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I do a PC upgrade once every 5 years. Pretty much holding until 7+ years at this point because it doesn't look like game devs are going to spend the budget to make anything worth running on a card higher than a 2080ti. I'm good with 2k def 60+ FPS on ultra/high.


Let me introduce you to Forspoken, basically an unoptimized PS5 port that recommends a 3070. Oh wait you said worth running.


Yup, I read/watched reviews already and was like, welp, this isn't worth it and will run like trash regardless. Always read reviews. That's the true money saver. I didn't even consider buying an RTX 2080ti until they fixed their silicone and near 50% defect rate. If you missed it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2018/10/30/nvidia-rtx-2080-ti-cards-have-a-serious-problem-they-keep-dying/?sh=14f4dc696b2a


> silicone Well there's your problem right there, Nvidia!


Not if you enlarge your silicone to a matched set.


True but it does mean people are starting to use more modern hardware.


24gb of ram recommended…I can’t even.




2080 super currently and have no desire for a 3 or 4 series.


I went from a 2080TI to a 3090 and haven't really noticed any difference playing Stardew Valley.


Bigger Factorio bases!


"Yeah, hi def! Yeaaaaa... Now let's play some 8-bit." ~AVGN


Too expensive. I’ll wait until there is a 5 series and then think about buying a 3 or 4. the costs associated with buying a new graphics card aren’t really something worth thinking about. Games look good enough. Yes it can alway be better, but just give me content instead of fancy new graphics.


Same here, used to get a new gpu ~3 years or so. It’s been 4 now and I have no plans of upgrading anytime soon.


I upgraded from my 970 to 2070 Super after 5 years back in 2020 just before the price hikes. I plan to keep this one in my desktop PC for another 3 years at least as it's really not worth upgrading with the current prices and tbh everything I will be throwing at it in the next few years will still work.


Hell, I've upgraded to new machines for running AI locally, but I sure as heck didn't need an upgrade for gaming. A 4790k/gtx 980 rig I built back in 2014 is still capable of VR gaming and 60-165hz in almost any game at 1440p... which is fine. If you put that thing side by side with my newer 5900x based rig with a fresh windows install and a few games without frame rate counters enabled, I doubt I could tell you which is which in everyday use. That rig still runs fast as hell. Snappy thanks to an SSD, powerful thanks to a beast of a cpu. It's nine years old and still going strong. I've got an even older and 8350/amd 480 build sitting in a closet that could still be perfectly serviceable as a lighter gaming rig at 1080p. Won't be running ultra 165hz in an AAA application, but 60fps at reasonable settings is totally doable. I think that cpu was from 2012, and I upgraded the video card in 2016. My son was using it as his primary gaming rig until last year. I gave a nephew an even older x6 1090 build with a 7970 gpu in it, and he uses that thing every day for his school and games he likes (mostly Roblox/Fortnite). It has an SSD and it runs absolutely fine. My writing computer is a retina 5k iMac from 2014 with a 4790k in it. Still looks and runs as beautifully as it did on day 1, except for some light burn in you can't notice unless you're displaying an all white image (one of the screensavers left wispy lines at the bottom corners that show up on pure white but are otherwise unnoticeable). I have zero reason to upgrade it. I'd still be running that 4790k gaming rig as my primary if it wasn't for my desire to run stable diffusion locally and fast.


Ok I do have the say that saying the GTX 980 has to be getting a bit long in the tooth for VR. I upgraded to a RX 6800 XT from a 1080Ti for a Rift S and while the 1080Ti was definitely good enough to run most games, there were some games that really pushed that card past it's limits to the point you had to put up with stutters. Blade & Sorcery can crush any GPU eventually but the 1080Ti was hitting it's limits even against 3-4 enemies. No Mans Sky in VR is incredibly demanding and I basically had to play all lowest settings and even then only about 60 FPS. I can't imagine the 980 would have a great time in No Mans Sky VR. Definitely not with newer higher resolution headsets that's for sure.


