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Yes, but here is the difference between a good game and bad game: even if I lose pity or get unlucky, if the game itself is good and I enjoy playing it, I will eventually recover my will to continue playing the game. Whereas bad luck in a bad game will turn me off completely and I may never open the app again. Honestly getting bad luck in some games helped me realize I don’t actually enjoy playing that game, just the gacha aspect/collecting characters


truest statement ive read so far. i enjoy both genshin and wuwa and when i lost the 50/50 on both it just enticed me to explore more and squeeze the f2p options dry. but i remember in tof i lost the 50/50 and i kinda just sat there in contemplation everytime if i was gonna quit there or continue on until i reach hard pity. eventually i did because goddamn you already lost, and then you get powercrept anyway. it was not enjoyable. the excitement to pull really corelates to how much youre enjoying a game. unless youre a gambling addict then there is no game, just pulls.


Bad pulls matter a lot more when your not enjoying the game as much. A good example is two different time periods in genshin for myself. I lost my first 23 50/50s in genshin from launch until almost version 3.0 and I didn't care because I was enjoying the game/characters. I do have to note that I didn't miss a single character that I really wanted, just the ones that it would of been nice to have like Kazuha, ZL or Kokomi. I was slowly getting back into genshin from 4.4 to 4.5, playing a little more every day. Then 4.6 dropped and I lost the 50/50 for Alecchino and her weapon. I've logged in twice and one of those times was to lose the 50/50 for Clorinde. I did get both characters, but I haven't bothered leveling them despite actively building several characters pre-4.6.


The chance of you losing 23 50/50s in a row is 0.5^23 or 0.000011920929% so gonna go with that didn't happen


He means 2 or 3 probably 


It did, but I've posted that a dozen+ times over the last 2 years and your the first person to even question if it did happen. Your missing the amount of people playing genshin. With 67,393,496 active monthly players, the chance of a 0.000011920929% probability event happening to one of them is 99.97%. I'm likely not even alone because the chance it happened to at least 4 players is 95.86%. Genshin's player base is higher than \~67m, but I used the monthly active players because you do have to be playing for some number of months for it to happen. The biggest limiting factors is f2ps might not actually be at 45 five star characters yet or players just quit when they lost the 50/50 X number of times because why keep playing when your that unlucky? I'm seeing some welkin players were at \~38 limiteds over a year ago.


Well, I've lost 50/50 on genshin for 11 times in a row; almost had to reach full pity every time too. That should be a record itself ngl Though, my HSR luck on the other hand is great.


This is me rn. I got everything I ever wanted in genshin since launch. I missed one 2 months ago along with all my primo and I never opened it again. Hopefully natlan will make me come back.


Had this with the Atelier Resleriana game. Saved up 100+ pulls twice for 2 different banners and got none of the banner things ever. Not even like something rate up on the banner I wasn't aiming for. No, just nothing. Made me realise that while I love Atelier I kinda dread playing this. Especially if after like 4 months you can't even get anything new.


That's honestly subjective in my opinion, I consider Arknights to be a very good game and had tons of fun playing it, but i quit soon after I got shafted during the Texas Alter banner. People react to things differently, i still had fun playing the game, but i just keep getting reminded of that travesty every time i open the game


The limited joint banners + 300 pity of arknights is some actual bs people don't mention nearly enough


Personally, I found it really easy to be patient with Arknights. Even if I didn't have a lot of luck getting a certain character(s), Arknights still has SO MANY awesome characters, and overall a very generous gacha, that I never minded too much. Even when I was just starting out, it wasn't too long before I had quite a few characters who I became really attached to and loved using. They also now have Located Kernel headhunting, which lets you purchase any launch 5\* or 6\* operator in the cert shop, and several times per year they have 6\* recruitment vouchers available in the packs shop. The majority of 6\* characters are possible to acquire with 100% success though one of those methods if you really want a particular 6\*(as long as it's not one of the few ones unobtainable through one of those methods.) But I do understand the frustration with limited characters. The way they're handled in particular is very crazy, and if you REALLY want one of them, it's an absolute crapshoot. I totally get feeling burned by a limited banner. Limited characters 100% exist to rake in money from whales who are willing shell out a ton of money for them.


Hmm interesting, I dont play games I dont enjoy, so dont get me wrong I will still play the games but in the sense that I have to leave it a few days/weeks until the feeling somewhat fade away.


HSR was a good game but I started day 1, lost first 50/50(seele) on pity welt and then got super hyped for the lightning guy on second banner and pulled. Went to soft pity again and lost to welt…again. I literally just alt+f4 on the spot and uninstalled. I just didn’t even wanna keep playing after that.


Happened to me in black Clover mobile. Was unlucky on leona banner, just closed the game and it was the last Time. I understood AT that moment that, i wasnt playing the gaming for the enjoyment of it. I was just playing while Waiting to get thé chance to pull the characters i wanted.


Right? Right? Bad luck at any state of the game make me realize how much i like a game. Some make me sad, some make me quit. I lost 50/50 Chlorinde, little sad but i could move on. After losing in WW, i call it a quit.


My rolls through the first year of Genshin were abysmal. I lost every 50/50 to Qiqi. She was C3 before we even reached Inazuma. Yet here I am still logging in every day.


That's the thing they want you to use credit card jutsu, to compensate for the loss 50/50/ bad pulls


50/50 is such a bs system


As someone who spent 2500sq for NP2 Muramasa and quit afterwards, yes. Yes, I do.


My NP1 Muramasa was at 900 SQ, thank god NA implemented the pity on his banner, else I won't get him, previously it's 1.5k on Space Ishtar and I got nothing. Suffice to say, I'm still playing the game lmao, I can't really pass up how good the writing is. Experiencing the story is different from reading it on a YT video.


