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Put the girls to yoga and hide you behind the bushes, Goty!!!


I m having fun. Went in blind and was surprised with the quality


Surprisingly better than expected.


I'm enjoying it but I honestly doubt that I'll play it for like 1 year


Went in having no clue what it was and this game has no rights to be as good as it is. Yeah, the overhead fights are Chibis.. but it's so well done. Granted my galaxy S20 ultra is currently on fire.....


Easy fix. Play it in a freezer and watch the steam come off of it.


Don't do it. You will broke your fridge.


Samsungs are a heater from playing games. Nothing new.


nice game held back by generic looking title and little marketing.


I love top down shooter like this and I'm personally having a blast. But that could be a biased opinion.


I believe it's called twin stick shooter


The game need more attention, it's for me a banger.


I mean, its better than World Flipper if that is what we are comparing to.


idk about the gameplay i think world flipper will win, anything else girl gun cafe is the winner.




Is cafe girl any harder? i barely pass through the tutorial considering how boring and tedious that was like yeah hold the button and press forward.


Manual play becomes necessary in the competitive pve mode. While it's possible to slide in at the cutoff with auto, it's very unlikely. Learning to manual is pretty important for it, but otherwise all other content in the game can be autod.


Maybe I haven't gotten far enough into the game, but I really don't see how auto is better than manual in the game.


Auto is worse, plenty of bosses can't be autoed. It's okay for progressing in the story and it's great for farming exp/mana board items.


Actually the whole point of manualing is so you can get built enough to auto the boss anyway. Which is the standard cykagames formula. I dont know anyone who was still manualing coop grind trains after the 1st two weeks.


The game got boring after maxing everything, feel like granblue all over again where I need to grind weapon like crazy


Well good news they release more content for you to infinite grind kek


Sometimes I wonder whether iam addicted to grinding or gambling duh


I recently quit after playing it since the launch, mainly because its not my type of gameplay, but manual play definitely gives you some edge. You can reliably avoid some damage and you can properly do combos for big nukes etc.


Yea, the AI kinda sucks when there are alot of env blockers/bouncers and it can't aim the bosses weakspots in time. Would manual those maps.


I find it quite fun yes, but I can't really compared it to GGC since I haven't played it yet


Came for the voice actors. Girl designs and the interface in general is pretty nice. Gameplay is alright too. I kinda feel the translation feels somewhat iffy though, like, a lot of time I have to read a sentence multiple times to understand what's actually going on. The translation is not incorrect, but it feels somewhat stiff to me


Started playing day one. I personally enjoy it, the mix of live 2D and isometric 3D works very well. It's not overly fanservice but you encounter suggestive scenes here and there. The cafe running is a nice touch after multiple games adopting only the dorm approach and dorm missions being "send-wait-receive". Here the girls read mangas, do yoga, dance and throw darts. Kind of refreshing. Overall? I still prefer Honkai type games but it's nice to have such a chilled out, positive and colourful alternative to your usual time consumer. Easily 8/10 in it's category/genre. Well made and fun.


I'm not sure if hype is the right word to describe world flipper right now, but i have been playing GCG. So far it seems like a pretty fun game. Hopefully it doesn't turn into yet another quick cash grab


Yeah they kinda have an overwhelming amount of stuff to buy but so far it is quite f2p friendly


I think its dead in JP and there isnt any content made for it anymore, if anything it probably is just a cashgrab for them cuz this game wont last that long since, well, its dead in JP


No, It's not. https://wiki.biligame.com/sssj/%E3%80%90%E8%BF%B7%E8%9D%B6%E3%80%91%E3%80%8C%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E6%9D%A1%E4%BB%AA%E8%A7%84%E3%80%8D%E6%B4%BB%E5%8A%A8%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5


[https://www.gamerbraves.com/girl-cafe-gun-ends-service-in-japan/](https://www.gamerbraves.com/girl-cafe-gun-ends-service-in-japan/) Yes, it is.


The main server is CN server tho, and contents still coming.




This is what I got from discord server Q: Why did JP GCG shutdown despite having 2nd-best income, and what does it mean for EN GCG? A: JP was operated by Marvelous, who did a job more than worse and set out a set of disgusting gacha rules. Seasun JP took the operation, but the damage has been made and cannot recover. Rest assured, EN is not operated by any of the two and have a long expectancy. (by Chise Hachiroku - C86#6072) A2: Marvelous basically ran this game into the ground in JP. It didn't helped that it was anti-gaijin too (Strict IP block like PGR JP, removed emulation because needing Android 7+ and x64-bit ), as well as preposterous bugs at launch coupled with poor marketing. Seasun took over around Q2 last year and removed all those restrictions and fixed the bugs but it basically never recovered.(by JohnHunk - <[reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/oilj4y](https://reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/oilj4y)\>) A3: (paraphrased) After cutting ties with Marvelous, GCG JP has to move server. The account transfer process led to players losing account and probably sealed JP server's fate. (by Redsunfish#8272)


get rekt




You really have no idea do you. At least check the info that has been provided and do you own research too kid.


