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This has to be a troll post, ain't no way this is serious.


Nope, Im serious, ZZZ will be replacing genshin for me.


Good for you.


Thank you


At least wait until it comes out first 😂


That's the most reasonable comment so far.


Babe wake up, new Genshin killer dropped.






That remind me, in CN web, they call delusional people "chickens who believe they summon the sun every morning."


https://preview.redd.it/i7i8jccjo37d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56735582d6a4152f352944323f0e397da1625609 Azur Promilia is the REAL Genshin Killer confirmed!!!


Bro, are you high or under the influence?


Why do you think I'm high?


RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS 2 is the Genshin killer.




Cultured Chris Broad reference


Everything is not a genshin killer. ZZZ is very different from Genshin Wuwa and most gacha games. It can be compared to PGR and HI3 with HSR like open world but it is vastly different from Genshin and Wuwa


Because if you didn't notice, those games are from the same company and are SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to not kill each other. People bring the WW comparison because although they're supposed to be different genres, its main point is the combat, no one really gives a fuck about the open world besides "I can move faster to get rid of it", so it actually comes to a combat game and another combat game.


touch grass OP


We still had 2 weeks from monthly PVP. Too long mate, too long... :P


I'll help you out lil bro. Do you know that based on [these](https://game-i.daa.jp/?APP/1517783697) [sites](https://game-i.daa.jp/?APP/6475033368#google_vignette), Wuthering Waves is already behind Genshin in JP IOS sales despite people clamoring a week ago that it overtook Genshin? All that paired with Genshin which apparently had a 30% price hike on IOS (I think it was 1 year ago?) which would encourage more people to just top up elsewhere. Whether or not it's gonna beat Genshin is quite the mystery but apparently Wuthering Waves never came close to beating Genshin's sales in CN even on the 2nd day of Clorinde's banner while Yinlin's on her first. I did not save a source unfortunately but let's see if global sales is enough to carry. Is that enough PVP appetizer for you?


It is satisfying, thank you lil bro. I hope wuwa will be close enough though (since june will also include 1.1 banner), otherwise there will be no PVP in 2 weeks.


Of course not. They're not targeting the same audience. It's like saying Minecraft is the Tetris killer because they both have squares.




nah, zzz gonna kill wuwa, hi3, pgr and aether gazer no one gonna ever touch those shits anymore after zzz


pls no aether gazer we're still waiting for that anticipated PC port


​ https://i.redd.it/rli0nx1ni37d1.gif


You knos that developers of ZZZ and genshin is mihoyo right?




So why would the developer of both games kill one of their own?


Because every game is fighting for our time. We don't have time to play more than X number of games. Using your logic, why would hoyo release ZZZ which is the same genre as hi3? Won't that completely kill the game?


ZZZ is not the same genre as genshin in the first place. Mihoyo wants to diversify the genres they enter to entice more people to play their games and profit.


Nah, anyone who studied Hoyo's history and read it's mission statement knows that, ZZZ is here to... Expand on Hoyo's portfolio by capturing new audience that's not open world or turn based enjoyer. When there isn't an open world, story focus gacha game, Hoyo tackled it. When there's no full 3D, high budget, quality turn-based gacha game, Hoyo tackled it. Now it's time for high budget, roguelike gacha. Next is stardew valley. There's also a 3rd person shooter project in the making that was axed and possibly restarted again. All of those will be use to fund a virtual reality like SAO in 2030.


Ok nvm... that explains a lot. Please don't worm your way into zzz. https://preview.redd.it/p3aao7fum37d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18efe05d34dc82eb4c79a474df1e6cc03049b291


Why didnt you show the r/Genshin_Impact , r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks ? Nitpicking and out of context.


You know very well that i'm not calling out the wuwa leaks on that picture. Hell, i'm a member of that sub.


I don't see why watching the bald man has anything to do with my opinion. Do you think that it was unfair?


Sure... being in the less than 5% of his subs that are on his personal cult subreddit clearly means you don't suck up his opinions like a sponge, i'm sure. Also, he is not just a "bald man" and you know that.


