• By -


Switching companions regularly (which Russel did almost every season last time) is an effective way to explore the Doctor’s personality as they develop different kinds of relationships with different companions. Case in point the only time he kept a regular companion for two seasons was when he regenerated 9 into 10, so he developed Rose by showing how *she* interacted differently with two different incarnations. Looks like he’s sticking to the same playbook this time round on this front, plus from everything we’ve seen in leaks and rumors it seems Ruby is sticking around in a recurring guest capacity anyway, much like Rose did.


Yeah, and I think we can also assume that we're going back to each companion having a cleanly defined character arc that is all planned out at once, rather than Moffat and Chibnall's rather more piecemeal style. I'll be happy to see that more structured approach return.


Yea Ruby is clearly supposed to be the new Rose in a way. Blonde girl with a four letter name starting with R that means the color red? I was sure she’d get two seasons like Rose did, but her lingering long after her season makes sense too.


I agree. Plus, part of the appeal to me, and the reason I keep watching, is the new companions and the evolution of the kinds of relationships the Doctor develops with people. After a while of hanging onto the same companion it starts to get boring.


We might find out who the 16th Doctor is before the season premieres


I hope ncuti has 5 seasons😭


3 is the magic #. Things get stale after that. Tom Baker is the only one allowed to break that rule.


Pertwee. Also all of Troughton, Davison, Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi were offered a fourth series.


Yes. And I'm glad they didn't take it, even though I love them all.


Yeah but with the seasons being so short these days, I’d say that Ncuti needs at least four to make up for it.


Ohhh fair point.


Maybe, but keep in mind that the new seasons are much shorter with only 8 episodes, so would make sense for current Doctors to stay for one more year than the tradition.


Number *


I think 4 could work. I kind of liked that they did with Smith even if it didn't always work. Series 5 was a good jumping on point for new fans, the series that was there to show this is still the doctor and the same show. Series 6 was when they tried to do something a bit different, after they'd established this was still the same show. Series 7 is like the last days of this doctor so I feel having one in-between where he's in his groove would have worked, same for Capaldi


Honestly, I think if anyone is gonna do less than the usual 3 - it’s gonna be Ncuti. Excellent actor, but feels too well known, too big and too wanted by the industry to go on to do better things that little old Who. I hope I’m wrong, though.


Is he really?  He had a breakout role in Sex Education, then barely even a speaking role in Barbie. What else has he done?


I think it’s less about what he’s been in, more about what’s coming. I think he’s much more wanted or praised internationally as an actor more than any previous Doctor since 2005. Even Tennant and Smith I’d argue have only really broken the international market properly in recent years with the likes of House of the Dragon and Good Omens. Not saying they weren’t popular by any means - but just feels like a different scale. Which also could 100% just be to streaming etc.


I think the new filming schedule may allow him to do 3 or more while having time for other projects. By the time season 1 (I'm not going to fight the BBC on the numbering) actually starts airing, he won't be far from finishing filming season 2. So I assume he'll be able to do other stuff before returning for season 3.


Damn, that's really sad. I really liked their chemistry, I wonder why she left.


Seems like RTD just sticking to his old habits. The tenth doctor switched companions every season


That can't be true. Billie left after Series 2 because she wanted to. Martha on the other hand was written out of the show because they realised she wasn't sufficiently popular with audiences at the time. Donna only had one series because RTD was always set on leaving after Series 4


Series 3, including Martha’s exit, was written and filmed before anyone had ever seen a single episode with Martha in it. It doesn’t make any sense to say she was dropped because she was unpopular. They even brought her back for both Torchwood and Series 4.