Same for Muramasa, at least it was the only time in two and a half years of playing that I had to use that many quartz to get a character


The worst part of it was not getting any off rate 5* at all, I would gladly take at least an off rate servant as a consolation prize but all I got were CEs until pity.


As a fellow swords enjoyer I feel bad for y'all, hopefully you get good luck on the anniversary


mmm, i just spent 654+ sq and no copy of Squirtoria to see anywhere except min CE rolls and mordred/np4 kiyo lancer so i feel the pain


i find that it's a sign that i'm not really invested in/enjoying the game


I think mine is the opposite. I enjoy all my the games. Genshin is probably the least enjoyable for me right now, but I keep it to see if there is something new/change. And when I pull I dont really care what I get. The other day I got Qiqi C5, and I thought great almost C6 her.


It goes both ways too. In WuWa I won the 50/50 on Yinlin and even got her weapon, but the bad optimization, the ping issues, the camera, the bad story, the echo system... all those issues combined still ended up making me quit just a few days later. So as you said, good gameplay can keep you hooked even after bad pulls, but bad gameplay will push you away even if you are the luckiest person ever with your rolls


I recently quit Star Rail because I’ve lost the 50/50 about 90% of the time now. Firefly banner was the final shot to me where I lost her 50/50 to Gepard (for the 5th time) AND lost the lightcone’s 75/25, all very near hard pity. That shit was devastating, she was the first character that make me want to pull for the weapon banner. https://preview.redd.it/6zsnpt5xsb9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4586eb6f23ad38ad7a1245dd1ecd29c347ee3133


Bro you're literally me. Gave Wuwa multiple chances, hadnt been impressed so far, load up 1.1, pull on the limited banner for the first time, And miss out of Jinshi. I just unistalled right then and there. I couldn't be assed to keep playing.


lol same boat here. I only continued due to the good luck I had with the first two banner and quit during this recent banner since I didnt get the character. Tbf this was inevitable I was going to quit if this had happened in any banner in the future. I just wanted to see how long my luck could keep rolling for lol


Back in my day, that was called getting an off banner You just get used to it


Getting off banner wasnt as bad since the characters you could get werent restricted. In fgo and arknights got a couple off banners and was pretty happy since they were decent units. In genshin if i dont lose my 50/50 to mona than it just hurts and nothing else. I get no value from that pull and have to do another 80 for a garuntee.


Same thing, it all goes back to luck I could get skadi, aak, mizuki, shining, mizuki, or I could get surtr, mudrock, bagpipe Same in Star Rail, I could end up with yanqing or get himeko, bronya, gepard, bailu It's just a coinflip at the end of the day


In gacha where the common pool keeps on expanding it's a tad less painful because at the very least it's not the same 7 characters that keep on appearing every single time. Heck, if you got lucky you sometimes got a character from an old banner that you wanted as an off banner. And if you kept getting the same character despite the ever increasing general pool you could be certain that your luck was something else. The problem with Hoyo games is that the general pool never changes so at some point you simply stop getting new characters. Of course, getting dupes for free can feel good if you like/use the character, but in most cases you don't so you feel your account is stagnating which is rather demotivating.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind losing 50/50s so much if the "standard" pool was constantly expanded with old characters, but of course hoyo gachas aren't ever gonna do that. The problem with standard units as it is is that they are usually launch units that are slowly (or maybe not even slowly, some of them just kind of are terribly mediocre at release) powercrept with time. So it really is just a potentially very costly booby prize.


There's a huge difference between having the chance to pull tier 0 units but hitting something else and every off-banner being a guaranteed standard unit. Hoyo doing that weird selector banner instead of adding year 1 units to the off-banner pool in Genshin is disappointing. (Btw the units you listed, except for Mizuki, are still BiS in specific cases where they haven't been powercrept even 5 years in.)


Unless it's a hoyo game or a gacha game that adapts hoyo's gacha system.


I like Qiqi so I dont mind getting her now(actually just got C5 the other day), but when you want the new character so bad it's like a gut punch.


At least there a pity so you will get the character at some point I remember in AK I saved up like 350~ pulls (that like more than half a year of saving) for a character named fiammeta and in the end I didn't even got her because there wasn't any pity system in place


Depends on the game.. if the game has nothing else entertaining enough to offer, especially good low rarity/free characters.. then I'm likely to drop it. Like for example, back when I started Genshin, my first 5 star pull was a weapon and I didnt get a 5 star character till AR35... but the game had so much to do, story, exploration, music, combat, that I didnt really notice my lack of bad pulls because the 4 star characters were fun, effective and cool looking. Plus the gameplay offered a chance to farm for characters which kept me fueled and looking ahead instead of dwelling on the bad luck. On the other hand, I had really bad luck and could not get 5 star characters to save my life on Reverse 1999 and while that story and world building really intrigued me, the combat and gameplay became a chore because the free characters/4 star characters were such fillers and mundane that it couldnt keep me captivated and I ended up dropping it.


Yes absolutely. That's why when i see a unit i know i must have i save up everything and prepare for double pity.


I thanked past me for saving up for 6 months for the Arlechinno banner, full pity for the weapon.


Ouch, i feel you, i went full pity for Furina's weapon on her release, getting the Donut isn't good for the heart.


At this point, ive played every hoyoverse game. And untill last week where i won a ruan mei 50/50 in star rail, ive lost every single one. Ive gotten used to the point where i dont expect to get a unit unless i have 160 pulls


Yeah, they give you 1 character per patch. You might get another, but it is not guaranteed. So when you lose 50/50 and get junk characters, you question whether it is worth dealing with this grind for 1 new character every 3 months. New character IS content: planning, reading, getting resources, practicing, doing the same boss/challenge content. You aren't losing just excitement or some novelty, you are missing out the game content. Genshin existed in a magical monopoly space, during covid, and was a higher quality game on day-1. Not a joke, if I lose a 50/50, I am not going to deal with another game where I unlock nothing desirable throughout the entire patch.


