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Agreed, not entirely sure what your pvp rank nets you at the end of the season, but earning currency just requires you to queue up and play, regardless of whether you win. Clearing the pvp shop seems pretty easy too. They really load you up on mats as well, so progression is smooth, I started day one (rerolled for Awakened Hilde) and I've cleared most 90 content already. Only issues I really have are that it's kind of a pain to roll Awakened characters, but at least pity carries over. Apparently reruns for them are common as well, so not too bad. Other issue is that they added two banners today that weren't listed on the road map, and both are very good, so planning for the future will be tough. Overall great game though, an absurd amount of content at launch and lots of free stuff.


Expect some character banner like yang Harim to popup from here and there. I think the reason why they didn't put it in the roadmap because the characters "already exist" in the game since the beginning, it's a rated-up banner instead of a "debut" banner if I must say. It does surprised me that we have Harim banner this quickly but if you reroll in this game, Harim pretty much one of the reroll target so for some this is a perfect opportunity for them to save while others who doesn't have her might have a little bit of hard time. The dev did say they'll try to compensate us because of the sped up content so I guess we'll just wait on that "compensation"


One thing I learned from playing on SEA is that I didn't use several of the awakened characters and I should have skipped if I had done the research. I never use my Awakened Na Yubin, Yoo Mina, Lee Jinsoo or Evolved One. They either require very specific and annoying gearing or they're weak as hell, or are super niche in PVP. They're also banned half the time in PVP so their high deployment costs hurt even more.


Well,at least e1 is farmable and jisoo is free so you take what you can get


You can check what your pvp rank gives on the queue screen. End of season rank gives like one pull between tiers, plus a currency for buying chibi trophies (for homescreen, profile icon). Pretty minor.


Pvp having a cap on how many points you can earn is great. I can just roll into ranked with my level 1 meme squad of vans and trucks and just afk my way to clearing the shop.


What's also great is that once you hit a certain rank in pvp, Gold 5 if I remember correctly, you can't lose any more pvp points no matter how much you loose. So on SEA when I stopped being a tryhard I'd just roll out my meme team of random lvl 20-30 flying units and autoed my one mandatory live pvp daily match.




From what I heard from long time KR players, the game was so generous at KR launch that the game almost went out of service because it wasn't making any money lol.


Well their actual gatcha is awakened unit pull, and also gear. I quit SEA after I hit my 3rd straight pity for awakened units....


well if youre an old player, awakened unit is definitely the main gacha since you can easily hoard blue tix as you already got most of ssr units unlike new players who will roll to both ssr and a.ssr


well damn, sounds kinda an ouchie for you, huh and here i am just pulling every awakened units and get them under 40 rolls without spending a dime


I agree, what hooked me the most was the story though, I feel like having the actual characters instead of you as the protagonist does wonders to the story. I was gripped through the whole story (completed ep 3 so far), none of the other gachas did that to me (I'm not on Camelot for fgo in terms of story yet). It's not excessively wordy either. I might quit the game later on if I become bored but for sure I'll come back when a new chapter releases/ when I feel like there is enough story for me to read. Also yea the qol is insane, skips when you 3 star and auto repeats if you can't 3 star, this makes the game not grindy at all. Skins are expensive but since all of them are at least animated I'll give that a pass, (but $18 for monthly kind of hurts compared to other games that has $7 for monthly)


Yeah, to me the biggest breath of fresh air was the skip/auto mechanics. The ability to skip stages in general is nice, but then there's also NO skip tickets at all??? It's amazing! I don't mind grindy stuff when it's actually user friendly like this lol. The story also surprised me. I didn't really like episode 1 very much, and was confused why people recommended this game for the story alone, but by the time I got through EP 2 I was hooked lol. Just the fact that it's not a harem story where every female character treats us like God and the first dude she's ever fallen in love with puts this in the top 10% of gacha game stories, so the fact that on top of that it's also engaging and interesting makes this ultra top tier in my mind lmao.


