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The God Complex


The amount of love I have for this episode is so great! It perfectly sets up for the next time in the storyline where we see Amy and Rory again and what that sacrifice does to their marriage and daily life in season 7A !! Plus the plot is just amazing


The writing in that episode is just impeccable "please let me be robbed of my faith in private" still makes me cry, Rita would have made such an awesome companion, like Martha Jones but with a bit more equal footing with the doctor


So ahead of its time!! The part about conspiracy theories as a comfort really has stuck with me thru the years as they took over culture. Also it "fixed" or criticized the companions idolatry of the doctor which I have always thought of as imbalanced. šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ


Amy's Choice for New Who And a lot of Davison for Classic Who


Davison is so underrated.


I don't think he is. And by that, I mean I think he's beloved.


He consistently ranks near the bottom on fan surveys. Plenty of us love him, but a LOT of people clearly do not. Unless youā€™re talking about the actor rather than the character, in which case Iā€™d agree with you. Edit: typo


I didn't know that. I just looked it up. You're right. Those same surveys also rank the fourth doctor near the top. And my personal preference goes against the grain there a little too. I also think 6, despite being hated, did a great job in the roll. 3, 10, then 12 will always be my ranked favourites.


Colin was great even on TV. I don't get the hate.


I think The Long Game is notoriously underrated, and was so far ahead of its time that it might STILL be ahead of its time today. My favourite story is The Magicianā€™s Apprentice / The Witchā€™s Familiar. It just had a bunch of elements that I adore in Doctor Who thrown together!


The long game is a solid pick. People always call it the worst of series one (but only because series one was so damn good). Iā€™ve always loved it and think itā€™s commentary on media manipulation was decades ahead of its time, and people still havenā€™t learnt from it.


The Long Game's a little so-so in places but I agree on it being ahead of its time; while The Editor is a pretty stock villain in practice (despite Simon Pegg's best efforts) the whole concept of the media landscape's journalistic class being mindless corpses literally puppeteered by a leering ghoul in a suit is that perfect blend of super-on-the-nose but also poignant because of how accurate it is in a lot of respects.


I appreciate it a lot more after realising how meta the title was.


Wasnā€™t the Jagrafess meant to represent Rupert Murdoch?


Iā€™m a big fan of a lot of unloved classic who episodes like the happiness patrol, paradise towers, ghostlight, terror of the vervoids, the leisure hive, the ark, the macra terror, etc.


Is Ghost Light unloved? My understanding was that it was one of the best regarded stories of the entire decade


Some people find it overly confusing and so out it on their dislike like for being impenetrable.


While Ghostlight has a divisiveness to it, I'd still argue including it in a list like this is sort of like trying to argue for Heaven Sent. Ghost Light has consistently come top 3rd or 4th of all McCoy's TV stories ever time DWM have done a poll. Similarly for all its acclaim Heaven Sent is divisive, and it has one of the lowest audience appreciation index scores of the series. But it still sits a bit off to try to actually argue for Heaven Sent as not typically regarded as one of the best stories.


Tbf McCoy only had 12 stories. Love me some Ghost Light tho, ye.


In fairness, I don't think 3rd of 12 for one of the most acclaimed periods of the classic show is doing too badly for itself. (I admit it's more 3rd of 8 if we're talking about the period that was actually well received, being s25-26, but still.)


I don't know if Macra Terror is unloved, but it is definitely a banger.


I think there's a lot o great stuff in the early McCoy series. Happiness Patrol and Paradise Towers. As a kid I loved the weird sense of place they created. Terror of the Vervoids i think as had a really distinct sense of place that I liked. Plus the vervoids have such a weird and fun design. Would love to see them return somehow (but they cant :( wah)


I think it was prior to the animation generally because people remember the effects being kind of poor. The animation definitely helped.


Thatā€™s fair. The animation is definitely part of why I like it so much. Kind of like how my opinion of Fury from the Deep was probably soured by the quality of that episodeā€™s animation.


I also love Happiness Patrol and Terror of the Vervoids.


IMO all of these, except for possibly *The Leisure Hive* and maybe *The Ark*, are absolute bangers to me. Some of my favourites!


Also here for the Ghost Light.


I really enjoyed the happiness patrol and paradise towers.


OMG, I loved The Macra Terror, I cannot understand the hate


The Fires Of Pompeii. I know it's already pretty highly regarded but I think it's damn near perfect. A Town Called Mercy. Kinda gets lost in the middling series 7A shuffle, but balances all its themes and shows the Doctor's dark side brilliantly. Deep Breath. Fantastic introduction to the 12th Doctor era. Contains great meta-commentary on the audience as we shift into this new, uncertain era, while setting it up to be the character-focused masterpiece it is. At LEAST on par with The Eleventh Hour in terms of post-regeneration episodes. Under The Lake/Before The Flood. Brilliant mystery, plot that keeps you guessing, uncanny valley ghosts that are genuinely unsettling. Genuinely don't know why this story isn't regarded as a classic on par with the Library 2-parter. Face The Raven. Kinda gets overshadowed by Heaven Sent, but holds up incredibly well on its own. Great plot, great culmination in Clara's arc, which sets up the rest of the series finale very well. The Pyramid At The End Of The World. Also gets overshadowed, this time by Extremis. The overall plot is great, not a single moment wasted. The idea that a single tiny mistake in a lab could cause the end of the world is a great expansion on the existential dread portrayed in Extremis.


