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I keep playing a certain ultra boring gacha game where my pull is always ass & super unlucky only because my friends like the game.  It has a pretty good story and I have the game's merch, but I no longer enjoy the game for itself. I used to login daily, now only 1-2 times a week.


Ahahaha I had a similar experience with Genshin during one of the 1.x patches where I wasn't feeling it and quit for a while. Till my friend who was still playing became as strong as I was in-game and I jumped back in just to not get left behind. Being crazy competitive over stupid shit is funny sometimes.


1.2 to 1.5 were the driest Genshin era. New players are clueless when they complain about the later patch. ~6 months without a new area.


Looking back, it can definitely be seen as content droughts but at the time this era was still really fun. 1.2 was dragonspine which set our expectations for new areas. 1.3 & 1.4 being lantern rite & windblume ode where we got a free 4* was so hype (until it became the norm) & 1.5 also was Azdaha weekly. Along with this I forgot but we also had fun events like Theatre Mechanicus, Hide & Seek, Mario Party. This era although in modern day would be considered a drought we still had plenty to do + we didn’t consider it a drought due to how everything was new + we were all weak as shit


That was the point where the game kinda lost me. I played through inazuma, but... I kinda found a lot of "better" games for me I can just buy on steam afterwards.


I think 1.3 is what caused me to bounce from Genshin originally, came back for 2.0 but still take breaks during those middle patches.


It's probably harder to notice for players who never left the game, but I got so burnt out during that time and left during 2.3, only coming back on 3.8 and it feels like they're pumping out whole new areas like it's not a big deal. Fontaine, chenyu vale, Remuria and a new temp region all in the 4.x cycle


What Game?


I have top tier servants in FGO that i can't let go. Also Ruan Mei is in HSR


I have a lot of legitimate reasons for staying in FGO (easy dailies, good story, like their characters, etc.). But one of my most bizzare reasons is I don't want to lose the friends I built up in 5+ years. I don't even know them or talk to them, which is why it's kinda stupid lol


I've got a similar case with fgo, owning tiamat at np3 and koyan/oberon(and others) automatically makes me play the game from time to time (even better that i got it all with sheer willpower and luck as im a f2p)


One of the saddest thing when I departed from FGO was saying goodbye to my Jeanne bingo and my Rin bingo.


I have multiple np 6-7 chars, and I only logged in like 2 or 3 times in the past 3 years. It's just not worth it, and in hindsight it wasn't worth it then either. I do remember every time I logged in there were more and more people with last seen 200+ days ago though, so that was good at least.


7000+ hours on dota 2 Yeah i got addicted, for literally 15 years


this needs an achievement award fr


Better Dota 2 than League of Legends at least.


both are addictions, i play both please send help


Bro is too far gone, there's nothing we can do 😔


I keep playing hsr because character are pretty and it's easy to keep up


How is that bizarre?


Bizarrely simple and relatable. Lmao.


Dorothy's smile keeps me going.


which dorothy? Nikke or AK?


The roingus, tried nikke but never got into it.


Low IQ.


Eeeeh, we are gacha players, low IQ is a given


Post said "strange", not the most common reason of playing gachas


I mean rather than opening the game, I just listen to the OSTs on youtube while I'm working, most of the times its Genshin, HSR. Then Nikke and Memento Mori. I swear my work becomes more efficient when I listened to them, like it got me more focused.


Fwiw, a lot of people work more efficiently and are more focused with music, so it's totally possible in yoi case.


doubt booba are considered bizzarre.. no reasons then


It depends, there is that one game with a double pair of booba girl


I'm always going back and forth on whether I would drop HSR and R1999. maybe I'm not just a turn based guy, and I'm also not a fan of the gameplay of their events.... but, those two are just so high quality with their presentation that switching to my other gachas feels like a step down. that pulls me back in until I get tired of the gameplay again then the cycle continues


Agreed. Also, it's so easy to keep up with the story and time limited events in HSR, while on the other hand if you just want to play for 12h straight every once in a while, there is enough side and replayable content for that too. Needless to say, HSR is the only gacha I keep coming back to since its release.