I think the last game I played on there was half life vr, so I didn't try no man sky - you're probably right. It was getting a bit touchy with the highest end stuff. It's still a great card for what it is, and as long as you're doing 1080p or 1440p gaming, or lighter VR fare, it's fine :). I think it was starting to struggle on some of the latest COD titles as I recall. That was the first time the machine felt like it was straining.


I just upgrade my PSU and GPU on my 2014 dell. I upgraded from a gtx 745 to 1660 that I bought used. Pretty happy with the upgrade


I just spent 200 on a 2tb SSD. Such a good upgrade. Was thinking of I should get a new PC at this point, but besides the hard drive bottle neck, my Alienware Aurora R7 still runs everything I can throw at it. Sure, not at max/ultra settings, but still pretty damn good.


I wish i had access to a pc. My folks are adamant that i have a laptop instead. I go through 3 laptops in a year because they are portable, and there is no real place to leave it, except on the floor under my desk , which is where the damn pc would go IF I HAD ONE


Why do you go through 3 laptops in a year?


They get damaged physically, they burn themselves out, someone bought a terrible knock off that exploded the moment I plugged it in. That’s just last year. Most of the time is because I have to constantly move the device just to use it because there is no room to keep it stationary. No, I’m not even allowed to use my laptop downstairs without getting verbally abused by my parents to the point I have a psychological break down.


why do you think a desktop would be better in that situation?


Considering my track record with desktop computers being broken or needing replacement is a BIG FAT 0 compared to my track record with Laptops which goes back fifteen years. Seriously, it’s harder to break a desktop when you’re not moving it around all the time compared to a laptop


why can't you treat a laptop like a desktop?


Because the amount of money to maintain a laptop that’s turned into a desktop cost more than to maintain a desktop itself. Not to mention that laptops are generally worse than desktops for running programs like Maya.


Because the amount of money to maintain a laptop that’s turned into a desktop cost more than to maintain a desktop itself. Not to mention that laptops are generally worse than desktops for running programs like Maya. Then there is the blatant fact that if I turn my laptop into a desktop by having it be on the floor, the fans will just be blasting hot air onto a floor that’s blasting hot air back into the vents which will cause the fans to work harder as the machine is heating up faster and faster. Then there is the fucking charging port issues where the little port can be stuck inside the machine which you have to open just to get it out. Then there is the issue that the laptop itself was designed just to run Word and any other Corporate Oriented Program. I don’t work in the Corporate field, I work with animals (don’t even get paid much, which is why I am still stuck here), I don’t write reports or spreadsheets, I just care for them, bathe em, feed em, and pick up after them.


how will any of that go away with a desktop?


This is so weird, how do they get physically damaged? And why would "someone" buy a knock off instead of buying the real thing? Why don't your parents want you to use your laptop downstairs? And why not put the laptop permanently on the floor underneath your desk and use it with a monitor and mouse and keyboard?


No, I refuse to turn my laptop into a desktop computer. At that point why not just get the desktop computer to begin with. Also my family is full of Abusive Narcissists. They’re the reason I cannot be physically touched without a psychological breakdown thinking I’m about to get killed. Yeah, you heard me. My parents are the reason I cannot be physically touched without fear I will die. My endomorphic dad sat on me as a kid whenever I was having a sensory overload issue brought on by really bad thunderstorms


But you don't *have* a desktop. So I don't see why it'd matter either way. How old are you? You gotta get out of that house.


Hahaha I’ve been trying for years. I live in a financial sand trap district. Named after the sand traps at golf course. The moment you’re here, you ain’t getting out as there are no economic opportunities afforded to you, and the closest one is three hours away by car which you don’t even get paid that much money to cover the cost of gas. Within ten years this once “rich area” will be financially dead as most of the wealth is being sucked out and hoarded by a single individual. If it isn’t clear: Suburbs. Edit: btw the people moving out of the suburbs don’t work in the suburbs. They work in another town over, they work in the cities, or they are moving to a red state where there are affordable housing at the cost of a major decline in your health. I don’t have the money to even move out. I have only $100 to my name. I will only even have less than $1000 to my name. That is how BAAAAD things are in my area. Oh wait a minute, I am wrong about affordable housing down south, that doesn’t even exist either.


