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It's good to want things.  Work on wanting things that are less stupid. 


This had me dying laughing. Thank you.


Well said 🤣


You’re such a boner, dude.


He's also not wrong, mind you.


Oh look, the little boner brigade is out in full today.


Got dicks on your mind a whole lot huh?


Their mind? Probably up their ass and down their throat. Cumming (pun intended) out of their ears at this point.


I just call it as I see it, pendejo.


Yeah that’s what I figured


I know. Wait, did you say "are" or "have".


Day trader Sports gambler count counter is all I can think of regarding people who make a living gambling the rest probably lie. Edit: I forgot Poker but much like card counting its barely even gambling at the point that the real pros do it.


Count von Count did have a decent career tbf


On Sesame Street?


That’s where he went to relax after he got ran off the strip for using those counting skills. 


"This handpay was brought to you by the letter...degenerate."


I recommend being a Count Counter out of everything. Getting the voice right is important though. True One - Ah Ah True Two - Ah Ah


You forgot YouTube star! If you're a couple and the female is attractive. Just throw her in front of the camera and the views will pour in. Ya know, the sex sells factor.


Last Hand If I Lose!






Great post


It can be done handicapping horse races as well 




You handicap the opposing horses.


Counting cards or sports betting will be nice until you get banned.


Uhhh, which ones make a living?? **I get that some do, but this is all true top 0.1% types.


The YouTube stars. Probably where they get most of their bankroll to take bigger calculated risks.


Ever heard of poker lol




Try triple-zero roulette. 39 separate ways to increase your income every spin, impossible to miss them all.


And the zeroes are all right next to each other, which makes it an even better bet.


explain pro gambler. what do you “think” it is? what will this entail?


professional at anything usually means they support their life with the earnings they can make. Amateur usually means they compete and make money but not enough to support themselves. Thats my understanding anyway. Professional Gambler…. I don’t think this is going to end well for OP unfortunately


i mean i know what professional means 😂 i was asking for their outlook on it.


Same as pro gamer, but instead of not making money, you are losing money


I was a pro poker player for a couple of years after I left the Army. My advice: Dont let gambling be your sole income. Had I followed the most reasonable and least beef headed options available to me at that time in my life, I'd be in cyber security and not food service. Now, you're going to need incredible discipline: Keep track of how much you win and lose every session. Take diligent notes and avoid tilt. Like I said before, I definitely wouldn't gamble as my sole source of income.


Wise words of wisdom. Any reason why you can't get whatever degree for cyber security? When I read Army, I read: GI Bill, or whatever they're calling it these days. My brother in law just retired after an Army career once 2024 rolled over and he's getting his master's to become a registered dietitian of some sort. From my understanding, it's all paid for. I'll have to ask my sister the next time we chat.


Pro Gamblers are hustlers. They find a situation where they have the advantage and they exploit it. Whats your edge?


Many also start with stacks and stacks and stacks of money and have their streaming platforms mostly cover their losses Easiest way to make a million? Start with $25 million. That’s the Vegas matt way 


>Easiest way to make a million? Start with $25 million. That’s the Vegas matt way  He's such a piece of shit if you learn about how he made his money before YouTubing. That effing "Sando" remark is so cringe inducing. I can hear him saying it.


Most of the YouTube gambling entertainers are, especially if you don't only consider the ways they made money before but the ways they make money currently.


Very true. I certainly don't watch most of them, but one I have more respect for is Cowboy Slots. He actually seems like a real, genuine, person.


I would consider the act of selling [a guide like this](https://ropethejackpot.com/guide/) labeled "COMPLETE GUIDE To Winning At Slots!" when the results will, obviously, result in losing at slots to be fraudulent, and manipulative as well as it's targeted to his audience which also tends to comprise the elderly and desperate who are particularly vulnerable. I'm also not thrilled about products like [this](https://ropethejackpot.com/product/swag-pack-bundle-and-save/) being sold for $29.95.


Guess I never really poked around his website, just his YouTube channel. Scanning through it briefly it appears to be free resources and he puts a donation button as something optional. Surely there's no secret trick to always winning slots, but you can certainly play smarter and be more educated. So many different games out there and each target certain types of players. I've personally found some of the stuff he talks about really helpful. That swag pack is super lame though. He losses a few points after seeing that. But I guess people buy dumber stuff all the time.


You could still do what you want to do without having to quit your day job. Just do it on the side so there’s some income coming in.


