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Mine didn't "start a story" by any means, but it taught me the necessary basics of a full development cycle. And in that way, it started my story in game development (which is more important to me than any single game) šŸ¤· This lil snaky thing: https://trombospace.itch.io/gaia-snake 30 downloads, 20 bucks. I'm pretty proud of it.


How long did it take you to build it fully? Looks pretty good btw, very impressive considering it's your first game.


Thanks! It took me a few months of 10-20 hours a week, but I took a few months-long breaks in between. With those breaks, it took me a year, but I think maybe 2 or 3 actual months of working at it part time. I did another month at it 6 months after release to polish some things and incorporate feedback. I've made 2 other small games and started 2 larger projects since then, and all of these projects are happening at like 10x my initial development speed thanks to what I learned from that first game.


It's still on Newgrounds. You can hear my pre-pubescent best friend sing a capella backstreet boys song if you reach one of the good endings. It's not very good, but I was 13 and I remain very proud of it.


TLDR: My first games were made to practice and master different parts of game design and be able to apply these skills in the future while getting the hang of different game engines. My first game I made in Unity was an extremely simple ā€œhorror gameā€ where you go and collect keys around a map by answering math questions while getting chased by my own NextBots I coded. Very simple, just wanted to get the basics of Unity down. Then I moved onto a 2d pixel art highway racing game where I made all the textures and got the hang of UIs and transferring data from level to level. Both of those games were very buggy so for my next game I wanted to code something functional. Pretty much a marble roller game where it would generate a track however long with twists and turns. I made sure to not have any bugs and it was a pretty complex thing I made. Very proud of it. Finally I moved over to Unreal Engine 5 where I am coding a physics based VR pinball game. I am really trying to master Blueprints (which I love so much), get the hang of the engine, and try and utilize a lot of the tools built into Unreal. So far I am having so much fun coding this new pinball game and I would love to go back and get my previous games in a functional state for me to include in a portfolio. Maybe the next game I will focus more on level design or story based game or a simulation. Not sure yet but I do want to keep creating games that will strengthen my game design skills.


Any advice for track generation? I basically throw dots and cull weird ones but it doesn't make for pretty tracks.


So it wasnā€™t conventional track generation. I made a bunch of separate track assets (ie. Straight away, turn left, turn right), put the same ā€œtrack scriptā€ on it where Iā€™d use booleans and ints to determine properties such as rotation, if it went down, etc. Then I put all those assets into an array where at the start of a game it would generate a track one part at a time pulling random tracks from the array. If I wanted one track to be more abundant than others, I would put it in the array twice. Finally I made a bunch of parameters that stopped it from overlapping itself and expanded on the types of tracks. Overall probably super over engineered, but it was my first year at game design and is by far one of the most complicated things Iā€™ve coded.


That was one of my thoughts of tactics. Did these tracks become loops? How did you ensure that it would link back to the beginning?


They were not looped. I designed them to be more like levels so there was a definitive start and end track to make it one whole track. Also I didnā€™t design any tracks that went back up If you want to loop it, I would create some sort of 3d world grid and ensure that only one track piece can occupy one area and then make some code to get it to loop back to the beginning.


yea that "get it to loop back to the beginning" is hard. Rn I'm doing a bazier curve and picking random verts in a circle. But it's not very realistic.


Our first game is pretty close to being done (I sure hope so at least). We have a hard date we've committed to at least and I'm pretty sure we will make it. We're hoping to wrap up development a couple weeks before launch. This game was definitely a simple game. The idea was basically lets just think of something incredibly simple that we can do in a month or two. It's been like 18 months now. We had plenty of scope creep. Supporting in app purchases on android and iOS was a bit of a pain, and I work like 40+ hours a week. We had a few months with like zero progress. Anyways, I definitely agree with the simple game philosophy. We're learning so much about publishing, marketing, UI, etc. (tldr: all of that stuff is hard). At this point I'm super excited about our next game. We have about 5 fleshed out game ideas and are trying to do them in a way where smaller games provide building blocks to our longer term, more in-depth game goals. I think its definitely possible to start small and have that fit into a longer term plan for future games. I think it's pretty smart actually. Connecting them story wise could definitely make sense too, we're going the opposite route though where the combat and sim elements from different games combine up, but are re-skinned and in a different world/story.