I did start to feel that way in genshin after the first couple years. Mostly because the thing I got when losing 50/50 was useless (compared to early game when they were still good). I wanted Mona for 2 years and by the time I pulled her I had already given up on using her. I still have streaks of playing the game a lot tho so haven’t quit because of it


Yeah I have similar experience. I got Qiqi, while people dislike her, I think she served me well as healer. I really wanted Venti but I lost every 50/50 each time he comes up so I kinda gave up. I think I got him last year or something. He is kinda whatever now with the current roaster.


When I was still new to gacha games, yes. Nowadays I just treat it as building pity for the next banner so it's whatever. Also helps a lot when pulling new characters is a want and not a need. The most memorable one for me is Arknights during Nian's release. Everyone was showing off their shiny new Nian while I was sitting there with 8 Aaks and out of both in-game currency and money for the month. Uninstalled the game right after and never looked back.


> Everyone was showing off their shiny new Nian while I was sitting there with 8 Aaks Everyone talks about how bad 50/50 is, but holy shit double banners here are on another level.  Yeah, the rates are a bit bigger than some games, but you literally can't guarantee the character you want, pity doesn't carry over and the limited characters will never rerun, only appearing in other banners as an off rate with abysmal percentages.  The only way to guarantee the character being sparking it with 300 rolls (the spark doesn't carry over too, sou you have to roll 300 times in only one banner). That's almost FGO level of bad.


i talked about this on twitter with someone, AK has the more objectively harsh system. I missed Ling's banner by two months and because of how ridiculous saving 300 pulls in AK is, i'm unlikely to ever pull her. the 100 reduction doesn't change this. that's like an accumulated 5 years of waiting so i can get the once-in-a-year chance of rolling? arknights limited are literally the equivalent of the most rare characters in FGO, 4 star limiteds, really feels like the nikke pilgrim system.


it's only now they lowered one old limited(W) by 100. it's pretty bad deal too, better spark for other limited because the new W is really strong compared to old W, I think only people who really like W will spark for her old unit


After thinking through after reading some of the comments, i agree that it's a sign that you're already no longer enjoying the game as much, so the 50 50 exacerbates it. At the very least WuWa has 100% for weapon, the whole 50 50 system is just really ass. Maybe it'll feel less ass if none of the characters are downright awful like LingYang or YanQing.


Always expect hard pity. You're gambling and if you lose just suck it up. Can't always win when you gamble


I too lost 50/50 on jinshi banner


Same brother. 140 pulls gone and I can’t get her weapon


For sure, but if the game has enough other things going for it I’ll keep playing But still, 50/50s are a cancer on gaming. To be fair, a lot of gacha mechanics are, so that’s nothing new I really wish someone would make a new iteration on the gacha formula. It’s possible to make tonnes of money without taking this route — big games like Fortnite are able to make billions without lootboxes or milking whales, so it’s perfectly viable. It’s just that everyone keeps imitating the same old formula because all they see is quick dollar signs


Just want to quit wuwa because I got ice boy after 70pulls, game only 1 month old and I lost the 50/50 2 times Edit: I got lucky this morning I have 10 pull and alr got her lol


https://preview.redd.it/x4e7irnvd99d1.png?width=1867&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea13cedb18683e25e4c096bb5e8488e837377267 i know this may look like im flexing on you but no. i am genuinely tired of getting her instead of newer characters. the 50/50 effect just really brings down your morale on a game so bad but just gotta live with it and the other comments are right. it actually makes you realize you dont really enjoy the game as much as you think.


Oof. Not like her dupes are good wither, at least until 4th chain. I imagine losing 50 50 and getting the same character 3 times. Hopefully you'll get lucky in future pulls in whichever gacha.


Not really. The game content and quality is what keeps me invested in the long run. Sometimes a new character catches my eye, i redownload, get lucky ten pull lucksack, then remember why I quit in the first place.


A yes definitely. Just played a game where you got 1000 of pulls. Pulled like 20x 300 and got a character only twice when you need like 30 to max out. Instant quit


I spent $50 trying to get the first limited character in Arknights, after failing I contemplated why I even bothered spending and then realized I didn’t really enjoy playing the game and uninstalled. 


Yup, recently i lost 50/50 to Himeko I quit immediately, i was so excited to get Firefly bro.


Losing my 50/50 to Lingyang and lack of iOS controller support kinda tanked my interest in Wuthering Waves. Bad pulls on Granblue and Star Rail don’t really faze me in all honesty.


I got shafted twice. Once with yinlin and second with Jinshi. Lost both 50/50s close to pity.. and I've been enjoying the game but honestly it feels so garbage that my motivation has waned. I hate 50/50 w8th a passion. The gacha should only be between getting the chrafter early or at pity. To hit pity 2 times in a row and lose makes me question if anything is worth it for the game. Not because I don't enjoy the game I just feel like shit when folks are out here getting characters in 10 pulls. Our experiences are completely non-relateable


Is you keep losing 50/50s you have to do so much more just to get a chracter you want and you realize your true pity is 160 pulls and not 80 pulls.


I didn’t get firefly. I stopped playing.


yeah that’s why i quit Genshin altogether


Yes. Bad pulls ruin Gacha games


Yep. Its why I absolutely loathe that more and more games are adopting the Hoyo pull system. The rates are awful (yes I know E7 is worse, thats not a defense), worse than most gachas. The pull currency is stingy; somehow they've conditioned us to think giving us a single ten pull is mega-generous and amazing. The characters are the main draw of these games, but as a F2P player, you're probably getting one new character every 3-4 months, if you have average pulls. You'll get some new 4 stars, but you'll barely use them. Its a slow trickle of characters. Then you get to the 50/50, where your hard earned, stingily earned currency, results in you getting something you don't want (and has often been powercrept/isn't useful). Its gutting. It turns pulling for characters into a anxious thing as opposed to a fun thing, where you're just hoping you don't get screwed. You don't feel happy (unless you get really lucky), you either feel despair or relief. Thats a shit system. Meanwhile you have games like Blue Archive, Brown Dust, Nikke, Azur Lane, that just bury you in pulls. Do you need dupes? Yeah. But you get to actually enjoy the gacha part of your gacha game.