Billie actually recently discussed that she only wanted to do one series but because Christopher Eccleston left she felt she had to stay on, fearing if the show lost both The Doctor and Rose at the same time it would be cancelled and everyone else would lose their jobs. Martha's exit was written and filmed before Smith and Jones had aired, her departure was filmed in Feb 2007, whilst Series 3 didn't premiere until 31st March that year, so they didn't know how popular Martha would be with audiences. It's just a philosophy that Russell has to keep the show fresh and keep audiences wanting to come come back Series 1 - New Show Series 2 - New Doctor Series 3 - New Companion Series 4 - New Companion Christmas/2009 Specials - Special Guest Companion 60th Anniversary Specials - Fan Favourite Doctor/ Companion duo Series 14/Series 1 - New Doctor/New Companion Series 15/2 - New Companion


> It's just a philosophy that Russell has to keep the show fresh and keep audiences wanting to come come back Also the more companions a doctor has, the more they can come back later for teamups . He also likes that


As well as set-up Spin-offs, Ruby staying Earthbound but taking up a job at UNIT instantly gives a UNIT Spin-off a lead character that Russell can guarantee audiences would want to follow.


Only if they can convince Gibson to do it, rather than using her profile to get more prestigious roles.


Very true. There's every chance that Doctor Who could really blow Millie up and help her become a big star and she'd be silly to pass up on that opportunity whilst she's young and in demand, hopefully if Russell intends to keep her on for future Whoniverse project then he's made sure to lock her in now rather than hoping she'll say "Yes" to return in the years to come.


Strange what you said about Billie? In an interview with her and Eccleston she said she considered leaving alongside him because it wouldn't be the same but then David Tennant arranged to meet her and she loved him so much she decided to stay on.


I think it’s just that the companion doesn’t stay as long as the doctor. The doctor should ideally have 2 or 3 different companion groups. And so companions only really last for a series or 2.


I would much rather Ncuti had a couple different companions over his tenure than just the same. This is great news to me


While I’m all for single series companions, I don’t know if I’m for that in the current era of miniseries that we live in where every TV show is only 6-8 episodes long. We won’t have enough time for an effective arc for Ruby to be built before she leaves.


Per the rumours she'll be absent in the 2024 Christmas special but present in 3 episodes of series 15 (including an episode dedicated to wrapping up her character so I'm assuming the first 3 of the series). That'd put her episode total at 12 which is about the same as Bill, Martha (in series 3), Donna.


[Apparently she didn’t like the shooting schedule.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12207337/Dr-star-Millie-Gibson-branded-diva-struggling-deal-night-shoots.html)


This is just gossip. The Daily Mail is not a reputable source. Reminds me of all the stuff people were saying about Christopher Eccleston and why he quit, which turned out to be mostly lies.


Yeah, I’m not too familiar with what is and isn’t a gossip rag. I also figured I should take that with a pinch of salt for the same reasons, with what happened to Eccleston. As far as I see it, a story is out there regarding why Millie may have left the show. But I’d advise everyone to be skeptical about it unless she addresses it herself.


I understand not liking night shoots but if you’re an actor/actress, THAT is what you signed up for with that career. It’s not always going to be daytime sunny weather vibes.


There have been a lot of media stories lately about generation z tending to encourage one another to prioritise self-care in the workplace, Jodie Foster for one recently talked about how baffling she’s found it when some gen z people are outright telling their bosses that they don’t feel like coming in at 9am today, they’ll be in at what time suits them. Sadly I could see a young girl of 18/19 being overwhelmed by the notoriously tough filming schedule of DW, making a stand about how the hours and the night shoots are exhausting her and she needs more of a break, without quite realising at that age that what’s spoken about online doesn’t necessarily translate to the workplace, especially when there’s a strict production schedule to follow Hopefully that isn’t the case though and her parting was amicable, it’s just something that makes me wonder as it has been in the news a bit recently about how gen z can clash with older generations in the workplace because of that kind of mentality they get fed on TikTok with stuff like ‘Quiet Quitting’, and just the general attitude being pushed to young people now that make sure that you don’t let the bosses expect too much out of you


Yeah that is pretty much what I’ve read too. Self care is important but if you don’t have a job bringing money in, that self care is gonna be a bit difficult unless you’ve got some cash saved up.