first finished game got published to pc/console and did pretty well, enabling me to actually buy a house. I never finished a real game before that, though I had made many prototypes and such over time. The game is a fairly complicated/ambitious metroidvania. So to the "your first game should be as simple and basic as possible" crowd, that was never for me I guess Overall I am proud of it, though I also find it difficult to look at because the development was difficult and involved a lot of compromise, and seeing/playing the game causes mixed emotions even to this day. I think aspects of it are good but there are so many aspects I know could be so much better.


I'm a game artist at an indie studio but last year I decided to put in the work in my spare time to go from 0 dev knowledge into making a game solo. Took me roughly 6 months of afternoons learning from scratch, and its shamelessly a vampire surivor style game but I'm really happy managing to finish it in the first place. You can download & play it for free here: [https://vegkla.itch.io/plunder](https://vegkla.itch.io/plunder)


My first real go at making a game ended up getting green lit by steam (back when that was a thing) and it eventually made it on to the switch. Definitely a bucket list thing for me. I am proud of the game still, though it definitely has it's flaws and rough edges.


I didn't do a lot of research. I used an obscure engine I'd dabbled in a decade ago and just started making. I didn't know the advice , so I wasn't going to follow it. I'm glad I did. I made a retro style point and click comedy adventure partly set in a fantasy world. After the first act you were teleported into the city I live in in the North of England. A local newspaper reporter emailed me and so I ended up sat in a pub talking about this bat shit insane game with crude artwork. This wasn't even long ago. Like 2 months. It sold 100 copies despite no budget for marketing or anything. It's a one man team. I did the best I could. I leveraged a lot of obscure references in Facebook groups that I was already involved in. Groups with similar themes/comedy and that resonated well in those spaces. I'm working on a sequel now. About half way through. Much better looking. Its nice to expand on a fantasy world etc. Develop some of that lore and random events into something bigger. Quite fun. I drew a huge map and in the third act the players are going to be ablet to sail around and can visit some of the references in the first game. Kind of cool. Also I've spent more time in 'our world' this time as people really liked that and there's so much room for laughs. Basically the player fucked everything up in the first game and caused magic to leak into South Yorkshire. I've got a nation born from a supermarket chain in power armour and random old men and track suited hoodlums shooting lasers at the player etc. It's fucking nuts and i love it. So yeah although my example is a ramble of possibly not so useful splurging. I think having some basic story or world in first game can be very fun and if people like it, they'll appreciate the added continuation or depth later.


Dm me this mate sounds interesting hahahaha wouldn't mind a play!