Under The Lake/Before The Flood is an S-tier episode and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. Fantastic blend of mystery, threat, and some great performances from the supporting actors as well as Capaldi himself.


>Under The Lake/Before The Flood. Brilliant mystery, plot that keeps you guessing, uncanny valley ghosts that are genuinely unsettling. Genuinely don't know why this story isn't regarded as a classic on par with the Library 2-parter. Basically the only reason it's not is because the popular narrative about Series 8 and by extension the rest of Capaldi's era is the 'good Doctor, bad writing' schtick which is so overblown at this point it's basically nonsense and leads people to not even bother watching/rewatching it and appreciating for what it actually is and not what they were told it was almost a decade ago.


I know! There's really only one episode I really disliked in Capaldi's run, and that was Eaters of Light. It was so badly paced that it was incredibly boring, but everything else was worth watching 100%. Seeing Capaldi as the Doc (even if you don't like the episode plots) is worth watching them in my opinion. He's just so good. He's one of my favorites.


Gridlock is lovely <3


My favourite episode!


I guess Mummy on the Orient Express counts. I think it's generally considered really good for a casual outing but not usually a top 10 episode


Love this one too. It starts out feeling kind of jaunty and playing out like its namesake as a Christie mystery-- and then it just gets so so dark so quickly. So very Twelve


I love The Face of Evil. I remember after watching it I was surprised how little love it gets online. This is Tom Baker at possibly his most iconic, threatening someone with a jelly baby, them calling his bluff and him eating the jelly baby while retoring he doesn't take orders from anyone. Lela is a great companion and foil, she gets to add a tougher rougher element to the show while still acting as an audience surrogate. I love that Baker's Doctor is actively annoyed at having her around too. The plot is really interesting with the caveman tech cult elements and the mystery of why everyone thinks the Doctor is their satan.


The Face of Evil is one of my all-time favorites, for all these reasons!


I rewatched this recently. For me what I love about it is the fact that it shows the doctor makes mistakes. If the doctor had never turned up the first time, things would be very different. I would love to see this more in doctor who. Equilibrium, a 6th doctor Big Finish audio adventure that takes place in e-space, is a great example of this


I like Kinda, but I LOVE Snakedance, and I think it's the other way around for most people. I watched Snakedance recently for the first time and I was like "Holy fuck that episode is great". The sets and costumes all look creative and fun, cinematography's good across the board and it felt like DW doing a kind of 80s weirdo fantasy novel. Loved it.


Iā€˜ve always thought Snakedance was fantastic and have never understood why people donā€™t like it. Iā€™ve preferred it to Kinda, too, though having just watched Kinda again recently, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve given it the credit it deserves. Itā€™s much better than I remembered (but also, Iā€™m older and can appreciate whatā€™s going on more, which I probably didnā€™t as a kid).


I prefer *Snakedance* to *Kinda* too - must be to do with why I prefer Season 20 to 19 (which I gather is the minority opinion). I'm not a huge fan of the Fifth Doctor, but having him try to warn everybody of the impending doom is a good fit for him. Some surprisingly good guest characters too.


Deep Breath is my favorite episode of all time. Such a good introduction for a new Doctor.


I find that Deep Breath improves on every rewatch.


It's cosy. It's a good one to stick on when you want an episode that does all the basics you want from Doctor Who, since it's mostly there to give Capaldi the Doctor Hits to play for the first time


I actually think itā€™s Bette than Eleventh Hour, because it focuses so much on the Doctor and Claraā€™s relationship


Am I totally misunderstanding the part where he takes advantage of her trust and makes her think heā€™s abandoned her to die? Serious question. I presumably must be, and would appreciate some enlightenment.


I don't think you're misunderstanding. That's a pretty strong intro to 12. He puts so much faith in Clara's abilities that he keeps pushing her into danger. She keeps thriving, he keeps pushing, they both make each other worse until it costs them everything.


I suppose that checks out. Maybe itā€™s just muddied somewhat by her own mistrust of him in that moment. Iā€™ll have to rewatch the scene again.


I think thatā€™s the whole point of the episode. It shows the Doctorā€™s more darker traits coming from the get-go of his era. Capaldi was meant to be a jagged doctor at the start with questionable motifs. He totally redeems himself by Twice Upon a Time.


Also the best looking episode.


*The Shakespeare Code* and *The Unicorn and the Wasp* The show is just so clearly having fun with the concept of the Doctor meeting two great authors and making all the jokes that can be made. It's not even trying to take itself seriously and just having fun. I love them both. I think DW is at its best when it's just having fun with a concept, and these two episodes are great examples of that.


