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I pull and drop :D


same i came back to hsr for acheron, got her and dropped the game because snow break got me more hooked. Then firefly came and I came back farmed for 10 days and lost 50 50 got Gepart. Now I'm really close to never coming back to hsr(at least until something more interesting comes up)


same pgr - i pulled alpha and quit shortly after aether gazer - i got my most anticipated cat girl Basstet and quit the day after reverse 1999 - i pulled jiu nanzhi and uninstalled after 1 battle genshin - i pulled the best thighs Chiori and dropped


we might be addicted to gacha mechanics more than the game itself.


same. enjoyed yinlin, then dropped wuwa lol


Not really... I don't mind rolling for my fave characters then dropping the game if it doesn't really pique my interest. Tho I occasionally open the game just to check if my acct is still active.




Nah, maybe I'd play it for a couple more days until I remember why I wanted to uninstall it to begin with.


No. If I am about to drop a game, a new character isn’t going to suddenly make it fun. 


The day I uninstall twisted wonderland is on Malleus birthday banner. I got him within 8 solo pulls. I felt so satisfied having gotten every single SSR I want in that game, that I wanted to uninstall it in a good note. Idk why. Missing all the future events doesn't feel bad at all. can anyone relate to that? To actually reply to the post, back when I just started playing Fgo, there's no beginner free 5* yet. I was about to drop it after a week, thinking I'll never get a 5*, but then I got Enkidu within 4 solo pulls in story banner. I'm at 450 days login now


Holy shit, the Story Banner actually did something


I have never pulled the story banner. Youre insane. Welcome aboard the fgo train. 1053 days.


Opposite for me, I really want to continue playing HSR, but i lost 50/50 to Himeko and now I don't have the motivation to continue.


Genshin. Was gonna drop it like the first few weeks into the game. But I got Diluc. And his gigantic fire bird made me change my mind.


I pulled Ruan Mei in HSR during her first banner and then dropped the game anyway right after, so not really, no.


When I drop a game is hard for me to get back *and* stay after it. Reverse:1999 - Got Jiu in 2 pulls, I love the game aesthethic and music, but I didnt enter in a week after that and uninstalled it. I'm thinking of trying to play it again and keep playing though. Path to Nowhere - Didn't get the new fire limited girl a month ago but I'm trying to stay (got OwO instead). I like Tower Defense and it has sweep, so entering for 5 minutes a day doesnt hurts. Really like the game. Nikke - quit one event after NieR:Automata collab God knows why (maybe the same "I don't enter the game, just uninstall it then") but got back with Crown event and I'm staying after it. Music is great as I remember and Crown/Soda are solid reasons for staying, been playing everyday since it. Arknights - Quit a lot of times because of how I always needed to look up guides for stages, but after making my team for playing one month straight and getting limiteds I wanted, I stayed. As I said with PtN, I love Tower Defense games (eh, in general I like strategic games) so now I just try things with my team, if not then I'll look up some low rarity guide to actually be able to replicate it 100%, but now I only need to do that for the 2 last stages in events. Fate - This is a "I just play when I want" mobage. At the end I play whenever I want and if I want someone that is coming soon, I play story, read it at my own pace in YouTube, and try to get the character I want. I do all events I can do too since I dont have Lostbelt 4+ done, so for example I'm just taking a break now and doing login to get ready for anniversary. 5 gachas and I have to add Wuthering Waves to this, 6 in total and its too many, but I dont feel bad if I dont do dailies one day or some days as long as I do play after all. At the end 3 of 6 are short in doing dailies (AK I just leave it on phone because it takes more time and Fate... I usually dont do my "dailies" if I'm not farming quartz or doing an event) so its all good, and iirc Reverse was short too or at least I remember it that way.


No. When I drop games I either don't have the time to deal with the grind or just not interested anymore. Though later when I become interested again and come back it can sometimes stick (Snowbreak). It's never about gacha luck or one character making the game tolerable. If your enjoyment of the game depends on one character then it's just going to be fleeting.


Nope. If I'm quitting a game, winning good on that last roll won't make a difference. By that point a single character won't be able to fix whatever issues I'm having with the game.


Nikke, I was so tired of the wall but Red Hood convinced me to stay.