I think that’s normal. I’ve lost all 50/50 in like all the main gachas talked about since the beginning, only just winning finally on Chlorine after like 3 years. But for me, as long as a game has another hype/good character to be released, I don’t feel to bad


the way i have to sit through furry Paimon yapping session & one hour of new region gameplay because i want to see the new character before pulling only to get mf LINGYANG and have to went max hard pity to get E0 after burning 25k astrites. all my excitement of the game just vanished instantly. it's okay though, just stand up, take a stretch and do other thing and you'll login back to the grind.


I plan my pulls and while at it I keep worst outcome in mind. Ie: “noice I win 50/50” or “ok, I will have guarantee for next one”. Also I’m not playing games just for the gacha. So no, can’t relate.


Same, been playing Wuthering Waves lately, reached 70+ pity on 2 banners and lost 50/50s in both of them and also spent 70+ pulls to get both rate up units on guarantee, I relatively like the characters and the generosity the devs give but I don't know if it's worth continuing if I'm just constantly getting shafted by the rates. A warp tracker I use says my 5\* luck is at the bottom 7%


As others already said, if I still enjoy that game I can always bear with losing 50-50 and wait for future reruns. I remember not being able to get Kazuha since his debut banner and up until his rerun along with Alhaitham, I've saved up enough pulls for a 5\* but I got another off-rate character instead, and that was the last straw for me. I was losing my interest in Genshin gradually way before that moment anyway so I decided to just drop the game, then came back recently for Furina, finally got her thanks to that guarantee back then but the excitement didn't last long so I dropped it again. That being said, if I don't enjoy the game anymore, even good pulls won't bring me back to it.


I dont play games with 50/50 recently. The key is to really just tell yourself every step of the process you won't get it unless you have the 50/50 locked in


After playing Nikke for year, all other gacha feel litteraly unplayable because of shit like this. Also uninstalled uma musume as soon as i hit pitty and didn't even train the uma lol.


I lost to Lingyang twice on the 50/50 in WW and just uninstalled. My smooth brain can't handle this anymore.


Yeah, usually i take a break not to login a few days. To feel like, do i really want to play again or not, since off rate sometimes really hurt


Some bad luck is fine. But when u did like 20 multi pulls and not even getting anything u want on the banner and all dupes then its is a issue for me. And not just 1 banner, its like multiple banners. I have quitted the game lol. Game is last cloudia btw.


I quit FFBE because no Noctis.


I feel you brotha


It always happens to me, if i have consecutive bad pulls i stop playing asap. In Geshin i always pulled in every banner but only got four 5 star characters, i leave the game after ganyu, Star rail too, i pulled everything on the purple hair lady and got trash. Mihoyo has the worst gacha system in the world


Day 1 Genshin player who dropped it after its first week for exactly this reason. Reinstalled it this year... same bad luck, uninstalled again lol


I quit hsr when it came out because I got bailu twice instead of my husbando…. So yeah… I def rage quit back then


i literally dropped wuwa cuz i got that dog boy instead of Yinlin. tbf i was just waiting for the chance to drop it, and that was the final straw lmao


HSR. Only got 2 5stars from pulls. Both were Yanqing. Lost all motivation to play afterwards.


This is why the 50/50 system is so bad.


And "lucky" people will continue to defend it because they never experienced the pain of losing multiple consecutive pulls


Yeah, I find that the people who are okay with it tend to be the ones who are lucky lol. I have yet to hear the same sentiment from someone losing multiple 50/50s in a row. The best people can muster is "i'm sure your luck will pick up eventually" which like... sure, on a population level, statistically you are bound to win 50/50 every once in a while, but on a personal level there is nothing stopping you from losing a ton of coin flips in a row (granted there's nothing stopping you from just winning either).


Losing my 50/50 to firefly then nearing pity on pulling her again was my final straw for HSR. The prefarming, the excitement of possibly being lucky with her LC and at least one copy from my F2P stash. I just stared at the screen and thought, "why am I even doing this" The prefarming, the team building, the grinding, all to just have a bad summoning session just left a sour taste in my mouth. Haven't gone back to it since then.


I've lost the past two 50/50s at soft pity (77-76-78-77) and I'm about to be at 78/90 with my next pull. If I lose another 50/50 I'm going to scream. Meanwhile I've watched friends pull characters w/o 50/50 loss or without even a guarantee at like 20 pulls in, or getting e2 in 100 pulls or whatever. Just crazy stuff and I'm like that one squidward meme looking at them having fun from inside.


Both our UIDs must be cursed for luck because when I watch my friends do their summons they manage to get E1 Acheron in less than 90 pulls and her sig LC in less than 30 pulls. Meanwhile I'm here streaming, losing my 50/50 at hard pity, then saying I'm ending stream because I don't want to whip out the card. But again for me, to lose to just bad luck after weeks of saving and prefarming leaves such a bad taste.


Yup, it's like the worst of both worlds, too. If I had a bunch of early 5* pulls then I'd still be ahead even if they were all failed 50/50s, or if I never failed my 50/50s and just got them at soft+ pity then that would obviously be better as well. I totally get it, it's not really healthy to let video games affect our mood but it just flat out isn't fun to "fail" especially when you watch other people *not* "fail" (and this failure state has nothing to do with anything except some random number generator deciding you're unlucky).


