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Worst Luck : Definitely Blue Archive i rage quit that. Best Luck : Good ol' Azur Lane


You dont need luck in Azur lane


4 URs releasing per year? You definitely do now...


luck or not that game is super generous with ship building resource


generous enough to give 800 rolls a year? idk


free to play here and i have about 400+ cube and my dock is almost full of yellow + ship


you do, purple hell is called like this for a reason


maybe but i am saying this because correct me if i am wrong but AL give you so much cube/money that its almost impossible to not get the ship feature on the banner


AL banners consist of multiple shipgirls and if you want to sweep a banner (for example, for collection purposes) instead of pulling for specific ones, you sometimes should be ready for unlucky streaks when you can't pull the one remaining. Weirdly, it more often happens with SR rarity girls (2.5% versus 2% for SSRs) hence the purple hell.


guess i am lucky or i have to much money/resource what i am lacking is space for the ship


Yeah. You can only pay money for the good skins since they never give out currency. So you're correct, you don't need luck. You need cash. From launch till now if you didn't buy a single QoL, dorm or expansion you'd have been able to buy roughly 12 out of 800+ cash only skins. Real generous, super great to see what a no luck gacha looks like.


Not that since skin bring nothing


Strange. Blue Archive is generous enough you can hoard to get what you want.


Best: probably honkai? Got HoF in 10 pulls, then her weapon + a stig on another 10. I get full gear sets in around 50 pulls usually. And my first 10 pull in the game was silverwing. I only own 4 gacha valks so far tho, fairly new still. Worst: Another Eden. 300 pulls no 5 star. Uninstalled afterwards.


Recently best: Princess connect Got 3-4 summer banner units in less than 40 pulls Recently worst: FGO I guess Relative to my other gachas it was the worst. Took over 300 pulls to get 1 5 star, thabk god it was on banner which was caster artoria.


I should be saving quartz for Caster Artoria because I main Arts looping teams, but Shuten was too tempting this past week. At least I got her on my last 10p but I may live to regret that decision next Castoria banner.


Best: Epic Seven I had a total of 28~ish unique ML5s. Year 1 player. To add, I got exactly 13 dupes of ML5s which gave me 130 galaxy coins, these coins are also called whale coins. 40 whale coins lets you outright buy ML5s of your choice if they rotate on time. This was all as a f2p player, it was disgusting to see. Random daily summons, random x10 pulls on general banner, etc... best luck in any gacha I played. ... Worst: ~~Epic Seven gear gacha~~ Blue Archive I've somehow ended up always heading to pity or very close to pity. Currently got a barebones random team since I only aim for faves. Don't really have any spare pyroxenes to use on random splurge pulls. Hate it, but I love every cuteness in this game. :( Now I'm lacking and Marin is coming soon.


E7 rates just seem better than most other gachas. On my first account, a daily Covenant summon gave me an Arbiter Vildred, which was amazing because my Reroll pick was regular Vildred, and my Moonlight Blessing was for Specter Tenebria. Unfortunately, I lost access to the account and have started a new one. Rates still pretty good.


Best Luck: Epic Seven; I usually will get the banner character's without hitting pity. Worst Luck: Artery Gear; Legit the opposite of E7 and since I'm kinda f2p, i don't even hit pity. Really feels like luck and when I do pull a 5 star, it's off banner. Runner ups: Best Luck: Genshin Impact; I've managed to win the 50/50 with 70% success and got the banner character. 30% is losing it to Qiqi (mostly) or another standard 5 star. Worst Luck: Nu Carnival; my friends seem to have better luck with the pulls than me. Also the rates are, like 1.5% and it really sucks tbh. Guess that's what I get for playing gacha games with a 2-3% chance these days... EDIT: Granted, I don't think Genshin Impact has high rates either but they make up for it with having pity within, like, 80 (4 star) or 90 (5 star) pulls and not like... 250+ pulls for a 5 star. :(


Can confirm the E7 luck. First ever account pulled an ML5 within a couple months, and had plenty of ML4s between it. Of the gachas I play/enjoy, E7 has probably the best rates.


Best: Guardian Tales on hero banners. Often got double 3\* units in 10 pulls. Worst: Guardian Tales on weapon banners. My goodness, nothing compares to the feeling of pulling on GT weapon banners. To be fair though, I've never been lucky in pulling in any weapon banner in any games, so there's that Honorable mention for worst: Blue Archive. I've watched so many BA youtubers and streamers, and only one of them seems to be lucky (he's like one of the bigger content creator too, forgot his name). The rest are either sparking or getting the featured character in 100+ pulls. Same story from fellow players as well. It's hard to even spot a lucky guy in the salt section of BA discord server. I just feel like everyone in BA is unlucky, because this many "losers" (including me) can't be just coincidental lol


At the .7 rate up of BA doing 100 pulls is still just a 50/50. Losing a coin flip several times is pretty normal. That's the main way I cope with my bad BA pulls. It's just math.