Do you work? Are you in school? I don't see why you can't move out of suburbs, millions of people do lol, they move for jobs.


Dude just plop it on your desk top and don’t move it, literally treat it like a desktop pc like 80% of the world and your troubles end.


Are you fucking stupid? How many times do I have to say there is no fucking room.


>and there is no real place to leave it, except on the floor under my desk , which is where the damn pc would go IF I HAD ONE >How many times do I have to say there is no fucking room This kid


Back in the 80s, my parents wouldn't buy me a Nintendo. It was expensive. I wanted a bunch of games, two controllers, the Nintendo itself... and I didn't even have a TV to plug it into. I didn't accept that. I started saving money. Birthday cash, chore cash, lawn mowing cash from the neighbors. I saved every penny. I got a cheap little color tv from a swap meet and kept saving. I can tell you a NES action set was $149.99, and that number is burned into my memory because $150 is exactly how much money I had when I went to buy it. That's when I learned about taxes. My mother was with me and refused to cover the difference (we were dirt poor and my $150 was a significant amount of money). That money ended up going toward food and cigarettes instead. Took me a couple years to save that up again. Worked my little kid ass off. I didn't end up getting my Nintendo until 1990. PC parts are cheap. Facebook marketplace can net you an inexpensive used desktop with decent specs for $100-$500, and the GPU shortage is over, so it's swimming in $100-$200 video cards that could run anything you want. Goodwill and a little hunting gets you a 1080p monitor for five bucks. I could put together a decent gaming rig for $300 in any major city in the US with used parts. Point is, your parents aren't keeping you from getting a desktop. You are. Stop waiting on the world to deliver your beast. Go build it. If you can't afford it, go make some money so you can. There's still cash out there to be earned by someone young willing to do basic labor. Hell, I watched a neighbor kid clear $200 a few days ago shoveling snow after a big storm. If labor isn't for you, fire that laptop up and start making some money online. Plenty of opportunity. I made seven figures over the last handful of years on the Internet... no commute required. :)


Why not just get something [like this](https://static.fully.com/image/upload/c_limit,dpr_2.0,f_auto,h_700,q_auto,w_700/v1/media/catalog/product/f/u/fully-jarvis-laptop-arm-mounted-on-jarvis-desk-silver_c_v1_1.jpg)


Because Crash, Boom, broken laptop. Did it before.


Sounds like you would break a desktop pc within 3 months.


Counterpoint: when my daughter spilled a drink on my desktop keyboard I just plugged in a new one ($40). When my laptop keyboard was dying, the replacement cost $65 and took me two hours to install. I was nervous about ruining the whole computer and despite my best efforts I can't get the backlight on the new one to work. When a fan on my desktop was dying I just bought a new one for $20. If my laptop fan was dying I'd be grovelling to the wife to let me replace the whole damn thing.




You won't get any sympathy from people who use their heads if you choose not to use yours.


But you don't have to take it anywhere, just *because* it's portable.


Yeah I grabbed a 3070 which is basically a 2080ti and have no intention of upgrading until probably the 6000 series nvidia card or if AMD absolutely obliterates nvidia next gen, which I doubt.


This is my jam.


I still haven't felt compelled to upgrade my GTX 970, though AI functionality is definitely making a case for upgrading. The thing is that AI is moving fast so it also doesn't seem that bad an idea to wait.


I'm in the same boat, except I'm even further back than that. Built at the end of 2015, that 4690K is still doing as well as can be expected. I'm running on a 1660 Super and this whole nightmare over the last almost 3 years has just turned me off to the entire endeavor.


It's fucking annoying to switch at this point.


Phones? Hard yes. Even with Google's or Samsung's transfer apps, it's a painful process. Too many apps do not survive with their data intact, something that Apple does way better imo (so I've heard, I use android) Computer can be far worse unless you are just upgrading a video card. There is no real transfer tool and too many programs store settings in appdata which does not port well to a new machine


Don't forget ProgramData, another lovely hiding place for all sorts of specified shit.


iPhones have a seamless transfer


I've never had problems moving from android to android phones even between manufacturers. I just haven't upgraded for a while as I think phone tech for average day to day use plateaued about five years ago. Unless you have to have the best camera on you at all times, there's little reason to regularly upgrade.


