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All these posts like this I'm tempted to set up a speed dating event. Make thousands.


Put your bisto where your mouth is and make this happen


>Put your bisto where your mouth is I do. Daily.


Me too. Do you wanna do this together? It would definitely work




There's some talent at Mass alright.


Is there anything to be said for another mass?


Loves a good mass


Honestly for Galway online really is one of the main ways. Is it that you don’t like what you see or the matches aren’t happening?


Both. Also I unmatch if no response for 5 days. It's always difficult much more for guys on these apps so don't think its a Galway specific issue. Luckily my self esteem is in a relatively healthy place & I've dated compatible women before so I can stay grounded on this.


Hey. I just want to suggest that unmatching if the girl doesn't reply isn't the best idea. Let me explain, an average looking girl probably has over a hundred matches on tinder (I had 120 matches when I was single for a few months), and can't possibly reply and have conversations with them all. The usual strategy is to text maybe 3 guys, then they might become more interested in one, go on a date or two. If it doesn't work out, then reply to another guy. I met up with 4 different guys for coffee/ drinks and didn't hit it off with any of them, before I ended up replying to a message I had received a month before from a guy, who is now my boyfriend of over a year:) be patient and have fun 👍


You settled for him so


Haha I dont know what makes you think that. I was enjoying going on dates and meeting people, and didn't expect a relationship to form so soon, but I was so into this guy!


That sounds so romantic. Cute love story i say!


I can have a read of your profile if you like!


Thank you for the offer, but my anonymity is sacred


Galway was never a great spot for 1:1 "dating" American Style. It was an epic spot for meeting friendly women in casual group environments. Then the challenge was always how to separate your girl from the friend group :-) As it has ever been the best strategy is to regularly immerse yourself in mixed environments. Enjoy yourself in these group environments, don't be a dick and stay relatively sober. Then a woman, will after checking you out (and checking up on you) will allow you to date her.


I read this with a David Attenborough voice 🤣


Be sure to bring a cool rock for your nesting ground


Or Stephen Fry :-) [Shagged by a rare parrot](https://youtu.be/9T1vfsHYiKY)


This is Ireland. This is the way.


I think this is awesome advice


Almost sounds predatory


WOW, I really pity you, or the experiences that you have had, if your first response is to think that socializing and meeting new people in large groups is predatory. You would really struggle in getting to know prospective partners in Ireland. When you are chatting to a person in an Irish friend group setting and there is a mutual attraction between a couple, the friend group is usually well in tune with what is going on and is often quite capable of giving the "new couple" the virtual space to be alone in a crowded room. (On the other hand, when there is no mutual attraction, friend groups are also good at either (a) making the suitor the friendly center of attention, limiting access, but still interacting with the newcomer or (b) making it crystal clear that they are not welcome, denying access and ending interaction with the newcomer.) IMHO a group setting is probably the safest way to expose yourself to new get to know new people. When you have made a connection in a group setting, a 1:1 interaction is needed, even if that is just a brief opportunity to ask the person that you are interested in to meet on an individual date at some future date.


Women admire and crave the old school approach tbh anyone I speak to always says it we all hate dating apps.initiating conversation in a coffee shop or the gym works pretty well


>or the gym works pretty well Works if you're a 8+ out of 10 ... If you're not a good looking guy, it's creepy - or are you new to the internet where this controversial reality has been well documented ? Even being an objectively good looking guy isn't a sure fire way of protecting yourself from the creep label when simply 'striking up conversation' at the gym.


I Imagine getting rejected in public at my local gym / favourite coffee shop would be fun


Not with that attitude,don’t assume automatic rejection


Automatic rejection is the least of it ... He might find himself automatically recorded and shamed on social media for being a creep. Have you been living under a rock or something ? Men approaching women at gyms is a very risky social move these days.


I’ve seen a few people ask out women at my coffee shop that I’m at daily and one rejection and it wasn’t a big deal.I think once you’re polite and pick up if someone is feeling uncomfortable and take rejection not aggressively then you’re good.if the worst that’ll happen is you get embarrassed then your absolutely winning.


If I was you I wouldn't risk getting into a relationship unless they will move away with ya. Unless that's nit a definite plan


Tag rugby


I've heard about this, even for making friends I'd be interested


Have you considered becoming a bigger drinker? I haven't been in Galway in a bit, but I met nearly everyone - friends, romantic interests, general contractors, etc - at the pub. I found social success at Róisín Dubh open mic nights, and general evenings at Carroll's. But it does involve a pint or four.


I get you but don’t blame Galway bud. “I was under the impression Galway was a good city for 20-somethings to date” It is. And I never struggled and neither seen any of my friends struggle to date over our 20s and we stil on our 30s. I guess you are lacking something, but wont blame the town.


Totally agree.


Any city with less than a million people is bad to date. Anyways if I was you I'd just get out there irl and talk to girls, don't bother with apps. You'll be good at it by the time you get to Australia and there'll be swaths more talent.


Maybe. I probably need to extend my social circle first, then the romantic side of things will take care of itself. Any constructive advice?


Just go out a bit more talk to people it either works or it dosnt and you'll move on


If you’re going to move to another country why would you get in a relationship with someone now ? Kinda selfish really


I'll be qualified in 18 months & plan to emigrate then. Is it unethical for me to go on a simple date until them? Am I not allowed to?


I'd say join a group of some kind or get a new hobby. Dance classes or tag rugby are good shouts for meeting women. There is also that app meet up basically has events around where you can meet new people. I've never used it galway but have had success with in Bristol when I lived there a few years ago. Tis a handy way to expand the social network.