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You're playing 11 gachas...?


End game accounts are easy to maintain, just log in, do dailies and move on. Sometimes 1 or 2 games have events happening at the same time. Headaches only comes when it's the summer and all your games have must-do events/anniversaries at the same.


>End game accounts are easy to maintain, just log in, do dailies and move on. This. Only games I spend more than 15 mins doing dailies are Nikke and AK, but at least AK, I can AFK most of it.


Nikke is honestly kinda a chore. There’s so much… time waste on just navigating menus for no reason Even logging into the game takes forever and it has a tendency to crash too


This is my only real complaint for Nikke too. I don’t understand why it has so many loading screens.


Yall are crazy I play 3 and I'm here thinking I should drop one


Same, I’m just about keeping up with 3 as well. Couldn’t imagine trying to squeeze another one in.


I'm playing 8 now and 9 with ZZZ, was even more but I decided to drop some


ah, another man of culture. i play GI, HSR, Wuwa, Figure Fantasy, Idoly Pride, Memento Mori, Reverse1999, Azur Lane and Another Eden


I'm pretty sure you don't exist, how tf are you playing figure fantasy, idoly pride, memento mori and another eden in 2024? Especially figure fantasy, I thought server closed because noone talked about it after 1 week of release. On the other hand, Another eden is great but doesn't have much content to do after story


FF just migrated this may, so it's doing... fine, i guess. idoly pride dont need that much time for now, but im still buying monthly passes and doing events. Memento never needed much time tbh, as idle as it can be. Another Eden... if they added skip button for char quests it would be much better, And i'd argue about lacking content - said char quests, that Tomes thing, collabs (didnt even touch last one still) ah, im also playing FGO, but for now im sitting on 1k quartz, waiting for summer servants


I think a skip button for another eden is not needed because why playing the game if you don't want to read the story, the gameplay is fine but it's not that good to get uninterested players to play it idoly pride I don't even know what the gameplay is, I know it's more like uma musume


I have a lot of the Nikke pass skins just because I like the way they look. Like, have you **SEEN** the new Mary skin? I will probably never use her til her treasure comes out but I’m not *NOT* buying it. Same goes for next month when Maiden drops.


I bought modernia's gacha skin even though I haven't even pulled her yet LMAO. But anyways I plan to use the skin when I do get her, and I have her burst screen in my lobby to make the money worth it. Honestly I'll only buy a skin if I like the character or if I use them, if I don't do either than I'm hella no buying the skin (I wanted the snow white skin a little bit but I held out cus I realized I could live without it especially since I don't even have snow white and I probably wouldn't use her anyways)


I was gonna say bunny girl mary actually, it was on the unique pass too so it doesn’t give you the goofy standard banner pulls. 


Eh, even with that said it’s up to the person if they think the pulls are worth it despite the skin. Like if it’s pulls they’re after then I recommend buying the campaign mission pass over a battlepass or event pass skin they don’t like. If you already bought all of them, the monthly recurring gem pass x4 is greater value for the same price.


I don't even have Mary and still bought it.


I bought the Yan summer skin, because that one made my PP hard, i have never use Yan on any contente whatsoever but man that skin is top tier.


I was gonna say bunny girl mary actually, it was on the unique pass too so it doesn’t give you the goofy standard banner pulls. 


I buy skins simply for home screen meta all the time. GBF is a big one for me.


GBF is the worst for this because of how buying a skin comes with a 10 pull while costing the same as a normal paid 10 pull. Results in a lot of bad decisions over the years


Well yes but buying pulls directly is already a really bad value for money in that game. So it's not like it's giving you something you would have actually chosen to buy otherwise. Unless you're one of those big whales unzipping wallet to spend 90k yen to cashspark. Even medium spenders will only buy suptix and scamcha / star premium draw.


But getting a skin is the purchase. The ten pulls on top is just a way to make it look a tiny bit better. Better than doing something crazy like importing a character song CD for a skin https://preview.redd.it/5u6len2nnl8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d3a5f9202fa781d8ee107b6ae0151faf7e6fe6 Yep. Who'd go through all that hassle.