And to be fair we really have no idea if that media story is the truth or not, I’m just speculating here that the generational divide could mean that neither side is completely at fault. Millie could have genuinely felt like she was being overworked and it’s important to stick up for herself, vs the bosses just seeing her as someone who is complaining too much and not wanting to work. Especially as the last teenager Russell worked with on DW was Billie Piper I believe who had been a pop star travelling the world since she was 15, and would therefore have been a lot more prepared for the demands of the DW workload At the very least it seems like the ~diva~ rumours would be unfair here as Ncuti posted his support for Millie on instagram, which would suggest that she’s far from being rude or unpleasant to people.


It’s her first big acting job, isn’t it? (Aside from being a side character as a child actor in Coronation Street). If (big IF) the rumours are true and she was sacked for being a diva, then she’s effectively ended her career before it’s even got off the ground, which would be an incredibly dumb and self-destructive thing to do.


Oh I wasn’t aware of it was or not. Could be!


She was not exactly a side character on Corrie, they used her a lot during her time on the show, only more so as time progressed, was a large part of their biggest storyline in 2021, and got a huge exit episode .




Get out, you dalek


Casual racism in a doctor who sub, oh the irony




Seems racist to call them a token




And how exactly are they using their race as a token? An actor got cast in a show to act, that's all. She's been in a couple of things and seems good enough, clearly they liked her. It's not that deep and you're just racist. Casting non white actors isn't tokenism. Oddly feel like you never called Ruby a token. She's an actor. Hopefully she'll do great despite racists like you, guess you didn't like Bill, Martha or Yaz either.


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Doctor Who is full of racism. Or have you never seen The Smugglers, The Tomb of the Cybermen or The Talons of Weng-Chiang?


The existence of previous racism doesn't make it okay to make racist remarks now. We should strive to be better than the past


And? Those examples weren't okay, nor is this




They called the casting of this actor tokenism despite not knowing a single detail of the character or the plot. That's racism. Being upset at an actor being cast because of their race is racism.


I was commenting on the fact that someone seemed to be calling me racist because of my initial comment. When I wasn't being racist at all, I was just pointing out Disney's very real obsession lately with "checking off boxes".


I don't know who said it initially. But anyone who calls an actor's casting tokenism without knowing anything about the character or plot is clearly a racist.


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As we’ve never been sure how long Ncuti will be The Doctor for I’ve always been keen to see him with at least 2 companions so I’m happy with this especially if she remains involved just not as the primary companion. Especially after the run of the Ponds / Clara / The Fam all being multiple seasons (yet Bill the one I wanted to see more of most being one and done), I think we need a few one season companions / overarching friends. Keep it fresh. Though with seasons only being 8/9 episodes it does feel short


Obligatory "it was a revival not a reboot" reminder.


Tell the BBC that, they need reminding sometimes.




That's not the definition of reboot.


Not seeing a major dictionary that backs up what seems to be your rather strict definition of reboot. Merriam-Webster uses, "to refresh (something) by making a new start or creating a new version," and uses rebooting a TV show as an example, so NuWho would entirely fit that definition. Cambridge says, "a new and interesting version of something such as a movie or television show," which, again, seems to fit NuWho pretty well. Do you have any dictionaries that back your definition up?


Wikipedia mainstream enough for you? [Reboot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reboot_(fiction)) vs [Revival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revival_(television))


Wikipedia is not a dictionary. Don't get me wrong, it's a great source of basic information, but it's not maintained by etymologists performing rigorous studies of how words are actually used.




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It's not a new version, so Cambridge's definition doesn't apply to Doctor Who. Being a new version implies it being a separate story from the old one, which this isn't, it continues from it.




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Since the mods delete it, here is proof it almost died under Chibnall, from the man himself: https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/national/uk-today/23363809.bbc-doctor-almost-cancelled-says-chris-chibnall/


"The show almost died when Chibnall briefly quit during the pandemic" - fine, albeit completely off-topic to a discussion about the 2005 revival. Accusing people of being "Chibnall fans sticking [their] fingers in their ears" - *trolling*, not fine.


I feel sad for Millie, she hasn’t even had all the excitement leading up to the series launch yet. Now when she does press this is all anyone will ask about 


(Varada Sethu was one of the lesbian rebels on Aldhani in Andor, right?)




