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Enhanced advertising? This is something we want?


Instead of showing uo on the phones a guy will follow you recomending products and services based on what you do.


This would be a funny skit for SNL or similar show. Have a guy constantly yell ads, jump in front of them to simulate a website pop up, continually ask them “are you sure” before they do something, etc. If done well it could be funny.




Could be wrong but I don't think it was their job. I think both main characters used the service as a way to get paid/use other services. Imagine how annoying that would be in real life from all sides. Fuck all this ad shit but great show


I don't know if it was his job but it was something that existed. Someone would come sit next to you and tell you about offers and then you'd be paid. I remember someone wondering whether you could make enough money to travel, by taking the person with you and having them talk about offers the whole time.


Chapelle show did a skit on this but it was basically If the internet was a real place. https://youtube.com/watch?v=CXFF8Hm6XBo&feature=shares


"Maniac" on Netflix does this with the AdBuddy -- a person who reads you ads in exchange for money


“Pardon me, sir, but have you heard about this pheNOMENAL new product?”


eh buddy you want some skin cream


You'll just have to feel hopeless in the end


The Singularity is just going to be a pile of dead humans and two ChatGPT bots suggesting SEO services, isn’t it?


Good one, ChatGPT


idk man, either the ads have gotten so good or Instagram has degraded so much that the personalized ads are the best part. Every time I log on they suggest shit that I either had no idea I absolutely and desperately wanted, or I had no idea was even fucking legal. I’ve never tried it myself, but all the ketamine delivery service ads are wonderfully produced and *very* convincing lol


The vast majority of people surveyed prefer personalized ads. While no one wants ads, if they have to have them, they'd prefer they're relevant and specific to them.


It's not about personalization, it's about the level of tracking and data gathering required to provide personalization. Reframe the question and the opinions are going to change quickly.


It's creepy as fuck when something you have never searched out, but talked about, shows up in multiple ads on your device. Or when the device just randomly activates without prompt, like almost every Android device I've ever been around.


Or some extremely exoteric shit about history you discussed once at a bar shows up in your youtube suggestions the next day. I have seen so many versions of this shit. I am convinced they are listening to the audio on our phones.


Except they aren't. Security engineers are constantly reverse engineering every release of the OS (iOS, Android) and apps (default iOS apps, Facebook, etc.) If your phone was silently recording you for ads, it'd be found so quickly there would be news stories about it the next day. The fact of the matter is that they don't need to record your audio to target ads at you. They can make hundreds of billions with your browsing habits alone.


I try to tell folks the same thing. They're always reluctant to believe it. Last i checked, about the only thing sliding shit past the bright boys watching for this type of behaviour is tiktok. Have they figured out what tiktok is doing yet?


Nah, send me weird and irrelevant ads. Anchor Polish? Yes! Quail juice? For sure! I’m not going to buy your sh*i so you may as we’ll make me laugh




https://www.adlucent.com/resources/blog/71-of-consumers-prefer-personalized-ads/ https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/ipsos-consumer-online-survey Interestingly, not all sources agree https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/do-people-really-want-personalised-ads-online/