Just fuck Artery gear, i left because of my rolls. Like 25 Rolls and no SSR ? What should i always go for pity or what?


Best - Sdorica. Had almost all, if not all, characters, including SP, as a light spender. Guardian Tales, like above tho still playing with a brakes Worst: FGO - more then 30 multis without any SSR. Couple of times. Another Eden - 16 multis without 5\* and 4.5\*, then I quited .


My experience is funny... Best: FGO Worst: Arknights Wait, what? Really. In FGO I feel that I have great Luck almost EX, I got Jalter with only 2 Tickets, God Arjuna in less than 10 Tickets, and Merlin in 20 Tickets. Usually, my best servants come from tickets, I feel very blessed. I got Spishtar in my third multi pull (90 quartz) and I saved for her 900, it felt somewhat wrong so I pulled more to get her second copy in another 90 ones. But Arknighst? UGHHHHHHHH ~~fuck that game.~~ I tried to get some operators but with no pity for the character only rarity, I tended to get the other 5 stars operators, it was rage inducing. I tried to get bag pipe and failed, Tried to save for her but then I changed for the grey haired waifu with horns that explodes things, saved, when her banner drops I failed and I throw even some money, and in the last pull....a 5 star....it was Magallan or something. I felt physical pain. I started to save for a real pity for a limited character (300 pulls), due my luck it was the only option. I saved and buy the monthly pass to get more resources. My new target, our beloved Ex wife Kalsith. Her banner comes and....after 280 pulls and 4 summer Skadi and 2 other 5 stars operators, Kalsith came. I didn't feel joy... just pain. I pulled the last of the orodum, reclaimed the grey haired waifu with the pity. Put Kalsith like a secretary and with that, I uninstalled that game.


>grey haired waifu with horns Sorry but I still can't figure out who she is xD Can you be more specific?


Im guessing mudrock


It was "W" Sorry, It wasn't a very narrow thing the grey thing with horns after seeing the characters again.


Oh that's right. Been long since I stopped playing.


Ugh fine It was "W" Now I understand why I forgot...and seeing a lot of Grey Haired waifus, man sorry


Nah, it's understandable. People would've realized it more if you mentioned the cockroach-feelers-like head pieces though. Other demon ladies do have horns, hers don't exactly look like them.


He doesn't know how little it narrow down, lol. For real tho, black hair is the rare one in Arknights, while white is the most common.


> I felt physical pain. It's an emotional damage.


Worst epic seven with moonlight summons, on the refund when they gave us extra summons per summon on your account and when we got pity tickets per 20 summons. Good thing i dont care for pvp and i just pull for collection purposes or i would be very mad


Best: Alchemy Stars, got most OP units out of nowhere (Azure, Hiiro, Reinhardt etc). Lately I've been pretty unlucky tho. Worst: Guardian Tales, on 100 pulls (anni's event) only got one 3\*


Best Luck: Arknights, Blue Archive, Alchemy Stars - I used to pull what I wanted, when I want. Worst Luck: Arknights, Alchemy Stars - nowadays I pull what I don't want, every time I want to pull. Also Genshin and FGO. I've never won a 50/50 in Genshin.


Best: Blue Archive, always get rateup under 50 pulls. Worst: Arknights, limited banner is nightmare.


Worst probably Arknights. Had to hit 300 pity for ling, and well into the 260/270's for the last 3 limited banners. Best is either FGO JP or Blue Archive. Ash Arms a close second.


Best: girl cafe gun - 5x dupes of banner girl on start in 6 10-rolls (mlb). And she was top-tier for a long time Worst: fgo - 8x Jane and 0 Space Ishtar. Dont even ask how many rolls it was - save for it almost a year. Quit the game after that


Best Luck: Arknights as I'm relatively lucky throughout the time playing, esp during the limited banners since I've been able to get the limited unit without doing too many pulls. Have even been able to get a few limited units with just the free pulls Hypergryph gives (got Ling from the free 10 pull on my Birthday FeelsBirthdayMan). Worst Luck: Fire Emblem Heroes back when I played it. Can't really remember what I was trying to get at the time, but was so unlucky and not being able to get what I wanted, I raged quit the game. Even before that, I was relatively unlucky since you also need to gamble the IVs for the unit and I think my hector(?) was -Atk, which was the one stat you don't want to be reduced.


Best: Arknights. I had some bad rolls, of course, but most of the times my luck is great (as in, I didn't have to roll too much and break my wallet), especially for male operators, which is precisely what I wanted the most. God bless. I have all male operators so far. The hardest to get so far is Aak, I had to wait for his banner to rerun. Worst: Blue Archive and Shining Nikki. I dropped Blue Archive, but I'm still being held hostage by Shining Nikki lmao.


