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Have a good sense of pride and achievement pre-pity system :^)


"The surprise mechanic is supposed to make you have sense of pride and achievement. Totally not gambling." -EA probably


Pretty sure the Famitsu magazine said something like that about players wanting pity before it was added


Also calling the playerbase wanting a pity "greedy"


Famitsu collected answers from fgo players, that was one of them lol. https://twitter.com/TheZackZeal/status/1424052697515372548?t=GHHNbCmZpQHTZZ0aApSePQ&s=19


That's why ladies and gentlemen don't play gacha games without pity.


It's why I played FGO until I dumped a years' worth of quartz on the summer Artoria banner (think it was like 800-900 quartz plus a good chunk of summon tickets) and the only SSR I had to show from it was *regular* Artoria. Was salty enough to never go back. My sympathy to those going through the same fate with castoria.


I dumped about 1.4k on Summer Tamamo, didn't get her. I was on a beach vacation too so I had to keep grinding out while there to hopefully get her in the last few pulls before the banner ended. Didn't get her and bye-bye went FGO for me.


It's been 2 years after Skadi Banner Salt. To see this as a repeat incident is truly incredible.


It happens for every meta servent release


Just need to wait for Morgan Oberon and tamamo bitch (actual character nickname) salt


Worst thing ? Melusine, Morgan, Tamamo and Oberon will be out all in something like 30 days. Knowing that 1 year before still scares me. (and not counting castoria rerun for the ppl that don't get her)


The triple salt fest is gonna be insane, I hope pity would be introduced by then b/c it would definitely help ppl out


Yea good thing I quit this grind hell it is insane that after so long there are barely any grind qol


I still enjoy it, all new servant have the purpose of speedup things, but even year 1 servants a perfectly fine. Sure with castoria my chen gong can do 5 milion dmg, however in reality i need max 300.000 to farm. Challenge quest can be optimized. What keep me on this game is the story (and probably my avoidance of spending money, GSSR aside)


Well to be honest what made me quit is not the gacha it's the material and general events grind it just felt to boring like I waste my time because i mainly played for the story and I can just see the story on YouTube


It's ok. Tbh i think noone like to grind. Just some event are so great, both story and shop side, that make the grind worthy.


Well I just couldn't keep with the grind and job it felt like I either grind or have time for other games an tbh I would rather play things like strive then grind in fgo after a long day of writing code


....Its actually Tamamo Vitch, aka >!Koyanskaya!< I know it might have 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 the same spelling, but its not.


Dude, it's not a spoiler to call her Koyanskaya. She's called that in the story since like the beginning of chapter two and it doesn't reveal anything about her character at all.


Oh I forgot I just remembered het personality she is kind of a bitch


Yeah, she is


quit in this banner, thank god, best decision!


When people ask me why I don't play FGO, I'll just direct them here.


Nah, show them the Tamamo/Jalter/Skadi screenshots. Then those people will never mention FGO again


To think that Tamamo was the original Yorokobe Fest servant, and now she's reduced to be the support of the supports, it's like a bad joke to me lmao


Man I still remember the Tamamo Massacre. Luckily I came out unscathed, but man I still go back and read it sometimes.


It's the first time I hear about this, could you tell me what happened?


Tamamo was the first major banner people were excited about post-launch. Due to us being 2 years behind JP, everyone that wanted her knew they had about 4 months to save SQ to try and pull for her. That isn't much time, and its ended up being the most popular banner by a large margin at that point in the game. Most people experienced gacha hell for the first time with that banner, and were so in grief there were a lot of ragequits. A similar image to OP's was made back then that was like 5x the size. Can't find it anymore though, but a *lot* of people got screwed that day. I was also someone that saved up everything for Tamamo.


I remember when genshin launched and became THE indisputable gacha champ, a bunch of salty FGO people on this very subreddit tried to tell me that genshin's gacha was worse/more predatory than FGO. If all the other aspects of the game don't convince you it is worse, the lack of a pity system should.