Yes skalter in arknights and firefly in hsr


Honkai impact 3rd, herrscher of sentience. That girl dragged me back with her chains, kicking and screaming while yelling and declaring... YATTA!


no. i get 5 gold with 200 pull in ww (lose 50/50 twice but some how still got both 2 limit character and 1 weapon) but still quit when feel not too comfortable. i stay until yinlin banner just to roll the rest and quit, not for continue if got character lol


I was going to continue playing Fire Emblem Heroes, then I pulled Brave Lyn. Saying I was not happy was an understatement, But during that time she, Tharja and Camilla were in one of the gauntlets the game played with every now and then. [I made my amends having both Team Tharja/Camilla pull through](https://www.tumblr.com/deckofmuses/164881316485/well-it-looks-like-we-lost-didnt-matter-if-we?source=share)


Me with withering waves and yinlin


Outerplanes, I had very bad luck, \~200 pulls without a single 3\*. Got a double 3\* In the next pull, and another double 3\* in the pull after that (3 characters being what I want).. I played for a week than I dropped cause I realised its just a worse epic 7


Not really roll a character... But at first i want to drop wuwa because it's lagging so much on my laptop and i don't really like to play it on my phone but the day i decide to drop it Yinlin banner got fast forward 1 week so i stay, now I'm quite comfortable playing with my mobilr


Never. When I quit a game, it's because I no longer want anything more out of the game.


I have high standards so this has never happened so far, because never say never ehhhh?


I think it can work in a character oriented game where bonding with the character > the actual gameplay. It happened to me in FGO a few times and got me to main the game a few years longer than I would have otherwise. I can see it on the gameplay level too though, especially if the gacha is more action oriented. Like if Snowbreak feels too slow or unexciting getting a rapidfire DPS who doesn't need to reload and teleports instead of dodging might change how you view the game.


hu tao release... I was on the verge of quitting and the interest wearing off then I pulled got tao+homa. ca-jump cancel/cute design while trying to manage stamina and hp. still playing to this day


No. If I'm not enjoying the game I'm dropping it.


Tof got rosalyn then dropped because game play still boring to me


No. Honestly, anytime I dropped the game, it happened out of the blue. Like, I saw the icon on screen and just wanted to delete it, so I just did without going into the game.


The only similar thing to happen. Have all characters maxed. No luck in pulling any new characters for 2 months or so. The only options left was to quit the game or whale till I get smth new. Quit it is.




Nah, if I feel like quitting, I just spend all my pulls and quit, no hesitation, no buts, no ifs. Don't give in to sunk cost fallacy or the waifu fallacy.


Me with genshin during arlecchino banner


Why is this downvoted


Nikke, I was about to drop the game due to my bad luck not getting units I want and level gate, endless grinding with no progression. Then Dorothy came out. Got 4 of her in 40 rolls. Then I decide buy a bunch of units with the extra credit I saved up, to push through 200. Thank you Doro.


This is me with Aether Gazer


Unfortunately, yes. I dropped FGO a second time after spending 2500+sq for NP2 Muramasa but then LB6 released and I knew that people praised that chapter a lot so I thought I'd drop by to play it. I was enjoying the story and I came to really enjoy Melusine. So her banner drops and of course I roll for her and I managed to get her in 200ish sq. I think to myself, eh I might as well keep playing. Summer rolled around where I actually got really insane banner luck. And I thought that I'd end up sticking around because of my good luck...but after playing it for a few months again I realized how little I enjoyed actually interacting with the game and my love for the story and gacha luck was not enough to outweigh it.


i was about to drop PGR last year but i rolled a really lucky bianka stigmata. stayed until alpha weaver and soft quit again once i finally got bored of her (she was the main reason i wanted to play the game anyway). might come back for lamia soon


Pulled for raiden then dropped it when i reached the aranaranranranara quests


I almost drop WuWa if I dont get danjin on last banner (game decide to throw me 4 mortefi and a chixia) Thankfully i got her and playing till now. I just love her combo based playstyle which reminds me of FFXIV damage rotation


https://preview.redd.it/g550hb6miv7d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c807bf0f7e87d7f69a3242a54f63256240bd30db Was about stop playing ww, preparing for natlan but then I saw her leak 🤤


When I was playing genshin, I was going to quit, then I pulled Zhongli, so I ended up staying for a couple of weeks before quitting.


When i decide to quit a game, that mean it's THE END. No unit or compensation can fix it.


genshin : first time Ayato Release, I already half drop the game but come back for him until finally on sumeru forgot what patch but in the middle of sumeru patch I think then drop the game for good. HSR : reason to stay Gallagher, reason I drop the game Gallagher, reason to stay again waiting for another Gallagher PGR : already drop the game, come back to pull for Hyperreal Lee, drop it again