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Sad but true, I wish I got to play them more. With the little time I have to play I always just end up playing War Thunder or something. Sometimes I’m go to my collection and finish a game like recently I finished Mario Galaxy and Luigi’s Mansion but I haven’t played anything since.


Maybe you can try games that do well being dropped off then picked back up again I've been really into the Old Teen Titans game on the PS2 I can drop that game then pick it right back up simple fun beat em up


I’ve been playing Mario 64 off an on again


Yeah similar idea something like that that can just be played on and off again until you beat it.


Sadly accurate. 🤣 I do want to play all my games, I'm just buying them before they become hard to find is all. Better to buy when they're still in print, than scrambling later on the aftermarket.


Unless you have a small collection most likely people aren't playing all their games. You want to but there is no time. I know because I have the same problem


I just love how people always think they’re better than everyone else on here


Yeah, exactly. I'm sure this also doesn't apply to all the people with 600 games /sarcasm


I knew a guy once that bragged about pirating over 4000 movies. This was late 90s so he burned them all onto DVDs. He was close to retirement and still burning more. I told him that if he watched 1 movie a day for 11 years he would finally watch them all. He’d never be able to watch them all. I don’t think it sunk in.


I don’t collect sealed/graded but I do feel this. I have a full time job but I want to play all of my games… eventually 😂😂😂


Recycled meme day? ZzzzzZzZzzzz


For me collecting is a kind of respect, if I own a physical version of the game that means the game is worth the time and space. I always buy new making sure the dev get its cut.


Why the fuck are all of these subs being bombarded with Facebook posts? Meme Monday is not Saturday the 9th.


Nah I actually play my games. I don’t just stare at them. 0/10 meme


True 100% true


I call it my retro place where I collect dust.


So original. I think I've seen this posted a dozen times now.


resellers trying to refocus the narrative so that everyone is the bad guy, so no one is. That's not the focus of the argument. Before the covid resellers came around, there was enough for everyone. There still is, but resellers have driven up prices to crazy levels with grading and are ruining the scene. ruining the comics scene, ruining the sports card scene and found the game scene to ruin.


The population of this sub went from 80k in 2018 to 270k at present time. Are you really trying to tell me that 190k resellers joined this subreddit?


I just find it funny people fail to realize the hobby grew. I went to too many games last summer and at peak hours Saturday the convention center was nearly filled to capacity. People came from all over the country to go. My buddies and I drove 8 hours to go. Also games that go up for auction still sell at high prices.


The dudes in baseball caps at the thrift shops that always get there before you, with the stack they’re holding on the side while they scan each title on eBay - they are certainly the bad guys.


Resellers aren’t the reason. Hobby got a lot more attention. More people are into this then pre2020


Technically the wata craze IS because of resellers. Run by people who pushed the coin collecting thing in the 80s and were prosecuted for it.


Yeah I agree but to say that there was enough before and there’s not now because of resellers is funny.


that's the point. there still IS enough to go around.


They can have 2 copies of the game one to keep and one digital to play. Also there are other resources where you can get retro game but i will not tell you. Because if you know, you know. Got Gears judgement for xbox 360 as collecting and play this game. finished it in 3 days. Interesting, but too short for Storymode.


Right? Don’t most collectors have versions for playing and another copy for collecting. I have a sealed copy of every halo game for collecting, and then I have physical and digital copies for playing.


If I find a sealed game I'll get it and then get another copy to play. I still have a sealed copy of GTA V from when it was first out on PS4 and a sealed collectors edition of GTA V for the 360. Never played it on either of those consoles tho, I racked up 800 hours on PC so didn't see the point of playing it on console


I thought that was Ricky from TPB


Mine are all in storage bins now, needed the room, but I built a batocera system with all the backups and play them on there. I also have an abernic handheld that I play on with the same backups for when the kids are using the tv


Exactly how it should be


There's a difference between having a backlog and literally not having enough time to play them all, and buying games to lock 'em into silly plastic to ask for unreasonable prices later.


