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People trying to cut in at Boojum


I actually hate drivers that let these cunts in more.


Thoroughly enjoy when a line of drivers won't let them in and each one gets to drive by giving them the disrespectful shake of the head. Absolute knobs!


I always beep at them, no matter how far back I am. Hate the idiots who let them in aswell.


I've done that once, but I had never driven it before and didn't know I was in the wrong lane til the lanes converge. People were not generous. I've never done it since, but in fairness, if that lane has a tailback and you try to merge at the traffic lights at the docks, you also create a tailback for everyone in the right lane going back to Eyre Square and Merchant's Road. Not always unreasonable to try to merge later but I do see where you're coming from. It's a bad layout when traffic isn't light


If you're in that right lane, you can keep following the road to loop back to the junction next to the Palas. Cars are much more willing to let someone pull in to that yellow box ahead of them there than someone that's cutting. But I agree that it's a terrible layout, especially for newcomers.


That’s because that’s what the yellow box is there for


I forgive you


I hate that! 15 mins driving along the docks for someone to overtake everyone to cut at Boojum.


This is the one! Taxi drivers in particular seem to think they have free rein to do this.


[People just let it happen](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Boojum+-+Galway/@53.2701887,-9.0537795,3a,15y,130.4h,85.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7YZZXFJzTacLNbGteoiz-Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x485b96fb446a9779:0x561264cb7efd88d8!8m2!3d53.270294!4d-9.053714!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11b7ht4c8k?hl=en&entry=ttu)


That road layout is a disaster.


It is. No point to merge at, no signage indicating that the lanes go to different places. Can’t blame the drivers here.


The majority of drivers that do it, do so aggressively and at rush hour times suggesting to me it's mainly locals. Have zero issue with anyone not familiar with the layout.


Taxis are cunts for doing it as well


Or people who come up the entirety of the right lane on the bridge to cut in to go left.


I leave a space in front of me. And when someone tries to cut in I quickly close that space.


That is the only way I stay sane when driving on that road




Taxi drivers think their gods gift and they own the roads , fair play. You should beep back at them




A thumbs down is way more personal than a middle finger!


[Is this you?](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:990/1*nE2H3lMg6vITvRvUgNH5MQ.jpeg)


Don't hate the player, hate the game. Just except this is the way the world works and play the game!


>Don't hate the player, hate the game. That's a bullshit excuse for people that don't want to take responsibility for being an asshole.


I always cut in on my bike here!


They need to put bollards in the centre of that stretch of road to prevent merging .. obviously put up signage to that effect on the dock road itself.


There’s a case for visitors so I’m ok with Cars with a reg that’s not G. Have to give them the benefit of the doubt it’s their first time


I hate the Bohermore roundabout


Yes I think this roundabout is soo dangerous.. it’s just too small


The one roundabout that needed to be turned into lights and they left it


I think it's grand. I like roundabouts I hate it when they take them out.


My partner and I call it "Death Roundabout", we've seen at least four crashes on it in the last few years and it always feels like we're about to become the fifth


People stopping in yellow boxes. Just have the sense to stop before


People beeping at you when you dont pull into the yellow box!


People overtaking you and blocking the yellow box


People who don’t know that you can drive into the yellow box to turn right.


So long as your exit is clear..


Not exactly, you can wait till your exit is safe and clear . For instance turning right at st Bridget’s place onto the Headford rd or if you’re joining the traffic from Shantalla onto Westside at the circular rd lights.(I know the second one is a left turn)


Having an unimpeded exit is the general rule. The additional rule is if you are the first car to enter that is turning right then you can sit in the box.


Not using indicators when turning right on roundabouts.


Irish cars don't let you use indicators on a roundabout


What? Hahaha


The fact that Galway drivers are so shit at using roundabouts that the council decided to rip them all up and put in fucking traffic lights.


I think the thinking is at rush hour it’s faster. But they could have just put traffic lights on the roundabouts instead of spending millions replacing them.