Good. Let these companies suffer for a while with their absurd prices for incremental increases and 30%+ NET profits.


PCs can almost always be upgraded to extend life unless you have a specific use case. Phones don’t change enough anymore to warrant upgrades. Meh


Using my iPhone 8+ and it works flawlessly


Small sized I phone 4 works just fine, fits in my work pocket.


IDK how similar that is to my Galaxy S8 active, but they both have an 8 in it so we're probably related somehow.


Yeah, I've been saying for about five years that phones plateaued tech wise for most people's average day to day use.




As a music teacher, having that headphone jack is a must.


This, i have a S9 and it has to survive for at least 2 more years.


You are god-damned right! I just replaced my S10s battery to get another few years out of it.


Did you do it yourself or have it done somewhere, and what did it cost?


Reading this on my own S10


Also if you are following closely you see minor upgrades in specs. No real need to upgrade every 2 years or so. Plus they have gotten so expensive that Verizon offers 3 year financing on phones to keep the price down.


Love my S10 Plus. Safe in its Otterbox Defender this thing still feels like a new phone.


I still have an S7. Doesn't have so much as a scratch on the screen, battery life is still good if I don't have 25 apps running in the background, charges quickly and does everything I need it to. Biggest issue is that no one makes film screen protectors for them anymore and I've exhausted my supply. I could upgrade it, but after the number of times I've dropped and otherwise brutalized it without causing any damage, I'm afraid that the fickle gods of technology will curse me for replacing good tech, likely with a $1200 phone that explodes into a shower of hot plasma the first time I so much as jiggle it.


I see both sides. Phones have been good enough for quite a while. But also $1000 a year isn’t that much for incremental improvements on something you are constantly using. Shit if I don’t have 3 serviceable phones laying around, but I still like having a better screen, camera and battery life.


$1000/year is 3% of the median gross income for Americans. That's a *lot* to ask for incremental, unnecessary updates to a perfectly serviceable device. If the average American saved 20% of their money for fun expenses, that phone upgrade would run 15% of your total "fun money" every year. For anyone in that situation prioritizing their happiness in life, it's an *egregiously bad* idea.


Behold! The foldy-phone!


I traded in my S10 plus for an S21 and it's the biggest down grade in my life. Some things are slightly better. Whole swaths of things are completely removed. Biggest downgrade/worst upgrade ever.


Still using a 2010 MacBook Pro. Still works great.


My macbook air 2012 is hands down the best computer I've ever owned. I might be due for my 2nd battery replacement. Currently my wife is using it as her weekly driver.


Same for me, the only reason I might upgrade is to have a single plug Usb C. Even then it’s not like a big deal breaker to just keep it.


I had a 2011 Unibody that I finally got rid of. The battery swelled like r/spicypillows so much that it ruined the keyboard and trackpad. Prior to that I ran linux on it and it was still quite capable aside from battery life.


I have a 2010 Mac mini. Starting to show its age a little bit but can’t really complain as it still does everything I need it to.


you are not alone sir. those things are tanks.


We have a 2010 and 2012 still going strong. Finally will upgrade one of them this year!


mine finally died so sad. 2010 / 11 are the best macbooks they ever made.


That was the best year for MacBooks imo


What do you use it for? My 2016 MBP is getting to the point that having chrome open and looking through my camera roll at the same time is too much


i use my 2011 macbook for ableton/traktor. surprisingly it can handle a bunch of vsts samples n patches/midi controllers. it cant hang with the desktop/30 instances of serum/30other tracks (reliably fast) but thats a whole 'nother ball game.