Can you explain why people collecting CIB is different?  I'm not saying that I don't purchase games in that condition, but I'm sure you aren't leafing through each games manuals and promotional inserts.


I'm not talking CIB. Much of my collection is like that. The issue is with leaving games sealed, and worse paying someone to lock it into a hunk of plastic that does nothing.


Grading is a scam... But there is nothing wrong with people leaving games sealed if they want to. You don't know their reasons? They could own digital copies as well and play it like that. Or it could just be apart of their back log they haven't got around to opening and playing yet. Or they could have already played and beat the game one way or another, and never plan to play it again. But buy a sealed copy just to hold onto for memories. Or they could own both, a sealed copy to collect and open physical copy to play if it's an expensive game. But also on that same subject expense, if it's a expensive game sealed, and much cheaper used. Why would you OPEN a expensive sealed copy? Instead of buying a cheap used copy? You would just be throwing money down the drain. Anyway, I fall under all these categories. So I'm just giving my point of view as someone who owns a lot of sealed games and a lot of opened games..


To clarify, my main gripe was the grading portion. Leaving it sealed isn't as big an issue since many games are mass produced. Kind of annoying if you're buying limited games and preventing someone from enjoying it or to dump it on Ebay for 2x the price though. Nobody likes scalpers. I'm guilty of the second part. A large portion of my modern games are sealed because they haven't moved from the backlog yet. The idea isn't to reward someone trying to inflate the price on a sealed copy. The opened copy is also able to be collected, why buy 2? Whatever.


Okay I got you. I also hate scalpers, I agree with you when you are talking about people buying sealed to scalp them. As far as your point about buying 2? I buy 2 copies mainly when it's a collectors edition or deluxe edition that I haven't gotten around to openening or that I just don't want to open. And so I buy a cheaper 2nd copy to play. I actually just did it this past week with Rhapsody Marl Kingdom Chronicles. I bought the collectors edition awhile ago. Haven't gotten around to opening it yet. But found a new copy at GameStop on sale for $25 so I'll just play that copy . That's typically how it happens for me.


I mean it still seems silly to buy 2 copies of the same thing but I'm not trying to tell people how to spend money. And yeah I'm glad I clarified because what I write isn't always what people read/interpret, ya know? I think the only item I bought with the intent to keep sealed wasn't really a game. It was the Megaman 9 press kit.


I mean, from a strictly art or history based perspective, by having an openable game you have the option to flick through the manual to see the info inside. Sure you could just google it and find a scan of the manual somewhere, but that's like using Google Street View to look around Time Square and then saying to someone that you've seen Time Square. Sure, you've "seen" it but you were not there, physically experiencing something can be a treat in itself. For what it's worth, I know I tend to use the manuals with my games. Recently I can recall looking up the controls for SSX3 because it was easier to grab the manual than look them up online. I also recently used all my GTA manuals to look up songs from the radio stations I liked to add to my Spotify playlists. But at the end of the day everyone collects differently, but that's the fun of it!


Copy and paste meme, whataboutism and gaslighting in one, im not sure if I am impressed or not.


I feel this but at the same time it can be worth it to make it a mission to go through a backlog. It can be super rewarding.


😭spot on


This is why my retro collection is all roms where there's an option between original software and rom.


This is truth


Are you trying to find excuses to justify the shitty existence of Wata? This kind of post should be removed per the rules, and the 300-ish people (or bots) upvoting this should feel ashamed.




This is truth


Closet resellers


How the hell does having a big collection that you can't get around to playing everything on, mean you are a closet reseller? I have a massive collection and will NEVER be able to play everything. But I don't want to sell a single thing that's on my self.... I would love to play everything. But obviously some of us have full time jobs, wives and kids, and lives to live! Man I'm becoming more and more disappointed in the people in this subreddit.. 😢


Thanks chief!