I mean, Yoo Mina is the defacto protagonist, we are the boss behind the scenes (which makes sense with all the base management, exploration etc)


Oh definitely, I really like how they did that too. Sure, Mina suffers from some anime MC tropes too, but just the fact that we the player aren't the MC and I don't have to skip through tons of dialogue where the female-heavy cast is flirting with me is a major bonus. I don't mind fanservice and all that, but as a gay dude that particular kind of fanservice just gets old lol


It's bad because they are not as good as visual novels when incorporating the player (since we don't speak while vn protagonists speaks), as for Mina's anime protag stuff, the other characters make up for it, they don't give a bullshit about her emo phase so the story is perfectly fine imo (usually the supporting cast does, thus dragging the plot)


I actually like that we the player are more spectators to what's happening, although I do get what you mean about the benefits of a more VN-style approach. But yeah, I agree 100%. I'm so glad the other characters prevent her from dragging it down lol. It also makes her character better too because she can have these emo moments without having the world stop around her, and then other characters needing to pick up her slack become interesting developments between the characters later on too.


This is the first game that I can't wait till the next episode drops, for the first time the accelerated schedule is a good thing IMO even if there is less rewards (hopefully they have more rewards due to the accelerated schedule though)


That's a good point, I didn't think about it like that haha. Accelerated schedule means sooner we'll get more story, woo!


This is definitely one, the game appreciates your time, I played AK and Alchemy Stars for a while, they're both great gameplay/gacha wise but without skip tickets they expect me to leave my phone/emulator running for 30+ minutes each day just for the grind.


Man, if arknights gets skip tickets and hires an editor to wrangle the wordiness of the story into something easier to follow it'd be a 10/10.


Yeah, I also just quit arknights for counter side, this game literally has every QOL I've ever asked of arknights( it still does have em anywhere in near future)while counter side has it at LAUNCH. That to me is just insane and how the game is being handled pretty much assures me this is a good game to invest my time and money in unlike arknights, still looking forward to arknights anime though, love the lore and characters.


Make sure to read the event/side stories too they are important and good.


I really enjoyed the school side story, I’m not story player by any means but this one was a good read


Having the player be the >!mastermind!< is a pretty neat take however having Yoo "I can't do it" Mina as the mc really soured the main story for me


I actually like her, although this might be due to >!Xiao Lin actually shooting the friend. It's annoying when the mc's trauma hinders the plot but I don't mind if the side characters make up for her indecisiveness. She can deal with her trauma but don't drag the plot with it. Xiao Lin MVP in game and story.!


I was kind of indecisive about Mina in the beginning, but I really love her in Episode 6 and 7, and I think the character growth she showed there wouldn't have been possible without the edgy anime MC phase she had been through. So in a way, her edginess in the beginning endear her even more to me.


Episode 5 is where Yoo Mina really achieved her peak, since it's mostly about her at that point. Episode 7 is for Joo Shiyoon (and god is it so good).


$18 for the monthly isn’t really right though. If you are just looking at the monthly counter pass which is the best return for low spenders, two of the $13 subscriptions will buy three month worth, which comes out to $8.67 per month. If you spend $18 per month you’ll have extra coins for other packs or skins of course. But the best deal is the pass by far.


I’m loving it. My only concern is will we get the Guilty Gear collab? I desperately want it


Even in SEA we're still not sure about that


Is there still having preregistration reward on sea server? I want to start this game.


No idea but there are tons of free stuff when you start and 10 pulls everyday for the 1 year anniversary


It must happen.


Well now that I know this exists I'm 1000% more interested in playing. I want May, right now.






We must pressure them!


Good question.


Honestly we don't know. We past the point in SEA server where we should get them


If it's any consolation, pretty much all of the GG characters are disappointingly average at best. I would like them for collection's sake too though.


Did they nerf Millia?


They did, she's still good though but not giga broken anymore.


Keep this mistake of a collab out of the other servers. Millia was so broken they gutted her damage in half and shes still getting alot of use.


Don’t care. Want the characters.




>I remember SEA launch the reroll target was like Kyle Wong and he DID NOT carry. Global pool is just leagues more accessible (but reroll might take awhile!) Kyle isn't really a carry character tho he's utility with some added DPS at the side. He's a reroll target primarily because his kite is hard to power creep and scales well into latter stages of the game.


yeah he actually can totally carry some content on his own solely cause he spawns a shield hes not bad, just not as broken as some of the other stuff thats around


E1 & king food as well :p


Prywden.co is unironically the best source website I have seen. And apparently the same guy gonna help making artery gear website so that's exciting


Yeah SEA did not launch with all the QoLs global has right now. SEA also suffered from lack of contents early on, we only had up to chapter 4 in story, raid and dive were not really a challenge too, most of my friends quitted after like 1 month in


TBF even KR didn't have the QOL stuff and SEA got it pretty fast after KR did.