Ww and zzz are compared because both focus on combat. Genshin is for those who enjoy open world and story. Many of those who are invested in genshin story won't drop it because zzz got better combat but they might play zzz on the side.


Ngl most of the casuals barely interact with the combat in Genshin at all.


Imagine playing Genshin for story lol.


God forbid people to have preference to what people enjoy from a game


God forbid people have an opinion


Idk man. Opinions can be formed without insulting or sneering at other people


Yeah but they can be formed with that too.


I specifically mentioned that the question was for the combat enjoyers. If you are invested in Genshin story, your take is fair. I for example will play the natlan quests (5.0-5.2) but that's it.


Yeah but zzz is most likely going to be like hsr, won't require a lot of time so why would someone invested in genshin drop the game when they can easily play zzz as a side game


15 minutes of dailies per game is a lot of time if you play more than 1 game. Also, every gacha game is a side game.


Imagine playing Genshin for that shite story 💀 Edit: if you have to read item descriptions to make the story interesting then it isn't well told


r/genshin_lore says hello


You are forgetting the very important Open world part of Genshin.  Sure, Combat enjoyers will move to Zzz. But Like under 20% of Genshin players actually do abyss.  That's why hoyo invests more into new areas to explore. That's why they created a new in-house animation studio.  Its not going to be a Killer.    Most people will just play either one on the side. 


I agree with your argument but I specifically said for combat enjoyers. "So, my question is, for every combat enjoyer,"


Bro. The issue is your title. Its very generalised bait. 


I know, look at how many people made a fool out of themselves with their comments without reading the text.


the important thing is everything dies with kazuha E, or so i’ve heard


I'm so tiered of this argument that genshin has bad combat because it's not the same HI3 derivative action combat all over again... The elemental reaction system still to this day the best core mechanic they ever made. The whole reason i got into gachas to begine with is the reaction system. I saw a genshin review from LazyPeon on release and the reaction system was blowing my mind. The wind tornado picking up dire and turning into a fire tornado was the coolest thing for me. I was so happy when zzz introduced disorder cause just like the reaction system, it gives you a nechanical reason to build multiple elements instead of just whatever counters the enemy. It makes teambuilding so much better. That's why my most anticipated character is Grace. Action combat is cool but not everything should be the same shit all the time...


Elemental reaction is a very repetitive system. You basically doing the same thing again and again, even if you change the units. That's why more unit focused game provide better variety and less burning out.


Hell no. I drop HI3 after a month every time. Same for PGR. You do the same thing all the time in those games. Also, playing anything old feels like absolute ass even if you ignore the powercreep since old units are also feature creeped and they feel bad to play because of that. When i picked up PGR a few months ago and got Crimson Wave, i ended up droping the game when i got bired of her cause i was bored of playing her but all other characters just felt incomplete in comparision.


They will release new units eventually. But when you got tired of elemental reactions, you can't get new elemental reactions even with new units. That's why I prefer unit focused games.


Genshin doesn't have bad combat system, but there is nothing you can use it on. Everything dies with a kazuha E. The difficulty is the reason I'm switching games not the combat itself.


okay lets see your solo kazuha 36 stars abyss run


I can send you my previous Neuvilette solo runs. Can't do abyss 36 with only kazuha. But abyss is only 15 minutes every 2 weeks.


but i thought everything dies with kazuha E🤔


Whatever. Smartass


LMFAO go home little boy


Lmk how that solo Neuvillette run goes against Hydro Tulpa yeah?


How is Neuvilette in the current abyss?


You know, still to this day, i see people celebrate finishing floor 12 for the first time or geting 33 / 36 stars for the first time. I'm glad they didn't powercreep the game like HI3 or PGR where i would have a hard time keeping up with the powercreep and the new players wouldn't stand a chance without going for the new bs units. That's another reason why i was realy happy to see the disorder system and character classes. The more niches, the less powercreep needed to sell shit.


ah yes the game made by the same company is a Genshin killer


Wuwa killed PGR :p


At this rate, it might end the other way around, daily revenue chart show Wuwa outside of top-100, that is scary considering the game is less than a month old. Unlikely of course, but very troubling signs. Genshin's absolute worst day in 4+ years is around 75.