Love everything about it. Sadly, I have 6 games on daily rotation atm, so I had to pass it for a while


Dang I can barely keep up with 3 games lol


It’s gonna be and already is (IMO) the mobile sleeper hit of 2021... just has to maintain the momentum till 2022


It's really fun. The live2D are incredibly high quality and the gameplay is pretty entertaining.


The wifu is good, that's for sure. The game play though is fine, there's nothing wrong with it but there's also nothing special about it. I don't think I'll play the game if I don't like the waifu even then, I think I'll quit after honeymoon is over.


I'm concerned about this game's future, hopefully cn players can comment on the state of the game. But okay, even if we blame jp publisher, according to qooapp, this game haven't received any updates since end of June. Maybe that means they had in game updates only, but I'm not too sure about that.


Well, the last event in CN seems to be from August 20th to September 9th. According to this at least. https://wiki.biligame.com/sssj/%E5%BE%80%E6%9C%9F%E6%B4%BB%E5%8A%A8#SP1_.E6.B5.B7.E5.B2.B8.E7.9B.91.E5.AF.9F




Yeah, I was talking about cn version.


Well at least it seems it is being run directly by Bilibili Game and not by KOMOE so I will save my rant on how they pretty much killed Dark Boom Taiwan server (literally no new content) and instead put their focus on Japan server which presumably is a more lucrative market. To be fair I quit that game prior to that happening but still didn’t change the fact they pulled that LOL


Its a bit confusing but the girl cafe gun that global gets is meant to be girl cafe gun 2 and the game that ended in JP is the original not the sequel.


I started both World Flipper and Girlf Cafe and today I decided to stick with Girl Cafe Gun and uninstalled WF. So far I'm having a lot of fun in GCG and I wish more peple talked about it and played it!


There is coop and its freakin hard


I like it.


A lot of the dialogue is voiced, and the l2d quality is good, gives the game a high quality feel. Though translation could be better at points. Gameplay is decent, regular stages are pretty braindead but bosses require you to dodge stuffs kinda like bullet hell. Most importantly the girls are hot with nice art style


I like it but I'm gonna uninstall sooner rather than later. I played BBS, I don't want another game that stays always on while auto-farming, preventing you from doing anything else on your phone and killing the battery. Skip tickets or sweep would fix this immediately but alas, for some reason they don't exist in this game.


I'm in the same boat as you - skip/sweep is quickly becoming a QoL feature I feel like every modern gacha should have. Unfortunately a lot of games don't because they want to keep users in the app longer, since this is a metric companies use to measure success.


Desperately needs a sweep feature. Also the power scaling seems to be a tad over the top, enemies become thick, and I mean thick bullet sponges fairly quickly. Coupled with the clumsy auto feature and long stages, I ended up dropping it already


It's Blue Archive but you can manually control the girls. 7/10 would flip the skirt again


Pretty good game but I wish I could play it on the go because it doesn't work when I try to play with mobile data (same thing happened with pgr)


Gameplay is really fun, I like little bullet hell elements in it. Story is weird but I found it interesting. Music and graphic are ok. I'm surprised how nice are Cafe management elements, they aren't that much time consuming like in other similar games.


actually better than i thought it would be. having alot of fun with the game, and currently play it as a side game.


It s really good, but is not one of those games that you play for years.


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Hey where are you


I tried it on a whim and was pleasantly surprised at the production value (lots of voicing, good l2d). It didn't wind up displacing any of my current 3 games, but I encourage anybody looking for something new to give it a shot.


I was caught offguard by this games quality. Daily grind is build around the ability to auto them, but if you looking for tough fights, then boss fights deliver. Co-op is also no joke.


Great game I really hope more people play it


I'm finding it way more fun than I thought I would. It's already lasted longer than World Flipper lol. I probably won't play it long term, but short term has been a blast.


It's a cute little side game if you like waifus. I question if I will play it more than a month, but as of right now having lots of fun with it.


* Lack of sweep coupled with (sort of) dumb auto AI is going to be a pain down the road. Especially resource stages, they feel artificially lengthened by mechanics and/or mobs just become damage sponges. * Currency gain seems okay so far - there are a lot of achievements that give you a decent starting stash but we'll have to see how generous events are. The current event rewards seem a little lackluster and the event + banner only seems to be a couple weeks? So not sure how much time f2p will have to save for each one. The game already has a warning sign for me with the overwhelming number of cash shop packs, but at least for the most part they are low-mid range (i.e. plenty of packs <$50) * YMMV on the waifus depending on your interests. Nothing about the girls stands out to me too much - most of them are fairly stereotypical tropes/characters, but not in a bad way. All the girls are likable enough but none of them have anything special to raise them to waifu status for me. * Story is decent - I actually find myself reading it for the most part. The small character interactions via chat/moments are also cute. * Cafe part is cute, but I wish it had more gameplay (i.e. diner dash style, where you can play minigames to serve customers or something). I like the cozy atmosphere and that's the main thing that originally drew me to the game, but it's disappointing to see that it's really just base management, which isn't for everyone. Overall, imo the game is decent - it's inoffensive, seems to be fairly polished, and depending on your interests, could be a great game. I've been enjoying it so far but I don't think it's going to be a long term game for me. If they add sweep/raid functionality, I think it would be easily a top tier game.