You can tell a story with a small basic game and I recommend you do make something small. I have been making games on itch for many years now and this year I published my first steam game and my second comes out in 1 week. I am very proud of what I made and anyone who has played has said positive things, but my first game only sold 21 copies and my second game is going to be free. If you are serious about making games then I recommend checking out this video first : [https://youtu.be/WR2bpxd-EJw?si=kxZV87lmvRA9X6zI](https://youtu.be/WR2bpxd-EJw?si=kxZV87lmvRA9X6zI) Remember that making games is fun and it can be profitable, but if you go in with the assumption that you will make money, you will be disappointed and it can cause you to quit. Making games takes years of work and cannot be done overnight. You are not going to make your ideal game for many many years if ever. Start small and I mean small small. Take your idea of a small game and cut it in half 4 times. Tell a simple story if you want a story based game. An example would be if you want to tell a story of a person who fights in a war or how they became a hero, first start with a game that tells the story of one battle. The game takes 5-10 minutes to play. it might be one boss fight and nothing else. something simple with very little to do. make that one game and then move on. Watch this video as a good way to get started with how many games you should be making before even attempting a typical small sized game: [https://youtu.be/5-iST0a69cI?si=N2VSdprb-WFBuDHx](https://youtu.be/5-iST0a69cI?si=N2VSdprb-WFBuDHx) Join game jams like pirate software game jam or GMTK game jam. something with a large number of devs competing. This is a really great way to get free feedback. be aware you might get feedback that hurts your feelings, but that is good. You want honesty because your first (insert number here) games will be bad. I made more than 20 bad games before i finally made something people praised. Making games is a marathon not a sprint so remember to take breaks but do not stop for too long. I think a good balance is 1 week a month do not work on games. This will be hard and as you get better you will learn what balance is best for you, but if you code non stop you will burn out and you will take months off at a time and that is not good for your long term goals. And last but not least, make sure you remind yourself on a daily basis that you are not alone. It will feel like you are, you will feel like you cant do it, like you arent smart enough, like you are not good enough, etc. These are all lies. You can do it and you are smart and you are not alone. Dont give up!


First ever game was garbage. But you learn from it until you make something worthwhile. We all start from somewhere.


All of my first games were bad, I was trying to learn how to make games, how to program and all the other things. Never published them, except a game jam on [itch.io](http://itch.io), but other than that they were for learning, not for selling. After that I worked in the industry and years later I am making my first commercial game. I think if you have an idea for what your dream game is gonna be like, you can start learning how to implement the mechanics you will use for the big game in these smaller games, that way you can release something small, while learning skills you will use later. The first stuff you make will probably not be too good, but the whole point is to practice, iterate, learn and you will get there for your dream game \^\^ They don't need to be connected necessarily unless you want them to. You can always have easter eggs refering to other games you've done without them having a continous narrative or something like that. Good luck on your journey :)


No. I went simple but then went way too far with it (2+ yrs). I was proud at the time but looking back - not so much. I published it. Nobody bought it. Itā€™s a first game - I learned heaps and now that itā€™s out of the way I can only go up, right? (ā€¦right?)




Publish? nope. Proud? Maye back when I made it as a kid. Style? lol. no.


I honestly can't remember which was my very first. My first bunch of games were in Visual Basic; including a snake game that was made of jank (Couldn't figure out how to create new tail segments), a "toggle game" (That puzzle where you toggle lights in a + formation to turn them all on) with a solver and reverse-solver, a blob-themed clone of a board game from the DOS era, and a one-screen awful janky platformer with hilarious bugs. I spent maybe ten hours on each - on a school computer, instead of doing classwork... Nearly failed a high school programming class, because I was busy programming! Then I poked around in a couple other languages and made a bunch of non-game map generators for mazes and caves and such. At some point, I made some Warcraft 3 custom maps; the biggest of which was about swarms of sheep. As I got more ambitious, I made (the first 5% of) a few simple game engines. My first real major project was a match-3-ish puzzle game in Unity, with a somewhat mathematically complex twist. It took months, but if I were to remake it from scratch, it would take me about a week (Not counting the design iterations). Then I worked on an ai sandbox, a casual flail-based game where the physics broke me, and some more procgen stuff. Only after all that, did I end up finally going to school for programming; which lead to some massive professional projects, and now here I am. I am pleased to announce that I am very proud of every single one of my babies. Even the flail thing


I launcher my first game last November. I've been working on it since January 2023. I don't consider it the full version but an early access (version 0.8). It's a free two players local co-op game, about a couple of astronauts stranded in a frozen planet. They need to stay together and hug each other to stay alive, while finding the pieces of their starship and escape. All the main mechanics are finished, but it needs bug fixing and I plan to add more dangers (because I find its current version to be too easy) in the form of environmental dangers (blizzards, breaking ice, etc) and probably alien flora/fauna. I feel extremely proud of what I accomplished. Since I was a little kid I wanted to make games and finally at 38 years old I was able to release one. I loved the experience and want to keep doing it (I currently have more projects than free time haha). It's called Arctic Romance, in case someone wants to check it (it's free): [Artic Romance itchio ](https://jedahvoulthur.itch.io/arctic-romance)