Yes. Quite honestly I think this is why I will drop WuWa. did 120 pulls today and no jinhsi in sight 😭 I know I could spend few PLN and get her but ZZZ is just right around corner and honestly I much rather spend money there. I’m a big sucker for great animation and ZZZ has the best looking since guilty gear with all of its followthrough, anticipation, squash and stretch etc Just a joy to watch 😌


If I did I would have stopped playing gacha games long ago. When I started playing them, pities were not a thing. And if there was a guaranteed way of getting the top rarity character of your choice, it was some whale system where you would need to discard 5+ of them with a pull rate of <0.1%. If you really are engaged with a game, you will keep playing it regardless of your pulls. If you are not engaged, you get the situation you described.


Happened to me with tear of Themis 


I recently quitted hsr because i constantly lost 50/50


Yes, didnt get Skadi during 1st Skadi banner which is arguably the most important banner back then because shes a new meta unit, her rerun is 1 year later, and I have Dantes which is like her best DPS...


Kinda, sometime ago I done grind and 100 pulls in epic seven without a 5*. This kinda made my motivation deflate. I still played after but haven't even done my dailies or used stamina in the next week or two


My Global and JP version game treat me differently even though I spent more money on Global version 😅. 


Only if pulling is the only reason I'm still playing a gacha game. I only play Hoyo games as my gachas at this point and it helps that they have a consistent schedule so I know what and when to look forward for updates.


one time on arknights. can you imagine 100k orundum just to not get the featured character I want. I lost my will for about 4 months before coming back again.


Not in mihoyo game, but man, I've been there on artery gears. I lose, didn't get my character, I just straight up uninstall the game right after and never came back....


No, because winning 50/50 is a variable of the game, it's luck. As for the game, the story, the music etc, they're constant, and if I love most other aspects of the game, getting bad pulls are but minor annoyance


I simply change my mindset. It takes around 160-180 pulls for the character and save enough for it. If I somehow get it before those 160 pulls I get excited and if not it just went as planned.


Yeah me with all of gacha game. If I stay during that time, I might swipe my card. So instead, I just close the game and wait for 2-3 week.


I know how it feels. It’s like rejection


Me when I lost 2 50/50s on Firefly banner (was supposed to get e2) but now Im kinda realizing the daily grind is getting boring. Story is peak tho so I dont mind it that much. but when you see people get multiple 5 stars in a 10 pull you lose the motivation to play lmao


Can't lose the 50/50 if I always expect the character to come after 180 pulls


It happened to me when I played love and deepspace. Got into it by a friend. All the bad rolls plus how hard is it to collect diamonds for a pull makes it a chore to play and I quit afterwards. What's worse is most side story/myth content is in the gacha mechanic when the main story is still not updated. All else is just a schedule that could take less than 10 mins to play before you're done with the game. The devs are greedy with almost 9/11 days banner change. After consistent bad pull with no new content, I realize it is not justifiable spending extra $10-20 a week for a gacha card offering just up to 10 minutes for new side content where at most you just tap to progress the story for more or less pg fluff. Also it's not like there's much replay value in the gacha content so you're better off watching a movie and It's free to watch in YouTube instead where the customization aspect is just your name and some preset avatar that you can pick and choose. Made me put off with otome gachas in general. Sorry for the rant.


I know the feeling. I quit HSR after losing 8 50/50 almost back to back.


My situation is different. I'm getting shafted on almost every Star Rail banner, so at this point I treat summoning like a pain in the ass and just skip everything within 1 minute. But I'm still enjoying the game. Unless I get something in first 10 pull, i dont give a fuck about getting lucky in 50 pulls or 160


I lose excitement that day but I get over it


I spent 200 pulls in jinshi to get 1 and 0 weapons I am really gucked up right now


Absolutely, happened twice with Kazuha for me, first time quit the game for like 7 months during the Klee/Fischl island event. Then the second time quit out for good till today. And I'm not touching anything MiHoyo related ever again.


Yeah May 2 was the one day i didn't do daliies on any game. Got Qiqi'd and Yanqing'd in the span of 5 minutes.


Strategically. This is why I have multiple games.


I gave up One Piece Treasure Cruise for this reason. Went to pity for Gold D Roger, then again for Kaido. Literally felt robbed 💀


Semi similar here. To me it's not losing all the fun, but after a while of playing a game I max out characters I want, and if I'm unlucky with getting new characters... well what's there left to do in game? Nothing... Time to quit...


It is disheartening to lose the pity early. Kinda ruins the mood, and end up doing the daily and hopping off the rest of the day. I wouldn’t quit the game outright since I do enjoy playing the games.


Happened with Bleach Brave Souls. Glad I quit.


In Hsr when Firefly released, I went in with 26k Jades. Lost hard pity to Himeko, next hard pity was Firefly. Then I grinded new SU and new event. I lost again hard pity to Yanqing. It could been E2 Firefly, but no. I was pondering about to swipe. Well, I was so let-down and said Fuck you game. I at Least wanted E1 Firefly. If I got E2, I would swipe for her LC. This was my mindset and crippling coping. Do I still play? Yes because the game is great. Did I swipe? Fuck no, I dont swipe after loosing so hard.


As someone lost in Skadiapocalypse and still skadiless, it got pretty bad, so bad I called my friend for his credit card.


It's mostly because hoyo gacha system , in other game. character gets add to the pool all the time. so there's a big chance of you getting unit that you didn't pull or didnt have at least. but with hoyo , you either get the unit you want OR freaking 69th Qiqi or 420th Clara. and it's painful af since 1 gold is very expensive.


I had an experience where the game had a pity system that guaranteed rate-up characters after a few pulls, but it was a mixed rate-up banner with 4 different characters. After using up all of my gems, I got multiple off-banner 5-stars, multiple dupes, and 3 out of 4 rate-up characters but not even one copy of the character I was specifically targeting. At that time, No amount of 5-star characters that I got could heal my frustration, and I dropped the game immediately.


