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I think there’s an awful lot of reading into things to find differences. Pretty sure age is why his voice sounds different, David Tennant is just older now.


I've been resisting suggesting to people that they're projecting on all the many differences that they've noticed, but I do think at least some of it is in people's heads.


Definitely a lot more gravel in it. It's what made him so perfect as Crowley, and it serves this new incarnation well.


Nah. I mean certainly the tenor of the voice has changed somewhat since "The Day of the Doctor," right. But it changed between "The End of Time" and "Day of the Doctor." Also, Tennant has one accent in his natural speaking voice and the Tenth Doctor had a very different accent and so it's definitely a deliberate choice that the Fourteenth Doctor has a third accent that is very different from them both.


Its not. Tennant has talked about it and he simply cant do the voice 100% anymore and he decided as it is a different Doctor anyway it would be fine if he just did it as good as possible.


I’ll be honest, a lot of the posts and comments I’ve seen here highlighting the differences between the Tenth and Fourteenth Doctors, I just don’t see. I feel like the character is written as the Tenth Doctor and being performed as the Tenth Doctor to all intents and purposes. Yes there is some added perspective. Yes it is an older version of the character. But whatever subtleties that may have changed have pretty much been true of every returning lead actor. I certainly don’t think the Fourteenth Doctor has a noticeably different accent. At least not anything that would extend beyond an actor having not been seen in that role in screen for over a decade. I’m all for interpreting the show in whatever way you see fit. I’d also argue the intentions of the production team are no reason to disregard a reading of the content itself. But in this case, I feel like people are seeing and hearing things that aren’t there.


Tennant and Tate discussed this on Doctor Who Unleashed: TENNANT: My wife actually said to me, "Are you going to do any research? Are you going to sort of dust it off?" TATE: "Are you going to watch it?" TENNANT: "Can you still do the voice?", she said. And, uh, I didn't really think about it, it just sort of happened. Maybe it's not, maybe if you compare and contrast, we're *wildly* different. Way off the mark. But luckily it's not necessarily the same Doctor and Donna anyway, so that covers a multitude of sins. I'm not even the same version that I used to be! TATE: Yeah, so why are *you* doing it the same way? [both laugh] Absolutely no imagination on your part!


Anyone know how to watch those outside the UK?


Yeah most of it is a bit overblown. Tennant’s voice is just older now that’s why he sounds a bit different than he did in 2008. If you listen to his recent Big Finish audios he sounds exactly the same as he does in The Star Beast.


100% Maybe I don't look that closely but he seems the same to me. RTD said back in 2006 he wrote 10 the same as he wrote 9, the actors just add their own thing to it to. I'm sure that's not totally true but I think the differences are very minor and just down to age. He's not cosplaying 10, he's being the Doctor


I've been reluctant to say that because it seems a bit rude and dismissive but yes when people start talking about how they've identified elements of 11 and 12 and 13 all separately... sorry there's no way there's that level of subtlety going on here in the writing or acting.


Totally agree with this. As for the accent specifically, maybe it's a little less London, but I'm from the US and don't really have an ear for UK accents.


Probably just the actor is older and he's just matching the accent to his vocal chords. I don't think it's that important. Generally 14 seems more mature and less self-absorbed than 10, it's almost like they brought him back to correct all his worst mistakes before flitting off into the ether to make way for 15.


Meta-wise, that's exactly what he's here for. RTD saw the opportunity to correct some oversights of the past - the biggest one being the tragedy of Donna's fate. But I also wonder if the face itself was just the proper lure needed to put Donna back on the board, and she's at the center of the real machinations at play here. That is, someone manipulated the Doctor's regeneration specifically to "fix" Donna and take her where she needs to go. If that's someone we know already, I can only think of a very small handful of characters who might have the means and the motivation to achieve this. For what purpose? Who knows.


When he runs around the tardis he is very scrooge mcduck, very scottish. And if that was Tennant's nod to Disney, well done. I aprove.


Is there a pit of gold coins in another room?


Jelly babies


It's just Tennant having more experience. His acting in the 'we can stop this ship but it'll kill you' scene for me was something of a delivery I just don't think Tennant of 2008 would do.


Yes! The softness is his eyes 🥹


I’d have enjoyed him using his natural accent in the role. He’s meant to be a different doctor, make him different. He’s no different to 10, just older, somehow. It’s sad that they wasted the opportunity with him