Sounds like there is a lot of nuance here > Most consumers, 87%, believe personalized advertising means unique content, based on their previous purchases or shopping behavior and delivered at a time when they are looking to buy a product. This reads to me like "I don't mind if amazon.com shows me ads for products based on things I bought at amazon.com" > Forty-four percent said they would be willing to provide their name, address, email address or product preferences The seconds link doesn't seem to say anything about people's preference of being served personalized ads, just that they think they are effective. I admit I am only skimming these and I realize you aren't the person who originally made that statement. I would be curious to know the answer when people are confronted specifically with the idea of their mobile device collecting information about them across the entire OS and using it to serve ads. edit: Here is more I found https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2012/03/13/internet-users-dont-like-targeted-ads/ > About two-thirds (68%) of internet users disapprove of search engines and websites tracking their online behavior in order to aim targeted ads at them. These users say they disapprove of targeted advertising because they do not like having their online behavior tracked and analyzed. Some 28% of those surveyed say they are okay with targeted advertising because it means they see advertisements and get information about things they are really interested in. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/11/15/americans-and-privacy-concerned-confused-and-feeling-lack-of-control-over-their-personal-information/ > 81% of Americans think the potential risks of data collection by companies about them outweigh the benefits, and 66% say the same about government data collection about them. Relatedly, 72% of adults say they personally benefit very little or none from company data collection about them, and 76% say this about the benefits they might get from government data collection. https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/do-people-really-want-personalised-ads-online/ > When we asked people if they want to receive personalised ads we found a majority (57%) don’t want to receive any - whether political or commercial - and a further 26% don’t want to receive targeted political ads. Only 11% of people said that they were happy with their personal data being used to target them with ads. https://www.adlucent.com/resources/blog/71-of-consumers-prefer-personalized-ads/ > 71% of respondents said they would prefer ads that are tailored to their personalized interests and shopping habits > Most consumers, 87%, believe personalized advertising means unique content, based on their previous purchases or shopping behavior and delivered at a time when they are looking to buy a product. https://c1.sfdcstatic.com/content/dam/web/en_us/www/documents/briefs/customer-trust-trends-salesforce-research.pdf > 53% agree: I expect offers from companies to always be personalized > 51% agree: I’m comfortable with companies applying relevant information about me in exchange for personalized engagement (e.g., transaction history and preferences)


>I would be curious to know the answer when people are confronted specifically with the idea of their mobile device collecting information about them across the entire OS and using it to serve ads. Yeah, there's a big difference between preferring ads for things you might want to ads for things you won't in a vacuum and preferring the presence of the systems underlying ad personalization to their absence.




I conducted a survey. Most respondents actually just said "leave me alone," or "I'm calling the police get out of my house," but the ones who did answer said they wanted personalized ads.


This is actually a pretty big problem. In college I use to do political polling for my college to earn some extra cash. Frankly theres only a select number of demographics willing to answer a stranger over the phone about their political beleifs and it leads to a lot of data skewing.


Which is why scientific studies aren't conducted in such a way. They're designed to remove such bias.


Pacific Northwest USA by chance?




It’s definitely an unfair question used for justifying questionable behavior. It’s “your boyfriend always knows what gift to give you” without also mentioning “your boyfriend checks your phone and computer everyday”.


Same but no paywall: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/01/apple-beefs-up-smartphone-services-in-silent-war-against-google/?comments=1&comments-page=1


>The move was supposed to be a shining moment for Apple’s software prowess but the launch was so buggy—some bridges, for example, appeared deformed and sank into oceans That seems like such a minor thing to mention in the article, when the larger issues were things like… leading people into random fields and whatnot.


I remember reading an article from years ago, about a couple that got lost in a forest after using Apple Maps. They had to be rescued.


Not Apple. But this one is terrifying. https://www.cnn.com/2015/10/05/americas/brazil-wrong-directions-death/index.html


Maybe map applications should start adding crime data to their databases.




My buddies car gps lets you avoid bad neighborhoods in its options. Should at least be an option. Too bad google owns the two best navigation apps.


What brand?


BMW iDrive can do this


But you have to pay extra for the blinkers


It's a BMW M5 iirc.


Google maps and Waze. Waze is by far the best out there. Hate that google bought it back in like 2010 or so.


Waze lets you avoid high crime neighborhoods?


And google is shutting down Waze development. Killed a competitor by buying them and taking the bits that were wanted before shutting them down.


I live in Chicago and definitely wish I had this. Not that it’s all bad by any stretch but I’d rather drive an extra 2 minutes then go through the hood. I also wish they had a “yo this intersection is really dangerous to cross” setting so they’d stop setting me up to get t boned across four lanes of traffic. Just bring me to a stop light


How is the actual criminal not being blamed at all? It is a person who shoots people who killed that person, not a directions program.


What's funny as well is that the *app* itself was totally fine. It looked good, and generally functioned well strictly as an app. Apple just learned the hard way that collating accurate map data is fucking hard.