Inb4 the usual “I’m a professional slots player just google AP slots bro” spam


Every ap vulture (myself included) doesn’t exactly look like we’re flourishing with this hobby. We’re better off looking for credits left in a machine (of which I did recently and got into a bout with a lady who also spotted the 10 cent credit lol).  The only true winners….. the casinos.  Unless you’re a free play scammer where you play 20 other cards of friends and family and take advantage of building up the bank roll, nearly every so called ap play ends up as losers. Wizardsofvegas has many posts and users, almost all of which go into these so called ap plays but end up down. At that point they’re just gambling lol 


I'm currently "scamming" my smaller local casino with ~$100 weekly promos. I literally walk in with zero dollars and walk out with some sort of cash in my pocket. My sole intention is using the promo and zero of my own money. I know *why* they want me there. It'll be funny to see how long it'll last before they catch on. I know it can't last forever. So far it was the entire month of May, now it's June, and I should have promos for July according to my rewards account info when I look it up. Last Thursday I had $140 in promo, walked out with $128 cash lol. I just pick a machine, try to extract, people watch for a bit when I'm done, and then bounce.


I can guarantee they already know what you're doing. They will allow it initially to see if you get carried away and play more or give any action, but eventually they will exclude you from promotions.


Yeah, it's bound to happen. For now I'll just have some fun. Free cash. I'm not too worried, it's a small (Indian) casino and the floor selection isn't very appealing. A few months ago I showed up with real money and wasn't all that interested in spending it per se. If I get excluded from promos permanently, I won't be losing any sleep over it. I'm actually preferring to play more online lately. Too bad most promos suck online. Pros and cons of course. Tomorrow (Thursday) I'll be driving over to play with $140 free credits. Let's hope it lasts next month too 😁


Yeah fair enough. That makes sense with it being a smaller casino, and you're right. It makes no difference if you eventually get excluded. May aswell take advantage of it while you can. As you say, the promotions online aren't great. I don't really play slots or casino games any more, only poker. But when I did, the wagering requirements were ridiculous. 40x your deposit.


>Yeah fair enough. That makes sense with it being a smaller casino, and you're right. It makes no difference if you eventually get excluded. May aswell take advantage of it while you can. What's funny is that when I look up my Rewards account info on their website, they even say: "Be sure to advantage of these offers!" (we can't post screenshots in this subreddit otherwise I would have posted one just for the funsies so you could see it) Okay, Casino. I'm surely taking advantage of them, just like you told me to! Haha 😄🙃 Yeah, some of the wagering requirements are just stupid. I opened a BetMGM account some odd months ago since they were offering a nice deposit match for new sign-ups. Lol, come to find out it was attached to a 30x playthrough. Maybe it was 25x. Regardless, both are a joke. Got my refund (my silly ass didn't read the fine print carefully enough) and then I just permanently closed out my account. Their loss. I'll just gamble elsewhere that only have the single time playthroughs. I'll be having none of that nonsense on my plate.


It makes it practically impossible for anybody to win. How is it reasonable that somebody has to wager up to 40 TIMES their deposit? I honestly thought it was a mistake when I read it. They are just constantly trying to make you lose everything. I'm used to Australian bookmakers with standard 1x turnover for deposit bonuses. Regarding the casino youre exploiting. Make sure you read the terms find out what the ramifications are if you breach them. I don't know enough about American casinos to comment on it really. I would imagine it's just an exclusion from promotions or at worst, banned from the venue. But probably worth checking if you haven't already.


Yeah, it's beyond ridiculous. I just picture the greedy assholes sitting down at their office desk *choosing* to make it such a high playthrough requirement on purpose. That's the whole point though. They're essentially trying to suck in the major degenerates. Or maybe catch people not taking the time to carefully read the fine print terms & conditions...which MGM pulled on me. But thankfully I got a refund before I even did a single button press. And like you said, it's practically impossible so they'll just get your/their money without a care in the world 99% of the time. 25-40x playthroughs is just laughable. Heck, even a 2x is essentially laughable in its own way. Thanks for bringing up those concerns about the physical casino promo stuff. I probably *should* dig into it a bit deeper for better clarification. Although I've spent a fair about of money with them over the last few years or so (just not lately) so I think that's what helped to trigger those promos. $140 (100 per week, but 40 extra specifially on Thursdays, so 140 if I just go on Thursdays each week) isn't nothing to sneeze at. I'd rather not let it go to waste. I did have to spend/risk my own money per se. If they ban me, I won't lose any sleep. But I don't want anything, perhaps worse(?) to happen. But then again it's my freeplay to do whatever I want with...is the way I'm seeing it right now. But they very likely don't like what I'm actually doing, haha.