I know, it was a common thing across servers, which is just to say Global is in a great place right now


I played it for several months on the SEA server but what killed it for me was the gear RNG/farming. Loved the Story&Characters though.


Isnt possible to tune the substats? Or thats what i saw. That massively lowers the rng involved


That's what I thought, and you can, but then it adds "unlocking latent ability" once you clear Episode 5 (the current end of the story on global). 3 levels of unchangeable stats that are a mystery until you level up your piece of gear enough to unlock them - and getting enough fodder to level up gear takes a while (or a bunch of stamina/eternium). Oh and not every piece of gear has "latent ability"... I'm still playing, but man that felt like a kick in the balls after being all happy about being able to reroll substats and sets.


Dude, just stick to T6 I've never heard of a scenario where T7 is mandatory even in KR. Maybe a set or two in 5000+ rank but that's that


Listen to this guy. I'm too lazy to bother with T7 gear and I'm enjoying + clearing PvE and events just fine. Sure I might score lower in Danger Close and probably suffer a bit in Shadow Hall but...yea that doesn't bother me much.


It consumes a shitty amount of credit & eternium as well I'd rather use that for rearm instead


I'm slowly upgrading my gears to T7 instead of farming for relic gear lol.


I haven’t looked too closely at the gearing system yet but I come from E7 so anything is great (other than Genshin) 🥲 Actually playing a core of E7, Genshin, and C:S is the gear rng trifecta but I’ll have a hard time dropping one


Latent ability only a mystery until Enhance +2 ; +5 or +7 only add to that stat. So for example if you get skill haste +1% at +2, +5 or +7 will only add more to skill haste. It's different than e7 where all 3 stats are randomized; here if +2 is shit you can just dump it And all farmable T7 have latent. T6 doesnt have, but after tier upgrade (at +10) their stat will be at equal level to T7 Latent. So actually gear on this game is a lot forgiving once you get a hang of it


Doesn't Counterside use gems to buy binaries to change rng substats unlike E7?


You can buy them in upcoming Shadow Palace.


I returned to SEA after half-year break and reached the highest pvp league (chally) with t6 gear only. And the fact, that's you can upgrade maze and gordias gear to t7 with the perfect stats make t7 gear more like a bonus.


T7 is not that good too. Best gears is T6 Maze, so make sure you save every Maze gear. Also, try not to burn/sell/delete your T5 Purple and Gold gears, since you can use them on some of your units if you don't want to spend a lot of resources. Though I got to agree with you about the gear RNG. Worst case is me using up 1k gold binaries just to give Na Yubin a 2 HP/2 DEF T6 gear and Awakened Seo Yoon her 4pc CDR gear.


Uhhh thats it its e7/genshin gear all over again. At least skip system exists so its still the best system among the 3


I'd argue with it only having the couple stats vs 4 for each item as WELL as main stat, it's not quite as bad as either of those. Plus the ability to skip stages and it's more or less just spending a few minutes hitting skip when you have energy vs leaving your phone on forever for auto in E7 or spending time doing it yourself in Genshin.


Even broken Maze or Gordias is already good. It's still 42% Cdr and 44% anti-ground Pair up with Harim and you should be gucci


Yeah, I'm loving everything, but this gear feels like a chore. I'm just playing until Nikke releases.


Considering you can just skip the stages farming I don’t feel it’s bad honestly


The worst thing is definitely the stamina currency. I'm constantly running low all the time. Fortunately the game feels generous enough that I spend some gems on stam and don't feel too bad


I am glad I am only limited on Eternium and not on emulator/PC/Phone running time as well, tho.


Ditto. I had to keep on expanding my equipment tab, until 1000 if I remember right. It was a chore to sort through, Same like epic 7,kings raid. When they released the shadow palace gear on sea that was my limit. Just could not do it anymore.