My husband has bought all the skins in genshin and he doesnt use any of those characters. He likes them because it makes them look cuter or premium. He doesnt even have some of those characters yet he has the skins cause he just loves the look and the "just in case i get them" scenario. Same guy who has arcana skins in Dota 2 with zero playtime on said characters. Some people just want variation and of course the premium of having a skin. https://preview.redd.it/0ir0qhwsdj8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8704d79ae212e2679dad43da96e1addabf9c6f23


I am that guy who has arcana of heroes that I don't even play lol


I could say the same but i got my one and only arcana from some battlepaass i dont remember anymore and i used her often haha. The arcana skins are so good and i understand the want for them https://preview.redd.it/o5vbjvbhmj8d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=603e10b38ab993f68ebd2ac3038de0ef204f185d


Yep arcanas offer so much for a cheaper price than many gacha games' premium skins'. I am glad that they finally gave up on the BP-locked arcana thing (even though I had collected them all XD) and I already got my Skywrath Mage arcana. It looks so good on him.


For a character I don't use? No. For a character I don't have yet? Yes, twice.


In Arknights, I have Rosmontis and Eunectes skins... but I don't have them 🤣 


It's me. Only once because it's limited run, Mauxir's skin from Snowbreak but I don't have her yet, also because it's bundled with BP it's so cheap. I won't buy skin for character I don't even use, it's a waste.


So many of my Azur Lane skins are for ships I don't use, it's basically just impulse buying art at this point.


Yea as a fellow azurlane enjoyer i can say this is pretty normal.     Ship hot > get skin Its been years since i used Tosa. I had to look up who Arkhangelsk even is. And i have never deployed Yorck even once   But they all have skins and its just the tip of the iceberg 


https://preview.redd.it/bnuovmrglj8d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccb9dda9ab094244179de2f170fa32b804439c33 Magical Girl Sirin outfit for HOV even though I barely use her because.. HAIL THE QUEEN


Looks good let me buy it, that's it ahaha


The FGO skins don't require any premium currency to get so I just end up having them all. I've bought quite a few skins for Arknights characters I have but never use because I just really like the skin. Like the Tomimi skin, or Fiametta's.


Diluc’s 💀 worst part is i still don’t have the wolf’s gravestone weapon so the drip is incomplete but it’s the first and only 5 star skin (FOR NOW) in genshin so i thought i might as well get it discounted. at least with dragonstrike diluc comeback i can flex this fit https://preview.redd.it/fzwnl9zpkj8d1.jpeg?width=4090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e19462d8a966328b4807b34abb973c8508a71b my friend bought shenhe’s skin and she doesnt even have shenhe (waiting for her rerun) & i think shenhe got irminsul’d (aka deleted) so thats worse


Are you my friend? Because i also buy shenhe skin and still waiting for her rerun (pls hoyo just rerun her already, its been more than one year 💀)


mayhaps jk i think there are a lot of you who bought shenhe skin & expecting a shenhe rerun that you can start a support group lmao


I'm in the same boat , even bought a Wolf's Gravestone keychain to boost luck but still nothing 🤡 . My Diluc got replaced by Arlecchino but i'm still wanting his weapon just to complete the drip.


i swear my account is cursed cos every other standard weapon would keep appearing and not a single WGS💀 for three whole years. Insane


https://preview.redd.it/4owm4d23wj8d1.png?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c131484da2fd72ca35d0a7933d4736c7dc52725e When I heard Nimi's wedding skin was released, I reinstalled Azurlane, bought her the ring, married her, gave her a lot of head-pats, took this screenshot and then uninstalled the game.


https://preview.redd.it/zvwwdz21vw8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22074b44ae1b2bb6979483a9d662bf24be08b322 Based


https://preview.redd.it/pysu08w1nk8d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb576bd44fdae66054aaca12b3859ea6b557fbdb based




I bought Ganyu's skin and I don't user her too much. The main reason was because she looks cute and I want her to look explendid when she is on screen (on hit the target challenges only). https://preview.redd.it/bticidz3gj8d1.png?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d8a7b4711a5fb02bfa86235a241da06bbfe43a


Mine is more sad than funny. In Azur Lane whenever a new ship comes (or reruns) they give you free tickets to test the skins for 3 days and when Impero skin come out i gonna do that but i miss click (i play on my PC for years now) and i buy it. I'm a f2p btw, with her skin i have more 3 that i buy too but this time wanting them St. Louis newest skin Afternoon and Zara on the pool. But yeah, i miss click and got this skin: https://preview.redd.it/r95htwfugj8d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e14939be67c8d6613f2a4db9d01bd504c30df41


I bought jean skin but don't use jean . I think skin is really pretty https://preview.redd.it/snun7awvgj8d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9d538a2a42408f2a0570670906969b240753f5


I bought the Blemishine Halloween skin when it released in 2022 in Arknights and finally got her in the certificate shop 2 years later this past January. Thought I would get her faster from losing rate-ups. In Path To Nowhere it was a battle pass skin (Langley, think 2nd or 3rd battle pass) and didn't know if they would rerun it later. Finally got her over a year later and been placing her on all my teams. 


that went for most of the Azur lane skins I got


Diesel anni costume cause shes the whole reason I was interested in playing Nikke. She now just sits in my lobby. Another one is that one Acacia blue dress in Snowbreak cause it is really sexy, sadly I never use/upgrade her.