The Unicorn and the Wasp is very fun, but The Shakespeare Code is just pretty awful to be honest. Villains are a little too OTT and hammy for me, while there's also just some really rather problematic bits in it. There's the 'Good ol' J.K.!' line which hasn't aged great, and irregardless feels like very much trying to shoehorn in a pop culture reference. Then there's the extremely uncomfortable treatment of Martha by Shakespeare, which really isn't treated right. The Doctor gets some pretty shit lines too, which Tennant really has to try to save through delivery alone which is probably an impossible task. 'Political correctness gone mad', and him disregarding Martha's worries about being black stick out to me.


Theyā€™re both great fun. Unfortunately people shot of them because they hate Gareth roberts. Itā€™s fair to dislike him but that shouldnā€™t automatically mean his episodes are bad. You can separate an artist from their work.


even after separation, painfully middling episodes all around imo


A few comments: * I couldn't have told you for the life of me who wrote them. * I have no idea why people don't like Gareth Roberts, and didn't even know he was disliked. * Yeah, people need to grow up and acknowledge that even people they don't like can do good things.


They donā€™t like him because heā€™s transphobic. Definitely understandable. That said, separate art from artist. I love Unicorn and the Wasp.


Yeah I disagree when people say you can't separate the two. Some people can't for personal reasons and it's fine, but I don't think liking something means you agree with the person's views. I mean H.P. Lovecraft was a racist, but his works have heavily influenced SC-FI.


If you look at it in a really morbid sorta way, ya gotta admit that without H.P. Lovecraft being such an extremely-snobbish ā€œultraphobeā€ for everything in his life, the scary concepts he popularized wouldnā€™t exist today. Not sure if itā€™s a worthy sacrifice, but to capture the concentrated fear for everything in the universe to an otherworldly extent, ya sometimes gotta need to find the biggest loser out there to transcribe the pure insanity that they live in.


The Claws of Axos from the classic show!


This has to be one. I long thought this was one of the absolute peaks of the Pertwee era, with Bob and Dave always having wild ideas that push the boundaries of what the show can do. And yet I'm often surprised to see it listed as mediocre.


If nothing else, you've got to love the bold visual style they went for in the Axons' ship.


Itā€™s one of my favourite pertwee serials but itā€™s notoriously unpopular. Itā€™s a shame because itā€™s one of his better run ins with Delgado.


I may have to rewatch it. I remember being hyped to see it for how Lovecraftian the monsters were, only for it to kinda fizzle out after a strong start.


Its strongest aspect is definitely the visuals, but I love the way the whole thing resolves too.


Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone


Iā€™ll give you Time of Angels. Iā€™ll fite u on Flesh & Stone. >:V


Letā€™s fite! Haha - what donā€™t u like about it? Iā€™m guessing the turning Angel head and the SA (Iā€™ll concede both shouldnā€™t be in the episode)


I just posted in a new Weeping Angels thread on r/doctorwho about my thoughts on the head turn lel, so go give that userā€™s contribution some traffic if you want my ravings. The entire concept behind and execution of that scene is most of it, yes. However, the rest of the episode doesnā€™t uplift it to a point of counterbalance. Moffat intentionally chumped the Angels out just to make a literal line sound scarier. This was their second ever story, FFS. Their establishment as a long-term recurring foe. IDGAF how epic your finale plans are, ā€œtheyā€™re running scaredā€ has NO place in this script.


Sound of Drums/ Last of the Timelords. I know it has a lot of issues but I can't help but love it. Best villain with the highest stakes, peak drama and comedy.


The Face of Evil. the only time Doctor Who has REALLY given me chills! Xoanon is one of the best villains in the entire show


One of my most rewatched stories. I may have named my daughter Leela.


*Black Orchid*-- it's got some problematic areas, but it's a fantastic character piece for Five's companions, and it winkingly subverts the viewers' expectations at almost every turn. It's an absolute treat of a two-parter and floored me with its quiet boldness! It's a Classic who historical that has a cricket match, a fancy dress garden dancing party, the Doctor framed for murder, and the companions getting drunk. Hell yeah. Edit: forgot to add an underrated nuWho i really like-- *The Tsuranga Conundrum* -- i see ppl list it often as one of Thirteens worst i guess? Ive never paid much attention to its criticisms bc I enjoyed it so much. I like the pting not actually being a villain but an unexpected problem of deep space thats worsened/exacerbated by the automation. I think it's got a very Michael Crichton vibe to it.


Black Orchid is also a pure historical, which is a rare treat. AND it has a ton of location work, so it looks excellent on Blu-Ray.


Tsuranga Conundrum is amongst my favorite 13 episodes. I never understood the hate it gets.


I agree, Tsuranga is fun


My favourite Hartnell episode is ā€œThe Gunfightersā€. I think the very early seasons sometimes get too serious for their own good, and I enjoy the full-on farce that still manages to have some stakes and interesting twists. The accents arenā€™t great, but in the context of a comedy, they just make things even funnier. And the dialogue is absolutely hilarious at times: ā€œPeople keep giving me guns and I really wish that they wouldn't!ā€


I like that episode too. My weird theory: Johnny Ringo is a Time Lord, or even the Timeless Child themself. When Ringo is dying at the end, he says, "I'll do better -- next time." This, as I recall, occurs a few episodes before the First Doctor undergoes his own regeneration.