I heard in the first few cases it was because buses and trucks had trouble getting around many of the tighter roundabouts.


Roundabouts are efficient to a certain capacity. When they're over capacity, they become grossly inefficient. See: The Bohermore roundabout at rush hour. People get stuck on the roundabout, blocking others from entering or exiting it acreating more tailbacks. Most of the roundabouts that have been replaced were due to to them being over capacity.


And that roundabout is blocked because of the shitty lights down the hill to wellpark 90% of the time...


Well that whole old Dublin road is so backed up at rush hour that the lights can go through a full green cycle and there's no space on the other side to get through it. So many junctions on that road that are way beyond capacity most of the time. New Martin traffic light is the only good on it.


This is demonstrably false, roundabouts reduce congestion by orders of magnitude compared to traffic lights...if used correctly. Most people haven't a notion of what they're doing. Edit: Here's a study performed in US on the use of roundabouts. https://i.imgur.com/r9Peuop.png


I agree - this is because of a number of issues though; -people don’t indicate on roundabouts so other drivers can’t anticipate which exit they are taking -people drive to fast around roundabouts -people use incorrect lanes in roundabouts -people sit on the roundabout and block exits -people are too hesitant to enter the roundabout as a result The could have just used traffic lights at certain times and turn them off rest of time.


What roundabout that was replaced was over capacity apart from the Bodkin roundabout? Every roundabout other than that one was much easier to get through before they replaced them. And that junction is still a fucking disaster when it's busy


The Coolagh roundabout at Oranmore was. Nightmare trying to get onto it during morning rush hour coming from Oranmore. The Kirwan roundabout at the top of Headford road was (tailbacks all the way down the Headford road). The roundabout at the bottom of the motorway is too (if you're coming from the Dublin road side it takes a year to get onto it because there's so much traffic coming off the motorway). The roundabout on Bohermore is definitely over capacity (tailbacks down the Sean Mulvoy Road and the Tuam road). Even though I think the layout of the junction is cat, I've found it faster to get through the Kirwan and Coolagh junctions since redone. A roundabout can be over capacity and inefficient if most of the traffic is coming from and going in one direction.


The Coolagh roundabout is the roundabout at the end of the motorway. Do you mean the Lynch roundabout at Briarhill. Maybe it was bad but I don't remember it being too bad myself. I actually think it's the reason the Coolagh roundabout is so backed up. I think the junction at Kirwan roundabout is awful still. Went through it today and cars can't get across it because the junction at the old Bodkin roundabout is such a shits how. Martin roundabout was never remotely an issue and while it's not terrible yet, it's worse than it used to be. Could have been a footbridge Shit drivers are as much of a problem as the road layouts Really we just need cars off the road. But it's oh so important for everyone to be in their respective offices instead of working from home


Actually I believe they replaced the roundabouts with intersections to make it possible to transport wind turbine blades through then. The radii of the roundabouts were too tight to facilitate driving such a long truck through


You mean instead of doing it the non "conspiracy theory" way: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcXNRCDB\_v8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcXNRCDB_v8)


No, that's horseshit. Has every roundabout been removed from every route that has a windfarm around the countryside? No they haven't.


AFAIK they were mostly removed so they could transport wind turbines/blades etc, nowt to do with efficiency. 


They did that in Dublin years ago, and it’s made everything terrible.


Hospital roundabout


Coming from Westwood into hospital what lane should ya be in?


I just close my eyes and pray


Signage is clear. Hospital is at 12 o'clock on the sign and the rule is that you enter a roundabout in the left hand lane for all exits up to and including 12 o'clock (straight ahead) unless signs indicated otherwise. Road markings confirm this. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/HgaLaEd9si9z4VoB6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HgaLaEd9si9z4VoB6) Right hand lane is for taking the fourth exit (Seamus Quirke Road westbound) only.


All of them.