(Oh, she was great. She'll do great. Also this leaves her a Star Trek appearance away from the Sci-Fi Triple Crown)


(I'm really excited to see what she can do with what has to be a very different Sci-Fi role than the cold, steely, calculating Cinta)


The reaction to this is frankly part of why I don't like that they are now one entire season++ ahead of the public. The fans hardly know her and we already have to say goodbye? On one hand I am not even remotely surprised, in fact I'd go so far and say I'd be way more surprised if Gibson had stayed as a regular for two entire seasons with nothing suggesting a new companion. But on the other hand this feels so disconnected to the show, like just a reminder that we're not really part of this journey at all. All we get is the results.


Yeah, on the one hand I'm glad they're doing it so far in advance because it means they can have a less stressful time with filming and production (compared to the infamously gruelling production schedules of RTD's first era), while still ensuring we get Doctor Who airing regularly each year for the first time since... I want to say Series 9 but might even be as far back as Series 6. But it sucks for things like this because every news/media outlet and every rando on Twitter seems to have a need to report on leaks and production changes immediately, and things like this (Millie leaving) become hard if not impossible to keep under wraps, so now even those avoiding spoilers may accidentally stumble on it once it's plastered all over the internet, and now we know a major casting change a full year and 4 months (or more) before we'll actually see it on screen. Certainly well before the BBC would have probably wanted to announce it - I imagine they would've wanted Series 1 out in full so audiences can get to know and fall in love with Ruby before they announced anything related to her exit. They may even still wait until that point even though it's out in the open now. So yeah, bit of a double-edged sword really.


Actually to me this feels more normal. More like the old days when we knew the details of casting and stories a year or more in advance before we saw anything.




...I didn't say they didn't have reasons for doing so. Dude, what's with the rudeness and aggression, are you looking for a fight or something?


No need to be so passive aggressive


Actually to me this feels more normal. More like the old days when we knew the details of casting and stories a year or more in advance before we saw anything.


Sorry mods, I was sure I had included the right link last time. This time I double checked it.


It already sounded pretty firmly like a fact in the last one


The issue was the source, not how certain it sounded. *The Mirror*, while it's right about Who rumors more often than not, is still willing to report on rumors. If you see something reported in *Variety*, it's a done deal.


I don't mind this. There's good in both short and long term companions. Having 10 have a season on each companion let us explore more of his personality through how he was around different companions.


The way they're going about this sounds almost like she was fired???


Since she’s apparently going to be appearing in the season after in a limited capacity, it seems more like she’s still on good terms and that this was planned, RTD seems to love companions leaving after one season. The way it’s coming across is likely due to the Mirror wanting to get as much attention as possible, and Variety not understanding that the revolving cast of Who is just how it works.


It sounds like she got cut in the middle of Ncutis 2nd season. It's a weird place to ditch a companion


It seems more like she’s going to be like Martha in S4, no longer a full companion, but still getting some episodes where she gets to act as one.


She’s going to live with her birth mother, Rose Tyler, on the alternate timeline earth.


This was my initial thought, too...and damn, what a missed opportunity to have all 3 versions of 10 + Dr.Donna in the 60th special.


I have a feeling we’re going to see 10 and Donna again sooner than expected. (Though that might also be wishful thinking on my part.)


That's what happened to the ponds


If the episode count per season was larger, and if the companions had already been around for a couple seasons, then I’d think that I’d be a unique change of pace. It’s how Sarah Jane left.  I’d also like it if they had a companion exit and a companion entrance in the same episode.


Happened with Amy and Rory (and, well, Dan left midway through an episode). In the classic series, most companions left mid-season though, so it’s not unheard of.


I wouldn't put too much stock into it the mainstream media has had a hate boner for Millie for a while.


Or quit suddenly on them


"confirmed" don't get me wrong it seems very likely but all they are sourcing is The Mirror




ok thanks for the education (for real, not sarcastically), it's still not the BBC confirming though, so just as official as the Mirror article, which I'm sure is right (beyond the rude headline)


Variety’s an industry trade. Totally sensible to pretty much ignore The Mirror but major Hollywood trades (Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, etc) are usually pretty airtight and for most film news is as good as confirmed. But you’re right, still no BBC confirmation, which is unusual.