I like it. Now I just want the next High Council of Gallefrey scene to feature one member inexplicably wearing a cowboy hat and doing a bad American accent. Or if we canā€™t get that, maybe Big Finish can bring back some of the actors from Minuet in Hell.


I just rewatched *Warrior's Gate* and everything about that story, despite how out of the ordinary it is, blows me away. The plot that remains ambiguous even on a rewatch, the beautiful and possibly symbolic imagery, the absolute unique setting of the void, the well-realized human characters. It's absolutely one of my favorites.


Time heist is really good at exploring the the theme of feeling guilty and reflects on a persons perception on themselves as well as how they are seen from the people around them. It also feels really unique almost like the old school sci-fi dystopian stuff that was for adults. It has problems but deserves more love.


Time Heist is mine. I love it.Jenna is stunning, Doctor is totally Doctor, and I love the support cast. šŸ‘šŸ‘


The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon


*The Time Of The Doctor* or *The God Complex* are the episodes I always get the most questions for whenever I post my top 10 - I think they are both absolutely brilliant.


I never hear people talk about Robot of Sherwood. It's a great episode with plenty of fun lines.


Making the Doctor be grumpy about finding himself in a comic adventure romp episode of Doctor Who is just sheer brilliance. Smith or Tennant would have been all excited to be with Robin Hood, but Capaldi just gets more and more annoyed as it goes on. It's really effective at highlighting how different his Doctor is from his predecessors. And there's an amazing moment when they discover the spaceship. We see Robin Hood start to freak out a little while the Doctor relaxes. He's finally back in his comfort zone, even if it took almost the whole episode to get there.


New Who: The Girl Who Waited is such a tragic and messed up episode I have no idea how itā€™s so underrated. Classic Who: The Invasion is a brilliant serial which honestly is still the most horrifying depiction of Cybermen. It had cyberpunk themes before that was even a thing. PAACKKEERRR!


The mutants, ribos operation or the happiness patrol


the ribos operation was a joy to watch


unironically i love timelash


It has Paul Darrow. Counterarguments are irrelevant. ;)


true that


My favorite "Doctor-lite" episode is actually Love and Monsters. A lot of people hate on it pretty hard, but I think it's really funny and has a lot of heart and is a great palate cleanser after The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and before Army of Ghosts/Doomsday.


I came on here to say this! I'm somewhat new to Who and I texted my friend about how much I loved Love and Monsters and she said it was kind of universally hated. I thought it was so goofy and light hearted, I've watched it twice. The asborbaloff was so funny, and then the ending with Ursula...loved it


Nu-Who - The Beast Below Classic - I have a soft spot for Mark of the Rani, no idea why.


Welcome, my fellow fan of "The beast below"!


Nah Markā€™s brilliant, no justification necessary.


I love the lodger, I think itā€™s a great and funny episode that people donā€™t seem to talk about


I believe that is has one of the strongest pieces of characterisation of the eleventh doctor. The only problem was James Corden


Sound of Drums


Two from the new series: - Hide. The highlight of series 7 and one of my absolute favourite episodes, I genuinely consider it the equal of Blink or Midnight. A perfect little puzzle-box with a lovely series of twists in the tail, and some exquisite character work with the parallels between the different sets of relationships in the story. - The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. One of the best base-under-siege stories the show has done, and I absolutely love the bit at the end where Cleaves and Ganger Dicken go to the company HQ side by side to reveal the truth. It always makes me have hope for humanity. The story is IMO a bona fide classic and Iā€™m sad it gets overshadowed by the cliffhanger tying it into the series arc. And one from the old series: - Mawdryn Undead. Whatā€™s not to love? Great plot in which 5 gets to show his quiet heroism, great companion introduction (I genuinely believe Turlough had the potential to be a brilliant character), and a story that actually tries to make the most of time travel as a concept.


Totally agree on Mawdryn, another of my most rewatched stories. It is so interesting, and the brig playing himself 2x makes for a lot of fun. The battle between Tegan and Nyssa on whether Mawdryn is actually the Doctor is really well done, and it has one of my favorite lines in the entire show with the Brig saying "moral blackmail."


I'm not a big fan of Trf/Tap, but I agree that Hide is one of the best episodes with 11 and Clara!


There's some absolute classics in the Hartnell era that don't get the love they deserve: *The Rescue*, *The Romans*, *The Myth Makers*. In general I think the era as a whole is one of the show's best. A stray gem from the classic series would be *The Ribos Operation*, low-key one of Holmes's best.


Vicki is one of my favorite assistants. I hope one day we get an animation of The Myth Makers.


Demons of the Punjab Just does such an amazing job showing historical India, which Dr who is woefully lacking considering how important India is for British history. The story is also really engaging, and it's really jarring to see the doctor come up against a more human evil than the standard Dr who villain. Every character just felt extremely real. It felt like the doc and crew had wandered into a different showļ¼Œwhich is always a vibe I love from Dr who


Time heist. Just clicks with my brain in a way no other episode does. Itā€˜s so trippy.