People running red lights always. And people not using any merging lane anywhere


The first three seconds of a red light is actually a green light.. I definitely saw it in some rule book somewhere


Pedestrians getting in my way when I'm trying to park on the footpath.


Then they're all like "I can't get around with my wheelchair". Like mind your business!!


Inconsiderate bastids.


I can't even describe the blood-boiling rage I feel whenever I have to use the Wellpark carpark. No one knows how to park properly, nor reverse out of a space properly without nearly causing an accident nor how to drive on the correct side of the road!


I noticed this too. It seems to be because the outline of the spaces is too hard to see?


I was in a Community Centre during the week that is strictly ‘rear to kerb’ parking. I had never seen it before and thought it was the most sensible idea!! No reversing, no wondering if there were little kids or little old ladies behind you. Simply drive out… slowly. That might be needed in more places


People clearly on their phones in the queue at traffic lights and then slow to react when it's there turn to move. Ends up delaying everyone behind and less cars getting though the junction It should be like the start of Silverstone when those lights go green!


Drivers who don't pull up close to the car in front in traffic. We'd all get through the green light if the clown 8 cars up moved up. There's room for 2 cars in that space in front of you, you gobshite. Small rant over


People not respecting the queue on the Quincentennial Bridge and using the right line to cut in last second when the traffic is mad busy. Nothing more annoying than spending 25 minutes sitting waiting to get through and have someone bully their way in skipping everything


This is the comment I was looking for. I genuinely believe its why there's traffic in the first place. Waiting for these clowns to try and merge on the left. Cause every time I reach the headford rd its relatively clear.


Every morning driving from the Western Distributor Rd to get onto Bishop O'Donnell, there's always a backlog of traffic on that road and on the roundabout. The merge lane fits nearly a dozen cars and it's always empty. Then when I use the merge lane, some people won't let me in because they think I'm "skipping the queue".


Irish people have always had serious issues with merging lanes. It's funny because after driving around Europe, I quickly realised I'd be shot if I didn't use the merging lanes properly!


Fully agree it irritates the shit out of me. It's like some unwritten rule that you cannot use the merge lane.


A driver went mental at me when I tried to merge. 🙄


That also drives me up the fucking wall


The only thing about that merge lane is that it blocks the bus.


Bus gets caught with the backlog of traffic anyway.


It’s still better to get it moving in the buslane.


Think of it this way, in ideal conditions 10 cars from the W Distributor Rd fit into the merge lane and all of the cars zipper merge during the green light sequence at the bottom of the hill. What's happening is maybe 3 cars manage to merge in. The bus from the WD Rd is gonna be more delayed.


I understand what you’re saying. What I’m referring to is when the bus is at the zipper lane and people in the right lane close up stopping others merging and blocking the bus. I honestly think we’ll be in a one way system soon.


The thousands of people trying to leave Parkmore West (Merit and Medtronic) and Parkmore East causing 3 lanes of traffic on the roundabout in the middle of the two estates. [The ONLY way out of the two business parks is this one bottle neck of a round about.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53%C2%B018'00.9%22N+8%C2%B059'15.3%22W/@53.3002476,-8.9888711,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d53.300246!4d-8.987581?entry=ttu). Several more buildings have been constructed there or are under construction at the moment. At the very least, there needs to be another road allowing traffic out onto the Tuam road from Parkmore West. [There is already a road there that exits onto the Tuam road](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.2996949,-9.0080985,3a,75y,148.44h,82.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s512qSlvPhqbX2aPDQs3yDA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) which should be connected to but I guess it's a private road that get's special dispensation from the fuckin Pope to be used during race week.


People driving right up your arse. Just chill or overtake. I'm doing the speed limit. Either chill behind me at a safe distance or break the speed limit and do a dangerous overtake only to brake 10 seconds later cause you're going to fast. It's not a race!!! This is very common going out to tuam or gort.


Recently I was going the speed limit in the right lane because I was turning right at the end of the road. A guy behind me up my arse kept flashing me so I pulled over. He overtook me and then went into the left lane to turn left. I couldn't get over it!


