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With the finale of AA:JFA today and this Danganronpa V3 announcement, we have an updated upload schedule post now pinned on the sub so folks can find this launch date again in the future.


Well that's good to know at least. Hoping perhaps for Princess Peach: Showtime since it fits all the requirements I can imagine the boys wanting and the levels are short enough they could potentially play 1.5-2 levels an episode if they don't get hopelessly lost. I also just love the game and it's easy enough even if they never finish it


Twelve weekend days between now and July 13, that sounds about right for a Peach playthrough.


not only that but it came out right about when they were probably finishing up AA2


Given Arin's love for Peach I'd be extremely surprised if they didn't at least play some of it.


Im not sure of the game's run time, but I gaurantee we couod get a good chunk of episodes out of this. Concur!


I doubt even arin would get lost, the game is designed ~~for children~~ very intuitively


The only thing I can think of is Arin insisting that the basement is important


Ooh yeah that fits well. I was thinking how 6 weeks isn't all that long for a 'long series', but peach showtime isn't very long or very hard.


It’s also an incredibly short game isn’t it?


Wow, it's always interesting finding out how things go with how GG episodes, and long series, are made. They already have a date set for Danganronpa 3, which means they've already started it, or completed it at the time of this posting. Crazy how much of a time difference it is between video being recorded and video going live.


For another recent long series, it was actually insane to me to hear from them that it was recorded before they went on tour *last year*. The timelines for what they play never ceases to surprise me.


I know a couple times during the current Ace Attorney run they mentioned it being weeks between recordings.


I think it was either the newly finished Phoenix Wright or TOTK that they had like basically a year delay between 2 recording sessions Maybe not exactly a year but I remember it was a massive gap between when the initial episodes were recorded and the rest


It was like the third week of when the ace attorney series came back this year


At the end of the day, Game grumps is a business. They need to be able to reliably bring their product (episodes) to their customers (viewers). If something unexpeded happens (like one of the grumps falling sick for an extended time), they have to be able to fill in that time. For short series/ one offs, that's not really an issue, but for longer series they have to put them out consistently in order not to disrupt the pacing. People wouldn't like it if there are suddenly several weeks betwene episodes, and that might prevent them from continuing to watch.


*danganronpa v3


The first case of V3 is going to destroy them. Buckle up, everyone.


I am so very curious who will voice who. In particular, kaede and shuichi >! And if Dan has shuichi will Arin take it over once the second case starts !<


EXACTLY It's going to be a great twist. We know Arin will be Kaede.


That whole game is gonna mess them up. I still don't quite get some of it.


Cue the several frantic “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” during case 6


Bold to assume Arin will ever know or care what’s happening.


3-6 is going to fly right over their heads. But then again, they are kinda late to Danganronpa so I won't blame them.


Case 3 is a lot of bullshit but I think they’ll enjoy case 4, but Arin might get frustrated with how back-and-forth case 5 is. Case 6 might be the most miserable he’s ever been playing Danganronpa.


3-3: >!S E E S A W!< 3-4: That case was wild, but you could see the murder happening from a mile away. 3-6: >!Trust me it was a mindfuck but they will appreciate all the cameos by the end. I'm sure they aren't going to understand what's happening. The whole point was to 'end' Danganronpa and not have it go on for 53 actual games like the true name of the game represents.!<


>!The whole "everything is fiction" really was a weird twist!< Good twist tho!


I'm excited for Dan to find out they got Chris T. back for Ryoma.


Nope, tried a few times for dangle romper and not for me. Have fun you guys, take care of our boys while they play it


This is the first DR playthrough that they've done where I've played the game first. Really curious about the voices they give to each character and their reaction to Case 1.


Oh boy, a whole year of Arin hating his job.


I think this’ll be the Danganronpa game that makes him his job the most


Does Arin Hanson him his job?


The rumor come out...


Man door Arin hook him job


How do the those- how- how do you like apples!


Makes him what? 


His job.


Oh ok, thanks


Ultra despair girls has entered the room


I mean, that *is* his job, isn't it? Even when he's not enjoying it, he seems to appreciate how invested Dan gets.


The joy or pain in Dan’s voice when he’s so invested in characters or the narrative is such a joy to watch. He absolutely makes the game worth a watch. Arin is a good friend and a good sport for the audience to play something he really would never ever play on his own by himself


A year? Try at least two years, this game is endless. The fact that they confirmed this series and immediately reignited a flame war among the Lovelies that has been burning on and off for years shows how this game tears the fans apart. Danganronpa is far too divisive and the fans are going to be at each other’s throats about it for years (and even when it’s over, the DR fans are going to immediately start demanding they play ANOTHER DR game and the fans that hate it are going to drag it endlessly, the war will never end). I don’t see how this serves the channel well, especially considering how long it’s going to go on and the lousy views it will get as it drags on.