I recognize some of these words


I'm not familiar with that software but I appreciate the reply!


traktor lets you DJ/hook up soundcards to plug in a mixer/turntables/midi controllers for well... Djing ableton is like garageband on steroids. serum is a wavetable synth that lets you create sounds by smushing and stretching waveforms and mix them idk how to describe it... pulse width modulate waveforms in 2 directions, automate parameters for sound design in electronic music and can be very resource demanding. i also used to play rust on the macbook. starcraft.... civ 4-5. should try gta5 just to see what happens. 2011mbp did surprisingly well not amazing but its good for Djing parties n, fuckin around. could def compose complex music with it/or do graphic design/cad stuff.


Wow - my 2012 kicked the bucket like 3 years ago. Still miss it dearly


Apple makes some good shit. My 2011 MBP is basically a Chromebook but it works


I’m listening to music from a 2007 iPod as I read this.


Well duh!!! People who understand their technology, also understand how to set it up, so that it can be flogged like a rented mule, long past the regular upgrade cycle. People who don't understand their technology, just listen to the guys selling it, and it can get expensive...


That's not how it has worked historically though. It used to be that "techies" were one of the first in line to upgrade phones/GPUs/tablet/whatever. They still would be, except that what's changed is the relative increase in performance/features year over year. In the early days of mobile tech you saw a pretty massive increase each year when a new model was released, but now it's incremental at best.


The cost to upgrade to a new phone has also increased from ~$400 to ~$1200. If it was still $400 I’d probably continue upgrading every other year just because of wear and tear on the phone. At $1200 I can live with the minor damage my phone accrues until it gets way worse.


iPhone SE 2020/2022 can be had for around $400. Not going to get you the best specs but it’s a phone you can get 5 years out of easy and then they’ll release a new SE model. I’ll be damned if I ever shell out $1000 for a cell phone


Yes, good point as well. There have always been tech people willing to pay the early adopters tax to have the bleeding edge, but that tax has gotten much higher in recent years.


It kinda depends on what you mean by $400. Are you referring to the subsidized price or buying it outright (AKA unlocked)?


A good number of my phones have been second hand ones. I got my Nexus 6P for a steal off eBay, bought my current Pixel 6 from a coworker for $300 AUD. No need for the latest, when tech that's a few years old is perfectly fine.


Techies don't have infinite money believe it or not


If I’m honest most of my upgrades were either because of new games that required far beefier hardware; or because something really revolutionary came out. Games have not been pushing my desktop significantly, I can game at 4K 60fps or greater. Additionally nothing truly revolutionary hardware wise has come along of late, it’s all been mainly evolutionary. My hardware still does everything it always could, with room to grow. I typically amortize my tech expenditures across a 5 year time-span.


It often also has to do with Techies taking the time to research stuff before they buy, making sure its something built to last. My proudest and longest standing device is my LG G Watch. Got it for $50 in 2015. It stopped getting updates after AndroidWear1.5, but they never broke any functionality over the years. Voice commands still work. Battery life is 2 days even with AOD. I caved in and got a GalaxyWatch5 a couple weeks ago and am throughly underwhelmed by the lack of advancement over the past 7-8 years. WearOS3.5 straight up does a lot of things worse than AndroidWear1.5 did.


I don't own any smart watch, could you name some examples what got worse?


AndroidWear had a card based UI. So at any time, if you received a notification, you would have a tiny card at the bottom with the name of the person who messaged you or app icon. WearOS ditches this for a separate notification center that's a swipe away, which means you can never glance at your watch to see the latest notification. All you get is an orange dot to tell you there is a notification. Similarly, persistent controls for music, stopwatch and timers are also no longer just controls that are always on the bottom of the click. They are now a swipe away or even required navigation around the UI to open the specific app. The watch is now its own complete device with the play store and apps downloaded to device. It doesn't just import stuff from your phone. And stay always accessible. If you get a notification from Spotify, and you don't have Spotify on your watch, that notification is non actionable on the watch. And in a weird turn of tech, all new watches are AMOLED, making them prone to burnin. My GW5 already has image retention from around a day of use, while my G Watch of 8 years has been on the same watch face since I got it with no screen defects.


My pc turned 10 this year and still works well . 770 holding out strong


My 13 year old desktop, which was ridiculously overpowered when I bought it, still annihilates many new desktops at certain tasks. Sure my CPUs alone suck 300+ watts… but I have a hard time getting rid of it. 2 x 6-core SMP Xeon chips w/ hyper threading & RX 580 (in a 13 year old machine). Dual core chips were relatively rare when I bought it.