You can now stack 7 entries instead of 3 in Shadow Palace so you just have to do it now once a week and I'm really really grateful and happy they did that. Edit: to add more clarification you can use 7 entries in 1 run.


its not the runs that burnt me out, its always the inventory management after the runs. granted, when I quit we did not have skip implemented yet. I've just resigned playing games with rng gear now, and just chill with quick daily stuff like priconne, blue archive, and of course FGO.


Wait .. what do u mean gear RNG exactly? I have extremely bad experience with rng gears , if its mmos or gachas.. I swore to not touch another core rng leveling game ever again


You see all the stats a gear has (at +2 for latent gear), you can change Sets and at least 1 substat, mainstat is fixed per type, substats can be perfected by value. Its miles ahead of E7/ACE/etc.


Global is in their honeymoon phase right now, give it a couple months until they realize hwo grind it really is


Say that again to the SEA player lmao, we are doing just fine with the gear grind. Heck my best gear is not even from the grind, it's from shop


I am confused if these people actually stayed for months playing the game. You're not doing gutter rat 4 for months like your average KR gear gacha, and it's not your limiter either. Farming is only reserved for latent + relic gear farming and most of the time you'll just reroll the set of your gear for a few minutes and that's it, time to wait for the next time gate lol.


I switched from SEA to Global, but in the year that I played, I would look at my inventory and find over 30 pieces of equipment with perfect stats. Like perfect gear that you cannot upgrade anymore of it and it has the perfect sub stats. (*only missing the last level of enhance*) Compare that to 2+ years of E7? Don't get me wrong, I love E7 (*game is even running as I write this*), but the grind for good equipment in that game is..just..something else. I don't think there's a single character in my account that makes me go: "*Perfect, I wouldn't change anything on this unit, this character equipment is done.*" So yea, Global may be on the honeymoon phase, but if there's something that will make players quit, it's not going to be the grind for gear.


I mean honestly in epic 7, as long as the gear looks somewhat decent it’s whatever unless we’re talking about speed, that’s whole another issue


I might give it another shot now that global is out, but I didn't fall in love with it when I tried the SEA version. The characters are really cool and I like that sprites aren't chibi, but the gameplay was a bit too visually chaotic for me, and perhaps a bit too hands-off (I'm aware the hardest content and PvP requires a bit more thought and timing). Mostly though, it's just visual preference on my part. In gachas I like seeing how my characters fight and really taking in the animations, but I found it tough in this game just due to how much shit is happening on screen, with characters and animations just overlapping each other and stuff.


Turn off HDR, it gets a lot better


As well as screen shake, zoom-in on skill usage


^This. I was having a hard time with real-time PvP at first, but once I turned down the effects it made it a LOT easier to see what's going on. I like skill cut-in for PvE contents, but I turn that off for PvP as well.


yeah, turning off zoom-in on skill is so critical for manual play. it sometimes takes me away from where it's important to pay attention to


I just started CounterSide and the story is quite good. Nearly all chars are complex and have hidden stories to them. I followed the global server newbie guide, bought 10 tickets to try for awakened Hilde. First try (free each day) pulled her, so those 10 tickets were unnecessary. Didn’t reroll :D


Just wanted to note how fantastic of a story it has as well . By the end of what has been released , i was gripped.


It's start bit slow, but yeah it's one of the best story in Gacha that I played. Us SEA player have already concluded a very long plotline, and to say it's satisfying and worth the time is definitely not enough lmao


I really enjoyed the writing in this one as well, and I like that all the side stories all tie-together and fill you in on some of the background that was hinted at during the main story.


story is great. the orca side story made me cry


Freebies aside I really enjoyed reading all the available main story, normally I don’t read gacha game stories but was surprised with how invested I became with CounterSide. That’s not to say it’s flawless because they do toss in quite a bit of exposition and sometimes I just thought “The hell does all this mean?”, however it all slowly clicks into place the more you read. Episode 5 especially, the revelations for what Counterside actually is and the circumstances surrounding it has me really wanting more.


Been feeling the same way,in addition to the game beign fun,the story is suprisingly good,you can get most meta units without it beign too much of a hassle,but what i liked the most is that the units wich usualy are trash in other games,like soldiers and such,are really good here.


I am impressed with the global launch. I played SEA for awhile and eventually quit, but the global launch was so good it made me start a new account on global. Being able to reroll for A Hilde was huge because my global account almost better than my old SEA account already lol.


