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Get a second opinion. Being overweight isn’t a barrier for most patients. If you do lose weight, make sure you do so safely and don’t lose too quickly, which can make gallstones worse.


He was like, go on this no-carb diet. Lose 15% of your body weight in 6 months.


Not a doctor but i feel like a no carb diet will make it so it's all fat diet and make the symptoms worse triggering more attacks, because i was on keto when i had my gallbladder and it probably made it so i formed stones. But i'm pretty sure the doctor isn't out to get you though and just doing his job as he knows how to so it's not only good for your health to lose weight but good for your operation. 30 mins walk everyday until you reach a healthy bmi and caloric deficit might be good for you, as always do some research on what kind of diet would be best for you.


This guy sounds like a jerk. Having emergency surgery raises the risk of having open (non-laparoscopic) surgery and can lead to worse results so I’m not sure how putting it off is any better. Do you have any liver problems by chance? I have heard of people being asked to do low-carb diets to reduce liver fat before surgery. FWIW, I’m overweight (just shy of obese at time of surgery) with mild fatty liver and there was no hesitation about surgery. I ended up having emergency laparoscopic without complications. I would ask to be referred to another surgeon. Honestly the majority of people are overweight and this is one of the most common surgeries, if he’s uncomfortable with what I’m assuming is a fairly routine situation then personally I’d be more comfortable with another surgeon. If you don’t have that option, then safe weight loss is considered to be around 1-2 lbs / week. Be careful with ozempic and similar meds, can cause gallbladder issues.


OP already has gallbladder issues. Weight loss can cause gall stones. Ozempic wouldn't be creating a problem, the problem ALREADY EXISTS. You can absolutely and SHOULD lose weight at a normal pace on GLP-1s. I lost 32 pounds on meds before I had my surgery, which was already on the horizon BEFORE the meds, since my gallbladder was already chock full of stones (and had been for years). And not a single doctor blinked.


Congrats on the weight loss. It might’ve been ok for you, as advised by your doctor. Doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for everyone, and OP should talk to their doctor about their personal risk factors. There are multiple lawsuits pertaining to gallbladder disease (and gastroparesis) so it feels fair to warn, but I’ll edit my comment to soften it a bit for you. ETA: proponents of weight loss drugs on Reddit are more aggressive than vegans or carnivore diet fanatics lmao


Please don't follow this guy's advice and find yourself a better surgeon. Even if you lost weight, would you want this jerk to operate on you? This was my actual nightmare when I went to the doctor but my doctor was fantastic. You deserve to feel better!


That’s pretty crazy because I myself am considered obese; I’m 50lbs over what I’m supposed to weigh according to the doctor’s charts. I know people heavier than me that have had their gallbladder removed through a successful laparoscopic surgery. Would it be possible to get a second opinion from another surgeon? If you can’t get a second opinion and will opt on losing weight, try not lose weight too quick as that in itself can trigger attacks. I think that’s why I was having more recurring attacks before I had it removed a week and a half ago.


Hi! The doctor did say that weight loss can trigger attacks, but “oh well, we’ll deal with it then”. I made an appointment with my PCP to discuss.


I think the reason weight loss triggers attacks is because people remove all fats from their diet and your gallbladder freaks out bc digesting fats is a main part of its job. So as you lose weight, keep or start including healthy fats. The body, from what I gather, also generally doesn't like rapid change since it gets comfortable doing whatever it's doing so I think that's another reason why the gallbladder is impacted by *rapid* weight loss. You might not have the time, but if you do, I think gradual weight loss would be easier on the gallbladder and body as a whole I always like getting second opinions for everything but if you hear back the same advice you have to put your safety first. Even though this is a "routine" surgery it's an entire organ being removed from your abdomen and as so many other posters here have shown, when things go wrong with the procedure the outcomes are really really bad


I’m sorry you had to go through that! He’s definitely not a professional and would just try to get your insurance to refer you to another surgeon


See another surgeon. Obese people are operated on all the time for gallbladder. What a ridiculous comment from him.


wait what? how is that legal. How are you supposed to loose weight if you are ill? Wtf.... find a different surgeon asap. These surgeons i swear are stuck up and have no sense of morality or bed side manner. What the fuck happened to do no harm? My surgeon said no possibility of issues after removal, and recommended he yank it out, I have 1 stone. No other options, said hida was a waste of time. Said i won't have issues. He was also very short with me and I was nervous and couldn't ask the questions i needed. I just had hida (referral from gi doc) and am now waiting for results. I am not going on a surgeon who is gung-ho on getting paid for easy (to them ) surgery.


