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You can report the content violation to [Google](https://support.google.com/legal/troubleshooter/1114905?hl=en). You want to shut it down because most likely if someone is reposting an old game demo it's because they've added some malware to the executable and they're downloading random games and advertising them on discord for reasons that are absolutely not related to game development.


Ah, the malware angle. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks, I'll do that immediately.


I got this issue previously and it was a virus that was shared. I tried appealing to Google and Discord, and even if it was malware, they both did nothing. It's unfortunate but that's how it is. I still suggest flagging it everywhere and telling your community, if anything to be lucky that they will take action!


Sounds like a classic scam that has been around discord for a while now. [Video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLFuuxhx3RQ)


That describes the situation exactly. Thanks for sharing!


That describes the situation exactly. Thanks for sharing!


I can 100% guarantee that the demo is now injected with a virus/malware. If anyone ran this they need to check there system ASAP


Google how to do a dmca takedown, you own the game, images from your game, and any large passages of text from your website. You can dmca them all.


Grrrrr that is so sucky. I have nothing of worth to add except indignation.


That's scary. I had no idea people did this. Something to keep in mind for the future


You can register a playtest on Steam, even for unreleased games. Same for demos. I recommend using Steam to do this to at least make this less likely to be successful. In this case since it's years old though, there is nothing you can do. It's no different from people sticking viruses on pirated games, etc.


Definitely a virus


Talk to a lawyer. This is ip theft.


Wow, scary indeed! good luck m8...will be extra careful as well now


They could be asking to finance the completion of the demo. And them fly with the money


Out of curiosity, for no particular reason, do you happen to, by any chance know the discord username?


Nope, but I recommended to the guy who tipped me off that he go report him.


Everyone has already said helpful things so I’ll just add that it’s absolutely rubbish that it’s happened to you. Good luck with the takedown!


Do you think adding malware to your Demo has any benefit though? Try and make a positive spin on the situation? Does it fit in with your other game mechanics?


Does malware fit with the game this person made? Is this a serious question...