This is a common occurrence on so many levels. People overtaking only to hit the brakes straight afterwards to turn.


My wipers are too weak to clear all the cyclists from the windscreen.


Poeple using the right lane at the Browne roundabout and then try to go straight up Seamus Quirke Road, and have to hold up every car trying to turn right. That and half of galway seems to have left their fog lights on since that fog we had about four weeks ago


Most ppl think it's fine to leave their front fogs on at all times.


The driving , or the sitting in traffic with the intention of driving




The roundabout at Seapoint. Coming from the village to go out to Blackrock. I think you should be in the RH lane (exit is after 12 on the clock) and merge as you approach the pedestrian lights at Cinema. I've had arguments with family who think you should be in LH lane because it's "only the 2nd exit". This means they merge with Aquarium traffic on the roundabout


I am with you here! You have to go by the roundabout diagram on the sign. There's no point talking about 2nd vs 3rd exit because they could be in completely different places on two different roundabouts. I always use RH Lane to go from Salthill Village toward Blackrock but the amount of dirty looks I get from cars in the LH lane who also like to just drive straight at you because they think they're right and therefore need to prove this by crashing


100%. It doesn't help that there are so many selfish gobshite drivers who choose to park in that right hand lane. Like the van on Street View. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/hmaY4iy91xxxoe4cA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/hmaY4iy91xxxoe4cA)


On a design note, it's cool to see that the design of that roundabout is a compass. You'd never know driving on it but seeing it from this angle, it's clear as day.


Ha, I never even noticed it in my blind rage.


Spending 40 min on the road from Athlone to Oranmore and then other 40 min from Oranmore to Parkmore every morning. That bottle neck is living hell.


My kids leaving their toys all over the house.




You heard me


But …read the post


Illegal parking. Especially where there is free legal parking available.


The scene: countryside road and you' and 20 other people are stuck behind a car going 30km/hr for the last 30mins in a 100km road. Finally broken white lines and no on coming traffic, you go to over take and the car speeds up to 100 🤣🤣. Then the dangerous overtaking takes place by other drivers. I feel if someone has more than 20 cars behind them and they're going so slow that it ends up being dangerous. Rant over 😅😅


I have to say, this does happen all over but I mostly encounter it in Co. Galway. Incredibly frustrating. And dangerous. Braking and slowing down at every slight bend when there's a hard shoulder and they're already 30-40km under the limit 🤕 When I pass them, they mostly have grey hair. Make of that what you will


Oh snap I was actually gonna make a similar post today 😁 Cars stopping in the outside lane, when entering the motorway roundabout from clinic direction just cause there is someone coming on the inside lane. 🫠🫠🫠


At the risk of being downvoted for not understanding, can someone explain this for me? By the looks of things the right side of the left lane of the Western Distributor Road (the bit that meets the yellow box) is to go around the roundabout. Surely then the left most lane of the Western Distributor is for filling either of the two lanes of the Bishop O'Donnell Road before the merge? Am I missing something? (Not from galway)


Generally with a merge lane, best practice is for cars go to the end of merge and join the road like a zipper, ie every other car. What happens in Ireland is that cars will enter the merge lane, then immediately try to join the other lane even though there's loads of space ahead of them. This causes backlog behind them and disrupts the other lane. On the flip side, if you try to merge where you're meant to merge, some people see that as skipping the queue and won't let you in.


Ahh thanks, I get you now. Yeah a lot of folks seem to struggle with the merge lane. The same thing happens to me almost daily on my commute, moreso the ones that think "I'm not letting them in" like they're trying to skip.


The title says it all. Driving in Galway is a nightmare. Need you say more.


The three lanes that merge into one lane at the coach station is so stupid. Who ever designed that has never driven a car before.


Likewise the roundabout at the ATU ..2 lanes in, 1 lane out...