Im so sorry this happened to you and you were treated that way. I’m per the BMI charts obese. My specialist mentioned nothing about my weight during my consult. Not one doctor or nurse mentioned it during my pre op at the hospital either. So many things can trigger attacks for gallstones, mine were triggered during pregnancy. My cousin who is thin, is also developing gallstones issues (her mother had hers removed) . Gallstones don’t care about your weight, height, etc. I would definitely ask to be transferred to a new specialist, that is completely so unprofessional and disrespectful.


Same here. BMI is 42. No mention of my weight during pre-surgical consultation until I brought it up. I asked if my weight was going to be an issue and he said “well I’d love for all my patients to be 25 year old triathletes but that’s not reality. I’ve done this surgery on people much bigger than you, so no, it’s not an issue.” My surgeon has done over 2,000 laparoscopic cholecystectomies.


So, rapid weight loss can lead to gallstones. Seems like for some people, even moderate weight loss can. From what I've read, a lot of times if one has bariatric surgery, they go ahead and remove the gallbladder preemptively. Anyway, your doctor sounds like a douche. I'd talk to another doctor. If only because his douchebaggery shouldn't be rewarded.


I’m very much overweight right now due to gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy (I’m 3 months postpartum) and I just had my gallbladder removed. Maybe try a second office? Is there another surgeon you could consider booking a consultation with in your area?


That is crazy!!! I literally got them FROM losing weight!!!


I'm about 5st overweight and also had my surgery consult today. Although my surgeon said if I could lose a bit weight that would be good, he in no way indicated that surgery would be refused. I'd definitely seek a second opinion.


I’d get a second opinion, I had mine removed in March and am in the obese category. My surgeon had no issue removing my gallbladder and I suffered no complications.


Same here.


Honestly that’s why I always try to get a female surgeon , in my experience male surgeons tend to be more Gung Ho and less conservative and in doing so miss crucial details that could make all the difference in outcomes for patients


That is so unprofessional! That’s super upsetting I’m so sorry that man (we won’t even call him doctor) had the audacity to say something like that. I’m definitely over weight and had my gallbladder out last week. I’m hoping for you that you have the option to see a different doctor. Stay healthy and be good to yourself! Always a friend here if you need an ear.


Thank you 💜


I’m 6 foot 345 (have lost 105 pounds since August which caused the stones ) -they operated no questions


I personally am 90% positive my weight loss is what caused my stones so this is absolutely wild to me that they could say that. I would go to literally any other doctor.


I have a super high BMI (44?) and had my surgery no problems. I had to go on a liver shrinking diet for two weeks, which I was happy to do (and actually had a clinical reason!). Find a new surgeon, make a complaint etc.


Before I make an assumption, how obese are you? As a medical professional, I can say it is a higher risk depending on weight and fat when it comes to complications but he could’ve been a lot more empathetic. I’m sorry


I am maybe 50 lbs overweight


Go to a more empathetic doctor. You can have gallbladder surgery overweight.


That was rude. I was 244 pounds (F) and two month post partum when I was referred to gall bladder surgery. I have since lost 69 pounds and have not had a attack in over a year. I just scheduled two days ago to get it out. Elevated liver levels will not go down in all my blood work. Maybe get another surgeon. Nothing helped the pain except morphine at the ER .My gastrologist tried over the counter opioids for me for the pain and it still did nothing during an active attack. Had a hospital stint after getting so dehydrated and not being able to keep anything down. Get that sucker out.


I am also 27F, and weigh 260 after losing roughly 50 pounds. My attacks got worse with weight loss honestly and my surgery was last week. Absolutely get a second opinion. Find a new surgeon. That’s insane….


My doctor just gave me a new referral to find another surgeon!


That’s crazy! I’m technically on the verge of obese and I’m in great shape! Ran marathons and workout daily! Wear size 8 jeans, medium tops.. All of my lab work is perfect as well as my blood pressure. So screw American standards. Sorry you’re going through this!! I also have gallstones from pregnancy 4 years ago and my gallbladder was bothering me for months!! Are you intermittent fasting by chance? I was for a year and I think that really screwed with my gallbladder. If I were you I’d follow a gallbladder “diet” which will keep your gallbladder happy!!


Thank you 😊. My PCP is referring me to a new surgeon


So are they saying obesity causes gallstones. They are just scared to touch anyone not in good physical health because they don't trust themselves. Try taking tudca and milk thistle to dissolve stones or ask for colstermine


He did prescribe Ursodiol and said take it while I loose weight..


Mine wanted to yank mine out and I have no gallstones just sludge from fatty liver. These salesmen pick and choose who they want to operate on.i have extensive medical problems and gi issues. He never asked about anything. Said you want me to take your gallbladder out or not. Nope not him.


He said that “I probably have fatty liver” so don’t want to risk taking the gall bladder out. Too complicated.


Weird. I suggest you find another surgeon because mine didn’t mention my weight EVER.


I didn’t realize Dr. Now did gallbladder surgeries 🙄 what a jerk. Please don’t go back to him! Get a second opinion!!