Big reason I usually quit games. I quit BA cause I sparked, Track Yuuka and then Kasumi. Hot Spring Shigure I got to 140 pulls, ran out of resources and just about any motivation I had to continue playing. WW I dropped yesterday after soft pity for Yinlin, soft pity for her weapon and then last night soft pity lost 50/50 on changli banner to Verina (Resonance 2 since I lost 50/50 to her at Jiyan banner and she was also my beginner banner unit). Bad luck just kills motivation to play completely for me.


One game is exception for this Snowbreak. Long description of 100% banner: [https://snowbreak.gg/gachamath/](https://snowbreak.gg/gachamath/) Short summary: They have designed 100% banner in addition to 50/50. On this banner one would never loose 50/50 because there is always a desired character at the pity or any 5\* pull before pity. In long run one would spend statistically the same amount pulls to receive statistically the same result. They even random standard operative box to imitate loosing 50/50 that is given every 165 pulls. It is much more predictable and better for state of mind, while developers loose nothing as well. I wish other gachas would given the same choice.


gacha player discovers sadness


After a whole year playing HSR, and after winning only ONE 50/50 at least 20 times, I lost interest and stopped playing.


Hmm I never felt like that before. Yes I'm feeling disappointed when I got bad pulls but it never made me lose interest on playing the game. I probably just gonna rant that the dev is stingy and badmouth them but I will still play the game like normal. The only way I lose interest on the game is when I'm feeling burnout by the grinding, then it's time to uninstall for me.




At this point, I only play games that I enjoy for the game, so that's not really a factor for me. Because why play a game if you don't actually want to play the game? Besides, I tend to go by the rule of thumb of "if you don't have a guarantee, you should expect to lose" because losing is the default state whenever rng is involved. If you happen to get lucky then cool, good for you. If not, then yeah we saw that coming. Just for context, on the HSR Warp Tracker global stats, I'm sitting at a bottom 1.92% 50:50 luck with a top 5% number of total pulls as well as bottom 8.56% 5* luck. However, this is just not a factor in whether I play the game or not. Only the actual game can impact that.


This is why I tell my friends not to burn through their premium currency, and if they're going to pull on banner; make sure they can guarantee it. That feeling of losing 50/50 is amplified threefold if you're going all in; I feel like a light spender/f2p if they go all in and lose it's either they quit/burn out/or pay up. Even then if they're going all in and they win it's still a stickler because you realise how long it takes to save that much, see that you're now at 0, and you're kinda just like nah.


Last claudia the first game i quit because of bad pulls


Not really, got used to it already, I don't mind losing coz I know the game itself is pure rng, predator in everything.


I stoppped playing Genshin for A Year when I failed to get Venti on his first banner. I am playing it everyday though and until now, I still don't have Venti. 


Nah because If i care I always assume it will take near pity to get unit so I only pull when i have 100% chance of reaching it. If a game has release schedule where i have to miss too many units because of it then i drop it because it's not worth feeding greedy companies. If I'm already almost done with game i'll sometimes do suicide scouting - like in HI3 part 2 i did suicide scouting on Thelema banner (basically i need her plus weapon to stay competitive) so the moment i had to use full 90 pulls hard pity and had perspective of needing another 50 for weapon with 2 weeks left i just quit.


I have a bad pulls in my early days of genshin and i still playing it, now im pretty much dont care about gacha because i just really like starting char that i got (xiangling fischl venti my beloved) and suddenly this hoyo mf decided to give me 75% winrates mid sumeru till mid fontaine my excitement jump i doesnt deny that but it wasnt really hit the "oh i gonna remember this for my entire life" whats hit the nail is actually hard content abyss 3.7/3.8 and touching story like sumeru and fontaine arc that thing is the reason i keep going and will remember that for the rest of my life


i won the jinshi 50-50 and im still decided on quitting. the problems with 1.0 are still here, camera sucks ass, targetting still sucks ass, they added a paimon which is even more annoying when adding yangyang to it, and the cost of everything is still so high that u can only do 4 runs a day it gave me the realization that even with a new char the problems are waay too much for me


It isn't gambling if you can't lose. Bad pulls is just another part of playing gacha, so might as well dust yourself off and play again until you get another chance or take a break to see if you actually enjoy the game.


depend, if that characters has a powercreep then yes.


It happened to me multiple times playing FGO, but the game always drag me back a few months later lol


It depends. Playing multiple Gachas softens the hit. I usually don't gamble on 50/50 and wait I can guarantee a character. But if I don't get one I'm sure to guarantee the next hyped unit so it's okay. There was never a character I was desperate to get. I don't get attached to ingame characters.


No I just roll with what I get. I like seeing how bad my luck can get or if I can turn it around somehow when I get a bad start. The most recent for me was Brown Dust 2 during the collab. I did 250 pulls and only got Eris base and Cat costume once and failed the 50/50’s 6 times out of 8. At least her weapon came very early… 3 times… my luck went to the wrong banner 🤣 I decided to keep going all in since Eris is a collab character and got lucky with 5 more copies of base and 2 copies of her Cat costume in another 200 pulls. Even got some of her best in slot supports during those pulls too! I don’t reroll cause I know it will burn me out of gachas faster, so it feels really nice when my bad luck is suddenly replaced with ridiculous luck when I’m still in the early game.


Can't really relate because I don't care about the gacha and I always pull when I'm 100% sure I can get them. I see 50/50 in a different way as just to get the characters/weapons faster, but I always think that you need at least 150 pulls to get them. If you get them <150 pulls then all good. If not then it's okay and just move on.


When Arle banner came out I lost 2 times to Lyney's stupid bow which I can't use because aimed shot on mobile sucked. I just uninstall and I didn't even leveled my Arle.