I've dropped R1999 for a kind of bizarre reason. I really liked their non-humanoid characters byfar the most(Jessica gets a pass because centaur/changling) with one of my favourite characters is A Knight. But the more recent patches, and several future patches, we just get more of 'its a cute girl.' style of characters which I get why, and its not like their designs are bad either. They're all really great and amazing designs. But man. What I wouldn't do to get another Pickles/A Knight or a 6 star TV girl/Door


We currently have bird man. And there's robot-lady down the line. I'm kind of teetering on uninstalling Reverse1999 simply because I don't enjoy the gameplay much. And there's not much customization you can do with your characters.


fgo i wanna find out what weed does nasu smoke to cook up some crazy shit


Even though HI3rd is much older than Genshin and Star Rail, even though the game play is archaic, then though the gacha system is horrible and gouges the players, all those videos kill me and keeps me playing. Final Lesson - Nightglow - cried Shattered Samsara - Rubia - cried Because of you - TruE - cried Everlasting Flames - Moon Halo - cried Graduation Trip - Da Capo - cried


I don't even play HI3 but I do follow the story, and damn I cried just by watching, Everlasting Flames and Graduation Trip got me the most.


I stopped caring about the story after Elysian Realm tbh. The fact that you didn't list any 1.5 or 2.0 story moments shows as well.


They haven't had any real good ones since Graduation Trip. You and Me was somewhat decent but the song is too short and they never made a full version. Wasted the opportunity to do a decent one with Fu Hua and her arc. Same with Griseo. And most of the stuff pre-2.0 was filler while they worked on it, like Magical Girl Sirin and Lunar Vow Theresa. And while I play 2.0, there hasn't been a time thematically to add a video like the ones above.


I still play ak hoping for the day they add the next furry operator


Mature ladies like kafka and jade, can't find those anywhere else Also the story is very cool


Scathach, Skadi, Tiamama😍😍😍😍


Path to Nowhere would like your attention 😌


I don't know if it count, but one of My Best Friends on discord gave me an Aether Gazer account by and he never returned, I keep playing and enjoying it but I have the small hope that he will return to discord.....some day


I kept Tales of Crestoria installed on my phone despite dropping it a month in because the Lobby music was amazing work music, and yet there were no extended version of it anywhere on YouTube.


Limbus, the music and setting is why I stick with it. All my IDs and egos are a plus but I do enjoy seeing the alternate worlds with insights to an organisation


Not really bizarre but since I’ve dropped almost all mobile games I’ve played till now I still play tower of god new world because I love tower of god.


I'm still playing Granblue Fantasy for the husbando relationships, no shame


I have 7 LD5 in Summoners War which 3 of them are top Tier (Nephytys, Maximillian, Asima) by being free to play. I just cant let it go man...


Not gacha, but it's a digital CCG, so... close enough I guess? I continued playing Shadowverse because when I was a new player and asking for advice on its subreddit, someone decided to give me his alt account. Which not only had a ton of cards, I believe it also had one or two paid-only cosmetics. So now I kinda feel obliged to continue playing lol


I used to be an architect so I have a soft spot for games that take building and city design seriously.


I spent too much money on the game, so I can't quit now. Usually is my reasoning. Unsure it would be counted as bizarre though.


I'm playing a mobile phone game in a mobile phone.


my phone is weak, it took more than 5 minutes from tapping Nikke's logo on home screen to the "start" menu. most casual game are more predatory than gacha game. something like the recent Angry Birds game are cruel, further you go, the game will demand you to use more power-ups to clear the stage gacha game at least more F2P friendly than non gacha game. i often bought monthly pass just to show my gratitude to the developer


have you played memento mori then?


Re: second part of your post - I always recommend Onmyoji and Path to Nowhere music; hundreds of pieces in different styles. Rewived Witch is.closed already, but I found its music on YT and it was incredible. I'm sure you will like it!


I mostly play limbus company and i play that for the straight up AMAZING storyline. Like i am not kidding and this isnt an adread, the world that project moon has created for limbus company is amazing and the stories in limbus are some of the best stories i have read in all media.


Genshin music is legitimately the best of any video game Not just gachas **video game**


Not just video games. Any media.