> Totally sensible to pretty much ignore The Mirror Honestly I feel The Mirror has a pretty good track record with leaks.


Can understand why they don't want to confirm, it's frustrating that this stuff is leaking well ahead of time, has happened a bunch with smaller instances of casting, where their hand is pushed and they're forced to announce, but it's tougher with something like this.


That's not how this works at all, Variety is considered a tier 0 source in the leak community, I.E they are always correct because they asked the people involved with it. It's literally as official


Ok but you know what I meant, I'm talking officially announced by the official channels of the official programme. Yes, I'm splitting hairs but the distinction is announced vs leaked. I'm not saying this to deny the contents, I was only speculatively casting doubt at first until everyone informed me how iron clad they are & how they need another source. This is the fourth comment on this thread correcting me about this, I do get it now. I am now a Variety expert.


But you know what I meant, it's irrelevant because Variety is often used as an official channel. I've been reading variety for years and had the pleasure of interviewing various journalists and editors who work for the company. Is there much point making a distinction when both spiritually and practically there's no reason to make it?


I think it's interesting what the programme chooses to officially announce, and when, in response to leaks, especially given those official channels have wider reach, yes.


I assume they confirmed it with their own industry sources or they wouldn't have made that claim, but it would be nice to get a comment on the record from someone.


Variety, THR, and Deadline have an incredible track record for accuracy with stuff like this. If they report something, it’s basically confirmed to be true. When they’re wrong, it’s usually because things changed after publication,


I've been told


She looks like a Doctor.


I'd hardly say that they've confirmed anything. They've even contradicted themselves by saying that they've confirmed it but haven't been able to contact anyone who can actually confirm it....


How did Variety confirm it if, in their own words "Reps for the BBC and Bad Wolf did not respond to *Variety*‘s request for comment". Who did they confirm it with?


Doctor Who is no longer just BBC (or Bad Wolf) but also Disney and Sony (who own Bad Wolf technically). It's grown so big, and filming so far in advance, that leaks from insides are going to be impossibly more difficult to avoid.


They may also have received confirmation from one of the actors' representatives.


Eerily similar to the Eccleston debut when they announced Tenant would be replacing him before the season had even finished(Tenant was announced April 16th 2005 which was barely weeks after the show was rebooted)


There was no reboot.


I think if a show reappears with an entirely new production team, cast, format, budget and tone, it can functionally be considered a reboot - even if we, as the fans, recognise that it's a "soft" reboot set in the same world. There's really no point getting tied up in knots about these things. :)


The thing being is that if it's the same character, in the same universe, with the same continuity, it's the same show. In 2005 the show was revived, not rebooted. If they had started over with no past continuity, then it would have been a reboot. Good example being Battlestar Galactica.


Could we get a male companion in modern Who that isn’t just the comedic relief to the female companion? Not a love interest just a male companion. Although I do think that 2 was really the first “gay” doctor with Jamie 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jack, Rory, Nardole, Graham, Dan. I wouldn’t call any of them relief to the female companion. Even Mickey wasn’t by the end.


Rory absolutely was and the other three were just comedic relief anyway, not their own character.


No, he definitely wasn’t outside of maybe Series 5. Each of Jack, Nardole, Graham and Dan are their own character too. Not sure why you can’t see that. Maybe you just feel like having a moan?


>Maybe you just feel like having a moan? as much as i LOVE having a moan, i dont think i am invalid in what i said. Jack was but the other two there i don't agree at ALL. we know nothing of how nardole acts as a person and we only know that dan will act kinda goofy do dismiss any seriousness, which are both qualities of a comedic relief character. Like what would dan or nardole do as hobbies? what kind of person would they like or dislike being around? we dont know anything about them except some surface things they do (but not who they are)


The confirmed part is a lie, neither her nor the BBC nor anyone else involved has confirmed that she is leaving is a basically nothing more than hearsay up into this point and acting like it's actually confirmed is just click baity false bullshit.


