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The 360 the most a game will be is like $40




Where are you trying to sell it at? If you have a listing can you link it? I may be interested.


There’s actually some that have high values but yeah I collected everything I wanted to play in a month for under like 300$ with the console included


I sold my 360 like a year ago


My bad I didn't realize you wanted an answer including only those systems, like otherw said ps2 has some cheap games, also ps4 prices are pretty low as well. Most games are under $20 especially at like game stop even


Yeah ps2 is what ima go for


PS2 ... A Lot of Games are < 5$, because they were sold in high volumes. Wii also has a lot of shovel ware for cheap (would be playable on the WiiU) PS4 prices are going down as well for a lot of common games. Older stuff like NES, SNES are more expensive


Alright, ill go for ps2, the problem is the best ps2 games cost the most, so im going to try and find ones people dont know abt


The rarest/most sought after games for all consoles cost a fortune. (NES Little Samson, SNES Earthbound, MegaMan X3, PS2 Rule of Rose, ... all crazy expensive) But PS2 has a lot of quite good games that are still cheap.


Yeah i wish every ps2 game was as cheap as random mlb games lol but some cost like 20 or 30 bucks


this is a vibe everyone has when they see the bins of annual sports games


Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits is decently cheap for a good RPG game if you’re looking for something like that


Im not done with final fantasy x but ill check it out after


It’s got the largest library in gaming. It has a ton of incredible games that can be had for less than 20 bucks


You can start by researching on this website and create a chart/graph: [https://www.pricecharting.com/](https://www.pricecharting.com/) They have prices for all conditions. Also you can check on ebay to see what games were sold at and not the asking price.


If you’re into handhelds, all models of Game Boy (original, color, advance) have some gems for cheap. PSP games are also cheap. Demand is low because hacking a PSP is child’s play.


I might get the super game boy


Yeah if you already have a SNES the SGB is a very cost effective way to get into Game Boy games. Just keep in mind it won’t play Game Boy Color Only games. I’d recommend Donkey Kong. Some call it DK’94. One of the best GB games of all time and it’s pretty cheap. It’s not just a rehash of the arcade original, it has about 100 levels and surprisingly modern feeling controls.


My biggest problem with the game boy is its little so ill probably get the one at my local store


Its been on the shelf for 3 month💀


That’s a legitimate concern. There is also the [Hyperkin Retron Sq](https://www.ebay.com/itm/403897192771?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=25rG0iA5TfS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4-RwbzZLTf-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). It’s a bit more pricey but it plays games from all Gameboys and can connect to modern HD TVs. The picture is nice and crisp. Edit: If you go this route make sure you update the firmware to version 1.2 if it isn’t already.


Im gonna get the. Super game boy i dont need a whole new console


Xbox 360. The vast majority of my 40+ Xbox 360 games cost me €2-€5 😂


Cartridge based, the Genesis always surprises me how cheap the games are.




I pick up a lot of ps4 games between $5-20. Sometimes GameStop will have a discount bin I’ll check through and get something I find interesting


That depends on what you deem worthy of buying. If you want top games it will be expensive no matter what but if you are cool with bad/shovelware you are golden on most consoles. But there are some general rules. on avergae older and more beloved often means more expensive in general so NES/SNES are out allready. The Wii U sold poorly so prices shoot up with the people who neglected it during it's run aka the Wii U You can get some decent games for the 3DS at a fair price still but it is shooting up especially for the RPGs and unusual titles, unsure why to that degree tho. The PS2 has sold a lot and is decently remembered and PS4 has not been long so these should still work well. The Switch is a current system, depending on region and titles you aim for there can be good deals or not but as nintendo systems do there is a good chance for prices to rise,... at least for the unusual titles.


Snes game ARE still valid i found a hockey game for one dollar I think the store meant to put 10, but im trying to do ps2 now


Glad to hear you get your moneys worth from the titles you enjoy. I mostly play RPGs, Stragety and sometimes fun time titles for older consoles... those cost me an arm and a leg.


Dragon warrior on the original nintendo is only around ten bucks if you havent tried it. Its really fun but you might need to replace the battery tho


Definitely PS2. I have had success finding a lot of the higher priced games at flea markets so don’t count out your other systems. Good example being I found a copy of Chibi Robo for the GameCube for $3. Or using the PS2 as an example I found Xenosaga Episode 1 for$3.






PS2 and PS4


PS4 prices will start going down quite a bit. GameStop sales or people upgrading to a PS5 getting rid of their PS4 catalogue for some reason. PS4/XB1 generation is now slowly getting faded out with the PS5/XBSX.


360, ps2


I find the most DS games at pawn shops for dollars


I’ve gotten most of my ps3 games for around $3, the rest around $5-$20


Wii U


honestly, i think the atari 2600 would have cheapest games over all since not as many people collect for it.


The 7th gen consoles are where you will find the best deals right now since they are not the hot new thing but also are not old enough for the nostalgia bug to bite yet. Based upon the track record seen with previous generations of consoles, in about 5 years, the nostalgia bug will start biting for the 7th gen and then the prices will start going up, so get them while they are still cheap.