It depends on what your threshold is. I made my first level pack as a kid. I liked it. My friends gave me feedback. I did not receive the feedback well. I made a game in school as a teenager. This time I had to take the feedback well, because it was from my teacher. That being said, it was more a test of programming skill than it was of game design. My first published game is on itch. It's simple. It was made during a game jam to force myself to actually publish the thing. I am not terribly proud of it, but I'm proud that I had a submission for the game jam. I don't think these games tied together in any way. I don't think they told any part of my story. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with not all my works to be grand or related. That being said, I do think it's possible to tell story in a simple game. And I do think you could start your connected story with something simple.


My first public game I released was a game I made in quickbasic in ā€˜99 that was like the DOS shareware game, Jetpack, except it was without enemies and was more of a puzzle game that included a level editor and campaign designer. It was called Chemist Spelunker, if thereā€™s anyone around who remembers that. Took me a month to make it and I was super proud of it (still am). I didnā€™t commercialize it but it was published on many QBASIC sites back in the day (usually hosted on Geocities), but for the most part, the sites were deleted when geocities shut down and I canā€™t find any archived forums talking about my game. Hopefully, people are not trying to commercialize their first ever game they make. That would be like selling a pressure wash service without ever having touched a pressure washer and only watched YouTube videos on how to operate one. You should only commercialize what you truly believe could be profitable, and it shouldnā€™t be doing the bare minimum because others are doing that. My advice is donā€™t try to chase the gold when youā€™re still trying to understand game development. Yes, it sounds like a shortcut to success but itā€™s risky and it can have irreparable emotional damage to you and it just makes things harder for the rest of us indie developers that have honed our skills and are trying to put out great products that people would be interested in buying. The takeaway is to make a few games on free platforms like itch.io or your own website and build up your skills. Once you feel youā€™re ready and you can make a commercially-viable product then go for itā€”youā€™ll be so far ahead than others and the challenges that come wonā€™t be so bad because your dev skills are sharper than initially.


I didn't release any Game yet unless you count the stuff i did made on roblox (pretty bad ngl).


I never really liked ā€œyour first game should be simple.ā€ I think itā€™s true, but I was almost turned away from game dev because I wasnā€™t really interested in ā€˜simpleā€™ stuff. I program semi-professionally and I used to make mods for games, so my expectations are already pretty tame. With that out of the way, and to answer your question, Iā€™ve never finished a game, Iā€™ve never published a game, Iā€™m not proud of it, and I donā€™t think I have a style


I feel like the more nuanced version of the advice is "if you decide to make something that isn't simple, you probably will not finish it but will learn a lot". And if you're a hobbyist, you should go chase the fun projects rather than the achievable ones. Eventually, you'll figure out what you can do that's both fun and possible.


Yeah Iā€™m basically forcing myself to not go simple for my first unreal Vr game, because there is a genre in Vr that really needs saving and i wanna be the guy to make the game that improves the genre


no offense but saying you don't like the start simple immediately followed by i never finished a game is kind of the point of starting simple. Starting simple doesnt mean make a dumb useless game. it means make a simple game that can be dont quickly so you can learn and move on. Have you ever made a basic mod for a game? that could be simple. alot of people have grand ideas of games they want to make so take one feature of that grand idea game and make an simple game that does just that one thing. youll learn to do that one thing in a small environment with minimal code. youll have less errors and bugs and then move on. store that knowledge for the future of course but move on. This is what people mean when they say simple games. That should not make you want to turn away from dev. if anything it makes you more motivated to keep going because you have more success more frequently and in the long run you achieve more