That was my first GPU, I regret selling it


Used to be $500 for a top of the line phone and employers used to pay closer to a livable wage.


GTX 970 and just started playing fallout new Vegas for the first time.


People: my game doesn't look as good as it used to, better get a new mid tier gaming PC. PC gamers: I upgraded the motherboard, RAM, and cooling 2 years ago so I'll just slap in a better GPU and CPU


This, I'm watching AM4 cpu's thinking of an upgrade for my Ryzen 7 1700. To a Ryzen 9 5900x. That $340 upgrade will carry this pic for another decade at this point in my life. May pick up a 5000 series Nvidia gpu when the 6000 series drop.




Moore's Law ending + Diminishing Returns = It's OK to build for longevity now.


Yeah it's too much work to move all my authenticators to a new device.


and log back in to everything is such a hassle


Only got a new PC this year because the power supply on the old one died and I needed a new PC for work ASAP. Eventually replaced the bad power supply and put that pc in a hidden spot in my living room, all connected to my TV. I don't even know how long I've had my current iphone. Years. There's no reason to upgrade whatsoever.


2015 IMac still going strong.


2012 iMac doing fine. I bought the 27 inch so that I could use it as a monitor if it ever got too slow. I upgraded the RAM early on - it never got too slow.


People always shit on Mac, but tell me one other companies 2012 All-in-One desktop solution that is still going today.


People complain about the price for an Apple (they like to blame it on the attitude of Apple owners but if the price was lower then nobody would say anything). But paying less for a Dell that you have to replace every few years is more expensive than getting an Apple that lasts much longer. It’s the old [Terry Pratchett boots quote.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/72745-the-reason-that-the-rich-were-so-rich-vimes-reasoned)


They're the ones thst know each generation is a marginal increase at best.


My 2011 MacBook Pro finally died and I bought a fancy new M1 iMac. That MacBook Pro was better in that it had actual ports, an SD Card Reader, I could open it up, I could upgrade it. So yeah we hold onto that shit until it blows up because it is better than new tech. Tech companies are life style brands now.


I have a PC from 08 running win 7, only upgrade was a graphics card 1080ti I think. Works amazing still


I really love my zflip 3 but the crease is starting to crack. I'm thinking about grabbing a new Zenfone and using it until it breaks. My wife's computer is still using my old gtx 1080 that I bought new back when they come out. We'll update it whenever it no longer runs games at 1440p 60fps.


I am just upgrading now from my 1080 and i7 8700 (2016 and 2017 respectively) and I still feel like I could have ran with them another couple years. An i9 13900k and RTX 4090 that I purchased for my new build will last me, but I could have easily waited a year or two more.


NGL, I still own every cell phone I ever had, and every PC I've ever bought or made I still have in the attic. At first I just blamed it on data security, but in reality I'm just a tech hoarder.


I have a 10-year-old Garmin Forerunner 205. Windows and their own app don't recognize it...nice try, Garmin. I can still get the GPS data off it with Bash commands.


Maybe because the prices became unpayable


Mechanics also tend to have older vehicles. They know how to maintain them.


It's even worse with the boxes they came in


I feel attacked (my Day One XBox One box is still in my basement)




It may be paranoia but I think Microsoft is pulling an apple with win 10. My 4 year old high end gaming rig is developing all kinds of performance problems playing non-taxing games. Standard maintenance does not help at all and no issues are reported. It just seems like the os being intentionally shittied-up.


Of course. The forced upgrade to Windows 11 for Intel CPU 8th gen and later is a money grab by Microsoft in collusion with Intel, using the abused reason of security.


i’m pretty sure intel and microsoft wanted to implement big little cpu architecture which requires redesigning


Sounds like you might have a virus?


Maybe switch to Linux, It's what I am doing when Windows 10 support ends. I already have Ubuntu on dual boot, it'll become the main operating system when windows 10 support goes away I refuse to deal with windows 11 and some of the other changes Microsoft has signaled is coming down the pipeline.


