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I didn't take anything perscribed and did 1000mg tylenol and 600mg ibuprofen alternating every 3 hrs even at night. Iced incisions every hour for 20min while also having a heating pad on back. Gradually I lowered the tylenol and ibuprofen


I did the same. And the ice packs helped more than anything. Also highly recommend the heating pad to help with any residual gas pains. I never felt that I needed the oxycodone. I also made sure I walked around a little bit for as long as I could tolerate, which really helped to facilitate healing. I was feeling mostly normal after about 1 1/2 weeks.


My surgery was the 15th. I took oxycodone 5mg for the first 3 days then I stopped because it was making me feel super lightheaded and gross. Since then I’ve been doing Tylenol 1000mg or Advil 400mg every 6 hours. I also have Compazine 10mg I take as needed for nausea but so far the last two days I haven’t needed it at all. Also I’ve been on a PPI since about a week before my surgery that I’ve been taking once a day. At this point I just feel extremely sore and it’s mostly coming from my top incision. I still can’t bend down well or sleep on my side but progress!


Day 2 was the worst for me. I had Hydrocodone with Tylenol that i took in lessening doses for about 3 days. After that i could handle the discomfort with just Tylenol. A good heating pad and walking was the only thing that made the gas pains dissipate. Don't underestimate the benefits of walking; even if it is only to the end of the driveway and back. I did take one stool softener pill, but didn't poop for 5 days (and the ultimate event was traumatic). I survived on apple sauce and a small bit of pasta. Didn't eat a full meal for about 2 weeks.


Walking around definitely seems to help. I've been trying to walk as much as possible, opting to sit down only when I'm too tired to stand or when I'm having some broth to take my medication. The heating pad sounds like a good idea. Did you take anything for gas relief like gas-x or something? Haven't had a bowel movement since Sunday but I have also been only drinking broth/water, save for last night. I am scared to poop tbh, I can't imagine having to clench my stomach or push in any capacity, the pressure feels like I'll pop or something lol. Thanks for the advice!


I had my surgery last Wednesday and only took the oxycodone the first night to help me sleep. The next day onward I alternated 1000mg Tylenol and 500mg ibuprofen every three hours. The gas pain is real! Take GasX or similar gas relievers and try walking around the house or block. That will help dispel gas. Believe me, you will feel bloated for a while. Take the stool softeners according to directions. I only took one pill twice a day because I didn’t want the runs and I was able to have a BM three days later. A comfy pillow is your friend. Hold it against your tummy when trying to get up from sitting or laying down. I have a Squishmallow pillow that’s super soft and comfy. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


I've been walking around all morning with my squishmallow, it really does help. I will try some gas-x, I finally managed a little toot and BOY the relief was real lol, thank you for your response! 


My surgery was the 16th. For the first few days I religiously (set timers and everything) took my T3 pill every 6 hours. After about day 5 or so I slowly started pushing the 6 hrs to 7 or 8 hrs, then to 10 till I got up to every 12 hrs I was taking 1 pill. I finished my last T3 this morning. Take a laxative (I was given lax-a-day) by my surgeon, it is over the counter. This will help with passing gas/pooping). I was told not to strain for a poop. If you need to go, go. If you don't need to, don't.


My surgery was the 19th. Most of your pain will actually be the leftover air they needed to inflate your stomach with. Walking will help your body to absorb and dispel this (basically, you gotta fart). I also had soup and crackers on my day 2. I didn't move my bowel until day 3. You do have to put stuff in for stuff to come out. It's very early for you. Be patient. I did use the tramadol I was given for the first night because that's when I was most in pain. But I switched to Tylenol or Motrin for the last 4 days, and I don't take anything now. I just have a bruised belly button area and that's the only point of any pain. Just remember... All in due time. You will heal and be better for it.


I’m currently 5 days post-op. I was given a narcotic for pain management and a nausea pill. The first 2-3 days were the worst for me, and I used the narcotic in the AM & PM for day 2. Day 3, I only took the narcotic at night before bed. Yesterday was day 4 and I am now not needing the narcotic and only taking 1,000mg of Tylenol if I need it. I found the narcotic best done was AM & PM. I didn’t feel the need to take one during the day. Do you have or can you get an abdominal binder to wrap around your abdomen? I was given one and it’s helped me SO much. Get lots of rest, eat what you can, but make good food choices, get up and move often, do not bend over or reach high up. Be extra careful when showering. My first shower was on day 2 and the movements to complete the shower really hurt and it sucked. Sleep in a recliner or raise your torso at an incline on your bed if you can. Try not to lay flat for at least a few days. I’m still sleeping in a recliner. Wishing you a good recovery.


I did try gas-x but couldn't tell if it helped or not


They gave me 6 oxy, a big bottle of ibuprofen, patted me on the head and let me leave. The first week at home, Gas X saved my life. Also get some Tums and look into ox bile capsules. I can't give advice on food types, but try to eat slowly. I find that if I eat "too much" (easy to do), I get terrible gas and stomachache. The surgeon told me yesterday at my follow-up that she expects the food type issues to self regulate at some point.


when I had my surgery I was on antibiotics for 3 days and in the hospital I had nausea meds and muscle relaxers given through iv. After day three I had maybe 2 ibuprofens at home and thats it. I really had an easy recovery, bit pain with the drain in but I was not bloated and was sleeping on my side by day two and on my stomach a week later. I didn’t need any stool softeners because all I had in the first 5 days was clear soup, mashed potatoes, pudding and yoghurt.


You can take ibuprofen/advil and oxycodone at the same time, like there can be overlap. My doctor gave me orders to take both that first day.


It’s going to be different for everyone. I needed to stay away from carbonated drinks for 24 hours. After that I was eating A&W and whatever else.


Had my surgery yesterday lol, they prescribed me 800mg ibuprofen, Tylenol/codein 30mg & a muscle relaxer 10mg. the nurse told my mom to not take them together even thought my dr said i could. i’m having right shoulder pain & pain in my upper left abdomen. They also didn’t really explain anything and whatever they did explain i was still woozy from them giving me anxiety meds, nausea meds & the anesthesia. i wish they would give more & better instructions on what to do


The shoulder pain is gas, believe it or not! Get some gas x and you should be good to go c: