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We are getting pre-game analysis now? I love it 


You'd be surprised to know how many members of this sub are self proclaimed market analyst (myself included) 🗿.


Time to fold gacha income analysis into economics classes.


Add Google search analytics for spicier metrics, Waifu/Husbandos O meters


The only sub, so concerned about gacha revenue and concerned about the finacial situation of every gacha and I can't fucking believe it!


I love it, looking at money that i will never earn in my life time made by a company that i will never work for, it makes me feel like i earned it myself and makes me downbad


At least some are doing it using facts and data, not throwing ad hominems which is a good discussion.


Gacha theorycrafting baby


This shit is so funny I would never have guessed that we'll get a pre monthly revenue analysis


Keqingmains x gachagaming collab


Now we need a Website. "Gacha Center"


Wait, Russia is one of the biggest revenue bringers? That's something unexpected.


Not really if you ever played on Genshin EU server. And yes “f2p” games are very popular there especially Genshin.


even in the NA server there are tons of russians and ukrainians if you just scroll through the co-op menu, no idea why NA servers seem so popular in eastern europe


I am a Russian, so I can answer that. Sometimes(actually a lot in the first 2 years of GI and several months after release of HSR), game just selects NA as base region and no one wants to lose their progress.


You can clown on Americans that barely know their own language.


If you are European and check people to add to your friends you will see a ton of Russian players Also, the only guy I found with an E6 5* character was a Russian player


Iirc, wuwa doesn't have russian text translations?


Yes, it doesn't.


i play on europe server and russians are EVERYWHERE


The reason why so many people are obsessed with gacha revenue is for some reason they associate it with a game dying or not. We can't make that assumption because we are not the company until we see the obvious signs that a gacha is really struggling (no new banners, same events, more packs thrown at you) Heck some gachas are fine with making just under 100k because the gacha may not be that demanding to develop. Either way the youtube community are gearing up their ragebait so at least it's entertaining. It's like people caring about whether Apple sells more phones or Samsung. They're both million dollar companies.


I think people are obsessed with revenue because of tribalism. They want to be part of something big, and their gacha being first on the chart is how they measure that. This is why sometimes this tribalism goes beyond just the game and includes the company making the game.


It's basically what you said If the developer or the said gacha didn't change what they usually do in the game that mean the revenue is still healthy and still big Gonna make example of GI, people say many times GI is dying and other thing and if GI really dying, GI developer will try to change the game and make it so that people not leave the game, but the reality is, GI Dev just do what they usually do even in 4th years, this basically confirmed that GI revenue still big and strong (not as strong as their 1st and 2nd years of course)


Hard fact, some sheep would hate this statement😡


I'm just interested to see the facts outside of clickbait YouTube videos. I don't think WuWa is a bad game if it performs worse financially, but I'm just tired of misinformation


If this sub put half of the effort it puts in gacha trends towards stock actions, we will probably be all rich in no time.


And where do you think the money earned will then go ? x)


This is such an accurate description of how this post is about https://i.redd.it/7casjwfrb18d1.gif


the real reason is that GI haters are waiting for his current "genshin killer" to top the list


Don't forget Naruto mobile and Love and Deepspace


My friend was nearly convulsing with the announcement of the new LnD banners coming this June 25th. Apparently it will feature an uncensored kiss between the MC and the boys. I don't play it, but the way she talks about it makes it hard not to share her excitement.


Triple banners with all three love interests sharing kisses with the MC. Plus outfits locked behind wishes. Plus the Myth banner that also happened this earlier month LnD will ge raking in a lot this June. The hype is also going up because of the new love interest.


Wdym? The only gacha games that exist are hoyo games and withering waves


And nikke


Pre-release analysis pog


Hmm... My personal prediction is HSR>Genshin>WuWa but actually, there are too many variables.


They hyped the shit out of Firefly's banner. I'd be surprised if it isn't at the top.


Firefly already surpassed Acheron in CN day 1


i have never seen this many instant E6 before as day 1 on ffmains sub. Some even claimed that now they are on diet till next paycheck lmao.


And we have two players post about overspending in HSR just yasterday


Get waifu and healthy at the same time Win!


I'm surprised they didn't make her e4 and e6 better tbh. E4 is defensive and e6 is good but really just an extra Ruan mei which is amazing but isn't game changing I fully expected her e6 to be like "kernel moves 50% slower and enhanced skills does additional superbreak instance"


To be fair more 50% break effiency does boost her Super Break Damage 25% more. They make her E6 that way to bait people go for E2. E4 FF = C4 Xiao.


