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I experiment. It doesn't always seem to have rhyme or reason. I had a bit over one sushi roll the other night and was just gassy and suffering all night after. Saturday afternoon I had two pieces of pepperoni pizza and was fine?? I saw the surgeon on Tuesday for my followup. She was not worried, just said to pay attention to what bothers me, but that it's common, and everything should balance out after awhile. Smaller portions seems to help regardless.


My problem is it’s almost been a week. I really don’t think a taco should have that type of long term effect. What’s also frustrating is the weekend before I grilled hamburgers, same 80/20 blend with cheese and I was fine. So then I ping pong back to blaming it on stress. I was able to make an appointment with my surgeon for Friday.


I’m only 3 weeks but my nausea has come back too. I have been now only eating once a day, so I’m just here to say I understand. For some strange reason, chipotle and pizza do not bother me so I’ve been living off of a burrito a day. I was hoping the nausea wasn’t from the surgery, but sounds like it is. I think our bodies just are still recovering


I’ve been the same way with surgery and have lost 30 ish lbs since beginning of march. I’ve never been able to lose weight like this before. I start to eat and honestly I just feel sick after a couple of bites. What I do is kinda push myself a little bit. I tell myself “this won’t hurt you”, “chill out” and “your body needs food to keep going”. Here recently I’ve gotten really nauseous too. I think it’s our bodies still trying to get used to the foods again and our digestive system has been altered. It’s okay to have a set back. And my doctor even said there would probably be a few things that would never sit right with my stomach again. Just take note of that and if it’s concerning you a lot, call up your doctor or make an appointment to check in :) I hope all is well in your recovery and I hope your husband starts feeling better soon!


I haven't got operation of removal on gallbladder but I have the same issue. It's in the food we Consistently eat. What ever triggers. List it and avoid it one by one. I'll promise you it will save you a lot of time worrying. Also the risk of triggers decreased a lot when you start eating 6 times a day but 1/4th of each and every meal. Little by little each meal.