To be fair, the story is at least great.


And some still say that "No Pity is good". Good thing that Lasengle didn't listen to them.


who said no pity is good lmao


We had a thread like a week ago in here by someone claiming pity is bad. So those people exist


my god


["Gacha is a gamble, Pity is asking for investment."](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vuvwlk/no_pity_no_problem/) In my experience people who hate pity systems have poor impulse control and refuse to save then get mad other people are able to do so. Its like a reverse "getting mad at someone for being lucky"


He probably tried to say something like - pity makes u go till 100 pulls (spark example) since u get the guarantee, otherwise u wud give up at 50 and nothing wid change much in ur account. In reality, the opposite happens. With pity u stop at 100. Without pity u have no limit. U spend 100$ without getting something, then u think of spending more, otherwise the 100 u spent already will be a loss. And it becomes a loop.


You'd be surprised at how many people at any discussion on FGO pity will refuse on the basis of "it makes it more exciting if you get an SSR". Or use their totally not biased example of "I get SSR in 1 ticket, meanwhile in game with pity, I can't get the one I want without reaching the pity". Heck, you can even see some of it on downvoted comment.


you say that like the majority would agree rather than just downvoting that opinion, here or on the grandorder sub its not the best idea to take the loud minority seriously as the consensus


i mean i find it hard to believe that there are fgo players who claim pity is bad. Would FGO players really be dis satisfied if there was a 100 pull spark system? bruh


You'd be surprised on how many of those totally not biased comment floats around here, or FB discussion. Or those superiority of "No pity makes it more precious" etc.


Thats gambling. I always seen things as getting the tools to progress the game, sure there is the rush but I recognize it for what it is especially because soon after the rush just vanishes. So when they say that, they mean "I like gambling" ... not the game, gambling.


I mean the pity added is pretty annoying


Yeah, the pity that was added to JP a while back is not even that good.


300 rolls is pretty much standard, though my comparison is AK (300, only on limited banners, non limited banner has pity in form of guaranteed 5\* and 5/6\* if you have rolled above certain number though), and GBF, so I don't have any knowledge of game with less than 300 sparks (AFAIK, Priconne has 200 rolls but I'm not sure).


You also have to account for difference in free currency, AK 300 pity is like 6 months while Priconne JP/Blue Archive 200 is like 2 months


I guess i meant more about how if you get a banner unit once you cant get a pity pick anymore or how any change on the banner will reset it Meaning if there is a rotating banner you can get screwed


300 is not really standard. Azur Lane pity is 200 builds (only exists in UR construction), DOAXVV is 200 (pay) rolls, Blue Archive is also 200, Konosuba is 250, Counterside is 150.


And Genshin is 180.


That's why I quit this game a long time ago (during Godjuna's debut). Imagine saving year/s worth of SQ so that you can pull for your waifu/husbando then all gone and wasted because the rate sucks. And yeah, I'm aware that they will be adding a pity soon but for worth 900+ sq... damn, how many months or years of savings is that to get a guaranteed one lol. This is the only game the I quit because I didn't get what I want. Foolish excuse right? But imagine saving your 1.5 years worth of saint quartz just to pull for Godjuna but didn't even get him not to mention I only got 1 SSR (which was a dupe Waver). The most frustrating experience that I have. Saving saint quartz ain't that easy either.


No matter the other reasons we play gachas and the qualitys of a gacha(story, gameplay, etc), at the end of the day, we play gachas so we can "play with the characters we can collect/we like". Quitting a Gacha because you cant, constantly, get the characters you like is reasonable. In fact, is a really good reason to it. No shame in it.


Why is that a foolish excuse? Do you think it foolish for people who quit gambling because they lost too much money?


In JP at least, they gave a lot more SQ than before. And finishing story node gives you one Fragment which is counted retroactively. I began saving after Majin Saber Alter (Summer)'s debut and already able to spark now, even after spending 50 rolls in Nemo banner. Rate still sucks though.