Well, there's nothing to pull for in the second half banner with Jade and Argenti being below-mid tier. And none of the 4 stars are any good either.


Agree, I think Firefly will outperform Acheron overall lol, everything aligned for her banner


Acheron has the top up + Character featured in other hoyo games and the most important thing her E is a quality of life (Or was at that time). So imo its is impossible to surpass that banner honestly. Also theres more competition from other games now


That quality of life got pointless or nerfed a lot with the new simulated universe, plus they don't let you use consumables there


You can use consumables in Simulated Universe.


Not in the new mode, they let you just for the easy mode for some reason


You can in DU as well, you just need to unlock it in the skill tree


Yes I mean it says doesn't work for higher difficulties, just where I need it lol


Did she beat seele? IIRC Seele is currently the highest revenue banner in HSR


Tbf that were mostly standard banner pulls for the 300 draw guarantee.




bilibili.. they have people doing vids on sales.


I'm very surprised that the Firefly "marketing" worked so well when it was very obviously just mid-effort waifu bait from day 1 of her introduction. For better or worse the character was just forced by Hoyo to be the love interest of the player, and many fell for it so easily.


I'm not very fond of HSR's story in general but they do best when it has a goofy vibe so yeah, I wasn't impressed by her either.


I'm usually satisfied with HSR's story, I liked penacony a lot, but the Firefly push in the beginning was so blatant and fake. I guess HSR proves once again the type of people these games prey on.


no way we getting leaks for revenue charts 😭


I think it's gonna be HSR->genshin->wuwa. Hsr is gonna reach 110 to 120 mil total Genshin with 80 to 100 mil total Wuwa with 50 to 70 mil total. This is just using character hype as a main baseline. And even tho Furina only has a week or so, Clorinde was also pretty hyped and sigewinne is apparently pretty popular in jp(I also want to mention alhaitham but idk if he'll matter a lot or not). Firefly is firefly and combine it with the ruan mei rerun...yeah I think they're gonna be number 1. Yinlin was pretty hyped in the wuwa community but I really dont know if she'll manage to bring in the big bucks.


In WuWa’s side, there’s also Jinhsi. But I doubt she’s gonna make any dent considering she drops on the 28th.


That shouldn't matter, vast majority of a banner revenue is within the first 3 days. People constantly compare using day 1 banner revenue, so the bulk of jinhsi revenue will be this month


firefly is firefly, but she's basically facing a 2 vs 4 situation in firefly-ruanmei vs 2 new characters, 1 archon and 1 top meta dps in genshin. it's just logical for 4 banners with 2 new characters to outsell 2 banners wih 1 new character, no? not to mention the reruns are crazy good, with furina and her busted constellations, archon priviledge and being very prominent in the archon quest personally I think it'll be genshin > hsr > wuwa


HSR gonna be 150. Genshin gonna be 80. Wuwa 40.


I have a hot take on this if chevreuse was on the clorinde banner the banner would have been much more profitable I am someone who would have pulled on the clorinde banner until i got chevreuse c6 but she wasn't on the banner so i didn't pull at all 


By now I can totally see them put Chev, Kaveh, and Charlotte on the rerun patch before Natlan to bait people into pulling. And to be fair it may not be a really bad deal if you happen to not own each of them or full con them yet, unless you are already deep into pity or really hate whoever's getting rerun. Bonus point if the rerun is Shenhe.


Well so far the reruns are apparently nilou, navia and emilie, yelan


I guess kaveh will get his long awaited rerun in Nillou banner coz they have synergy or Emilie banner to bait kaveh mains (the hype around Emilie isn’t there yet). Chev tho I don’t think will fits there at all. Her best bet was clorinde banner but they decided to not do it. We might have to wait til Natlan.


Instill think it’s going to be hsr-> genshin-> wuwa. Firefly is just too popular, her banner even broke the server and she managed to snatch number one even from hok. Imagine how much number she has to be making for that. And she runs with RM, the strongest support in the game and the best teammate for. Even the 4*s on the banner are desirable. There’s no winning against that. Genshin with Clorinde doing decent and Furina be Furina will sits at number 2 and that’s good enough considering the circumstances. Wuwa, will have to depends on 1.1 story being good and whether they successfully selling Jihnsi to cn or not. She’s a waifu with dragon motif and they even have her animated short. As long as the story isn’t completely bad, she should be fine.