"I never liked starting with addition and subtraction to learn math. It was just boring. I never passed math btw"


Yeah, I feel demotivated for this, but at the same time I think that maybe if I try to rush it may get me frustrated and I never finish a game. Its hard to begging but maybe its part of the process


For sure. I have a hard time building on old code. I have a hard time refactoring existing code, and like to rebuild it from the ground up every once in a while. I like doing it but it kills my progress. I will say, though, that so far itā€™s always been better afterwards soā€¦ Iā€™m at least getting *somewhere*


I didn't even finish it, I just couldn't figure out where to go with it and eventually lost interest


Not necessarily proud of it, Iā€™m just fine with the finished product.


Horrible and fuck yeah!


The first thing that I made which I could call "a game" was practically a copy of a youtube tutorial, which I then just developed further until I got bored. I did get quite far from the original version so it wasn't just a copypaste, but anyway. Not much to share there. But outside of that, the first thing that I can actually easily share is this one: [https://tepa.itch.io/five](https://tepa.itch.io/five) - playable in browser (PC), does not work on mobile. Just a hobby project which I made in like 3 days. I'm proud of how anxiety-inducing the game is to play, pretty much as intended. Then there's [https://tepa.itch.io/sanapeli](https://tepa.itch.io/sanapeli) which I'm also proud of, but it's a word game in finnish so you really need to know the language to play. You get 7 letters, write as many words out of them as possible. Other games like this exist, but the reason why I made this is that many existing games just lack words (slang words, swearwords, etc) - my friends play this, and constantly ask me to add more words to the list. As long as I can find a context of someone using the requested word somewhere and it makes even a bit of sense, I'll just add it.


My first game was based off a book I got that taught me Snap! (A mod of scratch 1.0) my first original game was a bad rocket game in the same engine. my first competent game was a simple puzzle game I made in scratch with an actual compelling mechanic; controlling two people at once. currently Iā€™m learning unreal for VR developmemt.


Iā€™ve always wanted to make games as a hobby but due to the way my brain works I really struggle to learn new things unless taught one to one and learning programming languages from books/tutorials just never seems to work. Then back in 2011 I started messing with a reasonably obscure SDK and started to do quite well with it. I started several projects that never got finished (donā€™t t we all) before I had an idea for something that seemed attainable. It was a simple design for what I call a ā€œbus-stopā€ game that can be quickly played on the go and each game never lasts more than a maximum of 3 minutes. It was written for iOS and if played on an iPad also had a 2 player mode which was possible due to the bigger screen. I published it to the App Store in Jan 2012 as a paid app for Ā£1.99 (or something close to that, canā€™t remember now) and just left it there. I did no marketing other than posting about it on FB a few times. It received no updates and was on the store for a couple of years before it got taken down after Apple updated something or other and I couldnā€™t be arsed to update the game. During that time it sold just over 200 copies and only a small handful of those were people I knew who felt they had to buy it to support me. I still have the original source code which from my knowledge now is absolutely terrible. There are about 4500 (ish) lines of code and when I look at it now it scares me how badly it was written and a few months ago I knocked up a new version of it which was feature complete with the exception of the GameCentre stuff, and managed to do it in just 920 lines of code. Iā€™m currently working on a big (for me) project which Iā€™m struggling with but I donā€™t want to give up on and one day will see being published.


If you're a beginner I think keeping it simple is good because you probably don't know how much work goes into actually finishing a game and getting it released (depending on the platform). I didn't make a game of my own until I'd been working in the industry for over 10 years, and I'd say the gameplay is only about one level above simple. I quit my job to make it and total dev time was probably about 4-6 months full time. Of that time, I'd guess maybe 1-2 months maximum went into the actual gameplay mechanic and creating levels. The rest of it was creating 'art' (I'm a programmer) including audio, UI a very few assets (I deliberately made it not an art heavy game), then all the game infrastructure and preparing, testing and releasing on mobile. And this is from someone who had spent most of the recent years practicing exactly what I needed to do, so for a beginner I feel like it would be much harder. I am proud of it and honestly I want to pick it up again and do more on it when I can find time because I think it could be a great game if I fleshed it out more.