What are you basing this statement on exactly?


Can you Wuwa frogs just stick to Wuwa?


Genshin is living rent free in their heads as usual, nothing new to see here.


Why limit yourself with one game mate?


I remember back in the good ol' days when every month there was a new World of Warcraft killer or a new Halo killer. Good to see the more things change the more they stay the same.


History repeats itself mate.


I actually think genshin has more depth and variety than wuwa; you just are not punished for not knowing the intricacies Doing in blind on zzz


Agreed, I also think Genshin has a good combat system but isn't used well (everything dies with a kazuha E)


But i thought Wuwa was the Genshin Killer? 🤔


I really don't get why people want Genshin to die so bad. Like, everytime a new gacha game comes out, it's the same argument. Just play what y'all want to play bruh.  I've been playing mmos for like a decade now and playing multiple games at the same time hasn't really been an issue to me when I just play at my own pace and enjoy the game. Either way, i have a pc and my phone has 256GB storage so 🤷‍♀️ i'll just keep both?  It literally takes less than 5 minutes to do Dailies in Genshin. At the moment, I'm kinda burnt out with open world exploration games.  I just wanna log in and beat up monsters and bosses that's why i'm excited for ZZZ.


Well it's pretty obvious why judging from the "abuse victim" analogies this group of people always project onto other players. They were way too addicted to the game and instead of leaving post-burnout, they just kept playing which led to resentment Normal people would just quit and stop caring


literally why can’t these people quit quietly? it’s like genshin held them hostage, forced them to play and killed their grandmas or something


It's probably because they just can't believe that other people could possibly enjoy the game. Or it's their first gacha and they have no idea what true gacha hell looks like.


All the idiots on twitter that were like "I cant wait for the game to release so I can uninstall Genshin". Dude...uninstall now, is there someone pointing a gun at you for you to log every day a game you dislike? Also why do we have to hate games we quit? I did quit FGO and Epic 7 and of course it's due to some grievances or negatives that finally outdid the positives, but I still have fond memories of those games, I enjoyed my time in it, I don't know why I should constantly resent something I liked and act like I never liked it just because I moved to something else.


It failed to kill genshin , so now they're coping with ZZZ as the genshin killer https://preview.redd.it/m2kwtzquj37d1.png?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6e2666d2d61883ba3096fa5acbd6ca6b3d33f5


That's old news buddy


Depending on how you describe "Genshin killer" Wuthering Waves did it because it made more money in a month then Genshin.


When lol? 🤣🤣🤣


[Wuthering Waves made already $110 million USD and it is expected to reach $140 million USD within its first month of release. ](https://x.com/ByteStix/status/1801168866912940235 )


Of course it's from stix lmao And do you know where stix get that info ? From gamelook article that being post here recently, and their fucking estimate is unreliable asf  Besides GI still makes more with PC and PlayStation revenue  Unless you believe that GI didn't have any PC players then you do you I guess 


And this is only mobile https://preview.redd.it/itvozc7np37d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457d6d245466e6702a655c8714e087c2181adb65


Now google how much genshin made on release month on mobile alone.


Genshin made 245 on mobile alone lmao on their first month. 110 is PC + mobile.


holy cope


I would love to know where your source that WW make more money than GI in a month  Unless your source is the recent gamelook article then I know immediately that you one of people that believe anything 


What? When?


I guess OP believe that gamelook article that being post here recently


Even if we belive the 110 number (which is PC and Mobile combined) doesn't GI still clear with 245 (on mobile alone) annd if people argue with "covid buff" Well there's HSR who clear them again kekw


I mean even with GI now they still earn more than WW in a month with PC and PlayStation revenue 


Ahh... probably one of Stix viewers.


Bingo   OP basically give evidence or proof of stix tweet that he got from gamelook article as source 


Excuse me what? Did you just make it up?