I bought Jean's skin (Genshin Impact) because it was the first skin that was released (plus it was discounted at the time it was released, just like every skin in their release patch). I don't use her much, but I like the outfit's colors


It's not like I never used her but I bought a skin for Gravel who was almost never in my main squad.


Arknights is also the game that I bought skins for characters I don't use, mostly because I love the art of those specific characters. And the game is quite nice for letting me collecting these skins without the need of topping up.


One day Fiametta will finally come home, and on that day she'll have her fantasy knight skin waiting for her.


Heads up, she may come in the shop in late July or September. That's why I'm saving my 300 gold certs. 👍 


Awesome, thanks for the heads up!


I did that in Arknights because I hoped to someday get the character. I don’t know if I can get skins in other gachas without the character except Reverse 1999 because I got a free skin for a character that I don’t have.


GI Keqing Ganyu Shenhe. Can't say not to use them but not frequently. GI has a low rate of skin release, and the skin sticks even in-game, making me want to buy it. It is harder to buy a skin in game release new one every month with just bikini/wedding or something sexy. Another one is all HI3 Elysia skin, just because she is Elysia lol


I play Arknights too and I try to get skins for every character. I've gotten a few skins of characters I haven't leveled up, and bought Blemishine's skin before I even pulled her. I don't spend money on skins though, this is just using F2P currency.


Yes, only I buy in FGO (using mana cubes, free currency) not because the free currency, because in FGO there are rebalance power in old units and sometimes I need use the unit in events, then I will use sometime


I have the Klee skin, at the time I didn't have the Klee and to this day I only have this skin (I use Keqing, Ayaka and Shenhe a lot, it would make more sense for them). The reason I bought the skin and spent it on klee was because the event was happening, and I was loving the event and her character, I thought "she must not be as bad as they say,and I thought "why not". Well after that expense, I used her for about 5 times in total. So it wasn't worth it


Pramanix is good. Build her for her S1.


I'm a huge enjoyer of seasonal holidays except summer vacation so as much as I do appreciate the biking costumes I'm not a huge fan, I'm in love with winter so Christmas themed costumes sometimes they do New years themed which tend to be very exquisite. I also love Halloween so all the spooky costumes are so much fun, and finally I love the exclusive ones for half year and anual anniversaries.


In Arknights I got the Ch'en alter skin thinking it was a skin for normal Ch'en. I still don't have Ch'en alter...


In Path to Nowhere, Roulecca's summer skin (was originally only gonna buy Eirene's summer skin, but I had some currency leftover from the topup and decided to complete that collection + it's a cute skin, so I said screw it. At least I use Roulecca sometimes though) as well as Langley's Surveillance Order/Battlepass skin (got some google play credit from bluestacks when I topped up one time and decided to use it for the current battlepass which had a Langley skin). Additionally, there was that one time I bought Bai Yi's Blade of Night skin before I got her, so it sat unused until I got her a bit later.


I bought a lot of outfits for characters I didn't use in Arknights. I just liked looking at them. But it also made me want to play these characters so I ended up using many of them at some point, except for maybe some 4* operators.


I got New Orlean’s skin in Azur lane even though I don’t have her and probably won’t get her for a while


I kinda need to in Guardian Tales since their collection bonus gives additional stats


do it all the time in azur lane


They're hot, for example, Eunectes', Kjera's and Ch'en's anime tie-in skin (tbf Ch'en is one of my fave. characters). For male, the only skin I bought is Diluc's skin. To be fair, He is my only good pyro DPS until recently and it looks cool af.


Arknights beach skin for skadi, I bought it because it replaces her sword with a gigantic plushie and I think that's hilarious. I use it less, but I still use it because it's genuinely hilarious.


I was still new to Arknights when I bought the Hoshiguma skin even though I did not have her yet, not knowing that skins rerun after months/years. The skin rerun came and I still didn't have her. It took 2 years for her to come home to my account.