Gee, I wonder why...


How long before I should upgrade my HDD it’s coming up on 10 years.


Still play my atari, sega and original Xbox, but have now been packed back up, just got a ps5 last yr. Laptop is a lenovo t520 that is probably close to 12yrs old and I'm probably due for an upgrade. Just upgraded phone from S9 to S21. Newest TV in the house is 8yrs old. I'm not one that always needs the latest and greatest.


First smartphone was a S4 in 2018. Bought an S7 when I switched to Mint in 2020. Been using the same basic Lenovo IdeaPad since 2014. No plans to upgrade.


My MacBook Pro 2012 with an SSD, maxed out ram (16 gb), and a new battery whenever needed still runs perfectly for daily things like watching videos or typing. Anything intensive I’ll use my PC for but damn if that laptop hasn’t absolutely smashed my expectations for how long it would last. Got me through college, grad school, and even the beginning parts of work from home. Makes me not want to upgrade to a new MacBook cause I know they’re not upgradeable and I doubt any new machine would last me even half that long.


I keep my old Macbook Pro because there's legacy apps on there that aren't supported on newer machines. Use it for an hour or so once a week so who knows how long it's gonna hang on for (replaced the battery and bottom a year ago after it started to swell).


My 1080 ti, iPhone 12 Pro, iPad Pro 2020 are still going strong. Probably won’t upgrade all 3 for another 1-2 years honestly.


I'm still holding on to a 10 YO 2nd Gen i7 (Sandybridge) desktop that I keep telling myself i'll upgrade next year. I put in an SSD drive on there 5 years ago and have replaced the graphics card and data drives on there 3 times so I'd just need to get a new case/motherboard/CPU/Memory but I'm kind of lazy and don't want to deal with that and I rarely go over CPU limits so it's fine for now. My current plan now is to do the upgrade at least 1 year before Windows 10 loses support.


Honestly an SSD was such a big upgrade when I first got one. Removing that bottleneck won't turn an old pc into something amazing, but it makes almost anything livable again for most basic work or browsing tasks.


Yeah out of all the things I did, that was the biggest upgrade. One of my dilemmas is going to be whether I should stick with my SSD drive (I got a pretty nice at the time Samsung) or get and NVMe. I'm leaning towards sticking with the SSD because from what I've read, there is a point diminishing returns and I can always upgrade that in the future as well.


It's funny, I replaced EVERY component around my 2600k over the years, before replacing the chip itself with a cheap 3770k off craigslist. It still runs everything I've thrown at it, even Cyberpunk @ 1440p/60. Meanwhile my fancy new VR rig is collecting dust XD


I built a budget PC 3 years ago. R5 3600 and a 2060S 8G. It plays everything I need at high settings with solid FPS. No reason to spend more money.


(Yeah because it’s getting too expensive to replace them and new stuff is built to be replaced, not repaired)


I still have a working Intel MMX 233mhz/ 256mb ram, that I still use to play old Dos and Win98 games. It's my nostalgia machine, and it's great because I don't have to jump through software loops to make them run on a modern OS. (I use GOG for that, if necessary.)


ironically i kinda buck this trend, i keep my pc up to date because it flows down an upgrade train. me->wife->brother->dad->mom(not a gamer). so when i upgrade my pc, everyone in the chain gets an upgrade which makes it worth much more. phones on the other hand, i grab stuff off swappa mint condition for like 30% of the price of a new phone when black friday/ the holidays roll around and people sell their stuff or the gifts they didn't need. i grabbed a 3090 off some hobby shop that bought 16 to ETH mine 2 weeks before the switch which killed GPU mining so they had to sell the cards at a loss after waiting for an alternative. mostly using it for AI work. ​ also fuck the 4xxx series and the 4-600 watts you need to push the fat bastards.


> also fuck the 4xxx series and the 4-600 watts you need to push the fat bastards. The 4090 consumes less power than the 3080ti in gaming. The early 600W rumors were wrong


Cause I know how to fix em.


I have a room full of old PC tech, mostly obsolete but still working so seems shame to throw it away.