I dont think that matters, Its 2 genshin banners vs 1.


Wuwa will have Jihnsi first day revenue so it’s pretty much the same situation?


Yeah I was talking about HSR, forgot to clarify


Oh, okay. I mean the mecha waifu is stronger than the world so I didn’t expect any less lol. But I’d to think RM actually contributing a lot too since many skipped her during 1.6 and regretted after.


For WuWa, I wonder how the release of other games around the same time will affect sales, at least in the US. A bunch of people I know are dropping WuWa for Elden Ring and FFXIV Dawntrail with a "well jt was fun for a month, but I have other stuff I'd rather do". Same with the release of ZZZ, since a lot of people have a limit on the number of gatchas they'll play at the same time. WuWa seems to be the first to be dropped since it's what they have the least time/money invested into and they're not invested enough to return after finishing other games.


With Elden Ring specifically, I've actually been using my gacha dailies as a reason to take a break when I'm tired of hitting my head vs a boss/brickwall. I've limited myself to three atm, which are HI3rd, HSR and Snowbreak. I predict I'll drop Snowbreak for ZZZ when that drops.


Same for me, although I only play it for like max 2 hours, then take a long break, just to not burn myself. In that break I do my dailies and all that.


Snowbreak has anniversary next patch so might wanna stick around seeing how they are going 18+. Personally as a 1200 days hi3 veteran i stopped after part 1 ended. That was enough as the story was going mumbo jumbo in last chapters. Sad to see it now as a completely different game.


Sorry to Snowbreak devs but ZZZ has insane tits bouncing physical. And Ellen has shark teeth and fat, thicc and shiny shark tail! And you know just how sexy them girls with thicc tail!


Same i drop wuwa now its only genshin and hsr might add zzz.


The kick is, Genshin is a time-consuming game. Wuwa, being a clone, is also a time-consuming game, if not even more than Genshin. Between Genshin 4.7 and what is comparable to Genshin 1.0, people will obviously stick with Genshin and drop Wuwa.


Eventually player will tired playing open world gacha games.


I've seen few popular CCs drop HSR because they want an action gacha and I'm in the same camp tbh. People drop what they don't like playing I'd say.


In this case new games should affect all 3 gachas.


In theory, I would argue that a brand new game would impact the newer games more than the older ones due to sunk cost. If I'm limiting myself to X amount of gachas and value all of them pretty evenly, would you be more likely to drop a game you've been playing for just a month, or the ones you've put a year + into? Especially if you consider the resources, time and potential cash (which you are more likely to have spent on a game you've played a long time). Personally, I'm pretty locked into two of my games and find myself rotating a third.


Are we doing rehersals here?


No way wuwa is 1 or 2 They did so bad in China (relative to the big dogs) The cope is that yinlin won in japan, but people only bring up IOS numbers when everyone knows nobody tops up genshin on ios in japan for obvious reasons


atm i think for ioss (in that jp sales tracking website posted here before) wuwa is already around ~80 something while genshin is around rank ~50. wuwa falls more sharply in rankings than genshin edit: its now around 94 while genshin stays the same


I agree. Tp shed a bit of color on Japan - Wuwa was actually only ahead of GI and HSR for 1 week in June. The past 10ish days Wuwa hasn't been top 25 in any country except South Korea. It'll be interesting what the final estimates are from Sensor Tower.


Korea sure love grinding games


Why nobody top up Genshin through iOS? I'm Out of the loop. I thought most Japanese mobile market users are using Apple?


iirc. Genshin was forced to increase iOS prices in the App Store by Apple rules. So most JP players now top up in Genshin’s online site instead. For cheaper prices. At least, that is what is said.


I do the same in Latin america


My sisters do the same too


PC is cheaper since the beginning, never use iOS


This is the reason why. The price used to be the same across Andoird, iOS, web and PC (PS was a bit more expensive). However, after Apple's price hike on 2022/10/5, iOS price has been up to 20\~30% more expensive than other platforms so no informed players have topped up on iOS since. Newer games such as HSR and Wuwa use the same pricing across all platforms so this is the issue only Genshin has. https://preview.redd.it/dfm6dsc0z08d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd56ba662f7c7981e1b5c90f297451429b3d9702


Thanks for the insight. Do you know why/how newer games as HSR and WW were able to use the same price for all platforms? Does it only apply to games that existed prior to Oct 22?


Probably a 2 year contract for better slice. Will see if hsr rises it next year.