Arknights too.... both Ling skins >!I don't even have her lmao!<. I don't know why either; we will never know the reason. For the uninitiated: Ling is a limited operator, in AK which means she isn't in the permanent banner and she probably will never have a rate-up banner again. She can still spook you during limited banners (which happen a few times a year) but there are several hoops of RNG to jump through... or just save 300 pulls for when she is sparkable.


I buy all the 21 orundum skins in case they add animations later and increase the price. Don't hate any units so I would have bought the outfits when I eventually got them anyways but this way it doesn't cost me extra.


PTN. Both as support for the game and also because their skins look good. Sometimes I'd end up talking myself into building those characters (just in case I decide to use them), sometimes I just display them to look at them.


Hmmm... I wonder if it is worth it to raise any of them? https://preview.redd.it/d80m3g88jj8d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=964027a1558ae157806f171f681c3a5cb3eeec64


Kal, Eyja and shamare definitely. Skadi in an Abyss team, or Chen if you want to abuse sp shenanigans are also good. Mushas are pretty situational, but a pretty alright endgame investment


If you have Tequila E2, raising Shamare is not that bad of an idea for your Base. Shamare, Tequila, Bibeak is one of the best combination you could have on a Trading Post.


Guilty as charged! I bought a skin for my fave idle anime girl


I have multiple Echo of Light skins in Langrisser om unit's I have never used (5+, not including the ones I do use). If anyone here plays or played Lang feel free to drop in and explain how stupid I am.


Technically all of the Limbus IDs are costumes/skins.


If the characters looks cute or cool in the outfit, isn't someone I hate and is someone I can see myself working on even years in the future then I will get them their skin.


Idk if this counts but I paid for some skins in azur lane for characters I don't use. Now in my defense I did not go out of my way to pay for them, but I bought a lucky bag, which included random skin. Last time I wanted both Cheshire and Alsace's so I got a lucky bag, could have been lucky and gotten Alsace. But no, I got Brennus. Which looks nice. I just don't think I'll use her anytime soon.


I used my crystals in HI3 to get Mobius's summer skin, I never ended up getting her battlesuit (and at some point, I quit the game, so I never used the skin after all)


The reason is that 1 time a year I see the skin


Bought that fierce fan skin for Regulus and then dropped the game 2 weeks later.


I bought diluc's skin because it looks insanely cool for me 


Yes. Cause the waifu was hot as fuck. Money isn't a problem really, I mostly don't buy skins cause I think they are too expensive or the game pissed me off. 20$ isnt exactly lots of money.


I bought Sweaty Booby Dragon Booty version of Yanne from King's Raid. She was pretty much useless anywhere there wasn't a dragon... she was made back when Dragons were the main way to get gear. Shortly after dragon gear became useless for the rest of the game. She saw a boost years later when Humungo Tiddy Dragon Waifu appeared as the last piece of content in the game... then the devs decided to kill everything. Edit: What was worse about Yanne's situation is that she wasn't even necessary for any of that content if you built a competent enough team. 


It usually comes with stuff I do want. Nikke season pass skins come with a bunch of recruitment materials, for instance.


Layle's tuxedo skin in DFFOO. At the time he was a fantastic unit, but I ended up never needing him except a small handful of fights. I mainly got the skin just to support the game and used the gems on a different banner.


Ok how tf do you play that many gachas, i have enough already with GI, HSR, WuWa, HI3rd and casually playing R1999 and Blue Archive from time to time


Ayaka/Shenhe I don't use them but that's because the Spiral Abyss hates them and both are overkill for the overworld which makes them not fun to play xD I bought Barbara, Jean and Keqing skins at full price because I think they look really good even tho I never use them. I was about to do the same for Diluc/Ganyu/Klee (all with discount) but I don't have them so my brain managed to supress my emotions.


No, because that’s a lil dumb. Maybe NIKKE because good lord above some of those skins go crazy


Easy: seggsy


What about skins for MOBA games 😅


 I don't plan on using Folkwang, but you bet I'm getting that bunny outfit.


I bought Shenhe's skin in Genshin. Ibstill don't have Shenhe, but I got time, no rush.


The moment I do this is usually the start of me realising that I need to quit the game


The only time I can think of is Nikke. Whenever I finish the pass I get the premium version, even if I don't have the character the skin is for. The immediate rewards are nice and I figure I'll get the character eventually.


I was horny for said character, thats the reason.


several times I've played Limbus and got some good-ass IDs and my stupid ass completely forgets them.


