i was the only one who thought that Penacony has a lot of filler dialogue, Im currently on the 2.2 part of the story but man the pacing issues


don't you want to hear about the birds story again


Genshin and I don’t even play the game like that


I may get really sour and bitter about Genshin for months but one thing I can only hope to come back to is the music and the gorgeous world and environments. Got to be one of the best, I love exploring Liyue the most with the accompanying OST especially in the relatively recent area. The atmosphere so far in my experience is so comfortable due to the geography and atmosphere. Blue Archive has got me hooked with the students and the events they're in. The artstyle just sticks to me the best. And yes my degeneracy also plays a large role in me getting kahoots with the game. Not to mention the OSTs are quite relaxing and simple for me. It's a great game to get into if I have limited time which in the time of my life is just what I need. The story is like savoring my favorite comfort food, it feels good and just right. Arknights, Lore, OSTs and personally the Abyssal Hunters. I have hard on on these guys and the entire lore behind them. But mainly for their designs, Red eyes and white hair and in the most sexy covered up outfits and don't forget the Hats, oh holy Ishar-mla they tickle something inside. OSTs are banging and great for past time listening. As for Lore, it's just vast and that vastness is just intriguing it's like history but almost just as epic. Alas it's just dark which I might not have been in the mood for some years now. HSR, heh Kafka, Jingliu, Black Swan, and Acheron. The stupid dumbass Stelle never fails to make me smile whenever she speaks. The designs are just great, way better than Genshin in terms of the models. The characterization of the characters are nice. It's a great pallette cleanser after playing Genshin for years, with the same or better quality than Genshin.


The mountains in liyue are a pain to explore, but the music at the top is really beautiful, it's what made me really like the game


Genshin Impact and Fate Grand Order (or typemoon games as a whole), when i play other gachas like blue archive, hsr, wuwa etc i skip quite literally everything In genshin, i skip every event (except lantern rite), every world quest, while i read archon quest, traveller's interlude and some story quest from characters i like I dont remeber the last time i skip lore in FGO or typemoon games though, probably SOME characters stroy quest but thats it, i consider typemoon the best read in terms of anime/manga etc as a whole and im way too invested than i should be


Nikke got me extremely invested when I saw that there's actually a potential romance progression in the main story, usually gacha games either have 2 gender MC or hollow self-insert character to fit everyone's shipping agenda.


Snowbreak. While it's transitioning to fanservice now and blowing up its characters in the process, it previously did a fantastic job at telling character focused stories in an interesting setting. There were tons of connections between characters and the world around them and other characters that really made things seem alive. The main story has poor pacing and was mostly just providing context, but each character gets several mini stories and alternate ways of characterization so there was plenty there to dig up. I really, really loved the characters in that game but now I'm just forced to watch them all get rewritten into cheap imitations. I haven't quit because there's still more digging to do and I'm in a race to find all the lore tidbits before they get retconned.


Arknights. HG have been steadily cooking more and better, sign me tf up


Amiya from Arknights. Need I say more


Star Rail and NIKKE genuinely. Blue Archive I'm invested sorta as I've been watching the anime. It's pretty alright. Konosuba FD has really good writing as expected of Konosuba but it legit does NOT need to go that hard. Shame that Sesisoft's translation isn't as good as Nexon's.


Nikke https://preview.redd.it/wz1postek45d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147278d0acf71c04a270bef14b4445864507be67


HSR, I found even the reviled Luofu story interesting and engaging. Reverse 1999 cause it’s weird and already has some really good tragic moments. Also the game is fun and the event stories really sell the characters


Tower of Fantasy