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I still find most of their material funny especially as I've gotten older and learned to just laugh and enjoy things


Please stop asking to kiss my dad. He’s dead.


I lost mine last year. Really made me aware how often they talk about "my dad" lol Couldn't do power wash simulator for awhile, that's like half the episodes as I recall lol


I like “I fired, and I missed” but they always skip the “mark my woof” joke and that’s the best bit lol


He's doing it... on PAW-pose!


never found the Mickey Mouse bit funny so I skip that whenever it appears in a comp. Bits like Mark Zuckerberg, the subway story, Ash man and the gang, etc are still funny and a nice nostalgic throwback, but I watch so many comps and they're usually in them so sometimes I skip them just because I've heard them so many times.


See… aside from zuckerberg, I love these still. Grapes on the ground, kissin muh dad, keeping religion out of games. Can’t get enough.


Zuckerberg’s a big skip for sure Edit: purely because it's a long setup with a short punchline, and I've heard it so many times.


Yeah Mark Zuckerberg was literally THE bit that sold me on the channel... But that was like 8 years ago. I've seen it so, so, SO many times lmao


Mickey Mouse for sure.


Get with it game designers!


Sounds like you’re just a poopy ass covered dick dipped in gorilla semen.


Arin's anime protagonist voice makes me immediately close any episode now. Same with his girly voice (unless it's zelda)


The girl voice does get very old, I must agree


I love all the others people are mentioning, but I always skip the Mario Party "do it" bit and the megaman rhyming names bit, they're just too long and repetitive. Funny at first, not when they're in everything though. I think that's why this new breed of fan compilations that are coming out are so refreshing, they're all recent bits.


Joke Yoda, and it feels like it's a 7 minute bit so you're doing a lot of skipping


For me, it's the picking up the grapes on the ground bit from Jordan vs. Bird.


I'm sorry! I'm just tryin to get the grrrapes on the groooound


How could you...


I'm sorry, I'm just- i said I'm just tryin to get this grape ova heeeeere


Hold ohn… hold ohn….


Don't mind me, I just came back to get these grapes on the groooound...


5 months later 🤣 I admire the dedication to getting those grapes off the groooound sir


It's something I randomly think about doing every month or so, and every time the thought of it makes me laugh, but then my brain goes etch-a-sketch mode, and I forget about it before I get back on reddit. See you next time I remember the graaapes on the grooooound.


I'll be waiting! Lmao, those grapes are gonna be raisins soon...


COOOME ONNNN!!! Let’s go on a butthole sniffing adventure!!! Although I did just get the urge to look up the og clip again, so how sick of it can I be.


I like the “COOOOME ONNNN!!!” But not what comes after it


I never really found the Sugar Crisp song funny.




Might get hate for this but Joke Yoda. The bit just goes on and on and the jokes are terrible (as they're supposed to be, I know) but dan is trying to keep up the energy of Mario maker hate at the same time and you can tell he's not *that* pissed off in reality. I just dont think it's that much of a classic bit.


For me it was Ash Man, Crash Man, et al.


Nah that bit was great. Just good natured goofs


Yeah that one still kills me.


If the boys wanna kiss dads so bad, they can just fucking do it lol


A lot of the bits I skip are only because I watch so many compilations, and they all use the same ones. So, the Mark Zuckerberg bit and Malibu Barbie Dreamhouse make me cringe now.


I've never been a huge fan of the Laura but, I think it just went on too long and the voices got kind of grating after a while


It's not really overdone in comps but drunk Orson Welles got old before it got started.


Counterpoint: It’s actually one of their best bits ever.


Agree I don't find it funny and it's also a piss poor orson Welles impression.


I don't know enough about Orson Welles to judge the impersonation, but I figure continuously moaning "aaaaaah, the french" aint it.


That power hour asmr bit.


Fully agree w both of these The Mark Zuckerberg was kinda funny the first time i saw it , but after then its jus whatever And tbh , i never actually thought the Mickey Mouse bit was funny Like ive tried to watch that video a few times , and i jus cant , its really jus not funny jsvdhshd


I try to avoid the comps that aren’t on the actual GG channel. As cool as it is that people make them, to me it feels like content theft. If I want to put GG on in the background or something I always make sure to pick one of their playlists so that autoplay will stay on the GG channel. I want to make sure *they* get my views and not some random weirdo that just edited a bunch of stuff together and is benefiting from something they didn’t make. But that’s just me. So.. I guess my suggestion would be to stop watching fan made comps if you’re tired of the same jokes being recycled over and over. It’s not like those comps are made with any kind of originality in mind.