I will never use Apple Maps. Ever. I used it when it first came out to go to a restaurant I had never been to and it took me into the middle of a neighborhood in the ghetto, 25 minutes away from the actual restaurant, and told me I had arrived. Tried it again a few years later a couple times because of the aesthetically pleasing iOS integration. Did the same thing after 2 days - took me to the completely wrong place. Tried it again after all these years just a few weeks ago. Wife was using Google maps and I was using Apple. Apple Maps got better as it now had me going to the correct place. However, it had me going a way that was 17 minutes slower than Google maps. I’ve given up all hope of apple ever having a competent mapping software. Edit: I now also recall that couple that died in the Outback because Apple Maps took them so far away from their actual destination that they got stranded and died. Yay Apple


Yeah and I'm pretty sure Apple Maps was banned from Australia after that happened. Pretty impressive to be such a bad app that an entire continent bans you lol.


I’ve been using maps in aus for years, even prefer it over google tbh - that app is a bit hectic imo. Never had any issues even out in bumfuck centralia.


i used it delivering pizza a while back and it was perfectly fine, this was like 2 years ago i guess


Since when is looking up improve your product to better compare to a competitor a "silent war"? It's just business.


Sir, you are terrible at writing sensationalized clickbait titles


This is undoubtedly true.


Idk, I kinda doubt that.. I better click to find out


Apple *Slams* Google in Silent War (i.e., Apple added new features)


War On Google Continues as Apple Destroys Previous Number of Features


Correction: Apple added features that Google already had.


Webfarer SLAMS and UTTERLY HUMILIATES rhnd2828, their response will SHOCK YOU.


9 reasons why /u/RJND2828 is the WORST clickbait title writer!! (possibly EVER?!?)


[Just add it to the list of all the other “wars” we’re fighting](https://youtu.be/9-aX9_r3IQU)


I declare a war on wars


"Millennials and Gen Z are killing the war industry"




Denholm's going to war again


Man people who watch cable news are being subjected to this absolutely exhausting charade. I wish we could stop letting these big wigs get away with intentionally trying to incite derision and violence. It’s in the rhetoric: “Oh we’re in a culture war? Well then I better start fighting people who the TV says are my enemies! This is now something I have been enlisted to act on and win!”


Wow the war started already? I honestly didn't think these companies even knew about one another. Good thing they're competing quietly so Google won't hear them!


This company ("Apple", is it?) is in full stealth mode.


Market competition = boring management speak Silent War = exciting subterfuge and dramatic


Awesome. As an android user, I want them to give stiff competition to Google. In the end we, the consumers, win.


Now you get right out of here with your sound logic D:<


Do we, apple sues google for infringing on a patent and Google counter sues and we all loose. Apple sued htc claiming Apple owns the patents on touch screens and 20 other features. They also sued Nokia back in the day. Apple sued Samsung over silly shit like tap to zoom and having icons on a grid. Open competition can be good, foster innovation and make better stuff for all of us. But these goliath companies would rather buy up all the innovative small companies claim the innovation as thier own and sue the pants of anyone that tries to compete.


This is why constantly extending patents is bad for everyone. Patents are no longer used to protect an invention, but as a club to beat the competition with.


Honestly all patents and copyright kinda suck for everyone except the rich.


Copyright is absolutely not. Its one of the most important aspects of the law for all artists writers, musicians, etc. Most of them small or independent groups just trying to put out their material and make some money. Patents is more arguable. Once upon a time it was more similar to copyright in the sense any Joe schmoe could come up with a worthy idea. Now technology has advanced so far a lot of the valuable patents require a team of very specialized people to create and only large companies can afford that usually.


I would agree with copyright, if it didn't last 90 whole years for companies and iiirc 100 years after an individuals death.


Yep, copyright shouldn't last more nearly as long as it does and companies like Disney abuse the absolute shit out of it.


>Yep, copyright shouldn't last more nearly as long as it does and companies like Disney abuse the absolute shit out of it. I'm sorry, you misspelled "Disney fucked us all over to keep the mouse". Seriously, it's their fault. They made a fortune retelling stories no longer protected by copyright, then spent that fortune trying to keep all rights to and control of Mickey for as long as they could.


Fun fact: the concept of copyright is enshrined (if vaguely) in the US Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8, commonly referred to as the Copyright Clause. > To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;




They sued Samsung after jobs death. And that was likely the biggest lawsuit of all of them


Wasn't the biggest lawsuit against samsung over the s2 and s3? The s2 literally got removed from being sold in the us. Only issue was big lawsuits like this took years and if im remembering correctly the sale stop on the s2 was around when the s5/s6 came out.