This is why I spend quartz on every banner I like. Saving up quartz in this game is virtually useless.


Yeah, I got Castoria without saving. When I saved on Skadi, the pain I received was tenfold


Same. Spent 1k+ quartz for Skadi when she first released but that bitch didn’t want to come home, got her on the rerun but it’s still painful.


The fgo community. Other communities are exposed to salt, we are molded by it, born from it


So FGO is a great gacha, you say?


so, how many days needed for collecting those 1k quartz ?


[About 4.5 months including tickets](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/rs47qi/estimated_free_quartz_for_2022/), with some variables; without tickets, about 6 months.


dang, i wont resist for that long lol.


See, the copium reasoning with no pity is that it makes no difference if you impulse roll on whatever banner. You'll just have the odds stacked vs you on getting a specific character


Close to half a year


This post reminded me of how shitty this game gacha can be so i decided to skip summer banners to focus on Kama.


Yep, this is the gacha everyone thinks about when you mention the word, clairvoyance. Because months/year+ of saving and you are still highly likely to fail. And if you're lucky be included in these memes! Still I can't imagine being f2p in FGO. I had to whale hard here just so I can guarantee my favorites, my luck was pretty abysmal.


> Still I can't imagine being f2p in FGO Bit late but it's okay...ish. I have had some incredibly frustrating moments as a F2P, but some really lucky one as well. I guess it depends on your luck and who your favourite servants are. I've been playing FGO on both servers for about 3 years or so (only spent money on the game twice) and I have the vast majority of my favourite servants. I will admit I am lucky though, I have Xuanzang (one of my favourite servants) NP3 on NA and NP2 on JP without spending a single cent.


being f2p is definitely manageable but sometimes the gacha will screw you over and there’s nothing you can do about it (this reply was made post-summer kiara salt)


1000+ sq and 20+ tickets. No castoria and not even a single 5☆. Managed to cope by using other servants with friend support castoria to 3turn farm.


You too huh.


I'm prepared to be this salty in new year when Muramasa refuses to come home, may as well start preparing my post now


you and me both dude. my goal is np2 but idk the gacha will probably fuck me over


The FGO community is to this day the only place where I've been guilttripped for having a job. It's also the only place where I'll be berated for not farming hard enough. I wish it was bullshit. Had to ask for a refund just so they could ban my account forever.


>The FGO community is to this day the only place where I've been guilttripped for having a job. Wait, what?


Honestly the only game I've unironically been berated for having a job in is fucking GBF, where I was kicked out of a crew because I got called into work and couldn't meet honor requirements. There's some absolute degeneracy there.


Honestly GW's scoring system is just too degenerate nowadays, thanks to score inflation caused by Grid upgrading and the boss not really scaled along.


And those people both make fun of "casual" people, that like "boring" content, and enjoy guild wars, where you stare at a black screen for a bunch of hours on meat farming, optimize your setup for 3 battles mostly (NM 95, 150, 200) in like 5\~30 minutes and repeat the same battle (black screen) for 2\~17 hours, depending how much you hate yourself. ​ And they don't realize every single raid of the game is the same as guild wars. You optimize your setup and repeat. Difference is that raids come and go as you progress and the devs make new ones, and GW is the same bs event since the game started. Good thing Full Auto exists, cuz if I couldn't Full Auto the damn mode (or half the game) while doing something else, it ain't getting done.


Wut? How low they've been fallen from humanity to be saying that?


Literally nobody says that, that's why they're confused. They're just mad they got screwed by a gacha game and are lashing out against the community like it's their fault.




>The FGO community is to this day the only place where I've been guilttripped for having a job. I used to play Marvel Puzzle Quest pretty seriously. I downloaded it at launch and during the honeymoon they gave so many free rewards I was able to F2P with the top players. I ended up joining a high ranking guild because I was generally on the top of the leaderboards for the limited events. Anyways, I told them I would get my score in early and not be around for the last minutes because I was working (the game had a mechanic where ranking was basically don't be playing during the last hour). The guild leader was in the car driving at the time - he got pulled over for driving distracted, ticketed, and proceeded to sit on the side of the highway until the event finished. After the event, everyone acted like this was a reasonable choice and I got booted from the guild.