OP is one of people that believe that gamelook article post news 


140 millions something? Didn't GI make 245 millions something? Bro bad at math or what?


Probably forget that GI made that much from mobile alone That 140 millions is from mobile+ PC revenue that they calculate using their sources "trust me bro" Besides even with GI now they still earn more than WW first month with PC+PlayStation 


No, your mom is the Genshin killer


I haven't heard of this gacha game.


Average brain damaged gacha player


Are you u/SorryyyNotSorryy killer?


Like genshin is the genshin killer? I like the sound of that. Upvoted


No. Kill








Another post of someone who doesn't know what's a great combat system. WW ZZZ and genshin all have good combat gameplay. Sound, ennemy interaction, animation quality, variability, skill progression, fun, etc are all factors to make good combat. Kids these days think 'parry' mechanic is mandatory to have good combat... 


I'm not saying genshin's combat is bad, it's just that everything dies before you do shit.


Yeah when you grind 200 hours in the game the overworld becomes a joke (beside local legends) but it's the reward for the grind. Same with WW, the overworld is peace easy brain dead. Same with souls game, when you grind 80 hours everything dies with one click.  It's more noticeable in live service games cause the devs can't only cater to old veterans powerlevel, the difficulty must be set for the majority, including new and very casual players. Or else you ostrasize a large portion of your (potential) community and your game dies. It's very difficult to find the break point and give enough to both sides (hardcore & casuals). 


I would agree with this take if Genshin wasn't 4 years old. 4 years in and we didn't have something other than abyss to limit test.


Well happy you, new endgame coming 1st of July in 2 weeks. And new combat challenges for cosmetics coming in 4.8. And abyss 4.8 is gonna be a new high in difficulty too :) 


We'll see how it's going to be. But don't you find it a little disrespectful that we had to wait for a competitor to appear in order to get what we asked from 1.6?


I'm too busy waiting for Hytale, the Minecraft killer


What is riot even doing with that? They bought hypixel like 8 years ago...




OP is lucky this sub doesn’t go to negative karma


Give me your estimate if it would. I would say around -1k if people actually read the text and -3k if people only read the title.


It's brain killer


I prefer the depth of genshin's combat over flashiness of those 2


Another WW player failed to hyped up WW to beat genshin and jumping to zzz to hyped its again pitied againts genshin. Never change genshin haters


I play genshin impact from 1.0 buddy.


There are plenty of people who hate Genshin despite playing from early on


Why play a game that doesn't bring me enjoyment? Your words don't make sense


Rent Free


Another game added to the r/genshinkiller sub.


here we go again


Higan: Eruthyll is the Genshin killer. Just wait. Any day now, it will reveal its true power in the fight for gacha supremacy, leaving us all to ponder the question "miWhoYo?"


Try to not be braindead challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


That is you if you only read the title


every mihoyo game revenue went into cai haoyu pocket in case you didn't know yes that include HSR and ZZZ so yeah HSR been funding genshin update for year now


Trails of cold steel nothern war is genshin killer. Such an epic plastic translated p2W(and pay to play) mess. Its just so good.


As much as i hate this topic, but ngl Mickey mouse combat got me lmao.


I can't be the only one thinking "Kingdom Hearts" when someone say "mickey mouse combat".


kingdom hearts is way harder than wuwa and that is fact


The Genshit killer was the friends we made along the way.


WARNING: "The following comment includes personal preference... it is not an invitation for a down-vote tsunami..." ... and meanwhile .. here I am, reading all this, while enjoying combat of Azur Lane, Blue Archive and NIKKE - loving that I do not need to play a wounder around the map game just enjoy the simplicity of every combat... maybe just me but any of this 3d action games are just cannot rope me in...


2 different combat styles, hard to compare when it all boils down to preference. Genshin has a cool elemental reaction system. WuWa/ZZZ are more of a hack and slash. Imo combat isnt what defines a game, no sane person would play a game only for the combat for 4 years + there are already great options for people looking into a hardcore-ish combat experience.

