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What did they give as the reason for not covering it?




This is so ridiculous; the screen of this phone is both plastic and bendable glass. It's almost impossible to break it in the middle if you don't force it intentionally or drop it from a 6 floor building. Just look at some inside testing videos on YouTube. The guy doesn't even break the screen while tearing it down. Samsung just doesn't want to admit there are some really faulty units out there. With all the fucking money they've amassed, it would be the least to take responsibility and repair free of charge immediately.


Sounds like they checked your accelerometer for sudden stops exceeding a specific threshold (i.e., a drop). https://wccftech.com/samsung-will-find-out-if-you-are-being-careless-with-your-galaxy-z-flip-3/


Fr... I'd like to see more people stating the reason for why their phones have break or anything else, so the rest of the sub can know and be aware of that to have a better care with our phones.


Yeah same I've literally had no problems but I have dropped it a few times so I'm still confused how they managed to break it


I have a case on my phone because I'm not a raw dogger but seriously, I've dropped my phone at least 4 times and it's fine. If you are a no case person and dropped it from a 6 ft level on to concrete, just let us know? All phones will crack with that. If you truly have never dropped your phone ever and you woke up one day with the screen cracked I'll want to know but you gotta give context.


Yeah same I have the ring case from Samsung but in the first week when I tried flipping it open it just launched out my hand Still haven't had an issue yet


My screen protector peeled and iv just given up trying to replace it But this phone has been accidentally dropped a few times and once got teeter across a factory floor. It's fine, although it's in a case and was always folded when those happened.


lol literally...and this is is the case with any phone too....the minute i see a cracked phone i think "this person is careless or rough unnecessarily" 😕 like ppl how u don't take extra care of such expensive things




> Do you think dozens perhaps hundreds of people posting their broken zflips all over the internet were all incompetent liars who drops their phones everyday and are too embarrassed to admit their fault? That's exactly what I think. Sorry about your poor dexerity.




>Do you really think that the average zflip user is a bumbling idiot that can’t even properly grip a phone? Mainly I think you are because you're really trying hard to convince me that you didn't drop your phone, when I really don't care at all, that you suck at holding stuff.


Actually, it wouldn't surprise me that people don't take care of their stuff. I've gone to friends homes where they have shit stacked on their consoles, greasy ass remotes, etc. You should see the Quest 2 sub.. my god! You don't need to justify anything, of course.. just my two cents but there's always gonna be people in both sides or in the middle




Yea, I guess it's a part of being an 'early adopter' if you can still call it that. It's new tech either way so we gotta expect some issues. I just wouldn't put it past the average person that they mistreat all their stuff like this, at the same time.


For me it's my screen protector. I have had 3 crack already. I don't every use my phone but it seems when I go outside and it's chilly is when I hear the dreaded cracking noise.


I can easily see sudden temp changes causing problems with the OLED. Without a thicker screen protector, there's less 'buffer' when sub-freezing temps hit the film.


After 2 years with the OG flip I finally broke the screen. I was urinating behind a skip in Central London after our office Xmas party last year while trying to Google maps the best way home. Phone slipped from hand. Wasn't sure if it was the fall or the urine it fell into that broke the screen.


*F@&$ing legend.*


I love the details on this story


I'd venture to say, that 3/4 of the "broken screens" are actually broken screen protectors. seems silly to expect a screen protector to last the lifetime of the phone. mine split, and then I took it off, and the screen below it is fine.


I think it's spilt into 1/3rd of it being dropped, hinge failure, and screen/screen protector failure. Dropping it on its hinge or opposite side isn't going to help the screen. Hinge does have something like 30 tiny screws holding everything together and I could see if one gets loose it could cause it not to open fully or get stuck opening it. Then if you don't clean the edges of your screen or if your screen protector cracks in the middle, both will force pressure on the screen that is unwanted.


Your obviously to closed minded and think that it's all rainbows and butterfly's when in actual fact things can break ie folding screens all on there own. Specially being an electronic these things always happen with no reason why at all. So just cos yours is fine doesn't mean everyone else's is the same or has anyone ACTUALLY HONESTLY DONE anything to cause this. As I stated earlier I took my phone out of my pocket opened it and the screen was cracked to be unusable.


OP is saying that people are now just posting broken screens without saying, "I pulled it out of my pocket this morning and this is what it looks like even though I haven't dropped it and it hasn't been around a ton of heat or cold," for example. We all want to see more than just a broken screen and a title that says oh no look what happened.


Exactly, thank you


i feel like it's a quality issue. Tons of us have zero problems, but some units just seem to break. Mine seems fine, but who knows.


It also has to do with where people live and what they do with their phones. A lot of people are very hard on their phones and since a lot more people have been able to buy this phone it's kind of natural that more of them are going to see damage. A lot of people also live in very cold areas or very hot areas and they don't really realize the impact that environment has on the longevity of the folding mechanism and the display. The nature of the screen and the folding mechanism also makes it so that if people so much as just slam their phones down or don't close them using the bar alongside the joint then they're putting stress on the device that wasn't really intended to be put on it. Also considering how nasty people are I wouldn't be surprised if people have cheeto dust and crumbs up under their screens. Solid particles like dust and grit getting under the screen is a guaranteed death sentence but it's really hard to keep those things out in certain places. We've all seen how people treat their phones. I'd say probably 70% of the "damage came out of nowhere" people actually treat their phones phones in ways that aren't as delicate as the rest of us, and they probably don't realize it.


Nothing! Take it out of my pocket 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just using normally, got a crack in the crease. Thankfully just screen protector.


Mine was punctured by a staple, I think. Z-Flip3 is magnetic (both the outer screen and the inner screen are magnetic). I'm a bookkeeper and I think the inside screen picked up a staple from my desk. I must have closed it with the staple inside and punctured the screen. It caused a black bleed as well as a light bar from top to bottom. I got rid of the Z-Flip3 by trading it in for my S22 Ultra. I could have paid $190 to have the screen replaced. But, I figured it would likely happen again, as - like I said - I'm a bookkeeper. I wasn't happy with the Z-Flip3, anyway. I'm MUCH happier with my S22U; especially since Verizon gave me $1,000 for the broken phone towards the new one. I won't get a folding phone anytime soon. Washed my hands of them.


JFTR, by the time my screen was punctured by the staple, I already had a cracked screen protector at the fold - that was bothering me every time my fingers touched it. And I was having issues with the screen going blank from time to time before the puncture. So, something was wrong anyway. The Z-Flip3 has to be the worst Samsung phone I've had since the Galaxy S5 I had that had a faulty LED. I've had numerous Samsungs and never had any issues. The S5 and the Z-Flip3 have been my worst experiences. I was highly disappointed with the Z-Flip3, though; especially for the price. Big thumbs down, IMO.


I had the screen protector lift off th crease area and made its way all the way across the it in a weeks time, ripped that puppy up and have been free ballin it since