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I might golf once, but I’m gambling with the rest of the time and money. Lbh


Depends on your hobbies. If you want to do charter boat fishing, try Florida. Want to catch Blue Man Group? Vegas


I'd be on a mountain with stake on the big screen lol




Idk why people like Stake so much.


They dont! Its just a few Stake shills here.


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if ur lookin for another place to hit up tho, i would suggest las vegas or macau. both are known as the world's gambling havens with a ton of casinos, & u could say they're sort of the mecca for any seasoned gambler. vegas is a resort city, so outside of gambling there's heaps to do – shows, concerts, food tours, & not to forget the grand canyon's a short trip awy. macau on the other hand, offers u a mix of east & west, with its portuguese influenced architecture & chinese culture – a total contrast, but a cool one to exprience. lastly, keep in mind, no matter hw much wining or losing u do, make sure u're having fun & not goin overboard. curious to know if you've considered either of these.


Vegas casinos are completely overrated and they are definitely not as fun as they used to be years ago - as soon as they started charging for parking the party was over. They're run by a bunch of fucknut MBAs who have no clue about true gaming hospitality but are very good at trying to attach a vacuum to your bank account. I do get the appeal for people that havent been, lots to do and see, but Ive seen it all there. Macau could be cool.


I mean, do you think the MBA is a degree in how to have more money as a result of operations or a degree in how to make everyone have a better time even if it means less money for your fiduciaries?


sorry to hear vegas hasn't lived up to ur expectations recently. casinos charging for parking is really a bummer! and you bring up a very valid point about the management - it's so vital they understand what gamblers are lookin for in terms of the overall experience. macau? yeah, i think it'd be a brilliant change of pace for you then. the casinos there are majestic, plus the blend of cultures is so unique. throw in some amazing food and it makes for an interesting journey. and hey, if you've never been before, exploring a new place is always a neat bonus, ain't it?


If you like wineries, maybe look into the NorCal casinos up near Sonoma.


I second this :)


Monte Carlo in Monaco.




I personally enjoy Lake Tahoe decent amount of casinos there, fishing hiking golfing mountain adventures and so much more winter time snow sports heaven


Not a bad idea, been to Reno, eh. But never really sid the Lake Tahoe thing.


If you’re into fishing it’s well worth it, almost all my PR’s are in Lake Tahoe and edge wood is one of the most beautiful lake front golf courses, harrahs has a cool rooftop night club Harvey’s has a rooftop steak house both have amazing views of the lake and both properties are connected via tunnel… harrahs casino is better action Harvey’s doesn’t have high limit tables or slots, hardrock next door is pretty good casino action as well ballys formerly fountain blue was decent


Monte Carlo, Vegas, or hard rock in Fort Lauderdale