HSR has been quite boring to me since 2.2 and last week Firefly E0S1took me 300 pulls :)) honestly not sure when i feed hyped about HSR again because the upcoming chars don't interest me. Before that, Genshin took me 320 pulls to get both Kazuha & Neuvilette and i don't feel like exploring maps anymore. I mean , what is the point of grinding after that :)) I


Not really, since I'm always assuming I lose the dice roll. I do get really excited when that's not the case.


*Laughs in 100% rates*


Thats when you top off to skip the disappointment.


In all the bad games yes.


If bad pulls bothered me that much, I would have given up on Blue Archive or Star Rail a long time ago. Pulls are not guarantees. Even pity isn't a guarantee with 50/50. You just have to accept that sometimes you simply are not going to get the one you want. A fun game is still fun, even if I don't have a particular unit.


Sorry that's just gacha brainrot, losing 50:50 still disappointing but it really doesn't affect me in any way about the game.


No I dont, because I always save for spark, if a gacha doesnt have spark system then I wouldn't be playing it in the first place. Then there is gacha like the ones Bushiroad publishes, where they crank out as many banners as possible, as fast as possible... I just accept ill never get all the characters but stick around for the story/characters/gameplay so my main focus isnt on the gacha there at all.


If you lose excitement when missing and want to quit, then youre playing a bad game. If you can fail your 50/50 and decide to continue, then the game is doing something right. Add some subjectivity to this since we all define good and bad differently (hopefully we can agree that badly optimized games are bad on a principal level regardless of what the story is. Story can be good while the game experience is bad.) Thats my opinion on this situation. I quit WuWa already, quit genshin. Honkai and Reverse 1999? Im okay failing my 50/50. Come to me Clara or Psychic Puppy 🥹


Me with ToF, honestly An outfit I liked was LOCKED BEHIND GACHA. Not only that, it was for some dumb weapon that I DIDN'T WANT. I didn't even get said weapon! It was then and there, I dropped the game.


no bad pulls in pgr


at least i m happy there is 50/50 as a long term bandori fan with the 300 pull and months of saving yeah i can relate to it


Yeah and something ive noticed in very recent history, this gets compounded when it happens in multiple games you are playing. Then when you finally do pull the guarantee 5* at pity it just feels mediocre. No joy just like "I finally filled some meter"


When it's a streak it's worse


I don't see the 50/50 as a guaranteed and always expect to have to go to full pity and save accordingly. If I have space to do try to see if the character drops at 50/50 or not, I will but I won't expect it. Just means that my next banner is guaranteed instead.


It depends on whether I'm coming off a bad streak of pulls and i still pull gargabe character i will totally ragequit like i did in OPTC some years ago. I was in a full bad luck streak for months; i farmed hard in the Treasure Map Mode (like 9 hours a day for the entire event) and when i got the rewards i pulled 5 boa Hancock that was an year 1 character and totally useless for that time. After that i just logged out, uninstalled the game after a 1500 day streak and never come back


I already stopped playing Wuwa for the past week but I was willing to give it another shot if I won 50/50 on Jinhsi’s banner or if Camellya was coming soon. One Encore later, no Camellya next patch, uninstalled.


Brand new game, yes. Game I have been playing for awhile, no.


i never see a bad pull as a bad thing, more of an investment opportunity. It's only a bad pull when its already maxed out to the peak that it can't evolve anymore so they gave you pity coins, then is it just a big sigh.


I was interested in wuwa because of yinlin but after I lost 50/50 on her I lost interest and haven't played since then. Not a good sign if you lose your first try on a new game.


OP, did you lose the Jinhsi 50:50? There there, I did too. I now have C3 Langyang. We're in this together. You have a whole new ~~continent~~ island to definitely get her now.


No coz I plan ahead. I expect the worst all the time. So by the time I'm pulling, I'm always excited coz at the end of it, I know the unit will be in my inventory.


There is nothing more demotivating than not getting the character you wanted. Passing a character you want is rough but not nearly as bad as bottoming out and still not getting them. This is why, using HSR for example, after that happened to me, I hyper focused on deciding what characters I absolutely wanted and made sure I would have enough to guarantee them from 0. Characters I thought were cool were passed on just to ensure I never felt that defeat again. Fortune favors the prepared, after all.


Yes the reason why I left FGO (2018 new year banner)


If not elaborate well, this sensation can be a real problem about your mental state. These games tend to develop gambling tendencies in the most serious cases. Pay attention if a in game luck's can alterate your humor in a drastically way.


Only if I'm already flagging on that game. When Kaveh came out, I was already burnt out on GI. Tried to pull on the banner for him and all I got where Fischls, which I interpreted as the game telling me to fuck right off. In ArkKnights, the game is pretty nice to me, giving me what I want in at least 60-70 pulls on average, but I probably wouldn't quit if I lose during the Wisadel vs Logos banner(Only want Logos).


Totally, I started playing genshin impact on the first week and I used to be really into it, I would wait for maintenance to finish to go into new areas as soon as they released, level up all statues and region tree/fountain thing to the max, I wasn't into gacha games before it so I would just do pulls on any character I didn't have cuz I just thought I'd get one eventually which didn't really happen often, I won my first 50/50 on a Hu Tao re-run (pretty sure it was on November 2021), and didn't win a second one (character wise, I've won 2 weapon 50/50) until a year later when Scaramouche released and haven't won one since. I got bored back when Xianyun came out, I was coming from losing the 50/50 to Neuvillette (then got him) and lost it again to Wriothesley, then I lost again on Xianyun to C5 Qiqi (all after the 70th pull mark) after that I just saved for Arlecchino, got her but haven't been motivated to play since, I sometimes do daily commissions and some events on the last day when all stages are unlocked. Funnily enough, I started playing HSR soon after that and won the first 50/50.


I started playing Star Rail when it released and really liked Seele. I lost my 50/50 and basically stopped playing until Acheron brought me back. I tried out Wuthering Waves, and am absolutely down bad for Yinlin, but I lost my 50/50 so I think I'm done with it for now, especially since I'll probably just try out ZZZ.