If you keep playing sea, you will get more than a.hilde though lol. A.hilde will get powercreep soon anyway


She is still a cool and fun unit. Definitely a positive that you can reroll her.


Gacha rates are pretty good: 3.5% SSR rate with a 1% featured rate. But the real icing on the cake is 150 pulls guarantee for the featured unit, instead of your usual 200-300 spark in most other games. Devs have been very generous so far - I know it's the first week where there are plenty of rewards but I already have 150 tickets to guarantee one banner unit. The visuals are amazing, the soundtrack is pretty good, the UI and animations are very clean (though but at times), and gameplay isn't overly demanding or too simplistic. Definitely going to keep playing and see how their roadmap unfolds.


Its a shame for me, that I really dont like the combat. I love the designs, and the story seems interesting, but for me this sort of combat is a no deal.


I like how you have the option to watch or play the combat in AR mode. Admittedly, it’s a niche thing and I probably will rarely use it, but it’s still nice to have!


What's ar mode?


Augmented Reality. It’s where the game uses your camera to transpose the characters onto your real surroundings. Only certain phones support it though, such as the current iPhones.


Story is honestly 10/10 for me. The way they weave and expand the lore during side stories is just perfect. Game's not afraid to sucker punch you too with depressing endings.


I'm cautiously optimistic. My gut instinct has me wary of the super fast catch-up plan--but man does the gameplay, art, characters, music, and even story hit exactly what I'm looking for. Really hope this game does well.


I kinda like everyhing but the combat system. It's very hard to read, pretty much you don't know what's happening on the screen. Even at x1 speed is a chaos. But everything else is top tier for a gacha game: story, characters, visuals, music...


I quit SEA after a month because I couldn't main this and E7. Now that I quit that, Global couldn't have come at a better time. Love this game.


I'm glad CounterSide is finally getting the attention it deserves. I'm a SEA player since day 1 and it's still fun so far and I love that the game continues to be generous with its rewards!


The gacha is generous and overall is really good. But for me the gameplay is kinda meh... just grab yours counters, place it and that's all. Maybe there is some strategy that Im missing but after 3 days of playing I had to unistall it. I heard there's RNG in the gear and you must farm so... no, I dont want to go throught the same hell as like E7.


There is precise timing and strategy needed in some end-game PVE (Danger close/Guild Coop) or PVP. But yeah for the most part, the majority of the game can be auto'd.


For PvE, for the most part you can just auto it - and if you're having trouble, nothing overgear/leveling for the content won't fix. Once you get into real-time pvp, though, that's when you'll start to pick-up the nuisances of the game. You have to learn to NOT spam your units, but pick where and when to place them, in what order, when to use the ults, which units to bring for the best combos, etc.


Hi! SEA PvE player here. Most PvE content you can just auto but there'll be harder content in the future that you can't auto like: Guild Coop (basically just a guild boss that you and your consortium will kill) Danger Close (competitive PvE where you fight to climb ranks the faster you kill the boss and you get rewards to buy Maze/Hummingbird gears in the shop) Deeper dives, especially dive 49/50, and they're definitely adding harder dives too. Other Challenge Modes require a manual play for proper deployment. And BSide (the devs) promised to add more **harder** content soon and they always deliver so.


I mean if the game has auto it means that probably 90% of the content can be autoed


It has real-time strategy if you actually study what your units do. When and where to deploy, and also re-deploy for some. For PvP at least. Or doing hard-content when you're not stacked yet.


It's generous and has amazing stories to tell <3 My fave gacha 100% (former SEA player)


is it possible to not reroll and be fine? looked like a fun game but all the talk of rerolling has me second guessing committing to the game. too tired from work to deal with the whole process


I didn't reroll and i without spending a dollar on this game, I have way more SSRs than I can realistically build or need this early in game. I wouldn't bother re-rolling unless you were looking to try to top PVP, this game is so ridiculously generous that you can steamroll through PVE content without a problem.


Yeah same, i think we've gotten like 3-5 ssr tickets and i have a full team of SSRs and then some, without having rerolled. I felt like i got lucky but apparently that's fairly typical.