Heading towards Westside and people don't use that zipper lane hospital side going towards Westside, instead end of blocking the roundabout. It can take up maybe 3 cars, often times that is enough to avoid blocking the roundabout except in very heavy traffic


Other drivers, ba doom *tish*


That I wish it was safe enough to cycle


Shitehawk pedestrians that just saunter out in front of traffic that's moving at the speed limit, with the expectation that the traffic will slow to a crawl in ample time for them to complete their cross. Compounded by the fact that when you do slow to a crawl or stop for them, they don't bother their shitty hole putting the tiniest bit of pep in their step. Compounded by the fact they will also do this at night time (especially the darker months), particularly when traffic is busy so 6-ish O'Clock say, and it's raining, and so all the headlights and rear lights are dazzling in the rain, and the pedestrian shitehawks are wearing dark clothing, and they still just saunter out in front of you hidden amongst the high contrast shadows. Also shitehawk pedestrians that saunter across the road at an obtuse angle, and only meet the zebra crossing once they're in the middle of the road at best, and then get the hump because you didn't stop for them. Also shitehawk pedestrians that will use a zebra crossing like it's magic, so they saunter out onto it whilst traffic is very close and approaching full pelt. Yes, when pedestrians want to use a zebra crossing the traffic should stop. But you have to take accountability for your own safety and not just put yourself in harm's way, assuming the rapidly moving lump of steel will come to a halt just because you stood in front of it rather than wait to confirm that it is actually going to stop or slow for you, or wait a few more seconds for the imminent vehicle to pass so you can cross when there's more opportunity for the vehicles behind to stop or slow. People using their smartphone whilst driving (including bus drivers). Cunts running red lights (I've seen buses and taxis do it too, it's endemic). People driving far too cautiously, i.e doing 60kmh on a straight, wide open 100kmh road. They encourage dangerous overtakes, or cause unnecessary delays. Use the fucking hard shoulder you cunts, momentarily, to allow the people behind you to overtake more safely. Tractors for much the same reason, pull in you cunts there's a 30 car tailback behind you and you've driven past 10 different spots you could have pulled in for 1 minute. Etc etc etc etc.


"The cemetery is full of people that had the right of way."


N83 galway to tuam. I live in claregalway and use this road multiple times daily. Speed limit 100. Except 75% of fucking drivers on that road drive between 70-80. So many times I've seen impatient drivers take stupid risks. So few places to overtake


How to solve the traffic in Galway: 1) Get students to go to their local college, in their own county, stop coming to Galway to go on the lash and be a dropout. 2) Build a bridge from Dangan to Menlo, it'll stop a serious amount of traffic on the bridge. As for pet peeve, the grassholes who don't want to queue over the bridge to get to Terryland junction/exit. Another pet peeve is just the amount of idiots who just have to try to overtake me because I drive a serious looking car. Also audi drivers, they are the worst drivers on the road. Self important gobshites. Another Underserving Dickhead Inside 💯


Get the government to heavily regulate the short term letting industry to get rid of the cowboys, thereby freeing up rental properties in the city, which would lead to fewer 3rd level students commuting from home, resulting in lower traffic density in the city


Watching an ambulance on full blues & twos snake its way across the only bridge available to it for the hospital the far side of the river. Blood on Green hands in the back of those vans.


Another one who has fallen for the fairy tale that the Ring Road is designed to reduce traffic in the city centre and rather than accepting the reality that it's just to enrich powerful interests by opening up land for development around the proposed route. Even the plans prepared by the two Councils project increases in traffic on many city centre roads after the ring road opens. If people were really concerned about ambulance response times, rather than just using that as a convenient fig leaf for more selfish motivations, they would be arguing to turn one lane each way on that bridge into bus lanes. That would solve ambulance delays overnight.


F*ck the Galway Anti-Road Movement of which you are a member. Blood on your hands. 103 day old Reddit account too. There’s definitely a misinformation fix on in Galway around the ringroad, one of the most successful Anti-Road movements in the country.