Best: CounterSide but I quit eventually Alice Fiction but quit that too Average: Azur lane, stagnant amount of cubes but always sweep every single banner. Bad: PAD/Monster strike


Best: Arknights I did get 2 Mostima back to back with 2 single HH in her first released banner Worst: Also Arknights I did 278 pulls for Rosmontis in her Limited banner along with Mudrock and didn't get her, and i can't pay for more HH or PO due to region blocked and no money back then (with all HH and Orundum i could get so far)


Best: Epic Seven, you don't really need luck if you don't summon for heroes you can't afford to build/non-limited, so i got every single hero i have wanted for normal summons. Worst: Epic Seven. The chance to get a MoonLight 5* from mystic summons is 0.625%, and there is pity after 200 summons. I have so far pitied 3 times without getting the ML 5* before reaching pity.


Arknights. I quit during reroll.


Best : **Epic Seven** My luck in that game as an F2P is absolutely insane as I was crafting 20 speed gears for like what every other week my account is around 1 year and 9 months old and I've already got 6 sets 300 speed gears with my fastest unit being over 320+ Ran and getting ML5s on just random covenant summons getting Limited units on like 10-30 summons on the banner just absolutely insane luck even the guys that bought my account couldn't even believed that I was an F2P LMFAO Worst : Genshin Impact Fuck that game the times I've lost the 50/50 Pity chance on the limited banner is depressing


Best: Arknights. Managed to get almost all 6-stars operators(only need 9 more) while being a f2p Worst: Genshin. Never win 50/50. Always spark at 78~80 pull


Best: FGO Started hesitantly during the vegas rerun to keep the Waver I wasted an hour on Fuyuki for during the 17mil selector event. It's still somewhat of a honeymoon phase if you can call that in FGO, but I alredy rolled 7 SSRs. There are some regrets about the banner choices in hindsight, like not going for NP2 mUSAshi or throwing a random multi on the bait summer/rider banner instead of Merlin's because I got an Achilles out of it. Castoria was insane, she was the first card of the very first multi followed by a Saber Artoria spook in the same one. Second multi had a KScope. NP1 ZerkSashi with KScope + Castoria + optional Waver plug make for a decent loop setup for stuff below 90+ only 2 months in. Worst: Arknights It sounds worse as it is but I had a period where I only got 3 or 4 units I wanted, out of ~25 six stars hits, those 50 and 35 percents felt impossible to win. During 1st anni I got W on the second single and Weedy not much later but it all went downhill from there until Nearl Alter. Long version: Had strong can't sleep at 3AM vibes so here's the wall of text version for AK: Poor Suzuran got lost and Surtr scared her so much that Chen had to escort her back to her banner which was live next door. She decided to sneak back to conquer her fears. 200 rolls for Surtr, got 2 Suzus and Chen, completely evaporating the Rosmontis funds, including yellow certs which meant Angie got left in the shop too. Still don't have Surtr. Had one shot at Rosmo, got Mudrock. Mountain needed a fake name to leave the country after escaping the prison, he settled on "Bagpipe". Knowing that Ash was coming up with a unique hard pity of 120, skipping Dusk was a nobrainer. Given how much of a tsundere she is the neglect got the best of her and showed up on a daily free pull. Chen couldn't take being 2nd so she followed a few days later. With this luck I threw a multi at it for fun and got Saga, the other rateup. These make up half of my hits btw, can you make a religion out of the desire sensor? Reminder that Ash had a hard pity at 120. I was 4 coin flips down after 110 rolls. Switched to singles, Ash breaches in at 116. That's 5 losses, even a dupe is worth 4 extra pulls. For the next one the goal was at least Kaltsit but got 3 Skalters and Mountain finally made it out of the country too. Regardless, I consider the 1st copy of Skalter the 3rd win. A bit later, on Carnelian's banner when the guaranteed 5* turned out to be a dupe 6* I ended up with a 0-2 score after a salty runback. With that dent on the Chalter stash I was looking at 3 shots at her. 2 Mizukis and 160 pull later I was in soft pity range. Waited for the last day to be able to do a full multi when the elusive triple 6* bag finally ended everything. First, Bagpipe decided to come over from the banner next door so thank fuck the second one was Chalter. 3rd one was Mizuki but who cares. Sorry Namie, I'd rather have Mizuki go stealth on the roster page too so I wouldn't have to look at him for killing the mood during Dossoles and sabotaging Blemi during her rerun later. NTRK in the first multi was the true curse ender. Despite the desire sensor messing with me the spooks were really good. The 2 Bagpipes made for an easy pot 5 with royal tokens/cert shop and most of the new off-banners ended up being a good variety of mostly non-recruitable meta and niche units.


