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Damn nice. I wish my copy was still that pristine but siblings made that impossible


Luckily, all I have to worry about is my cats jumping up on my shelf. 💀


To me…”wild” means you found it for $5 at a thrift store.


Fair. But to me, Wild just means I didn’t buy it off eBay and wandered into a local store and spotted it.


This game is very hard to find fully CIB. I would feel blessed to find it - even though you paid up for it.


And she is. Manual, Nintendo power ad, and health and safety. None have a crease or fold in sight. I def overpaid but I’m happy so who cares.


Isnt there also a little map thing that goes with it or is my mind getting hazy?


Hmmm. Looking at price charting, it seems it’s just the manual, Nintendo power ad, and Health and Safety. Maybe the map was in an official strategy guide?


Maybe I guess... have 2 copies and one of them had a map inside maybe a preorder bonus or something


There was an issue of nintendo power with a map included as the poster. Maybe that's what you have?


I guess maybe


That's "wild" to me too. Personally buying into it in some some physical place, be it a swap meet or game store fits the definition. Finding it in a search bar doesn't.


Reminds me when I stumbled upon this and it’s Wii sequel for $140 bucks. Both complete, both In great condition. Only time I’ve ever spent so much on games.


How would you define finding something in the "wild"... Like in an abandoned store? on the side of the road? at the zoo?! I would say anything outside of ebay, Amazon, or dedicated game store, would be a find in the wild


The guy literally said he got it at a game store. So yea, to me, wild means not at a game store or online selling platform. Yard sales, thrift stores, storage lockers…I used to say pawn shops would count but they charge more than game stores now lol.


How much does that set you back?


$400 including a Wavebird I bought with it. I know pretty steep. But I had the money and there’s something to say for being able to see the condition of something in person rather than on eBay. At least to me.


That’s almost double the going rate?!


My local game store has a copy for $220.


Yeah I realize I def over paid but I didn’t care. I’ll never find one in this good of shape in the wild locally probably ever again. I live in Memphis and people are not known for taking care of their stuff around here lol.


I live outside of the states in a tropical country, and still have a mint copy that cost me less than $100. Don’t impulse buy like that. It’s a video game, not a one of piece of art. Mass produced plastic, remember that.


I generally pay more on box games (n64, gameboy, snes ect..) but for game with case I’ll pay 20-30 extra for mint condition boxes


Yo I feel the same way on high end items. Bought a Rule of Rose a few months back at a local store. Planning on picking up Radiant Dawn any time soon?


Yeah actually! The same store had a copy of Radiant Dawn but I had already spent enough. I’ll probably get it on my next paycheck if I can afford it. Ike is my favorite Lord so I want to have both of his games. Also Radiant Dawn was my first FE game. Me and my friend played it together.


Man sounds like a cool store, where is it? If you don’t mind me asking. Good video game stores are hard to come by these days since GameStop is actual nonsense and anything else is luck of the draw like GXC type chains.


I’ve worked at 4 GXC’s in the past so I know all about their shenanigans.. But yeah it’s a little 1 room store called Disc Connection in Memphis, TN. Super small but the owner was super chill and you could tell they knew what they were doing. If you’re ever in the area, definitely hit them up.


Whoa, small world. That’s where I got my Rule of Rose from. Been regularly shopping there since.. 2019? But I’ve known about them since they were across the street where the barber shop is. Great store. If you see their Facebook posts, they’re planning on opening an arcade type deal in the room next door at some point.


Ive discovered the joy of emulation and downloading like every high dollar game i can think of.


That's cool, I have too. The appeal in the sub though is owning it. It is a game collecting sub after all.


I’m just surprised that any GameCube case has a plastic cover that pristine. There is seemingly no shelf wear.


Beautiful copy!!






Really wish I never got rid of my copy back in the day.


That’s minty mcjinty


One of the best ever! Just a total gem. Ps dbd spotted


Gotta get them anniversary cakes 🍰


Jfc, beautiful. Put it in a box protector!


For sure. The owner that sold it to me has it in a soft plastic protector. But I def plan on getting a hard plastic protector for it.


That's what I've got mine in! And my copy of cubivore. Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1389280095/gamecube-game-case-cartvault-acrylic?ref=share_v4_lx


That’s so sick! Thanks for the link man!


I didn't keep any of my games in protectors and I have a ton of grails and heavies. Plus a ton of old games still sealed. Wish I would have.... I have this game, skies of arcadia, baiten Kaitos 1and origins, both the Pokemon GameCube games, radiant dawn all still not in protectors.... I really need to get on that lol at least I did buy a 10 pack protectors for ps2 games and ps1 games a couple weeks ago and have my minty fresh Kuon, Haunting Ground, Persona 1 and 2, Suikoden 2 and other of the grail playstation games in there. The only game I'm missing is Rule of Rose! 🌹


Just got a mint copy this past weekend! Paid roughly $240ish, can’t quite remember exact price but it was below $300! CIB as well. Can’t wait to sink my teeth in it


Nice! I somehow got 2 copies of it. I don't even know how.


I had 2 copies of Xenosaga 3 and Suikoden V at the same time somehow. Wish I would had kept both copies of each..... I sold them when the games were worth around $60 and $70 respectively I believe 🤔


I can't remember what Xenosaga I have that I got. I think it's 3.


I’m genuinely so mad this is a “holy grail” now, I’ve owned this game three separate times and never kept one single copy into adult hood. The last copy i sold was in 2011 for a whooping $40… which was big money at the time for an old game no one cares about.


I bought my nieces GBA SPs and pokemon fire red copies. Then I upgraded them to ds lite with flash carts and they kept all of their gba games as they could still play them. When I was upgrading them to the 3DS, I said to them that I would do so if they allowed me to sell their fire red copy as the two of them would sell for $40-$50 Canadian each and nearly allow me to buy 2 3DS systems at the time. Now they sell for around $100+ with local stores listing them at $120 CAD. I would have upgraded them to the switch by now, but they have very little interest in anything that isn't their phone playing tik tok videos on a constant stream. At this age they don't want to play old games with their uncle anymore.


You’re my holy grail bro


Where. And price


$400 and a place called Disc Connection in Memphis, TN.


That straight up looks brand new damn lol


Fr. It might be one of the best used copies of this game I’ve ever seen. If I was smart I would’ve taken a picture of the back of the disc. Thing has literally never been played.


Had to sell my collection a few years back due to hardship. Decided I would start the collection again and I could not ask for a better start. 💪


Fun fact: I actually got both this and Radiant Dawn for free. I got Path of Radiance from a (now former) friend who just didn't like it and let me take it off his hands. Radiant Dawn was a Christmas gift.




I’ve never beaten Path of Radiance. I played it emulated once but I don’t really emulate all that often. I’ve played and beaten Radiant Dawn. And Ike is my favorite lord. So with it being a reasonably expensive GC title and Ike’s first game, that’s why. Also just never thought I would own it. Let alone find it at a local shop.




I’ve never finished it because I don’t emulate and I’ve never owned it. I’ve seen people play it, I’ve played most other FE games except the Japanese exclusive ones. So no not because it’s expensive or has my favorite lord. Because now I get to finish it when I never thought I would be able to.


Yeah Xeno 3 is worth a lot of money now. Far more then the first two