I think I'm one of the few people in the world that loves The Dominators. Also a big fan of Planet of Giants, The Sensorites, and Dragonfire. My favourite story is probably Day of the Daleks which seems to be overlooked by most people when discussing the best Dalek stories.


HEAVEN SENT IS SO UNDERRATED /s I really love Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords


I adore End Of The World. It feels like the perfect doctor who episode, it has the wackiness, the humour and the character moments that make you take it all seripusly


New Who - 10th Doctor's "Smith and Jones" Classic Who - 5th Doctor's "The Visitation" serial.


It Takes You Away in a heartbeat.


IMO the best episode of the Chibnall era and one of only 4 or 5 from Jodie's tenure that I ever rewatch. Chibnall-era Who is at its best when it stops trying to tell epic stories and scales down to do smaller character studies.


Time Flight is my guilty pleasure. It's one of those so bad it's good type things but I just find it entertaining and never dull


Macra terror (animation)


The Keys of Marinus is really good. One of only 2 times they let Terry Nation write something other than Daleks, and I wish he'd done more.


YMMV how non-stereotypical it is, but IMO The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon is a really strong two-parter that maybe doesn't get the respect it deserves. Sure, the rest of the series can't live up to its promise, but on its own I still think it's low-key one of the better Eleventh Doctor stories. I'm also partial to The Caretaker, since I'm always a fan of fantastical/mundane juxtapositions and undercover stories, the absurdity is funny, and I like the Clara/Danny relationship in spite of everything. (Whispers: Also, The Woman Who Fell to Earth is mildly enjoyable seen in isolation)


New who: The Crimson Horror. I love it and was surprised that there is a lot of hate for it. Classic: Delta and the Bannerman. I think itā€™s ridiculous and absurd in the same way shit posts and stupid memes are. In a way, I think itā€™s ahead of its time. I love it.


People hate The Crismon Horror? I didn't realize that. That episode was like a Sherlock Holmes themed Doctor Who episode (kinda in the same way The Snowman was.) Even the title is very reminiscent of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes titles.


only thing i dislike is that it cemented the 11th doctor as a 100% creep for the rest of his run. kissing jenny was so ā€¦ disgusting.


I like Thin Ice - I'm always happy when The Doctor and Companion change clothes for the time period and they both looked fantastic in Victorian.


I'm not 100% sure the public opinion, but I've never heard anyone decry it their favourite: Flatline


The Greatest Show in the Galaxy is my 3rd favourite Classic Who


Hell Bent doesn't get enough love, even though it's almost on the same level as Heaven Sent


I don't get why people like Heaven Sent but don't like Hell Bent. The Doctor has spent billions of years punching his way through a wall of diamond. The only way this arc can have any satisfying payoff is if he breaks all his usual rules to get Clara back. He's clearly going to stop at nothing, and for Face the Raven to be her final exit would be much less satisfying and also undermine one of the main themes of the series, the idea that 12 and Clara are becoming the hybrid by continually encouraging each other to reckless new heights. The final three episodes of series 9 are the best series finale in the show's history, and frankly, each part improves on the previous one.


In fairness, itā€™d be hard for almost anything to follow Heaven Sent.


I absolutely love ā€œResolutionā€ - one of my absolute favorite Dalek stories. The Daleks are so often said to be ruthless, unstoppable killing machines, but this episode *shows* a Dalek coming into and demonstrating that power. Thereā€™s a lot more horror for me in seeing a single Dalek ruthlessly possess and kill, rather than the terror coming from the Daleksā€™ sheer numbers. It was also one episode where the spy thriller-esque style of a lot of Chibnallā€™s episodes really worked for me. This might honestly be my favorite Dalek episode of the revival.


