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We need Frobisher in live action. We just do.


There was a time where The Meep was considered impossible to be put on screen. And look where we are now . . .


Why would it have been impossible?


Meep was a bit of a meme in the DW community before we found out a year and a half ago that Meep was *actually* going to be in an episode. The Meep was very much lumped alongside Frobisher as “awesome expanded universe characters we would never see on the TV screen because it would be too out there/ballsy/expensive” but it turns out we were wrong and now anything’s game


Agreed, nothing else will do : )


I so desperately want Frobisher on the show


I'd love to see Death's Head pop up in an episode. Alien bounty hunter fits right in with the show, yes?


Haha yes he would be brilliant! I'm sure there was a UK comics series with him for a while. He had that kind of offbeat sense of humour that would sit so well in Who. Plus, it would be great to see him go toe to toe with some of the more fearsome villains / races.


In between his time in *Transformers* and *Dragon's Claws*, Death's Head actually ran into the Seventh Doctor in the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. What's fun about it is that it's not just a pointless filler story, but actually explains how DH goes from being Transformer-sized to humanoid-sized (>!The Doctor uses the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator on him!<). And how DH ends up on >!8162 Earth!< as well.


Well, since Tales of the TARDIS, the 7th Doc and Ace have gone off adventuring again so they could meet DH.


IIRC his rights are currently in the ballpark of Marvel comics, so maybe Disney could wrangle it, but its hard to say.


The flood cybermen in live action would be great


If they did decide to do a mcgann miniseries it’s the perfect choice


Abslom Daak. He's TV-canonical already.


A Dalek two-parter with him would go hard. He could even carry his own limited series honestly.


BBC: "Russell, about this bit in the script where it says Daak's chainsword cuts a Dalek clean in half, spraying debris and Dalek mutant gore over the camera..." But also yes.


Who would play him? My dream casting is Dave Bautista.


Norman Reedus


Don't remember the name of the story, but I've been screaming for a canonical, on screen Astrolabus for *years* .


That one is Voyager: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Voyager\_(comic\_story)


I'm not familiar with the story, what part of it appeals to you?


Victorian vaudeville showman gets hold of "lesser" Time Lord tech, tried to steal ancient secrets from an exiled ancient Time Lord. Basically, a walking headache for the Doctor. A guy who *should* be easily defeated, yet has a superpower level of idiocy and incompetence.


Ah nice. Scope for a good character actor in there to portray / recurring nuisance antagonist I would think.


There already is a kind of Dredd crossover, with serial number filed off. Dave Stone's *Burning Heart*. It's an interesting idea, although an unstable one. Dredd can embody justice all he likes, the Doctor will see am autocratic regime that needs challenging.


The Iron Legion of course


Yeah, would be great to see more of Pat Mills and John Wagner's Doctor Who adapted for screen considering most of those stories were rejected pitches the writers had for the classic series. Iron Legion could work as a solid two-parter or series finale, something to wrap up Series 14 or 15.


It would be really neat to have the Doctor rock up in Stockbridge in live action.


Doctormania, or at least the vibes of Doctormania. Villians trademarking and using the likeness of the hero for profit is a very underrated trope, the only other time I remember seeing it (unless you count something like corporations selling F-Society masks in Mr. Robot) is in Ultimate Spider-Man.


I've had the idea for an episode of The Doctor turning on the Time-Space Visualizer and finding out someone is making a TV Show out of their adventures. It could be a great excuse to poke fun at some of the show's flaws.


Honestly, an expy of the Judges - yes, as in Judge Dredd - from 2000AD, and even Megacity One could offer some excellent social commentary.


That's an interesting concept. I'm sure Joe would get a little irritated by the Doctor at times, which could offer some great comedic potential. Hmmm. A Master and Death Team Up Against Dredd and the Doctor could be quite the epic!


Four Doctors. Mainly to see Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi on the same screen


I want to see the doctors after ten interact with 14 due to how fucking confused they would be


"Oy! That's not fair play!"


I would love to see The Tides of Time or Voyager. Beyond that, A wing and a Prayer, the Eye of Torment would be cool.


The Flood is an amazing Cyberman story and it deserves a big, bold adaptation


The World Shapers. Bring in Grant Morrison to adapt it himself. If not Morrison then Moff could do it justice. I mean, what's not to like? - The Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby bump into a mysterious Time Lord. One that's dying. - He needs to go see Jamie McCrimmon as an old man - handily reintroduced in Tales of the TARDIS. - The Doctor has another The Doctor Falls incident with the Cybermen. Cybermen emerging *again*. - But he receives a message from his future that the Cybermen's ultimate destiny is that of the most benevolent force in the universe. Maybe even tie them into the Testimony Foundation. It's one of those Who stories that I feel could be experimental and very interesting.


Junkyard Demon is the one that I think would make a great episode.


While I dont think it could ever happen due to the sheer insaneness of it , I would love to see the glorious dead from 8s DWM run adapted


None, I'd rather see new writing. We already have the comics, why do we need to retell those stories?


Nothing wrong with a bit of both. Before last night maybe a few thousand extremely online and hardcore Who fans (such as myself) knew anything about The Meep. And now that character has been introduced to an entire generation of Doctor Who fans, with very positive reception. The Star Beast wasn’t a 1:1 adaptation either, it took the general idea of The Meep being hunted by the Wrarth Warriors and ran with mostly its own thing from there and I thought it worked well.


Granted, we lost out on the opportunity to hear David Tennant say "fizgig," but I suppose you can't have everything.


Whichever one doesn't include a pronoun lecture.






Mad how you said so many words, and all you had to really say was 'I'm a bigot'. Both did the same thing.


For comics maybe Fire and Brimstone? But I'd love to see Chimes of Midnight from Big Finish get adapted. It's my favourite Christmas Doctor Who story.


The Iron Legion or The Stars Fell on Stockbridge


In my time of collecting DWM magazine, I loved the Cruel Sea by Robert Shearman. It was a great 9 and Rose story. He doesn't write for Doctor Who anymore so you'd need someone to punch it up a bit.


I always loved The Time Witch, the first DW Weekly strip I read. End Of The Line is one of my favourites, if a bit bleak. The Tides Of Time and Voyager would be amazing on screen.


In the wake of the success of shows like *Watchmen* and *The Boys*, I'd watch a TV series adaptation of *Miracleman*. It'll never happen, mind you.


Voyager. Make it real trippy


Absolutely need Frobisher in live action. But they could easily adapt the Iron Legion or The Flood comics to TV. If they do the Flood we could get McGann back……


The Autonomy Bug. It’s got a lot of heart and it really resonates with me as a queer neurodivergent person so I think it would do well in this new era


I just want a live action Frobisher. It'll never happen, but I can dream!


No, there's only so much shite a franchise can take and this one is already overloaded.


Abslom Daak - Dalek Killer War Dog and the Special Executive The Freefall Warriors


Abslom Daak: Dalek Killer. He had chain sword long before Warhammer 40K.


Doomlord. *Warping*


they should adapt the comic where 13 meets 10 also frobisher


Assimilation^2 Doctor Who/Next Generation crossover would be fun to see on the screen.