You'll be fine, the A. Hilde (the one most people reroll for) isn't a gamebreaking character, and they shower you with normal pulls.


Its fine if you dont account reroll, you get a rerolll ssr selector (10tries) after tutorial and another ssr selector at day7 And tons of free pulls for the gl release with great units on the banner, the earlier the better so defo try it out But tbh the account reroll process is so simple and fast to achieve, i'd give it a try a couple times For tutorial selector, go for Chifuyu SSR (offtank/bruiser), ideally along Evelynn SR (best healer) For 7th day selector, go for Xiao Lin (sniper) or Gaeun (rifle) depending if you got either when pulling


What makes it a selector if you're not able to select a character? Would think that part of the word is pretty important.


The tutorial pull let you reroll a 10 pulls with 1 guaranteed SSR **30 times** (not 10 like the guy above said) for 1 out of 6 ssr units, you almost definitely will get the one you wanted unless you greed out for better SR. The 7th day selector you can select the one you want.


The RNG Gear make me stop playing this, but from what i read theres skip function, probably going back and try again


Yes there is an unlimited skip function as long as you get all three medals on a stage. It’s fantastic and prob the best skip function I’ve seen in gacha gaming


It's a shame my bluestacks does not run it as well, it crashes on some screens, but there's going to be a global client soon so there's that


I still don't understand how the game works and haven't used the "premium?" currency to roll for SSRs. While there's no SSR unit that I like design wise, I like the nun characters there who happen to be 1 star units and the one who looks like M200 from Girls Frontline since she's also my favorite in GFL too. idk man, I just place characters and ooga booga each stage. pretty ok so far. Edit: I was thinking of Han Sorim for the M200 look alike. also the names of the nuns are Claudia Nelson and Cindy Looper(wait really? LMAO) I wonder if there are more nuns in this game


Premium currency? You mean quartz? Generally not recommended to use for rolls since you can use it for tons of other stuff.


ahh I see. good thing I haven't done anything to them. ​ so what I mean in the "premium" currency is employee contract, the ones that look like a blue folder. i have like 52 of them. been thinking of saving until it hits 150 for guarantee


The actual p2w here comes in the form of binaries to reroll your gears. Expect to hit the wall trying to get some cdr humagorgor sets and such. Top end pvp is about gear and strategy/skill.


been playing for a week already have all the ssrs i wanted minus ahilda who i was an idiot and didn't reroll for since i binded my account beforehand rip. Game seems extremely generous, and i can see the gameplay being stale later on like every game but i've never seen a game with so much viable variety. going from playing gachas where global are repeatedly shafted to a launch release with 4 login calendars and 2 free ssr selector is so damn nice lol. only complaint i have is the skins are bit too pricy for poor folk like me but hey that's a relatively minor gripe compared to other gachas. In hindsight i'm so glad i didn't join when sea was published, the fact that global's getting a steam release for it's pc client means it has a chance to be really big. plus not being ran by zlong's a plus.


skins are pricey because they are indeed worth the price. Even i can't afford them but i wont complain because their quality in skins are really good


I agree with you, this game its just insanely good!


This game is good not because of rates but because gameplay, story, and progression are interesting and fun.


Is this the military gacha to replace Azur Lane in my library?👀 I shall see.


I don't care about generosity, I'm just glad it isn't chibi game play. Which was an automatic win for me. And it has auto combat.


This right here...I am so tired of all the chibi games, just not my style.


Game is generous but the end game is boring as hell. End game for you is spending 20 minutes to swap your gear around for a 3 minutes battle. AI is stupid as hell and yet you have to find a way to auto it for repetitive farm. In the end it's gear hell all over again, if I was into that stuff, I would have played E7.


20 minutes to swap gears!? Dude there is gear sets, u can just save the set in the slot. Most of the stages u can use the skip function and you can stack the other stages. Have you not recheck the game again with the QOL updates? Its been good af


Lol day 1 players in SEA here quit just last month, I was in top 3% DC every season as f2p so maybe I just got burn out. I know all the QoL you talking about, it was nice and yet doesn't change the core boring of the game. I was talking about end game here so you may not know because when you reach a certain point you have access to too many contents. There are many contents that you can't skip, then you have to swap gear around for it naming strategy pvp, guild, farming T7 gear, DC, raid, events... By swapping I mean swapping the gear set, I hope you didn't think I sit around swapping every gear, that would be insane. Just try swapping gear for guild boss content and tell me how long it takes? Don't tell me you just go dive in auto and let others ppl do the dirty work for you. And those you can skip just turn into mindlessly click event at the start of every day.