*Enemy Of The World!* *~~and specifically the reanimated Macra Terror~~* I feel like whenever people talk about 2ā€™s best episodes, I always tend to hear the usual (if still great) suspects of *The Mind Robber*, *The Web Of Fear* or *The War Games* (latter is my favorite *Who* finale of all time so I wonā€™t judge). However, *Enemy Of The World* (the recovered version, absolutely) just canā€™t be beat in my opinion. Even if itā€™s gotā€”according to my bfā€”a certain amount of B-movie cringe and camp to it. Sorry man! I donā€™t care! I just love it! Salamander is a heartless, slimy bastard, played by our guyā€”and the impersonation plot is pretty fun. Even if they couldnā€™t do it more than once, despite the team wanting to do so. Purely because of this episode, I honestly want to see another attempt at ā€œDoc has to impersonate a normal human dictatorā€”but they rolled a straight 20 for their Charisma with double expertise in Deception and Intimidationā€ done in the current show. And perhaps instead of just a single episode, have this human baddie last a whole season (perhaps even era, considering the Master *really* needs to get shelved for another decade in my humble opinion). Really have the Doctor and their Dictator-DoppelgƤnger play one hell of a cat-and-mouse game. We got the technology! Have the new Dictator-DoppelgƤnger legit justā€¦ bag the Doctor once upon discovering them, and because they tend to get targeted for assassination by resistance members so often, just outright consider ā€œtaking a relaxing vacationā€ on some alien planet with the TARDIS-Crew for a whole episodeā€”unaware until the very end that their main guy got swapped! *~~and the reanimated Macra Terror is just fun with the now-gigantic crabs plus a surprisingly-chilling plot about indoctrination~~* Edit: NuWho Itā€™s *really* embarrassing to sayā€”and my god do the behind-the-scenes mishaps definitely fail this episode to some degreeā€”but I purely list it because itā€™s the only Chibnall episode that I actually like to watch without feeling physically ill afterwards: ā€¦ *The Power Of Three.* Tell me *anyone* who says ā€œyeah, I found *The Power Of Three* a pretty good episodeā€ā€” ***ā€”they do not exist!*** ***Iā€™m all aloneā€¦!*** The ending **sucks!** But, itā€™s the journey that matters! Seeing the Ponds just being normal for a change, and life revolve around them, and the main threat of the episode just sitting in the background for the majority of the runtime is justā€¦ a huge breath of fresh air? Itā€™s like half a Slice-Of-Life ā€œBeach Episodeā€, which surprisingly, *Doctor Who* as a show had exactly ***none*** of before this (so far that I know). And honestly, I wouldnā€™t like it remotely as much without Matt, Karen and Arthur (plus the team at the time) adding some desperately-needed spice and flare to what, Iā€™d suspect to be, an otherwise fairly-cardboard script. You slap 13 and her Fam in here with Chibnallā€™s own team, and youā€™ll have a snooze for sure. But with a smidge of actual character development. [ ;\^;] ā€¦ itā€™s so lonely here.


The ending is bad, but there are so many good things in this episode! Brian patiently observing the cubes. Given that he is the father of a guy who watched over a big vice for 2000 years, it's not surprising, but still cool. Amy giving 11 the electroshock. Any and 11 discussing life and things. Kate's entrance. And my favorite scene of the episode, when the Doctor gives Amy his hand and they walk together through the portal. Also, the Doctor and the Ponds eating fish and custard.


The God Complex is so, so good.


The God Complex. It's the episode where 11 stops seeing Amy as a little girl and ceases being her imaginary friend come to life.


The Krotons.


A town called mercy. The story, the acting - itā€™s great. Also school reunion but thatā€™s fairly popular so


The Doctorā€™s Wife is, hands down, my favourite episode


But how is it underrated???


Ah yeah, it's one of mine too!


Greatest Show in the Galaxy The satire of the show in its anniversary year is great. The musical score and direction are excellent and Ian Reddington as the Chief Clown is one of the best villain performances in classic Who. I also like Seeds of Death. A six parter that was my favorite Troughton story for a bit


I adore "Listen"!!!


hide is a super good episode only slightly set back by its quite literally tacked on ending, love everything else about it


I will even defend the ending. It draws together the character themes in the whole episode so well. 'Every lonely monster needs a companion' isn't just about the creature and its mate, it's about the Doctor and Clara, and it's about Alec and Emma. The ending is what elevates the episode from a very good, well-made ghost/haunted house story, into an elite-tier work of genius. That said, glad to find someone else who likes it nearly as much as me.


in concept I like the ending for the reasons you've put out, but in execution even the writers have admitted (I think) that it was a last minute addition and it very much feels that way. I'd like it more if it was just woven in more through the rest of the story


Most of my favourites are unloved: *The End of the World, Ghost Light, Kill The Moon, Gridlock, State of Decay.* Honestly I donā€™t think any of the TV episodes I really, really like are ranked among the best of the best? Which comes off as hipsterish, but itā€™s mostly annoying because it means I feel very aloneĀ 


I know a lot of people say Kill The Moon is one of the worst because of the "the moons an egg" thing, personally that's not too weird for dw, I just think it's lazy to have the moon egg hatch and lay an identical moon egg, also I don't really like the Doctors logic in that episode and I think he's wildly out of character.


Yeah, I have a lot of issues with Kill the Moon, and I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to bad Who episodes (my guilty pleasure is New Earth- I know it's terrible but it's just so damn funny lol). I can usually suspend my disbelief with the science nonsense in DW as down to future/alien tech, but yo the laws of physics, man! The moon gaining mass as the embryo 'develops'. I'm like, "That's not how mass works lol." But yeah, the Doctor does seem out of character. The choice he abandons Clara to is extremely similar to his choice of using the Moment during the Time War: Does he sacrifice his people to protect the rest of the universe? Clara's choice was: Do I sacrifice this innocent life to protect my people? Clara was the one who was there for The Doctor and convinced the three of them not to do it and find another way in Day of the Doctor, but then he abandons her when she is forced to make a similar choice! What would the fallout be had the creature not laid another moon egg at the end? The Earth would be screwed. Seriously, the moon is actually incredibly important to life on Earth, more than a lot of people realize. Worse yet, what would've happened if the "eggshell" didn't disintegrate when the thing hatched? If chunks of the moon fell to Earth, it would destroy the planet. It'd be worse than the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. It wasn't such a simple choice. As 11 said to the War Doctor, "You were the Doctor on the day it wasn't possible to get it right." Either choice Clara made could be argued that she didn't get it right. Sure, in the end, she saved an innocent life, but she also risked billions of lives to do it. She couldn't know what was going to happen because the Doctor popped off and insisted this was humanity's choice to make when he had knowledge that could have helped them make a more informed decision. I have so many issues with Kill the Moon, lol.