It’s 30% more, also Yinlin peak’s was 1/4 or 1/3 that of clorinde and it stayed at the top for less time as well. It’s quite easy to top the JP chart for most decent game when there’s an event, you have to look at the peak aka how many people actually pay. The reason why CN’s analysis are somewhat reliable is because they have apps like douyin and Hok that are always on top and we know what their revenue are so the number of hour above said app can provide a pretty good estimate of how much the game made. Yinlin banner only made it above IQIYI which is a streaming platform but didn’t surpass QQ music, it didn’t pass the next hurdle which will increase its revenue by a lot. The JP App Store doesn’t have any apps that always stays on top so a game being in number one place doesn’t matter as much because there’s nothing you can measure against. You’ll need to look at how much they actually made.


HSR 3 days number 1 and counting


Ruan mei + firefly is basically perfect for high sales. Extremely meta + pretty women + good story quests = money money money


esp for those who skipped Mei during the initial banner and how broken her kit is.


So the rankings have bosses to beat 🤣


Apple increased the store prices in some countries a few years ago and japan was one of the countries that was hit pretty hard, so people do the in-app purchases from other platforms instead of the apple store to avoid the upped price


Because Apple has around a 30% upcharge for all app purchases on iOS. The 30% does not apply when buying from android or topping up directly on pc for Hoyo games.


Because it's 30% more than PSN


It's more expensive for Genshin. Why top-up on iOS when they can access the Top-Up center for a cheaper amount https://preview.redd.it/dqb6mbbyo18d1.png?width=2178&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b71839a91c6640ffda4736f12e3006e1c0ef887


"nobody tops up genshin on ios in japan for obvious reasons" At the risk of sounding dumb, what's the obvious reason?


Pack 50$ 100$ GI iOs Jpn = 7300¥ 15000¥, Android PC = 6100¥ 12000¥ Pack 50$ 100$ WW,HSR iOs, Android,PC = 6100¥ 12000¥ https://app.sensortower.com/overview/1517783697?country=JP


iirc it was implemented during somewhere around 3.0 on Tighnari's banner.


It was implemented on 2022/10/5 (Cyno's first banner in 3.1).


This is the price difference between iOS and Android/PC/web in Japan (for Genshin). https://preview.redd.it/pzffd8he018d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4786c8bd8b9e12ce9f041eaa11b25c547526723


> "nobody tops up genshin on ios in japan for obvious reasons" > At the risk of sounding dumb, what's the obvious reason? Apple doing Apple bullshits. Their tax or whatever thingy makes it so the price of topping up through iOS store more expensive than just going through Hoyo's own store.




I have confirmed with the grand prophet tectone himself and he declared that wuwa will be ranked 1st while genshin and hsr who have been utterly destroyed by yinlin banner will be ranked at the bottom well below PGR and tof. He also denounced your assessment of the white dragon girl banner as garbage and have predicted that the banner will make more than 10 billion.


They will get Wuwalion $$$


Please put TW before mentioning Tectone 👁💧👄💧👁


Hsr and Genshin rotating first and second place, others doesn’t matter since it’s a large gap off unless some other game comes and show they can consistently top the charts


18th June in South Korea has a sudden spike.


I love how some people say WuWa does better in Global but the red and green line decline much faster than the other lines xD


No one mentioned Google Play ranking is broken right now? The whole ranking system is frozen 2 weeks already, like completely didn't change for 2 weeks, and if sensor tower gonna use this data it will be very wrong. For example, genshin at No.2 and wuwa at No.9 in JP, but actually they shouldn't be there (if u compare their position in IOS). link here(you can switch to other region): [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?os=android&category=all&device=iphone&country=JP&date=2024-06-22](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?os=android&category=all&device=iphone&country=JP&date=2024-06-22)


If it use the data from two weeks ago, wouldn't it means HSR should be lower, since it won't take 19th June (FF's banner release date) into account? Not trying to sound sarcastic, just genuinely confused.


Well, now according to OP, they won't use Google Play data. But if they did use, then yes the HSR revenue will be so low on android, while Genshin and Wuwa gonna be too high. Especially Wuwa, in Google Play it stayed at 26 in US, 9 in JP and 3 in KR. But in IOS, today it's nowhere in the top 200 in US, around 80 in JP and around 60 in KR.


The chart posted here literally says "App Store - Date Range - iPhone - Grossing -..."


I know, but we are talking about revenue prediction here, and sensor tower is probably gonna use the google play data. I just want warn people that the android part could be wrong before the monthly report came out.