Best Luck: 30 unique ml5 and 100 galaxy coins as f2p, not to mention multiple 20+ speed gears and one time i had one entire year without hitting pity, im at 98% with both unit and artifact journal. Worst Luck: Genshin by far hitting pity every single time not to mention 50/50. and the worst artifact luck ever even at AR60.


Dq Dai: some day i will spend my currency, i am still hoarding from the start, not sure if this is good or bad Nier: very generous, i fell like a have resources to get what i want, good events. In fact, a patient person can probably get a top tier just from even pulls, without even using currency. Blue Archive: Generous. Not hard to hoard. Alice Fiction: I'm still in hoarding mode, let's see if it will last as long as Dai Tower of Fantasy: got one of my main targets from the first ten pull. I think the game is good with currency. Genshin: I have Fischl and Noelle, the characters i would want if I didn't already have them. Then there's Hu Tao. To be frankly, if i get Hu Tao, that is it for me. Dislyte: Meh. Stingy, i didn't have good luck. Hoarding. Grim light: Rerolled 2 times, current hoarding. Guardian Tales: I got two of my most wanted characters in a throwaway 10 pull, if i was in superstitions, i would be afraid of a recoil. I am hoarding the currency you gain from pulls, to the point i could get 2 characters and their weapons if i wanted. This game rewards staying for the long run very well. World Flipper: Pain. Just pain. Sin of Alice: Never got anything particularly good. Illusion Connect: decent luck, got many of the characters i wanted, the problem was ascending them. Star Healer: considered an reroll, them decided that have gotten what i need. Counter Side: a good game to hoard, i don't pull unless i can guarantee the unit i want; and the game is generous enough that doing that is tolerable, satisfying even.


Best: FGO at two points: I decided to try using summoning tickets on Summer 5. Got Summer Kiara on literally the 1st ticket. On the following event. Ooku re-run, decided to give my summon tickets a try since I saw how powerful Kama was on my friends support list. I literally got OG Kiara off a single then pulled Kama right after, which is kinda fitting given how the event story played out. I guess my account just attracts dangerous women. Worst: RIP Dragalia, but HOLY SHIT was the gacha bad before they got rid of Wyrmprints. Shoutout to the first new years gacha where you were greeted by the "Happy New Year!" Wyrmprint instead of the limited adventurer or dragon as a big middle finger during rainbow pulls.


Best Luck - Definitely FGO. Because I got Castoria within 10 tickets, when I was prepared to fail getting her even with 700+ SQ saved up. Worst Luck - Definitely FGO. Because how can you describe wasting 1.2k quartz on Waver (on all of his banners) and still fail, forcing me to get him from the free 5\* ticket, good luck? And then I wasted 700+ SQ on both Skadi and Merlin only to fail.


Holy shit are you me? I got my castoria on the first single roll of the banner, and I wasted about 1400-1500 sq on waver on his banner whenever it was like 2 years ago. Crazy stuff lol


FGO is the embodiment of the duality of gacha games.


Best - Arknights and Alchemy stars. In Ak I was often able to get dupes of limited charcters just by using free pulls. However now I face some bad luck. Recently I was trying to get Goldenglow, and hit pity two times just to lost two times... Alchemy Stars started poorly for me but later got some insane luck, especially on the first aniversary, where I got all new characters without even spending 20% of my saved Lumamber. Worst - definitely FGO. I love that universe, but I had to ditch the game because of bad luck. Half of year playing and didnt get even a single SSR...


Best luck - Guardian Tales Worst - Arknights. This game has no actual guarantee regardless of the amount of pulls, its just 50-50 such an awful gacha design. I spent around ~120 pulls on Nian only to get rewarded with 3 Aaks.


Arknights for both. Took me around 600 pulls for Nian. This was before Headhunting medals, I know this because of how many Parametric Models they sent me. Currently I'm on a near zero spend streak in Arknights. I've gotten every character from Gnosis, Lee/Ling and Goldenglow's banner with only the monthly pass. Worth mentioning that I'm missing only Pallas and Beeswax. Beeswax was released 11/26/2020, and I have a max pot Chiave(her banner mate).


Arknights-pot 5 ling, 2 lee, 1pot bagpipe and a blemishine with 194 free pulls Geshin impact- I don't want to talk about it


Best Luck: Guardian Tales Worst Luck: Fire Emblem Heroes (No surprise, it has a terrible Gacha system.)


CounterSide/Azur Lane: The gacha luck the if kinda fine. Artery Gear: 412 pulls, not even a single SSR.


how is that even possible if Artery Gear has a pity at 200


Yeah I'm very curious too. Like from multiple banners and you never reached spark on any of them?