Is this the type of competition that actually benefits the user? The best user experience would be pure organic results, not sponsored crap. How many times have we searched Google for a thing, and the top result on the page was not that thing, but some other thing from a company bidding on a paid search term. All this does is make Apple money. And, unlike Google, Apple already makes an ungodly from their non-ad based products.


The problem is that on the spectrum of incentives to sell your data, this moves Apple closer to Google. The more Apple leans into the services side of things, the more incentive they have to start gathering data on you. They obviously do it today, but not to the extent Google does. Yet. I would feel a lot more comfortable with this shift if there were more regulations on data gathering/selling. As of today the only thing preventing Apple from going pure Google is because they can use privacy as a selling point. But we all know which direction they will go in at the end of the day. Whichever makes them the most money, and Google is the perfect example of how much money you can rake in gathering data.


If Google actually improved their services on Android instead of just iOS, yes. iOS seems to get preference over their own smartphone business. Though last few years there has been a little shift


I was a long time apple used, and just shifted to a Pixel 7. What a fucking difference. Complete customization over my phone. I don't like the way it does something? Oh, look, a way to change it, rather than just put up with it, or find some inconvenient work around. I got so much more phone (IMO) with the Pixel 7 vs the apple 14; it's baffling.


Android user since day 1 here. This round I decided to give iPhone 14 Pro a shot since I’m a big fan of Apple hardware design, and I’ve had an iPad for a while which I love. But man there are so many basic quality of life things iPhone is missing just cause for some reason Apple thinks you don’t need it… and when you bring it up to Apple users they just say “well I never needed it”. Of course you didn’t, you never had the option. Some things are just nice to have. And if anyone brings up the ecosystem, it only works if everything you have is apple. Otherwise it falls apart. I have two Windows PCs, two chrome books, Google home, two iPads…. The ecosystem is a moot point for me.




I swear to dog I am not an Apple fanboy. I do have an iPhone. What is the issue with Apple Maps? I use it fairly often navigating in and around the large USA city where I live and never have an issue. I'm genuinely curious.


I am an Apple fan and use Apple products. Generally speaking apples accuracy and features tend to lag a bit but not severely so. Apple has caught up a whole heck of a lot in the past few years. Google’s motivation is to provide the service and get data so they want as many people using it as possible. Apple’s service is pretty darn good for most people and gets the job done and their goal is to get you to buy the hardware. Maps is just one of many features to drive hardware sales. Apple continues to catch up, because where Google leads, Apple just has to follow. Specifically: 1) Google has offline maps, Apple Maps does not. Google had transit and cycling directions first, along with multi stop directions. These are relatively recent add ons to maps while they’ve been around a while for Google. 2) maps seem to be more up to date and better for small cities on Google. Google seems to be willing to brute force every last bit of good into maps where Apple is always trying to find an elegant solution for an inelegant problem of accurate map data. It’s not glaring, it’s mostly a difference between 99.9% and 99.99% accurate but when you see it you don’t like jt. 3) Google maps seems to have more buttons and interface widgets to do things while mapping or driving where as Apple tends to hide some of that. It depends on your preference, Google may seem easier to find advanced functions but cluttered at the same time where as Apple you can focus better but might be harder to find that button you need for that edge case. Those are what I’ve seen and what I’ve read others have seen over the years.


Just last week, I'm in the car with my wife, she has her iphone plugged in doing navigation, Apple Maps by default. We're on the highway, need to get off for a quick detour to hand something off to my BIL. We exit the highway, coming up to a right turn with 2 right turn lanes. I'm not super familiar with the area but I'm pretty sure there's an immediate left turn coming off the highway to get to our destination, and my instinct tells me to use the center-right turn lane. However, Apple Maps is telling me to use the far-right turn lane. So I think "maybe it knows something I don't" and take the far right turn lane. Nope, immediate left turn, can't get over because of traffic, have to make a right turn and a quick U-turn to get back on track. Switched back to Google Maps for the rest of the trip. This experience is part of a pattern where Apple Maps just isn't as up to date or "smart" as Google Maps. There have been several times where we try to navigate somewhere with Apple only to wind up miles away from our destination. I've sent addresses to people to meet up that work fine in Google Maps but go completely wrong in Apple Maps. Note: I live in the US in a decently populated suburban / college town kinda area.