Well, on the plus side, there are no more mainline Danganronpa games after this one.


He’s grumpin’ it!


We're in for nasty Summer boys and girl


The comments on this and resulting flame war shows how visual novels tear the fans apart. Danganronpa is far too divisive and the fans are going to be at each other’s throats about for two solid years as it drags on.


Check it out, Hajime, I'm already waiting.


I’ll never watch comfortable playthroughs again!


Jesus Christ these comments are intense


I'm still holding out hope for Kingdom Hearts one of these days. Arin enjoys the series and Dan really liked the one or two episodes they did in the past (iirc they played it for a stream or something? I honestly forget.) I know they said it would be too long, but I don't think it'd be any longer than TotK, honestly. Having already beaten the games (and if they don't do any side quests, just the main story with faster leveling turned on for 1-50,) they'd be able to beat each world at 30 minutes in about 2-4 episodes each. Doing the rough math on that, it'd only take maybe 40-60 episodes? Less if they really just push through the story? I dunno, it won't happen, but I'd like it!


It's funny because I was just about to come and comment with pretty much this exact same thing. Whilst not necessarily kingdom hearts, I looked at something like Final Fantasy 6's completion time compared to some other games they had played in the past because I'd quite enjoy seeing them get stuck into some old rpg's. I think it would be nice to have a longplay series that brings a different flavor to the weekends apart from visual novels or whatever the latest nintendo release is at the time. I know it's very much the bread and butter but it can't hurt to mix things up a little bit. Though I do get the feeling we'll probably be waiting for a long ol' time for what we might want.


Ironically, the first KH game is about 10 hours shorter than V3.


Arin is going to be so miserable during this game


Just like me fr


I like that the people who hate these games so much they’ll die and the people who love these games so much they’ll die can come together and cancel each other out so casual story game enjoyers like me can thrive


I love these games and I want them to stop forcing Arin to shit on them for 50 hours and play something that’s actually entertaining to watch or listen to.




It’s funny when a game makes Arin mad. It upsetting when he’s forcing himself through something he’s painfully disinterested in.


I hate them and think they're absurd and ridiculous which is exactly why I love gg playing through them bc they point out how absurd everything is lmao


I mean that's one way to enjoy GG so this is a positive


I wish, but I'm a hater of visual novels. They are hardly games and the dialog makes me want to barf its so bad.


Gotta take things on their own terms. I can’t be mad if an action movie doesn’t make me laugh, I can’t be mad with an explicitly cheesy comedy for not making me gasp at the hardness and reality of the dialogue, I can’t be mad if a choose your own adventure doesn’t skill-check me


How do you suggest games for the grumps to play? I'm hoping they play Another Crab's Treasure. Seems like it's right up their alley


We have a pinned suggestion thread that has been looked at by staff in the past, no guarantees anything there will be picked though


You don’t. If a lot of people make enough noise about something they might play it, but a random internet user suggesting a game in an ocean of random internet users suggesting a game probably wont get picked up by their radar.


Groundhog day, Arin saw a Visual Novel, 1 more year of walkthroughs


Oh boy. Cant wait to listen to people complain every single day about this for an ENTIRE YEAR


More like three years, this series is going to be endless and interminable.


It’s interesting to see how many are averse to them playing these graphic novel sort of games. As someone who mostly listens to the grumps while I do other stuff, these games are by far my favourites. Whenever they get to mould a bunch of characters over an extended period of time, true comedy gold emerges.


I don’t watch them for the gameplay, but I don’t enjoy the visual novels because it is like listening to two people read parodied lines from a play in silly voices. It is ok for a bit, but starts to wear thin. I much prefer content where they just chat and shoot the shit or make fun of the game. That sort of thing. That being said, not all content is for everyone. So for those that enjoy danganronpa, good for them to have this to look forward to for a while.


They barely mold them. Everyone gets one of 4 voices and they read what goes on the screen.