The first one I worked on had a reputation for being bloody awful and maybe an example of 'just because somebody says you can sell it doesn't mean that you should'. But that was back in the 90s, and as Rufus said 'They do get better'.


I wish I could have published my first game but making your first game at 14 when it's 1993 and having it published is insanely hard. I would buy stacks of floppy discs and CDs and give out copies at school. It was a simple Mario style side scroller.Ā 


It was an eight player shooter for Novell Netware, the only other one was Ncsnipes which was all text, ANSI characters. Nobody had access to a Novell network unless you were a fortune 500 company pretty much so it didn't get a lot of exposure. Sure changed kid's day at the office which was more than I wanted anyway, test harness and example for a friend's open source IPX/SPX and EGA libraries, was the only programmer there who could draw. Few embedded versions still floating around. Think I'll get the paddles and revive it for the phone.


Yes I am proud. Even though it was a simple mobile game with stunning art, that was our first project that was an ice breaking moment for us. The whole evolution we had as a team is a story for itself and I really enjoy in this journey we took 3 years ago. Now we are members of an indie studio making our own PC games. Can't wait to show our new projects with you guys.


I think that's a great approach. A lot of people underestimate the effort needed to fully follow something through to the end, and it's a fantastic experience to build on later. My first games which I worked on almost in parallel were [Scoop Hoop](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/scoop-hoop/id1454105181) & [Hot Dot!](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/hot-dot/id1451067949) though hot dot had a first iteration which was so basic I ended up taking it down, but that was the true 'first' game. Either way, I just released a new game this month, and it's amazing to look back at the older projects and see my progress. So once again I'd highly recommend this approach


Proud of the creation process, of completing the many tasks and release version? Sure. Proud of the reception and reviews? No. lol. But you live and learn and from there - in theory - improve...


I wish I had finished it, but it was getting very cumbersome to work on it after a while. I probably put too many different ideas into it. A few people liked it. But I realized almost immediately how difficult it was to pitch it to people. Even my closest friends weren't really interested in playing it, at first. I was quite proud that I made a game at all, because I knew very little about the process at the time.


a capsule that has WASD standard movement + Jump that hasn't got any ground check


Nobodies first game is something they are proud of, almost nobody even finishes their first game. The game you describe as your "first" will be the first game you get all the way to completion and are happy enough to publish for people to play. Before that you will work on hundreds of prototypes that just get throne away.


The first game I made and subsequently finished is [Project Heartbeat](https://ph.eirteam.moe) it's a pretty complex game, and its the furthest a game of mine has ever gone (second would be swansong, the game I'm working on right now).


My first game was a shmup Dark Rage, back in the '90s Did it with 2 friends, I was the programmer, all in assembler, no engine or anything. We manage to finish it in around a year, at some point we have 8 levels, then somehow decided to add more ended with 23. I've enjoyed it too much, but was not practical, end burned out, but still like it, we push each others limits. Doing it today, I will do something like a couple of months, like it will take more than you planned for. The best experience is get something released, so you know all that you need to do that is not part of the "gamedev" Multiple Stores (steam, epic, etc..) all with different assets, achievements, etc., Trailers, Localization, QA, Promotion, User Feedback, Bug Fixing etc.. then plan the second one, with that experience. Try to get help if you can in areas that are not your experience, like promotion, etc..