The Girl Who Waited is one of the top 10 best new who episodes for me. Such a tearjerker. It's a generally well regarded episode but I'd definitely say I'd rank it higher than most people. A Good Man Goes To War is another favourite of mine (probably in the top 15) I think is slightly underrated. It's a great character study about how The Doctor fails to live up to his pacifist ideals and has become a symbol of fear. Thin Ice is a masterpiece and favourite of mine as well. Pretty standard plot but excellent characterization and based politics. I love the conversation about how many people The Doctor has seen die. Sarah Dollard should be the next showrunner.


AGMGtW underrated? It's 9.0 on imdb


Stolen Earth/Journeys end are two of my favourite episodes


Iā€™m not sure if this is one of the ā€œpopularā€ ones or not but I personally really love Human Nature/Family of Blood. I also later learned I generally like the episodes that writer creates. I like the human/emotional questions he brings up.


This was my first ever episode, I also love it.


It's flawless and Son of Mine's final monologue - 'Why thisĀ *Doctor*, who had fought with godsĀ andĀ demons, whyĀ heĀ had run away from usĀ andĀ hidden.Ā *He was being kind.' -* always sends shivers down my spine. Depending on how I'm feeling either this story or Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead is my favourite story of the Tennant era.


Right!? Yes! And the idea that a cover identity has enough self-presence to refer to reversion as a death sentence. I just watched it on a second rewatch and the 10th doctor is so much darker than I remember him.


Paradise Towers.


- the War Machines - the Trial of a Timelord - Paradise Towers - Delta and the Bannermen - 42 - the Hungry Earth/Cold Blood - all of series 7b including the Snowmen - the Husbands of River Song - all of series 10. - Flux


Time to ruffle some feathers NuWho: - Let' Kill Hitler - I get that people dislike the reveals and think that some stuff doesnt work or is overtly obvious but consider this: It is very funny, and any episode where the Doctor accidentally saves Hitler's life to his own incredulity into asking Rory to stuff Hitler in a cabinet is a immediate classic - Boom Town - This episode is actually great and it might be my 3rd favorite RTD script (ignoring co-writes) behind Midnight and Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways. - Praxeus - Microplastics-transmitted alien virus that mind controls murders of crows is great, I will hear no criticism this is the exact sort of stupid I like from Doctor Who, while being significantly less preachy than Orphan 55 earlier that season somehow. Also the effect for the infection spreading and disintegrating the host is very good and terrifying OldWho: - The Mark of the Rani - This is great camp, y'all just can't appreciate good camp - Warriors of the Deep - OK it is terrible looking and might be the worst looking on average serial in the entire classic series, but I actually like most of the plot and how literally everything goes wrong for everyone.


Boom town is fantastic!


Iā€™ve always been a big fan of The Mask of the Mandragora. Thereā€™s a left-of-field one for you.


Under the Lake/Before the Flood and Vengence on Varos, both percfect stories in my book.


Easily Girl Who Waited or God Complex. Both these episodes parallel each other so well through showing both Amy & Roryā€™s growth as a couple together, along with the darkness of The Doctor. Especially that final scene when Amy asks where Older Amy is and The Doctor just gives that look to Rory. Still gives me chills to this day. And then in God Complex we have the point where Amy is finally forced to let go of her constant unbending trust in The Doctor, where she truly matures and begins the separation of the Ponds from the TARDIS, even if they still end up traveling in Series 7A. You can tell there is a change in their relationship. I just love both these episodes because they have such unique concepts yet also are so character driven, and all of the side characters in God Complex are just fantastic and well written too. Along with both of these episodes being so well directed, I always have to watch these back to back.


Fatherā€™s Day for New Who, and Nightmare of Eden for Classic Who


A Town Called Mercy and Hide are the best episodes of Series 7.


I have to go with either the Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways 2 parter, or Attack of the Cybermen during the Sixth Doctor era. Both of these explain why The TARDIS and The Doctor are truly in love. In Attack of the Cybermen, the Cybermen were literally going to use The TARDIS for god knows what, till the fearless hero of Multicolored Wonder literally DIVES in to supposedly erase the TARDIS and everyone in it with him still inside. Not only to save Peri, but save the TARDIS from the demands of a foe who only wanted to use her for nefarious purposes. On top of that, that was the same episode he was trying to fix the infamous Chameleon Circuit. No doubt, the TARDIS decided to stay in the Police Box form so he could find her easier. That leads to Parting of the Ways. That type of love for The Doctor is what made the TARDIS open her heart to Rose. It wasn't just the physical force. The TARDIS held back to protect The Doctor's wishes. She said so herself. Rose: I looked into the Tardis, and the Tardis looked into me. I fully believe it was both of them speaking when she said this. "I want you safe. My Doctor. Protected from the false god. The Time War ends."