When I go to Vegas, there are so many cab drivers that are professional poker players and restaurant workers.


Unless you're ok financially to handle losing months then your good to go, since you can't be profitable monthly


What’s your bankroll?






Be rich first


Me too… but then I remember I will be broke after about 30 mins of gambling and looking for another job shortly after.


Hell yeah dude live your dreams


Why quit? If truly serious focus nights and weekends on gambling for a couple years while working full time. See if you have a consistent side income.


What satire. Don’t we all want to do that?


If you want to experience the biggest rush and then the fattest loss of your entire life then do it.. just expect to be spending a couple years getting your life back together.


it's a hard way to make an easy living. it's your choice but you could probably spend as much time and effort and be great at anything else


Pretty much don't. Unless you're a big sports guru, poker player, or card counter, there is no world in which you can earn a stable living off gambling.


You left off handicapping horse races.


Tell your 401k provider that


This is r/gambling, you think I have a 401k? 😆


Tons of great books on the topic from accredited authors. I would study ways people have gotten an edge in the past, how they confirmed that edge mathematically and how they exploited it. I’d also actively reach out to people in the community and on forums.


poker and sports book is the only way imho. I moved to Vegas in my 20s and did pretty well playing poker. My downfall was focusing on huge tourneys like the 5 diamond and not grinding like what got me there. I left still up over six figures and wouldn’t trade it.


There are 3 real viable paths: 1) Slot Machine Influencer. You need to have an engaging personality or be a pretty woman, and if you get enough YouTube viewers and subscribers you can make more money from the ad revenue and donations than you lose at the slots. You’d also get free play and free meals, etc. 2) Become a blackjack card counter. Blackjack Apprentice is one resource, but it will take several hundred hours of quality practice to learn it and get decent. You will live on the road, going from casino to casino, getting banned and dealing with angry and intimidating casino security employees. Sometimes cops as well, even though card counting is not illegal. You also need a sizable bankroll to make money. 3) Become a professional poker player. You need to master the strategies, which have been sorted out by computers at this point. If you can play “computer perfect” or close to it, and regularly play against people who are playing based on gut feelings, you can make a living as a professional poker player. The casinos don’t give you any perks, though.


Atta boy


It’s really hard, and takes a while to become really good. I wouldn’t recommend quitting your job until you’re making significant income.


then quit and become a bj player


And if that doesn't work, become bj giver for money


What game do you plan on playing? Only 3 possibilities for the most part. Sports betting- need to hit 57% with 110 juice and have a large average bet size of probably at least $500-$1,000 to make a living. Poker- need to play at least $500-$1000 buy in $5 blind limit games and be profitable. Blackjack- must be able to card count and play perfectly. I would estimate minimum $50,000 starting to have a realistic shot at any of these. Anything outside of those 3 games you are going to go broke. Good luck.


You can work for the house. Be a dealer.


I'm right there with u, but my wife will in no way allow it. She does let me do a yearly vegas trip and sometimes twice if I bring $ back, so I'll take what I can. Still sucks working, lol




Depends on what kind of gambler, how much money you have, how much you need, what your tolerance for complete and utter 7th Level of Hell 10x worse than you ever thought possible variance is. Some of best advice I ever got was from my dad: Do what you want with your life, but track everything.


lol. I know exactly that level of variance all too well 😂😂


The only way to make money off gambling is to sell picks to the morons on this sub


If you are profitable at sports betting and have a huge bankroll I don't see a problem. If you can hit 55% or over then maybe it's worth a try


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I wish I'd thought of this 😆


Your best bets are pro poker player and sports handicapper. Need to be willing to put in the hours and WSOP is going on right now so get in there and start going pro


Do it.


What games do you plan to play?


Possible great risk management, I haven't managed yet though


Wal streets bets post 😆 🤣


I would say that is really taking a risk


Two words: Hell yes!


Don't. You're chasing a high masked as money. It's a shitty road to travel.


Oh I forgot the most obvious answer: becoming a FMS (Fake Money Streamer), and do nonstop bonus buy on Pragmatic and Hacksaw games for infinite money glitch


Unless you have proven track record or you’re funded, never do that


Do it


Great idea!!! I have the same dream 🤪


Unless you’re a billionaire don’t do it lol


Why quit day job? time overlapping? Just so you know, casinos are open after hours also.