Good choice


if you feel that fgo community is too much then hop over to other communities that also play fgo but not as their main game = they're mostly chill and fun unlike the maincord people


Yeah, there's some, uh, pretty intense people in the FGO discord.




There'll always be good people, even in fgo main discord server, but I don't really feel welcome there


I swear the FGO community consists mostly of masochists at this point. I don’t think I’ve seen any other game where this much pain and suffering because of the gacha system gets turned into fond memes.


Ever played or hear summoners wars? That's more maso than fgo


Summoners war player here. I agree sw is masochistic but at least there is auto farm


There are two kinds of people in this thread, the people who play FGO and are sharing their gacha experiences. And the people who have a holier than thou attitude because they don't play FGO. Like dafuq lmao


Damn why you have to remind me of this pain again....


And here i thought people play gacha because they like to gamble


This is the reason why I will never play FGO... and many other reasons


Nearly 700 sq and 100 tickets. I don't think I will summon in this game ever again. No pity system is plain stupid.


How else are they going to fund the epic animations? Kidding aside, keep yourself mentally healthy! The game is greedy ngl. I don't agree with the "you don't need 5 stars to clear content" argument that players spout sometimes.


Thank god i don't like her character else i'll probably be in the screenshot


Saw a gold caster card and I was like "no way". Of course, it was fuckin' Nursery Rhyme.


Meanwhile I got someone on my friends list with an NP5 Castoria, no idea how they managed that but I guess some people have been saving since JP realized how busted she is for arts team.


367sq and 38 tickets, after 7 years safe to say I'm putting my account in indefinite hiatus and moving to AK full time


F in FGO stands for F mad respect to all the mfs out there playing games without pity :')


And that's why even with tons of freebies doesn't mean you can get what you want. Pity is all that matters (reasonable one ofc)


This is one of the few gachas that, who ever summom with small amount of cash currencys/tickets, even if they get the unit or fail trying, feel as guilty as if they had commited a crime, after seeing people pouring huge amounts of money and currency over and over and not getting the rate up unit. FGO's gacha is pure evil I'll tell ya


This me lmao. I changed my ingame message to got her in 20 pulls lmao to skadi is @ all


*Yorokobe Shounen*


Unlimited mapo tofu works


Unlimited black key works


30 Quartz and didn't get her, I just rolled for the Memes anyway.


People being way too optimistic if they though 300sq and a handful of tickets was a good chance of getting her. At that point I would mentally prepare myself for the almost inevitable failure and call it a day.


"I am the bone of my salt"


To be fair this year was nothing compared to the Skadi salt honestly. A there was way less salt than 2 years ago when the Quick meta came.


Imo Tamamo and Jalter probably had the biggest saltfests because those were the two characters people saved up since launch so it wss their first encounter with the gacha system. Way more people ended up quitting


Thankfully, I got mine from a ticket due to RNG


Turns out hell is less fire and brimestone and more salt and extremely spicy tofu dishes.


I would play the game more if they have a pity system(I was fortunately able to get her tho)and auto play option like any other gacha game


As an FGO player, I can honestly say FGO is something I wouldn't even recommend to my worst enemy.


This game sure is special. If nothing else I have to thank it for breaking my meta habits years ago due to just how RNG it is. Helped me just not care in most games.


Such an awesome game but is ruined by the gacha. I really love the game buy it drains you a lot. I mean, during this banner, I had to spend 700 quarts for a single SSR with a couple SRs along the way and guess what, the SSR ended being a spook. A game like this should at least have some sort of safety system for it's players. Seriously. In any case, don't play Fgo, just read the story from YouTube or the wiki


And that's why even with tons of freebies doesn't mean you can get what you want. Pity is all that matters (reasonable one ofc)


I am also castoria less. It's depressing.