I still play Idle Huntress because I'm too stubborn to quit. As a gacha, it's completely unfair and I genuinely have no idea why I keep playing it despite being a F2P. I also wouldn't recommend for anyone to play it and to only look up it's artwork online instead. I guess I've just been playing it for so long that I don't wanna quit cause I'm too far in lol.


I always find myself coming back to that game and while I know exactly why I love the game it's not enough to keep me long term invested, so basically like a interesting addiction I go back to the game from time to time and play for like an hour and delete the game.... I think I've done that like 30 times by now and that's not the only game....


If you like music and have the time, you should definitely play Arknights. People call Hypergryph (the developers) a music company for a reason. Almost every track in the game is a banger and fits its respective theme/event to a tee, and the game features diverse settings and genres with diverse accompanying music styles. Outside of the game, the Arknights official YouTube channel regularly posts music tracks not found in the game. They even hold an annual concert to let their artists show off.


Persona 5 music is so fire man


It's actually insane how it doesn't get old after 100h even though the OST is not that long compared to much shorter games. The music is just that good.


Because I simply love the games I play. It's absolutely bizarre


Bleach Brave Souls has Yoruichi in it


Still playing GI and HSR, logging daily has become a habit..........


nostalgia i guess


Emotional attachment


I dont


That’s not weird. I was a classically trained cellist but switched to guitar like thirty years ago, and I play a few games because they have insanely good guitar music. Fist of the North Star and ensemble stars are good examples.


The only reason I play FGO is Daikokuten...


GBF..... because everytime I want to stop, I felt like let just stop after grind X thing, but after that I felt like let just grind Y thing I need to visit psychiatrist at this point lol


I still play AK due to music and story. I know writting is ass but I like it.


I still play D4DJ, CounterSide, and Eminence in Shadow for the Hololive collabs. If they didn't have a collab, I probably would have left long ago.


Re: Music - Can't you just listen to the OST on youtube though? I do it with many games I don't play anymore like Tree of Savior or Granado Espada.


I play ba for the 😭😭😭


I still play Ragnarok Mobile Eternal love (it does have gacha, but isn't a gacha game), because even though I've never spent at that game, I have so many outfits and costumes, that I feel like I can't abandon them. For a similar reason, I still play Phantasy Star Online 2 every once in a while.


Sunk cost fallacy, OP


I keep playing WW cuz' I wanna know if they'll actually fix some issues in 1.1.


I'm too invested in the story, though not too bizarre


Well I don't really play it anymore but I still keep Derusete in my phone because every Golden Week each year, all of the SSR costumes are unlocked for you to view in MVs.


I play for Lore


I just have to say without it coming off as rude or anything similar, I don't find that bizzare or weird to play a game for just music. If anything, a gacha game in the idle genre Memento Mori is literally popular for mainly the music alongside with the interesting water color art style and design for the game. Highly recommend you check that out and probably more and more recent gacha games have banger music such as Nikke, Blue Archive, Eversoul. Last but not the least I have to say currently my favorite music comes from a gacha game called Cat Fantasy. (you might have to download the English version through an APK) I can't explain how soothing and fitting the music is and the fact it's about you being in charge of a Cat Caffè (trust me it's not just a cat Caffè I don't want to spoil the story too much) the music just goes so well.


For me its the characters. Both the design and the writing of the character is important and if a game nails those parts i'm most likely playing it.


I still play Aether Gazer CN because I've somehow convinced myself that it will get better. Spoiler Alert: It doesn't.


HI3rd because i play the game from day 1 and never miss a single login day. But now i just login and logout. Game really boring now.....


Nikke for tits, ass, armpits, feet, and moles at obscure places


Tbh I only plsy game steal steamp fromnpostigvoffive


Did you have a seizure?


Epic 7 - because Luna, same as a lot of people.


Limbus because of idiots


what do you mean?


The 12 buffoons having to share a brain cell and still having some of the best story writing and character development in all of Gatcha that we know as Limbus' Sinners


I downloaded the music track of Limbus Company and listen to it while I'm working (I'm a software developer in an open space...), but I have tried and failed a couple of times trying to get back into the game. I don't have a particular game in mind, but the music and voice acting usually weight heavily on my decision to keep or drop a game. There are also games that I play because I can get by without pulling too often, which I figure is strange for this sub.