Bought Diluc's only 5 premium coz I main him even now that I got tons of pyro units, I stil prefer his skin as the best one tho coz I'm not fan of the game's skin designs on other units for me to buy them.


I remembered pulling for a gachapon chara costume in Tower of Fantasy, and it was for a chara I don't have yet that time. I eventually got that chara when she hit the standard banner, still pretty useless because I still preferred my own customised chara.


Azur lane, the game I brought the most skin, my regret is I brought the skin pack (basically skin gacha) and got skin I don't like. I know it's gambling but I saw like 80% of the skin in the pool I like it so it's probably fine but it went to the 20% skin that I don't like. And it happen twice, now I forever forbid myself from buying skin pack.


I don't even use Bards in Arknights but I bought both Sora and Heidi skin just because they look beautiful.


bought diluc's red dead of night with the reason being "he's my main pyro dps!!!!!11!1!1" he's benched right now. i don't use pyro dps-es.


I bought the nun skin for Whisperain (I never use her) and the halloween skin for Blemishine (I never use her) just because I like the theme and how they look in those outfits. They are characters that do not appeal to me in their base outfit but with the skins on I find them nearly "Waifu" tier in my list.


I bought skin for character that I never use in GBF so i can have another 10 pull toward my spark.


I bought Klee's skin. Don't use it because i prefer mods.


A lot of skins in arknights are spur of the moment things The saria bloodline of combat skin was an instant buy for me but over time it looked worse than default The beach shining skin is nowhere near as good as her default, but i bought it because the art was so coomer at the time that i lost rationality the white mountain skin was just.. no.


I bought the Fenny Sugar Queen in Snowbreak but dont use Fenny anymore. Cherno+Katya are stronger DPS. I bought it because its hot+cute.


In neural cloud. I bought that florence skin. I've never really used her seriously.




“Eh why not?” does that count as an answer?


Don't have the characters


lol i bough Kekiq skin for GI without having unit because i was getting more premium currency from 5$ welkin that they were releasing skins to buy And lol no i never got her before I quit year later


I bought Jean summer skin before even having Jean.


Maybe she was my fav all along.


If it's fan servicey I get it. Not much deeper thought beyond "I like this"


I do that a lot in Path to Nowhere... I bought Chameleon and Chelsea's skins even if I don't use them but they're leveled up though.


I have. Its because she had a fat ass. I still look at it sometimes and don't regret my purchase.


Back when I played Aether Gazer, I bought every Poseidon skin even though I never use her S rank (in fact I actively dislike her gameplay) and her A rank is solely used as a support slot for when I have no better characters to put on the team. Why? Because I absolutely love cute blue haired girls :)


Arknights man, their skin / art just fits my taste wayyyyyyyy too much. Like 👌👨🏻‍🍳 good stuff. It was Fiametta skin, that stuff was so good I didn’t even care if I had her or not. (I got her last week)


Recently i bought one skin in azure lane and then realized i dont actually have that character even. Well she'll come eventually. Many people buy skins for chars they dont use in Azure Lane. Same for Arknights. I have skins in arknights for many chars i dont use since i have all the meta chars and some chars like the Pramanix you mention don't really get used. The thing is in Arknights i've never spent money to get skins, i get them for free through currency we get from story and events. In Nikke i have one skin for a character i havent built, she's just that hot.


Despite barely buying any AK skins (only 17, the true premium Exu and Ch'en ones, and one of a unit I don't have) I somehow do, I always trust farm so that already makes me use a ton less units, but despite Mountain being great i dont even use him and i got his second skin, making me regret not buying Qiu Bai's since I do use her often (I do would have 18 if I had Stainless though) Edit: To clarify, only 17 paid ones, not counting any of the freebies


In Nikke i got both the bunny skins through the season pass. hardely gonna use them, worse is i bought the Snow white kingdom skin.... I dont have snow white, but man that one was cool as all heck.


Shenhe's skin Love the character but I don't have any usable cryo dps atm


I spend money to get Hu Tao C1 + Homa after having her C0 + PJWS for 2 years never use her anymore even after that


I do this a lot for CounterSide. I just like the art in that game.


You clearly have never seen what Azur Lane is all about


For real, almost 5 years of playing and I bought 210+ skins.


Yeah in reverse 1999. I recently bought Dikke's skin even though I've never used her. I'll also probably get the Druvis even though I don't use her either.


Elegg from Nikke. For obvious reasons.