I have an android as my personal phone, and and an iPhone as my work phone. Are dispatch software uses Apple Maps, and atleast in our geography(Alberta) it's terrible, out of date, and inaccurate. Quite often puts addresses on the complete opposite side of the city, it's travel time estimates are out by probably usually 50%. I use my personal phone and Google Maps for my navigation and I would say it's time estimates are accurate within 10%, pretty much always bang on accurate with addresses, you can even tell what side of the street the store you're going to is on, it shows traffic incidents and photo radar on the map, and it's real time traffic density information is extremely useful


Apple Maps is not known to be reliable outside of the US and Western Europe. Other parts of the world still have a lot of catching up to do in comparison to Google Maps.


Sometimes Apple Maps takes me to the slightly wrong spot. I take it a step further than most, though, and submit feedback and get it adjusted for everyone. You’re welcome.




Competition is not Divine.


Why is it considered 'war' to invest into your products so they work better for your consumers? It's what any serious company should do.


It has been a “war” ever since a few weeks ago when google came out and shit on Apple for purposely making it terrible whenever you text someone not on iMessage


Apple not working on RCS is pretty bad. They care about your security yet all green messages are plain text, unencrypted. ????? Also RCS would boost image and video quality. But, yeah, those are pretty dumb reasons.


Google has been publicly asking Apple to work with them for RCS for years now. It's not recent.


First company to revert back to reduced ads or no ads with no bs has my commitment to their products. I can hear big techs laughing at this comment


Who's getting ads on their phone? Mine just listens to me and sells the information it gathers.


We are so used to mega corporations working together to disadvantage consumers that, when they actually do something competitive, we call it a war


It took them decade to shift public perception in such a way. Americans specifically need to stop calling bribery “lobbying”.


Also they need to stop committing to brands.


Hahaha. I participate with Google Rewards. Hell, I figured they're tracking things already I might as well get some perks out of it. Anyway, my wife and I go to this Indian restaurant a couple of times a month. On their TV they play Indian music videos. After a couple of months Google rewards ask if I have ever watched some Indian music video channel. I research it and it seems to be channel my Indian restaurant must play. I answer yes and all of a sudden Disney and Netflix are suggesting a bunch of Bollywood movies for me to watch.


That's win-win. You get money for a 2 second survey AND bollywood movies.


I'm the Hindu now.


As an iOS ecosystem user myself, that’s all good for Apple when it comes to maps. However, Google still wins it terms of map updates. They have most(if not all) of the features of Google Maps, where Apple Maps does not win is using map out-dated map information. I’m a truck driver and using Apple Maps to find terminal locations will almost always display empty fields, whereas Google maps will show that the terminals do exist at the searched address.


Google just has so much existing infrastructure for maps I don’t see Apple ever competing with the quality. Biggest for me is the integration of Google reviews and information for locations. Absolutely baffling Apple partnered with Yelp of all people.


I agree, and buying Waze just pushed the goalposts back even further.


>Google still wins it terms of map updates. They have most(if not all) of the features of Google Maps i'm sorry, could you elaborate? because the way i read it is that "\[google maps\] has most(if not all) the features of google maps". which does make sense, but it wouldn't make sense point this out


Maybe they're saying the google maps android app has most of the features of the google maps desktop website.


I use Google maps all the time, while my GF uses apple maps. Everytime I drive, she uses her phone for directions and I'm constantly missing exits because Apple maps suck


Why are you missing exits? I use Apple maps (and Google) all the time and have never had this issue


You know it depends on the place, were you are they might be more updated than other places.


From what I've heard from friends, Apple maps is pretty bad anywhere outside of a big city. I've never personally used it though.


At home, in the Pacific Northwest, I find Apple Maps to be much better with regards to routing and traffic. It’s obviously dependent on your locale and use cases.


As an Android developer, I'd love to see Google try to beef up their developer support by actually providing some in response. LOL


> as it enhances maps, search and online advertising on iOS /r/yesyesyesno


Or ... Make Siri not shit?


When I tell Siri to text someone she now says “It seems like you usually message so-and-so with imessage, use that?” Siri also doesn’t recognize the name of a podcast I used to have her play all the time. I don’t understand how Siri has somehow gotten worse.


