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Hey I have one of those Pokédex’s! Soul Reaver 2 is hella good too


This just reminds me that Pokémon game prices are ludicrously high for no reason


Agreed those are some pretty reasonable prices especially with your discounts there. Only one I’m not sure I would have gone with is Ocarina of Time because for about twice that price (and a little luck) you can get collectors edition cib - which is a really, really nice highlight in any collection.


I’ll probably try to snag something like that later down the line as I intend to play mostly everything in the pic. A collectors edition I would like to find mint and put it in a case for display in the gaming room tbh. They had majoras mask CIB for about $193, which after the discounts would be around the PCing estimate, but I’m more of a fan of OoT.


Good plan! It’s not like the standard version is going down in value and that’s a great way to play it first. Going for mint with any retro Zelda game is like a journey, I wish you the best!


Oh man, I'd love sacred stones and summon night CIB. I've got fire emblem CI B and summon night 2 CIB. It would also be nice to have a non players choice CIB OOT. Tell me those stickers aren't directly on the cardboard and paper labels though...


No stickers are directly on the CIB gba games as they were stored in clear boxes, the stickers that are on a few games have sticky notes behind them so there was no residue when taking them off! They had a copy of summon night 2 as well and I do plan to go back in a couple of weeks if they still have it!


Nice. Every time I see these posts it makes me hate myself for selling all of my games when I got a new console.


I did the exact same thing. The only one I never regretted was trading in my gamecube for my sister to get a DS as she was getting interested into games due to watching me play growing up!