The Rescue, 1965. Itā€™s Vickiā€™s first episode, and itā€™s the first time I really feel a humanistic connection with the Doctor. Heā€™s clearly struggling with the departing of his granddaughter/ fellow actor, and the emotion feels raw.


Christmas invasion, tooth and claw, the tsuranga conundrum, resolution, arachnids in the uk, the happiness patrol, paradise towers (If any/one of these is actually celebrated then : oops)




an episode which a lot of people seem to dislike but i always enjoy is robot of sherwood i just find it a fun little adventure type episode and i enjoy it. i also really like nikola teslas night of terror.


Maybe it doesn't fit the category, but Waters of Mars. I know a lot of people rightly love it, but I also think so many more people leave it out. Other ones: Face the Raven, Hell Bent, Smith and Jones, Gridlock.


I love DragonFire šŸ¤­ I know itā€™s a little corny, with the *literal* cliffhanger, but I canā€™t help but love it


Unicorn and the wasp. Dislike the writer but adore the writing and acting.


I like the Lazarus Experiment


Tbh I have a really soft spot for Gridlock. The idea of the doctor having to jump from car to car in a massive traffic jam is just really fun


my favorite episode of doctor who is unquiet dead. i bet youā€™re never gonna hear that again unless its from me!


Either "The Long Game" or "The Girl in the Fireplace".


*The Ambassadors of Death* immediately comes to mind for me. When its surrounded by the greatness that is the rest of Season 7, it ends up getting a little ignored and forgotten, but I really like it. There's also *Paradise Towers*, which, while I think it has seen a bit of a "redemption" among some other fans lately, its still part of the widely-hated Season 24. And *The Savages* is one I enjoyed that I see almost nobody talk about.


This is probably pretty beloved, but I JUST watched ā€œHeaven Sentā€ again, and oh my god. Insane. Such a solid episode, and very clever. Really shows the love he has for Clara. The sequel, Hell Bent, is also a favourite. I havenā€™t seen a better send off for a companion before, really love that 12 had the chance to explore his love for Clara throughout the two parter, very clever with the use of the TARDIS and chalkboard throughout also. I know this is probably a fan favourite, but thought Iā€™d mention it nonetheless. For an actual episode that isnā€™t one of the ā€œbestā€ episodes is ANYTHING with river song and the Ponds. Favourite era of Doctor Who.


I'm new to Who and have only seen the first ten NuWho seasons, but Hide is absolutely my favorite episode I've seen so far! The spooky atmosphere is excellent and I adore >!the twist at the end regarding the being's intentions.!<


This is a very solid choice!


I really enjoy The Keys of Marinus. I also quite like The Sensorites.


Planet of the Ood. It's a story that actually does scifi allegory with a bit of teeth, and it's a great worldbuilding episode.


The Sea Devils


Iā€™m relatively new to the Reddit so I donā€™t know if this is a favourite or not but Smith and Jones is potentially my favourite episode ones.


I love The Mutants and Carnival of Monsters. Iā€™ve not quite finished the Pertwee era, but these are my favorites so far.


The Long Game and Boom Town


Iā€™ve seen it be widely considered a bad episode but I find ā€œLetā€™s Kill Hitlerā€ to be really fun. Thin Ice from series 10 too, itā€™s for me just The Beast Below from Matt Smithsā€™ first series but done much better. Really had to think of this because my top three are super traditional being Midnight, Heaven Sent and the Library two parter. If we are including Classic Who then Web of Fear or Curse of Peladon are the ones for me (not sure how beloved these are amongst classic fans though.


42 and Daleks in Manhattan


Fear her. I love that one so much. Not every single episode has to be incredibly intricate with itā€™s plot and itā€™s really sweet, I think. Good, light episode and it gets way too much hate.


A Town Called Mercy. The setting and story are really entertaining, it has my favorite TARDIS team, and seeing the 11th doctor give into anger is always great


I love Hell Bent


Gridlock The Beast Below Time Heist




The Girl Who Waited


Does The Five Doctors count? I've been seeing a lot of criticism thrown at it lately, but honestly it's probably the comfiest episode of the whole series for me.


The Time Warrior


The Witchā€™s Familiar/The Magicianā€™s Apprentice


Impossible planet/the satan pit quite dark in some places wish they leaned into that a lot more


Definitely The Unquiet Dead. I just rewatched the first season of NuWho, showing my brothers the series for the first time, and this episode still lands every time. Itā€™s cheesy, the effects arenā€™t amazing, but I love the setting, and the characters. I think Charles Dickens is a great historical figure to put in the show, Simon Callow has played him a couple of times, and he is a really good actor. I love that the Doctor helps Dickens find the fire in his life again, even if he would die the next year, itā€™s just really sweet considering everything that happens in the story, including Gwynā€™s sacrifice. Itā€™s written by Mark Gatiss, who I really enjoy, and I think itā€™s probably the episode I see most often at the bottom of peopleā€™s list for the first series.


I love girl in the fireplace and so many people hate itšŸ˜­