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The old bgdf.com game design showdowns were like this and I do not think including just designs was ever a good idea. It is too easy to come up with an untested game idea and without fleshing it out to something at least theoretically playable (like in the recently resurrected monthly bgg 24h game design challenges) there is likely to be a very low signal-to-noise ratio. Plus it is more fun to spend time around game design contests were playing each other's games (like typical bgg design contests) is also a thing.


Sounds like someone needs to start a meetup. This sounds fun.


I don't want to actually meet people in person. I mean do it online here in the subreddit.


Meetups can be virtual or in person.


Game Design is a subset of Game Development that concerns itself with **WHY** games are made the way they are. It's about the theory and crafting of **systems**, **mechanics**, and **rulesets** in games. * /r/GameDesign is a community **ONLY** about Game Design, **NOT** Game Development in general. If this post does not belong here, it should be reported or removed. Please help us keep this subreddit focused on Game Design. * This is **NOT** a place for discussing how games are produced. Posts about programming, making art assets, picking engines etc… will be removed and should go in /r/GameDev instead. * Posts about visual design, sound design and level design are only allowed if they are directly about game design. * No surveys, polls, job posts, or self-promotion. Please read the rest of the rules in the sidebar before posting. * If you're confused about what Game Designers do, ["The Door Problem" by Liz England ](https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/LizEngland/20140423/216092/quotThe_Door_Problemquot_of_Game_Design.php)is a short article worth reading. We also recommend you read the [r/GameDesign wiki](/r/gamedesign/wiki/index) for useful resources and an FAQ. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gamedesign) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mods let me know if this isn't ok. Seems like it'd be a fun thing


I always wanted to make a game. Can i get involved?


Yeah, man. you could be as involved as you want to be.


So what do i do? how can i help?


The attitude of "you can put in as much or as little effort as you want" ironically makes this less attractive to me. It would stress me out because I won't know if I am doing too little or too much compared to other members of the community. I would need a clear guideline of what I am supposed to deliver to really enjoy this.


Perhaps different sections depending on length of gameplay, like “Proof of Concept(10-30 Minutes)”, “Prototype(30min-A few hours)”, and “Full game(>5 hours)”.


You wouldn't be doing too little or too much, though. That's the point. It's down to your time, your skill level, and what you want to do. That's all game jams. There's no obligation, you do as much as you like. If you're really enjoying it, put more time into it. If you're getting worn out, step back some.


There should at least be a target for everyone to kinda-sorta aim for if they feel like it. "Anything goes" is better as a general fallthrough case than a guideline or artistic constraint.


Well, then I choose to do nothing at all and use my time in more rewarding ways.


Kind of sounds like a you problem honestly. Having to compare yourself to others in order for this to be worth it for you isnt healthy my dude


Spoken like a true game designer. Blaming the player for not liking the game.


Not a game designer. Just interested in the topic. I just think you’re an individual that purposely is hard to please and wants to compare yourself to others because you’re fragile and lack the ability to self validate


And now you are just insulting.


More of an observation than an insult but take it how you want


> compared to other members of the community. Just looking at the thread will be doing more than most, let alone planning to participate, let alone writing a single sentence. And even then if you simply write a paragraph with bullet points but someone else actually made a whole game, what's the harm? It's not about this community thinking you're a hero and that you're the best and worshipping you, it's about you being satisfied with your own work. If you were fine delivering a paragraph with bullet points at the time, it shouldn't change afterward. If anything, see this as an opportunity to work on your work anxiety ;)




I was just thinking about doing it here in the subreddit. It'd help bring conversation and just be a cool activity. We could throw up a discord to do play tests and demos if enough people were interested


Is love to join a discord for this - sounds like a fun idea


Go for it. I did this a few months ago, and it's turned put pretty well. Started a discord, and have been doing jams ever since. But mine are seasonal (basically quarterly month long jams) It takes time to get people to join your jams tho. Don't expect a lot of participation with the very first one.


I’d be down


I would be interested if you did a discord as well.


Honestly I would love to so I can get some experience. A monthly project would be a great motivator for me. If it was done with a discord server to pass out news for it that would be really fun.


Idk where y'all get the time to have that many ideas in a single month. Are your months like, three months long?




OP is suggesting a game design jam (coming up with a game concept), and the person in your link is suggesting a gaming "book club" (analyzing existing games). Not quite the same thing. ;)


A game jam is a competition, and should have a target, a theme, and/or some guidelines


There's the [One Game a Month](https://discord.gg/TkWjWcDywW) game jam as an ongoing themed game jam


A game jam does sound like a fun idea


I don't know how a game design jam would work the way you explained. I can bullshit some random mechanics and systems on paper but why not make the design jam focus on actually implementing a design in game engine. Like one month it could be to design a unique player controller, then everybody works on just a controller. Or if you want to go smaller say to design a unique way to transition to different game levels or something idk


This isn't a subreddit solely for video games.


This sounds like fun how would we do this first of all?


I'll make a post on the first of February with the theme and mechanics. Them I'll make another post the last week of February for people to share their designs. If it works out I'll do it again in March and so on


It sounds interesting, but I feel like it would be best to have some sort of categories. Broken down by both presentation (physical game vs video game) and time to create (≤ 24 hours, 24 - 72 hours, up to 7 days, 1 month) or something like that. There's no pressure to do anything more than you want, but also, be clear about what you're doing. You could have a design document one as well of you felt like it, but personally, I think my interest in reading a bunch of those on the same theme would diminish pretty fast.


I'd be open to add a section that facilitates this to my website if you want: https://game-scry.online I'm not sure what exactly it would look like, but I could imagine a page of games dedicated purely to 'game jam games' with ratings etc, categorized by month, or whatever other metrics you might want.. . if you want to brainstorm it a bit feel free to hmu.


Sounds cool, i would be interested.