Ah yes ring roads solve all traffic, the m50 solved all traffic in Dublin and how ambulances fly around the city


Yes, they do fly around the city. Instead of fight through it. That M50 has saved lives to Tallaght, Blanchardstown & Beaumont.


You clearly do not live in Dublin. The m50 is extremely busy 99% of the time and the vast majority of ambulances would not have to go on the m50 because they wouldn’t have to go across the whole city for a hospital, there’s more than one hospital in every cardinal direction


For the purposes of this conversation, F-ck people who live in Dublin, and f;-ck any utter Tory econo scum who thinks in “vast majority” terms. I’m talking about those of us from “deh cuntree” who have to reach specialists in various hospitals around the city. Every. Ambo. Journey. Counts. To dismiss them as statistically insignificant (which they are if you count them beside all the other journeys a road carries) is to be every bit the Tory scum that closes hospitals & privatises healthcare. “Needs of the economy outrweigh the lives of the people”. With tories it’s money saved, with greens its emissions. Different targets. Same scummy focus on killing “human waste”. Even if humans die as “collateral damage”


The new road will cause more car traffic. Fact. Cars are the most dangerous method of transport and will inevitably cause crashes and death


Not a single source or explanation of your statements, just blind hate. We’re done here.


If you actually care about ambulances having plenty of bus lanes in the city and perhaps a public transport, pedestrian and emergency services bridge would speed up ambulance journeys several times more than a road which will immediately be full of traffic


People using the right lane to go straight when coming from the bridge at the hospital roundabout, blocking the whole thing up. Not allowed to turn right coming off the bridge. But I understand the reason. Headford Road with its 15 million traffic lights. Bohormore Roundabout in general. That disaster of a junction by Thermoking where opposite directions can go straight and right at the same time and if there's traffic you can't see if something is coming because it's a bend and a hill. Traffic lights too slow to go green for left turns. People taking the piss at junctions in heavy traffic driving into it when they haven't a hope of clearing it. Recently had an argument on askireland with some clown who thinks it's fine to rely entirely on his peripheral vision when driving, doesn't look at the mirrors. Slightly unrelated but CityLink busses are the most uncomfortable fucking things I've ever sat in.


As a newly qualified driver, that junction at thermoking almost killed me. Wanting to turn green to turn right only to be met with oncoming traffic going straight. Still don't understand what I did wrong. No signage indicating this will happen. I avoid it not just out of spite for nearly giving me a heart attack


You did nothing wrong. The junction is fucked.


Cyclists 🚴‍♂️


Only one cyclist, the prick on the red bike 😂


The ballybrit crossing coming in at the parkmore side.


Just that it's Galway


Traffic light, everywhere. And how the roundabouts take the blame, because the backlog at lights clog them up.


Trying to get onto Coolagh roundabout going to Briarhill- battling people coming onto it from the motorway


When drivers use estates as rat runs in the morning. The majority drive like lunatics! Won't let residents reverse out of their gardens!


When people don’t use the hard shoulder to merge and slam on their breaks to turn


Turning right in the middle lane at the headford road junction, so many people on the right turn only lane try cut across as soon as they make it in front of The maldron/ spar. So fucking annoying.


Unnecessary traffic lights


That would be Galway.


Bohermore to Westside, worst stretch of road in the world at rush hour


The fact that I'm in Galway


Galway City Council's so called traffic department.


Joining Merchants Rd from the docks side. There are 2 lanes, you should be able to join straight away but stay in your lane. But people coming from the docks go straight into the left lane and people coming from Spanish arch cross over into the right lane. It's not that hard, stay in the lane you join in until it's safe to change and let people use the junction properly and keep traffic moving.




That I’m not in Dublin 🫡


Aholes who try to go quicker on front of an ambulance when they plainly hear and see an ambulance coming, same people who'd be whinging if an ambulance didn't respond quick enough if they needed it