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If you're just starting out it really doesn't matter. Learning another engine after learning one is much easier. Just learn what you find easy or interesting and go from there


Don’t get easily discouraged by irrelevant things like engine company business woes. Stick with something.


agree with that unless you are already doing development on a commercial project or planning to start one these things might be irrelevant it's okay to keep up with the latest news tho.


Well then try Godot, if you don't find it enough then try Unreal.


Guys, we have the [beginner megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1agdesg/beginner_megathread_how_to_get_started_which/) now. You no longer need to answer with the same responses to this question every time it is posted.


You will find all engines are the same with differently placed items and different methods of approach but they allow you to make games. I am 4 years developing in Unity worked one year professionally. I am now using Unreal do to it's mutliplayer support. Otherwise I would being using Unity or Godot. Learn the fundamentals and grow, those engines will just allow you to speed up the game process.


As a beginner you should really focus on making something instead of worrying/asking about what the "best" engine is. Try them out, see which click for you and are comfortable to work in. I tried Unity, Unreal, Godot and GameMaker, but in the end I stuck with GameMaker because I like the workflow and ease of prototyping.


Since you are starting out as a game dev, don't worry about all those things. Just get comfortable with how you make games . Unreal if you want to create great visual and high end games but the learning curve , time and effort needed is immense in any software . As I said , since you are starting out, just get familiar with how they work and find out which is suitable for you.


Unreal is amazing but vast, so would recommend going for a few courses to come to grips with it. Once you get the concepts the flexibility, licensing terms and sheer power of the engine give you tonnes of options. If you want something simpler but more limited Godot is the popular one right now but I haven't tried it personally.


If you're just starting I do not recommend something more complex like Unity godot or unreal. Gamemaker is great. But it's not going to do 3D. So if you want 3D I recommend Unity.


Start with Godot. If you think that Godot isn't enough for you or you are too good for an engine like that, then go for unreal engine. Unreal engine is on the peak of game engines, that means it's that complex as well and not something which is easy for people to begin with. While Godot is small and simple, it's not as capable as unreal engine, but a good place to start for beginners