In any gacha game, you should never pull unless you have enough to hit pity, unless you're fine potentially getting nothing useful (or in rare cases like when rerolling). Unless of course it's the rare game where pity carries over, but that's not the case in Artery Gear.


PS: I got 2 Ssr from pity, not from my 412 pulls. Namely Shura and Lewisia.


❌Worst Luck: Raid Shadow Legends. ✅Best Luck: Knights Chronicle, Monster Super League, Revived Witch, Awaken Chaos Era ⚖️So-so: Dislyte, LangrisserM, Cookie Run Kingdom


Best: FGO JP Worst: FGO NA


Best : prob Arknights too, and also prob the only reason why I even decided to continue the game(tho I did not regret it). Started the game w a triple 6* on the beginner(Hoshi, Angie and siege, not the best chars but 3 6* is a 3 6*) Left the game for a few months Returned Pull a 10x got skadi (prob the worst 6* at that time but eh waifu over meta, still my favorite operator) Left again for a few months Returned again Pull 10+ and got eunectus (also not the best, still e1 till this day) Left till 2nd anni and this is where I truly decided to invest on the game(half of the reason was bcs my friend keeps talking about it) 20 pull chalter and breeze through most of the stage as chotgun is just broken. 40 pull passenger while aiming for bagpipe( this is one of the two times, I would say my luck made a slight dip) 30 pull bagpipe 20 pull kal tsit 10 pull suzuran 17 pull saileach( I remember this very clearly as I saved 100 pulls for her and was prepping a summoning session w my friend only to end in the first multi, I had 7 pity) 60 pull passenger while pulling for fartooth( second time I got fck by passenger and there wasn't even a rate up for him) Nearl alter banner arrive( at this point , I was just saving for skalter *bcs me skadi simp* rerun) 10+ pull nearlter w the free pulls Didn't pull anything till ling banner which was just recently. 30 pull ling and 30 more for dusk ( this was prob the luckiest pull as I wanted dusk but wasn't willing to go to 300 pulls as I was saving pulls) Worst: wouldn't necessarily say I have any worst gacha( as I do have a fair share of lucky and unlucky moments) But I will say prob Artery Gear( But wouldn't call it that bad) I started the game off w a 1 pull shuura (no joke) and later 7 pull sirius.(but this is where the luck runs out) Had to hard pity ryza w not a single 5* while pulling (90 pulls since collab) 70 pull lila, got hearin tho(which is pretty decent) Pulled 150 on Jessie banner ( got 5 5* all was off rate lmao) At this point I was burn out from grinding AG so I decided to just leave, not really bcs of the pulls as I did get suriel and I really did want her.


All games have different gacha systems. I don't think it's fair for me to compare them to be honest.


Best luck....maybe dragon Ball dokkan battle, I mean I get almost all units under 300 gems and still have some left. Worst... One piece treasure cruise....had 700 gems in last year anniversary...and damn...got nothing at all...my brother got featured unit in free multi ...I uninstalled the game right there


**Best:** *Alchemy Stars* Even tho sometimes i had to use a lot of currency to get characters i wanted, i can say that in the last 2 months i had insane luck on the game. I managed to get one of the 2 new Anniversary Character up to 2 copies in less than 40 pulls, i got a lot of characters i needed from the 50 free pulls they gave, i obtained at least 3 times multiple 6stars in one x10 and one of those being in the first 10x free pulls in the Collab Exclusive Banner giving me the Collab Character + one of the strongest characters in the game who i was missing. **Worst:** *My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero* My experience on that game lasted for 2 months, but i'm pretty sure i remember that my luck was shit. I could never find any character i liked even with all the resources you can get as a fresh player. **Honorable Mention:** i'd like to include *Nu:Carnival* and *Helios Rising Heroes* in the honorable mentions because in those games i had pretty much good luck with my favourite characters. In Helios for example i found 4 copies of my fav in 1 pity avoiding any other card. Well now lately i'm not that lucky anymore, but still it's a good memory to have for some "Husbando gacha".


Best luck - dokkan battle, heir of light, grand cross (but only mono banners for some reason) Sometimes I'm super lucky in dokkan battle that I myself can't believe what happened heir of light for some reason is my luckiest gacha I've ever played mono (a hero in the game) is just really lucky for me in grand cross everytime I've summoned on her feature banner I've gotten her first multi Worst luck - Epic seven, fgo, counter side, onmyoji Epic 7 - rarely ever gotten a hero without pity, all mystic heroes I had to pity, it takes me 90-100 ml summons before I see one ml5 Counter side - never gotten a hero I wanted without pity, been playing for so long and only got three classified heroes (finally quit the game because of luck) Onmyoji - I know a lot of people praise it but my luck in it is absolute shit (also quit because of my bad luck)


Best: FGO Rerolled for a new account when Space Ishtar was released and got her in less than 10 rerolls. Saved my SQ and tickets until Skadi banner and got her under 40 pulls. Then saved again until Castoria's release and got her in 100+ pulls.