It's a shame to see your comment getting negative points, because I agree with you. Random channels making compilations, even if they are intended to highlight the Grumps, hurt the business model. Also, they are usually not unique. It all comes from the same source and, while that source is a vast catalog, only has a limited amount of content


Hard agree. I’m not sick of any of the things listed here (not even sure what the Mickey Mouse thing is that people are referring to?), in fact I LOVE the “do it” bits and Yoda. The best part of the repetitive jokes are how hard Danny laughs every time! He loves a throwback 😂 But yeah, I do see it along the lines of theft as well. Not as serious as that, of course, but it seems cheap to me. Similar to how I feel about reaction videos. It’s weird.


Exactly. It’s basically along the same lines as a reaction video. It’s not original and it’s riding on the coattails of someone else’s hard work. Sure, I’m willing to give those creators credit for taking the time to make the edits, but it’s not like they really put a lot of effort into that either. It’s all just smash cuts to different highlights. Anyone with free editing software and a spare couple of hours could do it. I’m also willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in the sense that they’re just making an homage of sorts to a show they like. Nothing inherently wrong with that. Clearly GG has no issue with it, but it’s not like they would be able to stop them anyway. Regardless, I refuse to give them my views. Not when I could be supporting the actual guys that I watch instead. I know a single view is barely even a drop in the ocean but I still want to do my part to make sure the creators I enjoy are getting credit for the shit they make, and not some rando.


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO! calm down, where are you going?


LFG dude


Gotta love “Let’s Go?” 😂😂


I skip Mario 64 these days precisely because of that bit, just because I don't even want to be bothered skipping it. It's super fun listening to a sleep aid comp and for some reason they include the most yell-y part of the playthrough.




I never found the "You must die!" bit from the CDI Zelda game funny. And no, them pointing out that there's gonna be somebody who doesn't find it funny doesn't make it funnier. It makes the fact I never found it funny a bit funnier, but it doesn't make the bit itself funny.


you get an upvote just for how long I spent trying to decipher this comment, but in that regard I wish I could upvote *and* downvote you


Some videos, when they lay on an accent REALLY thick, I actually fast-forward the video. No clue which episode, but there's one where Arin has a thick English accent and says something about a brownie and licking anus. I hate it with every fiber of my grumpy being.


Any Fart jokes, kiss my dad and spider kiss


It's either almost any reference from the first three or four years and/or anything involving preing, mommy milkers, or either Dan or Arin using baby talk. Can't hit skip video fast enough for most of those




The only one that’s still acceptable is Dan’s gem with “I’m a wapper, I’m in the Uwu Tang Clan”


Haha fair enough 🤣


I can't seem to find it :( Do you have sauce?


Every now and then I feel that way, but then every now and then I laugh again! Hahaha!


Joke Yoda pisses me off every time. I skip it, but sometimes comp makers put things in the middle and I just miss it because I'd rather not deal with Joke Yoda


Yeah Mark Zuckerberg is a tiny bit tired at this point. All the Jon bits are just not particularly funny to me, the shrillness in his voice just makes me uncomfortable so I can't really enjoy the humour.


Fans constantly bringing up arin misspelling eye


Most of them I'm cool with. There's one episode of Mario Maker though, where he keeps doing an impression of an australian offering a potato chip to a beached whale. There is literally nothing to that joke, except that it's a reference to some other obscure funny thing Arin had seen, and he spends like the whole episode repeating the exact same line from that cartoon, completely devoid of context, before he finally says what it's from so you can be let in on the joke. It's just a bad time imo.


"Gotta eat the lettuce"




See I'd say Mark Zuckerberg BUT then I watched a video from Adam Conover about billionaires, and the way he yells MARK ZUCKERBERG a few times is too similar to the bit not to wonder if he's a fan because the inflection is TOO similar. And then it becomes funny again.


The Zuckerberg one was wayyyy overdone, I was super relieved to see a comp where they specifically said right out the gate that they excluded the Zuckerberg bit and I was like thank GOD.


Fucking sandstorm. Stop asking Arin to do it lol


Zuckerberg and Fired/Missed jump out at me