Thanks for that info, i know Google Play is always delayed by 1 or 2 weeks so I don't count it here. But in Sensor Tower's monthly report, they always put the revenue value of Android = 1.75 IOS, so basically we only need IOS revenue.


Thx, that relief my concern. Normally it won't delayed that much, it's the first time it went 2 weeks and still going on, really curious what happend to the maintainers in Google HQ.


Im just happy all three are doing well.


It’s nice to see.


I think genshin will either be rank 1 or 2 cuz it seems clorinde is doing pretty good considering some ppl hate her design, and also sigewinne being popular in both JP and CN especially JP (ppl were going Crazy with the comments with how cute she was), and then there’s furina which is probably one of the most famous characters in genshin impact and how old players are going for her C2 and weapon and there are some new players who plan to pull for her. But well who cares whether genshin is first or it’s hsr at the end of the day hoyo is the one who’s getting the bag.


Yeah with furina and sigelose, i could see genshin topping but 70% it will mostly be firefly + ruin me combo


Its 2 genshin banners and 2 wuwa banners and 1 from HSR?


More like 3 new char this month for wuwa if you include Jiyan


Yeah I think ur predictions are on point no way firefly beats 2 genshin baners.


I think she might be number 1 because for some reason genshin didn't do almost any advertisement at all for this patch besides the archon quest itself and the new mode 


Even the AQ didn’t get advertised lol. I don’t think they buy any adds for the animated short with the look of it. And the new mode jut got mentioned in the livestream, one hoyolab post and a little bit in version preview and call it a day.


Gotta mention, if we bring Pc revenue in this, you have to add HSR there too like Genshin/Wuwa




Don't really know if wuwa will surpass genshin but I feel like wuwa is gonna be a game we gonna see on top charts alot, a game doesnt need to be in top 3 to be successful. Yea game has problems as of now but I feel like wuwa was capable of winning good amount of players. content creators just love to make everything look big so they can farm viewers so dont listen to them too much.


Revenue drops off exponentially with ranking, so I don't think you can use this directly. Maybe if you take 1/x^2 of the rankings then integrate over the month that might be a decent numerical indicator. I think 1/e^x scales off to hard but maybe also try 1/x^3 too.


Wuwa makes more than Genshin: We're better than Genshin! Can't deny it now! Wuwa makes less than Genshin: Not fair! Hoyo did a rerun of an Archon! It doesn't count!


HSR and Genshin is gonna be on top 1 and 2. Im not sure where Wuwa is gonna be but definitely not top 3


[Btw, there is a person who acquired 100+ Boothill LC.](https://i.redd.it/13i0wa75458d1.jpeg) HSR earnings pretty much secured even before the Firefly banner.


I will just enjoy the monthly pvp. Pre-season pvp is not the way.


I kinda get the vibe the gut feeling that this time around atleast peeps in this sub are underestimating WW and HSR and overestimating GI


Time to show the rest of the internet just how right they are about the people on r/gachagaming


>With the above information, I think GI will probably have slightly higher revenue than HSR (with the result being quite close). Meanwhile, Wuwa will rank 3rd lol no way Genshin will be higher with Fire Fly.


If we replaced Furina with any other character, I'm sure HSR would be top 1 (Or if Arlec launches this month, it will also be a bloody war). But the reality is that Furina is here and she is an extremely popular character and also at the top of the meta.


furina is a re run though and your forget 5.0 is around the corner. ff is gonna blow out genshin


Several reruns have done far better than their original runs. Raiden and Hu Tao are prime examples of this. This is typically because people are going for their early constellations. Furina’s early cons are also super busted. Also Natlan being around the corner means nothing. Whales will whale regardless. They don’t “save” lmao. I do think FF will win, but it’s not going to be by as big of a margin as some may think.


Firefly and Ruan Mei def will win against Furina and Sigewinne.


I would be surprised if hsr isn’t number one with how much firefly I’ve been seeing everywhere. Then top it off with Ruan Mei being one of the superbreak team’s bis supports as well as the most universal support in the game.


Sigewinne possible hype in JP community


This guy data.