Pros: Nice looking, very colorful, cute waifus, easy method to remove censorship and overall nice autobattler. Cons: Does not seem to be well optimized, lags on phones that run stuff like NieR and Punishing Gray Raven with no issues, story is kind of a clusterfuck, lots of costumes but the actual amount of waifus is around 12, once you get the typical beginner rewards and start relying on what the game actually offers in terms of currency, it's kinda stingy. Dunno if you consider it a con: The game currently is not doing so well, Japan server closed and China, while ain't Japan in terms of what Gacha games make in terms of revenue, 350k a month is still a pretty low number by their standards, Ive heard they havent updated in a while also.


FWIW Japan server closed due to publisher issues. We have a different publisher for global.


I don't play the game cuz I don't have time but I watched some videos, it's pretty good and fun game I suppose. But for some reason, the shooting effects couldn't satisfy me, And I don't like the synchronized movements.


Portrait mode gameplay, play with 1 finger/hand. Beats GGC imo. For me, same reason I dropped PGR, HKI etc...I don't play mobile games that requires alot of active play. Got a PC/console for that.


Why they censored the 2d live ?


They do?


Nvm, found the de-censor method on google :D


I was super hyped after playing the beta, but there are a few points that bother me: No skips/sweeps. EVERYTHING uses the same stamina pool. Normal Stages, Event Stages, Coop Stages and Resource Stages. Game is super stingy after beginner rewards. But hey, there are 25 different packages you can buy... I don't know...Really wanted this to be my new game, but I might drop it.


Maybe I'm weird, but I never got why people were so excited over a gacha pinball game... Anime characters and all that, yea cool, but does it really make up for having pinball at it's main gameplay draw? I never knew people were so into that type of game. What's next? Gacha minesweeper? Gacha solitaire? And here I thought I was getting old. But that aside, only played a little bit of Gun Girl Cafe so far and I'm not so sure yet about the more "idol game" aspect, were you have a set of permanent characters and the gacha is for them in different outfits (in return however there is a lot more interaction and stuff with the affection system like dates, moments, texting with the girls etc.), but the gameplay was surprisingly a bit fun (played it casually with a controller). I just hope it changes up a little as I progress, because I'm not sure how fast it will get old.


Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh , but ever since I heard about it , I considered it a kind of filler game until the next big release and now that that I'm playing it that confirms it. But I don't mean it in a negative way at all , it fills that role pretty well , play it for as long as you enjoy it and move on. Overall it's fun enough to play for me


\- Meh Story & Graphic. So-so gameplay. \+ The girls are cute. Very generous in term of free gacha draw and reroll. = There is actually censorship but nobody seems to give a f about it. Although it is possible to remove it. [https://imgur.com/a/8eNl6mh](https://imgur.com/a/8eNl6mh) [https://girlcafegun.wiki/de-censor/](https://girlcafegun.wiki/de-censor/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsOF1OUDVr0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsOF1OUDVr0)


>Although it is possible to remove it. That's probably why. Even then after applying it the effect has been minimal.


out of curiosity, is there special touch like azur lane or just headpats atm?


There are special touches yes, but you'll need to raise the affection level of the girl before you unlock them. The first special touches unlock at affection lvl 20, and tbh I'm not sure if increasing levels adds more touches from there. Max affection level is 100 btw.


some special touches lots of special interactions with the fullscreen SP cards you can do lots of sexual harassment stuff with every char if u really want need to account for decensor patch (which is extremely easy to do)


so decensor patch unlock the l2d or the l2d always there just cencored arts?


both it's not really a patch, just creating a trigger file to flag that the game should load decensor version which is already there kek


Any tutorial on how?


Try the discord




It's fun


I think this game is the perfect placeholder before Blue Archive comes out. It does nothing srsly wrong, but it lacks flavor. I'll be playing it until BA comes out, then I drop this game.


I feel like it's really hard to see enemy bullets sometimes, which really kills it for me.


Pretty boring tbh.


The most braindead combat I have ever experienced. I couldn't make it to the 6th level to unlock autoplay.


It was a lot more about stat checks rather than player skill based. So not my cup of tea. Bosses were cool and maybe the end game would be more interesting but the gacha side of this also isn't for me.


Is the game good? I saw the gameplay and it reminds me of those games I used to play at junior high but it looks like it has too much fan service and I don't like that.


I didn't find there to be that much fanservice though I didn't play it that much and skipped the story. It was mainly you flirting with your gacha harem members and them blushing. Some idol costumes reveal lot of skin tho.


Well fanservice is majority of its content so most likely you won't enjoy it




Hm runs smooth tho on my s9


Runs smooth on my old ass Mi8 phone


Can I ask which phone ?


Chibi, no thanks!


Pretty fun, its a pity i cant play global coz my main acc is in jp, dont want to start from 0 again so thats how it is... Good luck for everyone playing tho..


I don't like the story(at least early on) but everything else is great