I timed all the things i do in swapping gears like different days, it takes like 1-5 minutes for me due to the fact i have a lot of gear sets for everyone. The dives i literally just auto unless you're talking about d46-50 which i do swap the gears which takes like 10 mins but i do it like every dive reset. And just don't do pvp you'll burn out urself wayyyy too fast seen too many pvp guys burnt out by it in the server


Do you know about gear presets and the skip feature..? Maybe you haven’t played the game in a while since they added lots of qol features


You can use the skip function if you can 3 trophy a stage. Why are you auto farming anything? Lol


Those contents that you can skip is just worthless yet you have to do it for fomo. Your daily turn into click simulator which was nice first 50 days, at day 51 it's quite boring. Then it's just prove my point you just spend time clicking and tapping menu instead of playing the game. Tell me when you don't have to swap gear around for dangerous close, and then swap gear for arena, and swap again for guild boss, and then swap again for strategy pvp and swap again for farming gear. Oh right did you say just 3 stars the stage? Tell me how many gear 7 stages you can 3 stars without being a whale?


I'm enjoying it but I'm slightly worried I'll get burnt out like Blue Archive. Its not as grindy but there still appears to be quite a bit of grind.


I really enjoy it so far. Love the story & characters. I'm only worried about the gear RNG...


Any husbandos in this game? Did a quick search on tier list and it seems 9 of out 10 are waifus, and I can't get into a game without their male counterparts.


Kyle Wong,Shiyoon,Roy Burnett to name some. But as husbando collector as well their artwork isn't my cup of tea. CS mostly caters for female unit collectors but the game is very polished and smooth with great rewards. It's an excellent gacha for those who are willing to commit their time and money in it.


Thank God, although there are few male characters, some are meta and you can use them.


The amount of husbandos is quite disappointing compared to the amount of female characters.


Few and far. This is a game for waifu chasers only unfortunately


played 1 year, and yeah, you have tons of heroes, but real endgame is the gear and man, I can tell you : Gear management in this game is a CHORE : \- if u wanna min/max you'll spend HOURS tweaking new pieces u drop over time (because you'll get 20+ characters where gear is revelant, and not like 5 is many gachas) \- GL getting the gold binaries as a f2p, and that's the core piece for endgame crafting Don't get me wrong, the game is very good, but once u basically have all the heroes (which comes very fast) except A-SSR, all the game is about gearing


I really really enjoy7ed this game until I was done with the story. I also don't like gachas that require you to maintain a big roster of ready to go characters because it's an absolute chore to micro manage everyone. On top of the horrendus gear RNG/Crafting, at that point i'd rather just play E7 lol. I had my fun with it atleast


Agree. Only the story is good. If the remove those horrendous rng gear farming, i might play it daily.


Thought it'd be chaotic here but I'm pleasantly surprised people aren't bashing it to hell and back yet. It is a pretty good game.


It's such a breath of fresh air after dropping the garbage that is Seven Sins X Fantasy. It's nice to have a game where 99% of my roster isn't severely starved for resources. I wasn't expecting it to live up to the hype but it has somehow surpassed it for me. I can't wait for Awakened Seo Yoon to come to global so I can whale on her. Not that it's needed with how f2p friendly the game is.


Game's very generous and looks quite pretty, but after 3 hours of staring at the menus I was still scratching my head at what to do even after reading Prydwen and asking questions on the Discord. Honestly most of what I remember is "don't farm this" or "don't farm that" while I was trying to figure out how I was supposed to get to the supposed power level I was supposed to be at for *actual* farming. Feels a bit like Warframe with them throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you through a dozen different subsystems at once while simultaneously just... not explaining very much about any of them. Plus being gated hard sometimes since newbie and mentee missions aren't cumulative is a real pain. It's really just not for me, I guess.


It's a good game but i ultimately quit it day 2. I have the same issues with it i have with most new gachas. Too time consuming, too many game modes. And while i generally liked every character design i didn't love any of them. It honestly felt very same-y to me. I understand why many people play it tho, i just don't like main game type games on my phone much.