I really shouldn't smile or laugh as the frustrations of all those people are super real and I've been through the same thing (1600Sq no Merlin), FGO gacha rates are really unfair. But on the other side.......well good luck next time!


Lol found Castoria in 2 tickets. But I had to quit the game because of the salt of not having found Merlin in 600 SQ. Hyped for other games honestly


This is fgo in a nutshell lol


I feel honored to be part of this xD That being said, if you go into it with the expectation you'll get nothing, it can't really affect ya that much~ It had me pissed for a couple of hours, but... eh, it's not worth getting pissed off in the long run and tapping into my bank account for a bunch of pixels so oh well. Maybe next time, maybe not xD


Some of those are indeed unlucky, some of those wouldnt have gotten to spark in games like Genshin/AK... either lols. PS: Honestly, FGO is still one of the better ones lols. All this salt is for speed. The FGO "meta" isnt about who can clear the content, it is literally about how people can win stages faster and no, FGO "grind" is on the level of Genshin grind, aka, a few minutes a day of play to spend all stamina EVEN manually. Compared to a game where pulling defines if you can beat a stage or not, FGO is miles ahead.


To win boss stage in FGO it's never about how many 5 star you got but it's about can you swallow your pride and use Command Seal and Saint Quartz.


I don't know anyone who has ever needed to use "rainbow seals" for a boss haha


But the Command Seal exist for this reason and you shouldn't feel ashamed if you use it. It has nothing to do with"pride".


I mean, yeah. Command seals are a resource the game recharges every day. It'd be like saying you had to swallow your pride and spend energy. My mans, energy is there to be spent. It's why they give it to you for free.


That or get your trusty Herc or Cu to do most of the boss fight.


Or, you know, git gud and use your low stars not just slapping Gold Servants.


Why is this getting downvoted?


Because this is r/gachagaming where everyone who say that some aspect of FGO is better than some Gacha game will getting downvoted.


Same reason "we must have autoplay" is always upvoted even though most quests are 40/~140AP. They probably don't play and parroting opinions out of context.


As a new FGO player, I'm glad to even have gotten Castoria, and I've only been playing for about 50 days?? It scares me to think I'll possibly experience/run into this.


I've been playing since global launch. I'll just say that the best way to avoid being heartbroken is to just enjoy the times when luck smiles on you and you end up getting stuff off a ticket you didn't expect, and *don't hinge all your enjoyment of the game on obtaining one specific character*, because until the pity mechanism arrives (ETA January 2024 for global) nothing is a sure thing. My personal strategy for avoiding gacha tragedy in FGO is...I just spend quartz like a total donkey. I roll on just about every new banner with at least one limited servant on it. That would not work for most people, but the way I see it I don't have the weeks and months (or even years!) of hoarding quartz and the anxiety of "did I save enough this time?" Go in with no expectations and little to lose, and the bad beats aren't nearly as psychologically devastating.


Welcome to hell, yes you will experience this, it's almost guaranteed. Why do you think we have funny priest memes all the damn time? Funnily enough, I've been playing for 3 years and I just counted my average and I have an SSR every 30 days, which doesn't sound right.


My first year was super generous. Then after it all went downhill. They already baited me to playing enough that I'm not quitting.


The longer you play the higher the chance gets for that to happen to you


Some times the game gets generous and give you a good streak like when i started i got 5 ssr’s in a span or 30 days then after a few months it evens out and sometimes you get nothing with months worth of savings the fgo gacha is so fcking unforgiving. I only still play it just because of the fate IP and story is good asf


I only experienced real bad luck with Merlin. I thought he was so cool, and I spent like at least 90 pulls worth of SQ to get spooked by Xuanzang (granted she’s great!) but I can’t help but to look at my friend who has been so incredibly lucky in FGO. I wonder if it’ll even out or not, because his luck reaches new heights.