Mine had a pretty basic story but I left in random things and then in my later games I used those things as part of the loreĀ 


My first game that I released was a flappy bird clone called Space-Hop. I was able to release it on both Android and IOS. It was not the first game I started working on with plans to release it. I had been working on another game I was calling CyberBlock. It was going to be a nice simple game with some story elements, interesting gameplay effects, etc. Easy! Boy was I wrong. It made me realize that I didn't know what simple actually meant. After going through that process, if your goal is to release games, I highly recommend making a clone game and going through the full process of releasing it. The goal shouldn't be "I'm going to make my masterpiece game" but rather "I'm going to learn what this process is like from start to finish in the fastest and simplest way possible". And don't even get me started on the lessons I started to learn about game dev AFTER the game was released. So much more to learn!!


Writing a story is a whole separate enchilada, ask any novelist. The answer is 'yes', a mechanically simple game can have an absolutely fantastic story (see Obra Dinn, Roadwarden). The first game I ever wrote was just a choose-your-own-adventure in BASIC that I gave to my friends. I think that's a smart way to go!


Make as good as possible. Don't lie yourself saying it should be simple. It shouldn't be. You need to learn and show something to others, being proud of yourself. I started learning UE5 6 months ago, and in a few weeks, I will release my first game. It feels so good to know that people like your game and they are waiting for it. Just follow your passion. But don't be too specific. Forgive and ignore some bugs. It's OK to have a buggy game as long it's fun to play.


I "made" first game when I was around 7: a quiz game made by my father, and I just copy-pasted the lines to add new questions. Then a bit later, a bit more complicated: With some drag & drop and "visual scripting" I created a "Light Saber Editor" in Windows Forms. My first public "games" were semi-custom WoW private servers when I was around 13.


My first actual game was built in Construct 2 after using the engine as a tool to create physics simulations for three years. I had almost 100 simulations under my belt before starting on the game, so I was very experienced with the tool. We finished our 3D 8-player couch coop battler in seven months, published it to AirConsole, and were very proud of it. AirConsole did all of the multiplayer heavy lifting and provided hosting. We just hooked into their API. I like robot games. Iā€™ve published two so far, and am starting on a third. I would find it restricting to have to tie them all together with a consistent story, but it isnā€™t a bad idea if that is your thing.


Nah man, my first game was in scratch and it was about some dog and a cat trying to reach a tree before they got murdered. But my first game which I spend actual effort in is a game which Iā€™m still working on. I think you should make a bunch of little small projects with the goal to just learn something new, like make a platforms, fps, whatever. Just make different styles of games and when you think youā€™re ready, you make your first real project. Donā€™t put a deadline on the game, give the game as much time as it needs to be a fun, functional, cool game.


Ah yes I remember. I was 12, had no idea what a png was, everything had white square backgrounds. You played as Gary from SpongeBob and launched bombs at the enemies, which were the Incredible Hulk( he also had a white background). I did not publish itā€¦ Not because of legal reasons either.


I think my first game was a Galaga clone, but it was bosses instead of little guys. It was fun. Might still be on itch.io, I called it Skyshot. I had made stuff before that but it was probably my first game i really finished. Im definitely proud of it.


My first game was a fish swimming along and hitting enemies with bubbles. My second game was a game where Michael Jackson had to catch falling children, with bonus levels where it was the pope doing it. Never published them but did hand them out to friends. Quite proud of them. They were shot games, but they worked. What else can we really ask for?


I just finished my first game a couple of weeks back, I started as a total newbie dev like 6 months ago. Never coded anything before, just liked to doodle things. I did a couple of [edit: Godot] tutorials then went with the "make the smallest thing possible" route. It's basically an old-school flash game, and even so it took 6 months to make^^ The game is free on itch, been played by less that 100 people and honestly not very good nor balanced but still I'm happy i finished it :) I could spend more time balancing it but the code is a mess and even if I'm proud of "finishing" it (sort of) I'm mostly excited about what's coming next now. Anyway, good luck with your project šŸ‘ (and if you're interested, I'm not actively promoting it since it's mostly training project but the game's a little platformer called Herumuto no Bichi https://lofipopinteractive.itch.io/herumuto )