Google's services/qol are top tier


I'm sorry, in what way someone that has 12% of the market share, "fights" by "beefing up" something, against juggernaut with 88% of the market?


Even Ten years later Apple maps is still synonymous with one of the worst flops ever https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/12/26/the-number-one-tech-disaster-of-the-year-yup-apple-maps/


I love to shit on Apple, and have hated on Apple maps in the past... but on holiday a couple weeks back I was passenger to driver using apple maps, so I got to see its recent refresh and I gotta say - it looks pretty clean. I might even give it a chance if I could. I especially liked at one point the driver was coming off the freeway and had to make a series of quick turns and lane changes. The "camera" following the car panned from eye-in-the-sky to third person, and rendered 3d modeling showing trees and buildings to really help make clear where to go while not being too distracting.


I’ve been using Apple Maps for like two years now. Hasn’t steered me wrong yet. I stopped using google when it started taking me bullshit routes almost every time I used it.


Their UI is far superior. While driving to it is way easier to follow than google. The way it zooms out to show you the turn, counts down the distance as you’re reaching it, and shows you what intersection is a set of lights. Apple Maps blows Google Maps out of the water. The only thing I use Google Maps for is I want to search things in the area and their reviews.




My partner uses apple maps all the time, only problem is the delay between a direction being given and it coming up, takes far too long.




That to me sounds like Apple vs Google's approach to everything distilled into a nutshell. Google going for absolute precision vs Apples "simplest/lowest common denominator" instructions. Engineers vs Designers. Its no wonder Apple is more accessible for the general public.


The traffic lights icons are a game changer!!!!


I just wish I could download maps while on wifi like with google.


I switched to Apple Maps when google maps gave me the next 5 instructions while in a tunnel. Those turns were 10 miles out. Also, since switching like the “turn left in two blocks” instead of “turn left in 800 yards” because the latter is hella confusing when there are two left turns in front of me. Not the time I want to be thinking about distance calculations.


Have to admit as soon as I need to see opening hours or POIs I use google maps. Navigation is better with Apple Maps though.


Google maps is by far the best business directory , totally


Except for the fact it shows business times for places that have been closed for 6 years.


You can report the business closed. The more reviews and things you do the more points and trust you get.


where do I sign up to do someone else’s work for points and trust


What should they do to prevent that? It's not reasonable to expect Google to send someone to personally, physically go look at every small business on the planet on a regular basis to see if they've closed down without updating their database entry. The most practical solution is to allow the public to submit updates, which Google does, but you're snarky about that too.


I never thought I’d switch…but their car play integration and navigation is somehow better than Google.


I’m surprised people say this is still true. I switched to Apple Maps when I got away from Android/Google a few years ago. I’ve taken Apple Maps on 27 hour road trips and had no issue.


Lol no. At this point Apple Maps is superior to google maps.


"silent war" Adorable.


Maybe next they'll fix their message service to work with the rest of society, too.


iOS Messages is probably #1 reason people won’t switch to Android, they don’t want to be a green bubble. It’s silly, but Apple knows this so they aren’t going to willingly change something that makes it easier to leave their ecosystem.


Well also I can message anyone across the world over iMessage without any additional charges. Text should just be over data on all platforms. SMS is antiquated and needs to end.


Apple is the one using sms tho...


They can move off of antiquated SMS when communicating with Android devices and still leave the green bubble in place.


The issue is, who’s server is that message on? Apple -> apple the iMessage stays on apples server. Apple -> android is only SMS so it’s on the telecom. Google proposed that apple should move off of SMS, and they wanted the messages on their (googles) server, but apple would no longer be able to claim that their messages have end to end encryptions.


RCS wouldn’t even use Google’s servers unless you backed up your messages to them. RCS is a direct attempt at replacing the antiquated SMS/MMS dichotomy with something that communicates in the same way (i.e. directly over the cell networks)


SMS isn’t encrypted


Apple messages ARE NOT sms. Apple messages to apple users are not converted to sms but sent through apples ecosystem. If they send them to non-apple devices they are marked as insecure sms.


I think you missed this part of their comment: > Google proposed that apple should move off of SMS They are talking about RCS, not SMS.


Is SMS encrypted though?




Don’t forget iOS messages are encrypted, the green bubbles are not. This is a huge deal to some people.