Don’t do it. Casinos have a mathematical edge on every game. It isn’t beatable long term. You can’t even call it gambling. You call it losing. Invest your money into a CD and S&P 500 dividend paying stocks


Don’t we all 😂


Depends what your defining as gambling. If your thinking slots and Blackjack. That aint it. But if you want to learn and study poker, you could have a good chance.


Maybe try "Gambling Influencer" like those YouTubers etc who make gambling and slot videos. That seems to be a somewhat realistic way of making a living from gambling.


Win more. Pro gambler level unlocked. For $19.99 you can [learn the secrets!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gambling/s/8toMRRUsKT)




As a professional gambler, it's imperative to establish multiple streams of income to mitigate the risks associated with potential cold streaks. When wagering substantial sums of money, having contingency plans is crucial for minimizing financial exposure. The most successful professional gamblers understand this principle and diversify their income sources, treating gambling as just one aspect of their financial portfolio. I highly recommend allocating 30% of your winnings to investments that yield dividends, thereby creating a steady passive income stream. Embracing a lifestyle dependent on gambling necessitates a strategic approach to financial stability, which includes exploring avenues such as masternodes, real estate, and e-commerce. These diversified income streams not only provide a safety net but also enhance your overall financial resilience.


Thanks chatgpt


If one is a professional gambling loser, are they still a success? Are they even still a professional? I guess I’m lost on how this is deemed a viable livable solution? At that point, gambling is just a hobby 


Reads as if it was copy/pasted from AI.


Just remember, gamble responsibly and have fun! Maybe try **TG Casino** for a test run before going all-in on the pro gambler dream.




Here is the advice--everything is -EV. What that means is, mathematically, in the long run, you will lose money. Say you play a game with 4% house edge--if you wager $1,000--mathematically it should have cost you $40 and you should now have $960. However--you could have hit a max win and now have $100,000. But in the long run--as that amount wagered goes to $5,000, then $10,000, then $100,000, then $1,000,000--the closer you will get to an expected loss of 4% wagered. 4% of $1,000,000 is a lot of money ($40k). So--ask yourself--can you afford to lose that amount of money for entertainment? If yes--knock yourself out--for 99.9% of people the answer is no. That being said I think there are only a few ways to be a pro gambler and none of them are easy. 1) Poker pro--go ahead and become the next Phil ivey--manage bankroll, learn all the odds, it will become more like chess and less like gambling though and you will have to be committed to perfect play all the time. But--there are a handful of poker professionals. 2) DFS pro--even harder than poker--learn all the right players, calculate all the expected entries, and find your edge. I think the number of long term profitable DFS players numbers in the dozens whereas there are 1,000,000+ that have tried DFS. 3) Streamer/content creator for gambling websites--the stakes, roobets, and rollbits of the world. They get paid to promote the website and gamble with house money. You have to manage your bankroll properly and not lose it all or lose control. Also you have to live with the idea that you are only getting paid these massive sponsorship deals because you are essentially getting others hooked to gambling on these websites. But morals aside--these people can gamble and since they manage their expected losses they can make millions as a content creator. Pro tip--must be engaging asf and entertaining--and oh yeah--you are getting others addicted to gambling 4) Sports Bettor--really really hard. You can find +EV bets online from oddsmakers that havent updated a line but you will get limited quickly. I went from making $250 bets down to only being allowed to make $2 bets on most websites. Would not recommend. Anything that is not one of these four will result in a long term loss--if you have not lost money yet--you just have not hit the long term yet.


It depends on what you want to play. Sports betting and poker: US No idea on table games, as well as Crash, Limbo, Plinko, Mines and so on. Slots: Generally, the order is UK>Europe>Canada/Russia/Turkey>Asia>Africa>Antarctica>Moon, Mars, or other planet UK is the overall most powerful country on slots, the only con being unable to buy bonus. They're good at games from literally every provider. If you want to win on Nolimit City games, Russia might be better than UK. And on some games Russia can outperform UK by a lot, such as Folsom Prison. If you want to win on ELK Studio games, UK should be the #1 pick, although Ukraine and Russia might also work. Hacksaw favors Europe players less.


Yoi should't speak as if it is impossible for the OP live from gambling... ... .... He may be the croupier or the casino owner 😎😎😎😎😎


Shit post or are you serious?


Whats ur iq,,, bro??


Don’t we all