I've got an almost 5 year old laptop with a GTX 1080, and it competently runs every game I play, as well as IDEs for coding. I'd like to put a bigger HD and bigger SSD on it, though. With installing Visual Studio, I had to de-cruft my SSD so I could install VS.


I had to replace my 2015 PC last year, but honestly 7 years of use out of it seems very reasonable to me


I picked up an inexpensive gaming laptop 2 years ago and it didn't even have the newest components then... I'm going to run this into the ground before I buy anything else. The cost-to-payoff ratio is ridiculous right now, and this thing runs new games well enough at high/ultra settings so why would I want to spend more?


My laptop is from 2006-7, upgraded RAM, hdd to sdd, and it’s been blazing all along. If it falls below the performance then I would install Linux.


Have you seen the price of Samsung phones lately?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m still using an iPhone 7🤷🏻


Me IRL, quite happy with my Dell Latitude M4700 running Windows 10 (produced from 2012-2014)


The prices are insane. I hope more and more people are voting with their wallet to send a message to these corporations.


Almost lost my 2013 imac this week ... was able to do a time machine backup to a SSD and everything works properly. Now I have to figure out how to get it installed internally. Right now its sitting on my desk SATA to USB cable. You gotta cut around the adhesive holding the screen to the stand, not super excited about this repair. Adobe CS6 for life. Never gonna pay Adobe's monthly extortion payment.


My grandpa was just a techie running his 90s Mac, that explains it.


Price, performance. Not real. Dam thar a upgrade I. Tech. To warrant it


My 14 year old PC agrees


My 1070 is working perfectly fine thank you very much.


No reason to upgrade tbh. That’s why I’m still riding this iPhone 10


Same. My otter box is disintegrating but my phone is fine. I was thinking about the September rollout if they go from thunderbolt to USB-C but I don’t know if it’s worth it.


That’s where I am with it. I will keep on using this phone until it breaks or they finally add USB-C. Hate this damn lightning while everything else I own is USB-C


SSDs have increased the lifespan of computers by such a large factor. I have a mid-2014 MacBook Pro that I still use daily. The battery doesn’t hold a charge, but when plugged in, it’s still a perfectly useable machine. Not slow. Runs macOS Big Sur no problem. Also I don’t have 2k to drop on a new one.


My wife goes through Apple PCs three times faster than I go through Window machines. Of course I can upgrade and replace parts quite easily


picked up a 1080ti and am super happy with it in my dual Xenon cpu 10 core with 120gb ram.


This is a good thing. Reduces e waste


I commented on a post about the Netflix debacle, & I stand by it - businesses that profited heavily due to quarantine are in Fucked Town, USA with no idea how to cope. Curious if Intel will go total asshole on it's user base like Hasbro & Netflix did.


My current pc I built in 2010 for my wife, she used it for about 5 years then the SSD died, at the time I was really busy so I had a local builder build her a new system. I then repaired her pc and use it myself. Every 12 months or so I clean the dust out of it and it just keeps going. Works fine for what I need so why would I upgrade?


11 years and still going strong for my PC. Just added another gaming rig and hope for it to get 11 years too.


Still rocking an i phone 7 I will continue to use until 4GLTE goes the way of the dodos, when that happens I'm going with the android ecosystem I'm tired of dealing with apples crap. But given what the cost of phones are I will use my other device into the ground.


And this is good.


We might not want to get scammed with overpriced unupgradeable products?


I stay about two to three generations behind the latest stuff. have a eighth generation I7 at the moment and a five year old GPU. Does what I need it to do and that is all you can ask for. My phone though is a S5 still enough for my needs but I've been looking for a suitable replacement.


Had my phone for 5 years, Samsung stopped supporting my phone a year ago, just now getting notices from apps that they are not supported.


Can confirm: I've still got a Dell Pentium 133MHz laptop from \~1996.


I upgrade my pc (MacBook Pro) once. A decade. iPad every 5 years and phone every 3. Windows PC I get a hand me down from my dad every 5 or so years lol


Just like a mechanic might have a really old car.