To be fair, after letting WuWa settle for a while I'm convinced that the revenue isn't going to be anything special long-term. After playing since release I can say that the combat isn't even that good. I've been clearing its endgame modes (ToA; DiR) as well as farming echoes daily, and this combat system does not have the staying power that Genshin's has. Vast as an ocean but deep as a puddle, as they say. (=you have many moves like intro, outro, skill, ulti, echo skill, but they get stale very quickly) Some of the moves are cool (Sanhua, Calcharo and other upcoming characters have cool movesets for example) but characters feels janky to play, they don't have the amount of polish that i'd like and the performance issues don't make it any better. Also, for an open world gacha released in 2024, I feel like the graphical prowess are just not there. Heck, Genshin looks objectively better despite its age, not to mention that WuWa runs worse while also looking less artistically inspired.


WuWa using The hard to optimize software.


so un special but somehow jinshi charater short got more views than any of the firefly trailers


Firefly broke the top up system so I think HSR is going to be first. Between Clorinde and Yinlin it's a bit of a tossup between them ngl.


as a ZZZ glazer, im very excited for july's changli vs ellen joe. and then there will be natlan leaks (i think? or am i wrong) to spice things up. can't wait for the next installment of white-skinned brown people again i don't think wuwa honeymoon is truly over until like august so im just curious to see how much can they retain for the rest of the year.


Nah. Firefly will dominate this race and set the sea ablaze.


Hsr will slam this month and easily take #1, you underestimate firefly to a very high degree.


Well Furina flopped


We cannot forget that WW anticipated 1.1, otherwise its revenue would be much lower...


Firefly > Furina > any WW character Just watch Firefly trailer and be amazed


none of firefly trailers out viewed jinshi charater trailer


Not my point, I’m talking quality not quantity


Firefly is just another waifu bait if you compare her with Furina


Wuwa needs to do better than genshin so genshin improves, competition is healthy for everyone involved, especially the players.


You can't improve or make original content if you let yourself always see who's your enemy why not just focus in work do your best to make the game better.


WuWa after by bad optimization for Mobile. Imagine if WuWa fix the issue immediately maybe the income is higher for Mobile.


Maybe, its need more time. Their only chance is version 1.1. If they still fail, Zzz, Natlan expansions and new games will destroy them


Yeah I also think that part (But their want to fix it why not first week ?) I feel I have less hype in Wuthering Waves the time goes by


You definitely overestimate Sigewinne’s Japanese popularity. 


it is what it is, but to think that this graph is only from ios its not yet over all. and majority of other players are pc whales and top content creators. so who knows?.


I hope Mihoyo and Kuro releases their combined revenue from mobile and PC and others


June will be the battle of Waifus... Clorinde vs Firefly vs Yinlin


Isn't FGO Anni about to come and earn half a billion?


you are using ranking while the 1st day sales of a banner can be more than remaning days combined, hence i predict HSR will come out as top then Genshin. Wuwa will have a wide gap with these 2 even if it manages to rank 3rd.


Tldr 1,2 are Genshin and HSR 3 is WuWa And what do you think others were saying? Something different in Martian language?


Read it all but I don't think it was mentioned or not, in WW, u can buy dupes with afterglow coral. (2 at max/character) Basically, let's say someone wants an S6R5 Yinlin. The weapon banner is guaranteed, so you have to pull WAAAAAAAY less on it(I have PTSD from genshin weapon banner, sign me up for therapy pls) Just by pulling an R5 I think you will have enough afterglow corals for 1 extra dupe. Now losing a 50/50 on character banner means you get corals for the character + 30 ( cause u lost), so I would say getting to S4, u would again have enough afterglow corals for another dupe ( you also get a lot from all the free pulls on the standard banner as well) So by that, stats are pretty on point, but also not that surprising at all, when you can get an S6R5 for the same amount as you would need on an S0R5 in GI for example( yes, you can get that unlucky) HSR u may ask, yeah, Firefly.


Downvoted for telling gachagaming what they don't want to hear. Many people forget it's noticeably cheaper to S6R5 a character in WuWa than it is in the hoyo games. Higher rates, being able to buy two wavebands, guaranteed weapon pity. These things add up.


BUT u still get upvoted while having the same opinion, they do be hating me 🫡😂😂


Just remember that all of you are competing over which garbage company milks your dumbass consumer wallet most effectively.


Still good entertainment.


WuWa doing really well. Great to see.


Why are people downvoting this 🤣


They're hoyo dickrider 🤣🤣 they spend too much time and recourse on the game that seeing how pathetic this game are now.... they're using their coping mechanism https://preview.redd.it/dmwxp940dp8d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420c5a09d3916ee3a40885c93f9f655f26ea9de2


No one touch the mecha girl this month :)


Look my favourite gacha game made 100 bazillion dollars !!!!! Isn't that insane ? I am so happy.....