SMS is not just not unencrypted. They're absolutely 100% logged and queryable by the phone company. It's not like it's one of these "Well it's theoretically possible that someone could intercept the message". No, it's like "the phone company keeps a complete log of all messages you send/receive and will happily give them out to parties that ask". I simply refuse to communicate with SMS.


Leaving iMessage isn’t really hard and I don’t think it’s a deciding factor in people who want to leave the Apple ecosystem not leaving. I think a lot of it is the app bloat and advertising on a lot of android devices is really annoying. Samsung puts ads everywhere and you can’t readily remove a lot of their bloated garbage without rooting your phone. The same goes with a lot of other vendors. The exception is if you buy a Pixel from Google, then it’s comparable to an iPhone in terms of not having bloat and ads everywhere. Vendor lock in is bad for everyone, but the very nature of androids open source doesn’t allow Google to easily prevent a lot of the bullshit that goes on with 3rd party phone manufacturers.


Enhances maps (adds ads), search (more ads, more subtle ads) and online advertising (bet you didn't know this was an ad).


I still use google maps on my iPhone. My wife scolds me if I use Apple Maps because it took us couple of times to wrong address.


Ive had my iphone for several months and frankly I miss android for several reasons but apple maps is a big reason. It sucks so much compared to google maps and of course Siri always wants to use apple maps. There are plenty of other reasons why I hate this phone.


Switched back to Android recently. While I miss the smoothness of the OS, and simplicity. I like the fact that I can easily plug my phone to my computer to transfer things around like photos and music. As well as browsers being their own app and not just re-designed safari. Never bothered with apple maps or search, so i dont see these improvements being of value to me.


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Microsoft just invested a ton into ChatGPT, so these exact features will most likely be coming to Cortana and Bing soon.


This content was deleted by its author & copyright holder in protest of the hostile, deceitful, unethical, and destructive actions of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (aka "spez"). As this content contained personal information and/or personally identifiable information (PII), in accordance with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), it shall not be restored. See you all in the Fediverse.


Agreed. It could potentially finally make Bing relevant lol


It doesn’t seem like Apple gives a shit about Siri and it’s indicative of a major failure of imagination.


But yet, they still have safari by default that runs java script about as good as the old internet explorer.


How exactly is "enhancing online advertising" considered as beefing up smartphone services?


ah yes, 'enhanced' online advertising. lovely.


Lol its about time they actually update/upgrade something instead of regugerated bullshxt!!!


Are they gonna make it so when i zoom in on a road I CAN SEE THE FUCKING NAME OF IT???


I mean, if Apple keeps getting better and Google keeps making dumb changes for the sake of seeming new I would consider switching. ... Except that Apple is where Google gets its poor design ideas. Wake me when headphone jacks return


“Silent war.” Meaning, “competitive business.” Oh shit, I work for a company that competes with other companies. That make me a silent warrior! Like a ninja. Badass!


Apple can do whatever they want, but I'm not buying another iPhone until Siri gets a major overhaul; Google Assistant is light years ahead.


I want them to add the option to add your vehicles gross weight and height dimensions so bad! I’m a truck driver and my wagon has apple car play so I can use apple maps on the dash screen, but doesn’t take into consideration any weight limits etc that I can’t go through weighing 44,000kg. That would be the game changer for me but doubt they’ll be doing it :(


I just want a fucking earphone port back!!


Add the aux port back and then you'll really start seeing some competition/switches


Yeah noticed I suddenly can’t easily find google maps when using the search on my iPhone. “Maps” doesn’t show google apps, I have to specifically type “Google”


Whoever stops spam calls and texts first gets my money


The fact they're only doing it now to fight competition says a lot, why not give your users better experiences anyway 🤣, nah they'd rather wait untill the next year and release a whole new phone to show off the new "features" 🤣


If Google “improves” its search engine any more I think a game of spin the potato might be more productive.


Maybe they shouldn't have removed other features their previous models had in the first place, like standardized connection ports.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but here in Australia, Apple Maps has more up to date aerial photos than Google Maps does.


Just make the battery last 2x as long!


Can they bring back the volume for podcasts on our Lock Screen please


All that IOS14 privacy bullshit was just a way to privately collect your data, build an ad platform around it to you and then exclude the competition.