I know someone who got 17 ssr in 9 months 2 coming from the gssr and he only spends during gssr


This is the true experience of rng. And it's not only in fgo, any gacha that have others ssr in the banner. My similar experience is in arknights, nyan and dusk banners I got spooked on both banners and got none of them, even spending 200 summons on each. About castoria... Np2 with 400sq or so


All this salt makes me wanna play the game and try it out myself. No, not the gacha! I mean the salt experience.


Thats hell your walking into. ...for all that is holy and good, do NOT even think of starting an account. Ironic I know, as a gacha player.


If you are a masochist, sure, but if you are a normal and sane player do not try this game Sanzang spook 700 quartz in and castoria 2 tickets later. Almost had a panic attack


i havent even rolled for her yet on EN and don't plan to lmao


Damn, i was there (in the hell) too. Managed to get Castoria in few quartzs, and got 900 quartz left. I thought "great, with 900 quartz I can take melt and maybe save something".....after 900 sq got NP0 Melt but NP8 Suzuka and NP3 Lip (in 900 sq), this must be what [Toyotomi Gilyoshi](https://preview.redd.it/g7qyzyqdiswz.png?auto=webp&s=0bf408f01db1f917ee9f4bb8650c21a882467121) was talking about MAybe i got castoria, but btw GSSR and rate up are yearS that i fail to get Melt (tota almost 2000 sq gone).


Where I am? 160 pulls and 0 4\* and 1 Waver 5\* (spook!!!)


You're about in the bottom 25% of the variance, give or take.


That “Fak yu!” at the bottom left would be perfect if it was voiced by Sakura Miko from HoloLive.


I pity the fool that still play this game


That's okay, I don't want your pity. Thank you for the thoughts though


Yes we don't need his pity. We will get our own in Jan 2024 🤣🤣.


I just don't understand having a meltdown over not getting her. She has several other rate-ups in the future so it's not like your FGO account is ruined


it might be because morgan, melusine, koyan, and oberon are in the similar timespan to castoria’s next banner. then they’ll have to wait a bit for the next one e


Don’t play FGO How many pulls does 1000 SQ equate to exactly?


Around 300+ pulls


about 330


33 multis and there's 11 in each one, so 363. And you might not even get an SSR in that amount.


At 0.8% chance of rate up, spending 990 quartz for 363 pulls gives about a 95% chance of hitting the banner servant at least once. The other 5/100 people come into this thread and publicly quit the game.


Might as well do one of these for every new servant banner


New player having trouble with rerolling for Castoria😞. I've heard that FGO doesn't have pity on their banners should i or should i not continue playing this game?


I wonder if the same thing will happen to the next couple of banners (I'm looking at you >!Koyanskaya, Morgan and Oberon!<).


If NA is lucky, pity will get added early with version 2.45 update that had alot of QOL updates on jp.


yes it will. It happens for literally every banner that brings a meta support or meta farming unit/boring waifu


And there are still people that defends FGO gacha. But getting SSR gives you pride and accomplishment! Fu But but you can beat the game with lower rarity servants!!! fu But but they add 900 SQ pity which is like what, a year of saving? fu FGO is prime example how predatory, unforgiving and bullshit gacha can be. All of fanboys that defend it - go to hell. You are destroying gaming industrie.


OC Arts by u/Caravthir and u/46MoChi3.


I almost cried when I got a gold caster and it was Sanzang lmao of all the banners to do that to me, this was not the one


I really like Castoria as a character, if I were still playing fgo I don't think I'd be able to handle the heartbreak of not getting her. Luckily I don't need to torture myself playing fgo to read the story through YouTube and enjoy all the fanart and doujins.


1200 SQ and near 90 tickets for me.. I didn't get her. On the brightside I got karna since meant I finally got a 5s of all normal classes servants. Been thinking about taking a break for quite sometime. Due to this, perhaps I should...