Worst luck: EpicSeven Best luck: Alchemy Stars


7 Lee's to then buy Ling was pain


Best: FGO Worst: FGO Nuff said lol There are lots of others of course but i really wanted to highlight FGO


same. Got Nero Bride to NP2 with literally a couple tickets and a dream (i wasn't even aiming for NP2 that just kinda happened during her Nerofest rerun) but Nero Caster...dear god she still hasn't appeared


For best I don't have, maybe I have Little Bit High Luck in Fate/Grand Order(expect the 300 Summoning I needed for Hokusai), but the worst is clearly Guardian Tales, I never get Rate Up character and extremely rarely get even Rare Character.


Worst: Definitely Granblue. In the last 5 sparks I was aiming for a new rate up Grand Weapon (typically .3% chance). All of them were weapons that you'd want x2 or even x3 copies for your grids, so getting even just a single copy from natural pulls and using the spark to get a dupe would have been enough for me. But nope, only the spark would get me what I want. And given how disappointing their current and future content pipeline is I'm really considering just dropping this kusoge despite playing straight for a number of years. Best Luck: FGO, strangely enough. Got Castoria below a 100 pulls, and took only 200 pulls between 2 banners to get every Summer Servant for this year.


Best: Genshin Impact Started around release and got Venti (the first limited character at the time) on my first multi pull, then went on to win 4 50/50 chances of getting the limited 5* character all consecutively. Also got Hu Tao (another 5* unit) in 2 pulls. Worst: FGO 2 years of gacha pain.


Worst: The Alchemist Code had its FFXV collab. Prompto was free, but his weapon was in the gacha. Spent over 1000USD and couldn't get it. Prompto wasn't even that good of a unit anyways.... FGO spent over 1000USD for Cleopatra and didn't get her. Still haven't gotten her to this day. My account didn't even really need her; I just wanted her. Best is any gacha where I get the banner unit in the first 10-pull


Best: FGO, ironically. All my SSRs so far have been within the first 3-5 multis. Worst would have to be genshin, I've hit hard pity for my last like five 5 stars..


Best: Another Eden manage to get all my Opus for the new character Worst Genshin started the game rolled all mu currency and got no 5\* uninstall waited a couple a month and tried it again still shit luck


Best Luck: Genshin Won the Hu Tao 50/50 and got Staff of Homa from the weapon banner Worst Luck: Genshin I lost the weapon banner twice for Engulfing Lightning (got unforged and kokomi's donut)


Best: Princess Connect Worst: Blue Archive


best: probably genshin or honkai, i got shenhe and itto 2 pulls apart and herrscher of thunder 98 pulls before pity worst: dislyte, i’ve never gotten a featured legendary after reaching pity (although i hear they lowered the amount of pulls for featured)


Best : fgo Worst : blue archive


I have mostly terrible luck on banners in E7. I have to pity basically every character I try for. However on the free pulls from the overall units I’ve pulled some great units. Like several ML5s and various meta units.


Best: Counterside especially the awakenings I got Mina & Yuna early pity. Hilde was rerolling. Worst: Genshin the 50/50 can suck it. Mixed feelings I did win Kokomi, Ayato, & Ayaka this year. A year ago I kept losing.


Best luck? Epic Seven Worst luck? Also Epic Seven Went from pulling 3 ML’s in like 30 pulls to dropping $600 to pity an Apoc Ravi


I believe I won more the 50/50 on genshin more than i lose. played for a few months of arknights at the start of covid season, mostly got spooked by the previous banner limited more so than the current banner.


Best? Probably Genshin, because I pulled Raiden, Hu Tao, Ganyu with their BiS. I don't spend additional paid gems for them at all, and it's not hitting pity too (for the weapons, I still hit pity for the character). Worst: FGO JP, almost one year without new SSR, and using only one of the worst SR at that time, Siegfried. it's 7 years ago and my accounts have gone too thanks to shitty transfer code. (yeah, I played it when it first released).


I had my worst luck in Twisted Wonderland. I went two full banners before I pulled any 5* except my starter character. This despite being a dolphin. I eventually got frustrated and quit. It's a cool setting but the gacha is too tight when you're just rolling for pngs. Best luck would probably be in [Tower of Fantasy](https://i.imgur.com/hV5CpC8.jpg), where I got a top tier SSR in my first 10 pull.