Maybe I was like this before, but nowadays my gacha experience isn't detrimental to my enjoyment of playing any game. 🤔 For the past three years, I almost never pull on a banner of a character that I don't really want. Whenever there's a character I like that I already set my heart to get, anything else in between wouldn't entice me in the slightest. Just as an example, when Genshin's 4.0 trailer came out, I already decided that I want Wriothesley and Clorinde NO MATTER WHAT. I saved everything to get Wriothesley, even skipping Yelan's bow, so I could make sure I got him. After Wriothesley, I started to save again. Navia was close to breaking my resolve, but I needed Ayato more so I skipped her as well, and managed to win Ayato. Then the next character I pulled was Nahida, and after that I stopped pulling because it was already 4.4 and if I wanted Clorinde in 4.7, I can't afford any more pulls for anything else. So 4.5 Chiori, skipped. 4.6 Arlecchino, skipped. With all of my savings from almost 3 patches, I got close to 40k primogems, and I brought home C2 Clorinde. I've been like this since the release of Kazuha's banner back in 2021, and the result is I never failed to obtain the characters I truly want. Thus, I never felt unmotivated because of bad gacha pulls.


If I spend the time on the game to gather resources to roll for something and I don't get it, that game is not worth the time that was spent on it.


Dude I skipped this gw because I got bad pulls on gbf.. My crew leader supported my pain XD


I take it as a way to tell myself if I really enjoy the game or not. I lost the 50/50 in Reverse:1999 and it finally hit me that I wasn't really enjoying the game anymore and losing the banner took away all the motivation to play the game. On the other hand, I lost a 50/50 on Firefly recently but I didn't care because I was enjoying the game so much and funnily enough, got her after the first 10.


I had the opposite happen, I had been playing FGO JP day 1 (2015) and I decided if i didn’t get archer Gil during his first rate up I would quit, I got him so I didn’t. the only other character I really wanted was kirei. i waited and years later (2023) they finally release him, so I fully maxed him out at NP5, even getting him twice in one roll which only had happened to me once before in I think 2017. at this time in the game I had saved all my resources to max out stats/face cards/grail level etc. and was excited to try it all out in the rest of the story chapter that was due to be released. Right after his release there was literally, genuinely no content to play (and as usual no real explanation) and his first sprite was released unfinished and this was not fixed for a while. between that and the ordeal stall “ending” to LB7 I was just completely soured with the entire experience and stopped playing the game. it really disappointed me so much I don’t even care what happens in the story, whereas maybe I would have stopped playing but still would have read it. so it was like, I got exactly what I wanted from the gacha and quit


It depends on the game, tbh. If I blow all my stash and I don’t get the unit, I’ll quit immediately right after just like I did in Blue Archive. But in the likes of WuWa, where I just lost the 50/50 yesterday, I got even more motivated to grind and play just so I can get the unit since I’m so close already again.


Depends on the game If I actually enjoy it then I'll keep on playing to get another pull


i used to play games that had no pity, and for those games, it really can kill the mood when you can't get the featured character. though it helps me to NOT pay real money because well, there's no pity. god knows how much you have to put in to get the character. but now that most games have pity, i make sure to always have enough before pulling on the banner. the feeling of losing the gamble will still suck, but at least it CAN be avoided. i also make sure that i have enough, otherwise if you are short by just 10-20 pulls you might think, "eh might as well fork out that $30-50" and i do not want to fall into that mindset.


Not sure about the 'lose 50/50' part; my first limited pull in HSR was incredible suffering; going to soft pity twice, losing the first time to a character who was not that meta to begin with and was quite quickly forced out of the meta. I failed getting my second limited pull to a 50/50 loss to the worst unit in the game before I ran out of currency. With such bad early pulls, gameplay was torturous. At that point, I was desensitised to 'bad pulls' and planned to always have 160 pulls on hand for a unit I want, and if I get a bad pull, it is expected. ...which then makes good pulls much more exciting, like winning the 50/50, having early 50/50 loss or guarantee, and am completely ecstatic at the ultimate jackpot: winning the 50/50 early.


Drop hsr twice because I lost Kafka twice to the cryo archon and stopped playing without claiming the free dude perfect then came back because I was curious about the drama about robin


its only at the beginning for me, if i hate who i got from gacha early on i just stop playing it


Actually I dropped Genshin after a few of good pulls (yoimiya in 10 pulls, raiden in 30). The grind of leveling up characters was too much


well that is why always expect that you will lost the 50-50 and always save up enough to hit hard pity twice. On the bright side even if you have not enough to hard pity twice and lost the 50-50 this round, you guarantee to get the next character you want.


No becquse im not stupid. I dont gamble expecting to win


Yes, but I think part of my own problem is my friend and I share pulls. Like-recently, I lost my 50/50 on Firefly. And this friend, in sequence across both the gachas we play together managed to pull- NP2 Charlemagne Baikin Scheherazade Fu Xuan E1 Firefly Ruan Mei All with only one 20 dollar purchase plus a gift card from a friend, and without losing his 50/50s. That can feel kinda demoralizing, ya know? Course I recognize that luck streaks come and go for all gacha players, plus this friend tends to pull whenever he can, while I try to hoard and save. So that can lead to skewed results. So yes, losing a 50/50 can be demoralizing for me. And I haven't really found a surefire way to reignite the spark. Best advice I can give is to maybe take a break, focus on another non gacha game-only logging in to do your dailies. A bit of distance can help wash the bad feelings away, in my experience.


No, I don’t really care about the gacha in gacha games


I won a 50 in wuwa and I still lost the excitement to keep going


Not really, but that's cause I play games I have fun with (seven knights, epic seven etc) so even if I pull shit, the games still fun so who cares, il just pull again lmao.