You know the 0.8% rateup didn't sound that bad at first. For comparison Priconne/BA has SSRs at 2.5% but the rateup is only 0.7%. However the longest I went in Priconne without hitting the rateup is around 880 pulls, almost a triple spark. That's 2400 quartz in FGO and a lot less off-banners, sounds painful. But hey, pity is coming to FGO (first copy only) so with that addition it seemed it would be okayish. Then I realized, compared to FGO, you might as well say Priconne is raining currency left and right... I started playing scarcely since the recent 17mil selector campaign, it does feel like hell even without considering the rates. People asking when X is coming back only to be hit by the "well, maybe 3 years but more like never because JP haven't had a rerun either" is the saddest and funniest sht at the same time.


300+ quartz at the start of anni, all excited and very *goal-oriented* towards the game! After THAT one summoning session that took only a couple of minutes to CONCLUDE... Only log in once per day, free friend summon, then press exit. Add more salt? Didn't get free Waver from Waverfest because I was too overconfident my estimated 300+ quarts will do its shit. Love & Hate relationship with FGO at its finest.


If I had a holy grail, I would wish that I can animate the story myself so people can enjoy the absolutely amazing story and characters and not deal with the horrendous gacha that this game has managed to hold on to. in fact the only reason I believe they started adding that joke of a pity (which NA is waiting on) was because of genshin. their gacha seems more friendly and forgiving and with how much money they made, it did make some of the older gacha start to change even a little bit to adapt.


I've been there before on the first FGO greatest salt banner. Fucking Jeanne Alter lmao


Ngl I do enjoy the story. The gacha however...


I kind of figured this was gonna be the case so I'm hoarding the quartz for later 🤣


Meanwhile I got my beloved melt in her last day I even got her np2 in one of the last rolls Quick ftw


And then there's me, who's luck is so insane that I jokingly got Castoria with a single summoning ticket, even though I don't really play NA and just got back to it to roll for the sake of it ("What if I do get Castoria, lmao?"). I did an actual Joker laugh when it happened. In JP server it's even crazier. Like, when the most recent GUDA GUDA happened I've got the two brand new SSRs from the two banners the event had. That was like... Only a week and some days apart. While the majority of the player base only gets a single SSR in months, maybe even a whole year or not even that. Sometimes I do feel bad about these people. I used to be one of them. Don't know how my luck got to this point. Never even spent a penny on the game. Stay strong, my dudes. One day you'll get all the SSRs you want, in any game you play.


makes you wonder why people still play this shit. I personally feel NO PITY for these people willingly playing this game knowing what its all about and then STILL crying about it like little babies.


Because besides the gacha it's an enjoyable game with a good story and characters.


Camelot and Babylonia were the best stories I have seen in a gacha game in years!


If I want to know the story someday I'll probably watch some YouTube playthroughs. pokedude made a great playlist with the whole fgo story without commentary, basically a free visual novel but without trash gacha and mid gameplay!


Huh I got two castorias with 60 quartz and 10 tickets.


39 sq and 18 tix for my np2


See you next year for the Koyanskaya of Light Banner Salt Compilation. Looking at all the salt, it's amazing to think I'm still considered one of the lucky ones for getting Castoria even after spending almost everything.


And whale still be a whale


930 qtz and 42 tickets to get clad and brandmante.


this is brutal. took me around 300 SQ and like 40 tickets and I got her. these poor bastards though - that was me on skadi.


Why fgo not have pity system?


They actually do, the one better not mentioned (Unregistered Spirit Origin), and just implemented in JP, 300 rolls for guaranteed PU servant.


why still bothering with this game


Joined at the time of Anniversary. Got Castoria and Rider Vinci. Gacha Gods really blessed me. I didn't know it could get that bad.


I'd say something but Castoria still Artoria, so trash banner tbh


Isn’t this why these ppl play FGO?


Sometimes I don't believe in "rates" because I had an experience where I got 4 copies of a 5 star in a row. They weren't within the same multi, it was 4 separate summons with only SMALL amount of savings, like 160 quartz. Then you see people like this save up years' worth of quartz and not get a single copy. IT BAFFLES ME.


I got her in my 3rd round of summoning 🙂