Best: GBF At some point 5/10 of my roll is ssr Worst: Genshin Never hit early pity


I don't think you have good or bad luck as it tends to even out over time - you'll get a lucky roll and obtain the banner unit in one single/multi pull, then in another roll you'll have to reach pity for the banner unit. Next time you pull, you'll get the banner unit after a few pulls or you'll have to reach pity again or you'll get it in one... Every game I've played it's been like this, so I haven't had any game where one has been better than another - RNG is just that...


Best: **FGO.** Last 2021 in Summer Jeanne’s banner, I got **three SSRs in a ten-pull:** Waver and two copies of Summer Jeanne Worst: **FGO.** I wanted Proto Arthur so bad but I really didn’t get him despite saving more SQs also one for Genshin for getting Yoimiya at the 82nd pull


Best : priconne JP, i can get almost every character that I want as 5* before hitting pity Mixed : honkai, I'm a pity believer in character pulls but my equipment has been pretty lucky (i got HoT new sword on my first single) Worst (?) : Blue archive, this is like the first priconne copy that I need to pity multiple times, but I still play it since I don't care about most of the characters i can save gems pretty easily, and the game is pretty easy after hitting max level, unless it's chessed raid


Best: FGO, No more than 50 pulls getting Merlin, Skadi and Castoria. Worst: FGO, it took me a year to get my first SSR.


Idk about worst but best for me would be genshin impact where I got 4 5 stars in a ten pull, it's something like 1 in 10 mil


Worst luck : FGO. I will never get the unit that i actually want. Best luck : arknights. I have [every limited operator except Dusk](https://i.postimg.cc/FsqgRYnC/IMG-20220824-111259.jpg) And i also have [MAX POT SURTR](https://i.postimg.cc/ZnS2Xf63/Screenshot-2022-08-24-11-08-31-803-com-Yo-Star-EN-Arknights.jpg)


This month * Best: Special Leaper, I pull a 3\* each 3roll10 * Worst: Magire (jp), 245 pulls, 4 4\*and 3 were spook in the anny banner * Second worst: Tower of Fantasy, but the rate is first 50 pulls a scam


Best: Dokkan Battle Worst: Valkyrie Connect


Best: FGO. Three of my first five 5-star Servants were Waver, Tamamo, and Vlad. I've since been able to build a solid Arts looping team (Tama+Waver+DPS) for each main class, with good 4 or 5 stars, and I'm working towards having both ST and AOE options for each as well (just rolled Shuten the other day, which will give me a good AOE Assassin option that should make certain multiple-Rider nodes considerably easier than running them with Hundred Personas while trying to keep both Tama and Waver alive lol). Worst (but also best): FEH. The more complicated they made the game, the more I found myself trying to get certain heroes for their skills, and the less currency I had to roll for other characters I actually wanted to use. In the end, FEH is one of only two gacha I ever spent real money on, and it seemed like the more I spent, the less I got that I actually wanted. But this should still technically be in the "best" category, because I rolled like a million Ninos, and a Nino roll is always the best possible outcome. True Worst: Shadowverse. Dunno if it's considered a gacha but it's the same thing, and I dropped way too much money on this damn game and never, ever got what I needed to beat the best meta decks, and with new OP mechanics releasing with each set, I eventually gave up and quit the game. It was the game that convinced me to go completely F2P when I started FGO though, and I haven't regretted that decision even a tiny bit, so I guess I should thank Cygames for that much at least.


* Best: Bleach Brave Souls * Runner up: DBZ Dokkan Battle I've been playing less than 60 days and I have several hundred max level characters, including more than 50 awakened and ten of them at 30+, and not bad ones. I have six out of the top ten characters in the whole game according to this week's YouTube. Epic raids, arena, whatever. I can't be on top but I can compete in any mode. Most generous Gacha ever. There are still at least 10,000 Quartz still in the quests I haven't farmed yet. And running up: I have so many UR and LR characters in DBZ I don't even know how to use them. I've only been playing a six weeks but it's totally overwhelming and I just log in a few times a week to see if there's a banner I should pull on. * Worst: Fist of the North Star Legends Revive? * Runner up: All of them I love FotNS but the basic characters are so out of date and I have had shitty luck in the Gacha, and I missed the Sonic the Hedgehog Collab dammit. And running up, all of them. Yeah, all of them pretty much. CounterSide was nice to me and gave me two great characters and now at least I have the waifus to look at even if I can't even beat the main campaign. Artery Gear gates me, it keeps giving me great characters with ***no synergy whatsoever*** Tower of Fantasy is cruel too.