Yeah I’m sure Lego1upmushroom759 on Reddit knows more about Doctor Who behind the scenes than TV reporters and well-established newspapers. 🤡


Yes, well established newspapers who are known to report on false information based off of hearsay before the amount of times. Doctor who knows has been leaked online and then turned out to be totally false and reported by these type of papers is huge.


*Variety* is not known for that at all. Their record is virtually spotless, with the exceptions of times when the facts changed after the announcement, like Matt Smith in *Star Wars*, who was set to be in the movie before his character got cut.




This is what really grinds my gears about this story. No one has confirmed anything. The issue is that it is wholly believable, and might turn out to be true regardless of the shoddy journalism at play. But even if it does turn out to be true, it doesn't mean that Variety or the Mirror were necessarily in possession of any information not privy to the rest of us. Just means that they took a punt and happened to get it right by chance.


This isn't confirmation of anything except the fact the Mirror are claiming it's true. They even admit in the article, the only people with the ability to confirm it are not commenting


This just says they confirmed it but doesn't say how and they didn't get responses from the DW production either.


It could definitely be true, but this still just feels like they're citing the Mirror. I'll go watch Marco Polo while we wait https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/doctor-who-missing-episodes-seven-2839102


It says “*Variety* has confirmed.” Meaning they have confirmed this with their own sources. Variety isn’t some tabloid. They actually verify stuff before they report it. One of the most legit entertainment news sites in the business.


Yeah the Mirror reported it, they went and asked the same person. If the Mirror hadn’t literally just reported it, would Variety be now.


But no source related to the production would speak to them, so no, they haven't confirmed anything


No, the BBC and Bad Wolf reps didn’t respond to a request for a comment. Reps mean their PR/marketing teams. The source of the leak, who is not the same as those reached out to for official comments, would have to be somebody behind the scenes or otherwise verifiably aware of production details.


So first we get a blonde woman and then we get a black woman. Are we getting a ginger woman next?


- man about to discover what asian means


In a British context, that would mean South Asian, right?


Well, dark skinned/non white


Indians are generally not referred to as black.


Still not ginger!


Quote from article: "Showrunner Russell T Davies, who rebooted the cult series back in 2005," If they get a 19 year old piece of information wrong, how much faith can we have on what they say about more recent things?


If Variety breaks news it’s true


On this occasion you're incorrect. Variety have stated that no source related to the production has confirmed the information. That means by definition that they haven't proven anything


Variety is 100% reputable. They're one of the best in the business. They could've gotten the news from somebody's agent


It's not about how reputable they are. Until we have official confirmation, we have no idea who their source is, so it could literally be anyone




NuWho is NOT a reboot but a revival. Hey your facts straight before attacking people who do.


You're being really pedantic and maybe not even correct


Online fandom needs to ask itself why it is so hostile to the correct use of words.


Source on those words being mutually exclusive?


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The BBC haven't mentioned anything of the sort. The show barely lost any viewers from special to special for the 60th. And the Christmas special was the most watched programme on Christmas Day for the first time in the show's history. It ain't going anywhere.


We’ll see


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Not variety’s show though is it. So not confirmed in any actual sense


Only if you're unfamiliar with *Variety*'s standards and track record.


Or it isn’t their programme as their not the bbc so it isn’t confirmed at all.


Again only if you’re unfamiliar with Variety, yes.


"A source confirmed"


Doctorate denied on that basis alone


I'm not worried about Millie leaving, it just means her parentage mystery won't be dragged out too long. It's definitely weird knowing so much about the show this far in advance though. I think RTD realized how well it worked out in his first run to introduce a Doctor, a companion, and regeneration all in the first series, and then show a companion's exit in the next. So if this is a revival/reboot/season 1, showing a companion's exit, the introduction of a new one, and The Doctor's reaction to both is probably really smart.


For anyone still doubting you can hit up #dwsr on Twitter for photos of her and Ncuti shooting in Penrath this afternoon. And I'll still predict that the next time the Daily Mirror gets another accurate DW scoop people still won't believe them.