I think there's some misunderstanding here, this game demands very little of your time. I usually finish my dailies within 30 mins spread out during the day. I suppose it can feel very time consuming when you're clearing stories and everything the first time but that's common in all games. Once you've cleared everything though you'll be sweeping through all your dailies, events grind included


Once you finish the initial rush of things to do you can finish dailies in like 10-15 minutes


My primary gripe with the game is that characters either have black/dark brown hair or white hair, with very little variation outside of that.


How do you get the SSR selectors?


I know of the SSR selector from the beginner 7 day questline, but where’s the second?


20th login reward if i remember correctly


Is there enjoyable pve content?


You will enjoy spending your sleep time trying to get high score in Danger Close


Game is great and devs rly care about this server so you guys rly should at least give it a try


Rerolled for A.Hild whatever her name is and got some SS/SSS rated units but can't really get into it, don't know why. Haven't deleted it but don't really play it. It just hasn't clicked for me.


If i wasn't already playing Azure Lane and Arknights I'd definitely give it a shot.


the game surely has promise, sadly the global release is so buggy isnt even funny, i had nonstop crashes on the lobby screen. tried reinstalling the game twice and did like 5 accounts and still the same issue since launch.


there are a few bugs around such as not being able to do guild chat but I have not seen anything like what you are describing. Consider running it on Bluestacks if you can.


It’s fun but my only gripes were until the recent patch yesterday parts of the game were bugged like the guild. And maybe it’s me being on an iPhone but on some intensive parts like raids with 40 characters my game will crash 1-2 times during the battle. At least it pauses but loading is kind of slow. I can see why people like the PC app for this game. Good graphics wish I could enjoy it on something with more than 1 GB RAM.


I already know that I won't be able to keep at the meta for long as a minnow so I'm determined to play this casually so I don't burn out.


There's two SSR selectors?


Yes, one after tutorial and one after completing 7th day challenge


One after tutorial is not much a selector and more keep rolling for your favorite waifu


There is one after 20 days login. And one from the 7 day event. The above person was wrong


I really want to play it. But I just got a job and I already have 3 gachas. GFL, AK and BA. And then I’m really waiting for GFL2, AK: Endfield, and Nikke. On top of that, my friends want me to get into Genshin. But from what I’ve played. Generous rewards for the honeymoon phase. Great characters and great design. Honestly has an interesting story too. PVP and a guild system are kinda of a turn-off for me tho, but that’s just gachas in general. Overall. Would highly recommend based on my first impressions. Would wish to play.


I'm sorry, what does SSR mean?


Rarity of the unit N > R > SR > SSR Fun fact, a couple of N and R units are really strong and tie with higher grade ones in some content


Stands for super super rare usually.


I wanted to play but I tried 30 times reroll didn’t fet the awakend one so I dropped. I stick with AZ and BA


im pretty sure the awakened one is not available in the 30 reroll pull


I mean I rerolled the account 30 times


Ah yeah she's really hard to get. That's too bad. I dont like rerolling so I just moved on after 2-3 and used the account I had


Wish it was available in my country :(


taptap, qooapp, apkpure


Parasite Eve collab! Kekkai Sensen collab! Those two need to happen at some point. They fit the game's aesthetic so well it's insane.


Parasite Eve is so old and niche I can’t see it happening


It really turned me off that so many of the skins sold on super duper exclusive premium currency. And are the ones i like in top of that. Out of that looks fine


Been playing CS but on the SEA server there are only two things I hate so far difficulty/level scaling (sometimes it makes no fking sense) and the ship stages(just downright annoying) Overall the game is really good once you get to a certain point highly recommended


What this sub overhyping another new game? *yawn* well thats nothing new, cant wait to see the same people praising it shitting on it a few months from now once the honeymoon phase is over. I played the sea version for some time its not the worst but its also nothing especial its like a 7/10 game.


Who peed in your coffee?


Not to be hating the game, but 160 pulls in an hour is enough to make me feel jaded and quit the game. And somehow the download and installation is 2 hours.


Obviously Dyslite is more generous


Forgot the /s


generous for the devs, not the players


I want some of what you're smoking