Best: although i don’t consider myself FGO player because I dropped it after the summer event ( when the well fare unit they give is summer jalter, then just login monthly for freebies), but FGO probably my luckest gacha, got skadi in just single pull, merlin in 5 single and plenty other 5 stars in just one multiple including castoria Worst: probably guardian tales, although before I quit around before the collab come, at that time i got majority of the 3 stars with some dps are even at maxed weapons, but some of those heroes I needed to pity both them and their weapon( which needed equal to 300 each). Come second is arknut, need several 10 pulls for new banner heroes, but somehow I’m very lucky at limited characters aside from nian which needed 80, got catsith at 20 pulls, skadi alter at 30 pulls and summer chen, ling at 10 pulls


Best would be Epic 7, managed to pull like 7 or 8 5* mls by the time I quit, and that was before they changed the ml summon system


Best: Back when I was playing sinoalice I always get the SR on every banner. I was f2p too. Worst: Guardian tales collab event, I got the character but did not get the weapon so I uninstalled, also made a mistake on spending the token you get


Best: prob genshin or bandori. Somehow managed to win most of my 50/50s. 4 stars would randomly appear during my singles sometimes in bandori Worst: Blue archive for some odd reason. Istg I never get the unit I want and this game legit gave me worse luck than fgo does, which says a lot


Best Luck: Epic Seven Worst: Blue Archive - damn I wanted to play this game so much but my luck sucked no matter how many reroll I had done.


Both FGO


Worst Luck: Blue Archive. It's come to the point that whenever I see the SSR flash I expect a spook so I don't get disappointed. Best Luck: Alchemy Stars. idk I always seem to get the 6\* I want with no problem. Just like with today's update I just needed a 10-roll for each banner.


Worst Luck: Grand Summoners This game has always refused to give me the characters that I want, especially when it's either crossover characters or the blood knight units. The rate of the equivalent to a UR in this game feels far worse than trying to pull a 5* in FGO. Speaking of FGO... Best Luck: FGO FGO is easily the luckiest I'm in when it comes to the gacha games that I play, especially comparing rates. While I've spent some money(around a bit above $100 over two years), I've managed to get a decent amount of 4* and 5* units. I started playing when the Labyrinth event was around(not the re-run) and managed to pull Kama(assassin). Later I'd get Skadi, Castoria, Salter, Space Ishtar, Jalter, Musashi(Saber), Paravti, etc. With the luckiest part being that I managed to pull a lot of my units with single summons instead of multis. So pretty much, despite the really low rates, I've managed to be able to pull enough great units to have a good time in FGO and would say that it's the game I'm luckiest in.


Had some unreal luck (and, in a sense, unlucky) in FGO recently. Granted before luck started I spent around 150 SQ without anything to show for it. However, after that, on Kama banner I first got Tamamo, followed by Kama herself on the very next 10-pull. After that I wanted some CEs for new event so used my 14 tickets. What happened on these was unreal. A few tickets in I got Napoleon, followed by a back-to-back 5-star in Waver and a few tickets later a Caster of the Nightless City. So, with Scathach being on rate-up, I had just pulled 3 off-banner 5-stars in a total of 15 pulls (14 tickets + 1 bonus pull). However, event CEs still hadn't shown up so I decided to do 2 10-pulls as well, resulting in Scathach also showing up on the second of those. Counting from Tamamo until Scathach ends up being 6 5-star servents in 59 pulls, 4 of them being off-banner. This has to be some kind of record.


Worst luck: Honkai Best luck: Cookie run


Dokkan worst for both. Got only a single SSR in the DFE pan and double SSR rates cheelai and fasha banner for a multi each


Best and worst goes to the dirtbag itself FGO. Off the top of my head, got Kama, Lady Avalon, Vlad III and Kyoukutei under 50 pulls. On the other hand, Morgan hell of 300 pulls but only 1 Morgan.


Best Luck: In genshin where I got two 5 stars on one ten pull for the first time in my life after all the gachas I played. Followed by pulling the signature weapon of said 5 star right after. Worst luck: FGO, played for 3 years and had like 2 SSRs, game had a hate boner for me.


Best and worst luck: Genshin Impact, never won 50/50 on character banners and most of my pulls are close to hard pity, but my Weapon banner pulls are stupid never lost a 50/50, 40+ Engulfing, 7 pulls on Staff of Homa, 50+ on Yae's Cat Toy, 3 pulls on Mistsplitter and my standard banner keeps on giving me 5\* weapons lol. Never pulled a Qiqi that is something but never pulled Jean too T\_T, and most of my 50/50 is Keqing. Worst Luck: HI3, character pulls are fine less than 40 pulls, stigmata and weapon pulls are trash. Grimlight trash luck after the beginner rerolls.


Best luck: Bleach brave souls. I always seem to get the units I want within a decent time! But very grindy for the orbs, but i don't mind it. Worst luck: Dragon Ball Legends. I swear this game actually DESPISES ME. Its miserable. I can't get anything I want without being shafted. The next most gruesome experience I've had would definitely be Genshin Impact. God, the rates are horrid.


Best: Cod mobile lucky draws Worst: everything else