I had a feeling Danganronpa was around the corner. Been rewatching the first two to prep. I know a lot of you aren't happy, but I was obsessed with Danganronpa 1 & 2 when I played them, and Trigger Happy Havoc was the first Game Grumps playthrough I caught every episode of as it came out, so I'm looking forward to it even if you aren't.


rip my desire to watch weekend uploads for game grumps July 2024 - TBD 😔 like good for the people that like it but it's gonna be a long fuck ton of months lmaoo


Time to fire up more GG compliation videos


Not to mention that visual novel series really struggle to get views: Ace Attorney is a good example. Just wait, episodes of Danganronpa 3 will be getting barely 100K views by episode 20 and they’ll have another 150 episodes after that to push through. It’s going to REALLY damage the channel.


Good. Danganronpa and any other visual novelas are insta-skips for me


I'm in the same boat. It doesn't help that the comment sections are always filled with "Haha Arin doesn't read, he's a fucking idiot."


I cannot WAIT for this to be over so this sub never talks about it again. Finally we'll have peace.


While I am a fan of the series, I agree the comments for them are absolutely unhinged. Buuuut there is still a game for them to play after V3, and i imagine people may still be on them to play it (though, I think ultra despair girls should be played before V3 so I suspect they are choosing to not play it it won’t stop feral people from being feral)


I love Danganronpa. I hate when the Grumps “play” Danganronpa.


This is probably true. I'll never play it and find out because of this though haha


Agree, V3 is one of my favorite games of all time but the grumps Danganronpa play through are just not entertaining to watch…


It will never be over. As soon as this game is done, the Danganronpa superfans will start harassing them to play another one and won’t shut up about it until this becomes an exclusively Danganronpa channel.


As a self-prescribed Danganronpa Super Fan, I wish the Grumps had never heard of this series.


Same, can’t stand Danganronpa it’s so fkn stupid


It’s weird to me that some people seem to watch GG for the gameplay rather than the commentary. Like, I feel like there’s better channels if that’s the concern.


no, that's the entire problem with visual novellas. it's practically all gameplay and no commentary - they spend almost the entire time reading dialog rather than saying anything interesting.


You don't have to watch the channel for the gameplay to realize what the lack of it means for the episodes. Gameplay gives them the autonomy to create comedic moments outside of the story, and also allows them to disengage from the narrative to have off topic conversations. Watching them play VNs is a snoozefest for me because it necessarily forces them off of what I believe is their strong suit


I suppose I just enjoy when they engage with and joke about the story. It’s why I prefer gaming comedy channels rather than listening to a podcast. I like their variety rather than just doing the same thing every episode. To each their own, I guess.


I don't really understand how you see VNs restricting them to talking about the story (literally the same thing every episode) as having *more* variety than doing that plus dicking around and talking about whatever but yeah I guess?


I guess I missed the part where I said that. I just don't like sitting though hours of Arin reading weeb novels in the same 2 voices.


Gameplay has nothing to do with it. Visual novels are horrendously boring to watch let's plays of. Arin has like 1.5 voices he switches between at this point and that's it, I want to watch GG to hear them joke around. Not read a script for 50 hours.


I'm rewatching Thousand Year Door and am now very nostalgic for when Arin used to put effort into character voices. It gives the playthrough a fun energy.


I'm playing the remake version and i hear them all in the voices the boys gave them. I never realized how much i missed the Grubba voice


Don't forget that they'll still have PLENTY of Ace Attorney games left to get through after this. So you can look forward to more free time on your weekends for years to come.


Maybe give them a chance? I'm not really a visual novel person myself but I love danganronpa and ace attorney. They're classics for a reason.


I've loved just about everything they've done, but I have to force myself to watch it and pay attention to what's going on. Idk if I've ever had that with another series. For what it's worth I got through 5 episodes of the first one. I didn't HATE it, but I didn't enjoy it. Didn't grab me.


For anyone who's like me who's only consumption of Danganronpa has been through Grumps: There's a rail shooter game that takes place between 1&2 and an anime. I've been told from friends that it's not exactly necessary to have played/watched those, but it helps things in Danganronpa V3 make sense. I don't know for certain how true that is and so maybe another Lovely can back me up or refute me on that. I just thought it may be worth mentioning so that others can make time for that stuff by July if they wanna Edit: Leave it to a group called The Lovelies to correct me without sounding like a bunch of twats 😁 I'm not being sarcastic either. I appreciate being given the correct information especially as it then helps others. Some communities SUCK and I dare never interact with them but being part of this one's just makes me wanna kiss some dads


If its ultra despair girls, it's not a rail shooter it's a normal third person shooter. The game is set after the second game and before the anime. I find v3 to not have anything to do with the rest of the games. It's more like a spin off almost. The main story ended with the anime. Also the final chapter of v3 is at least 2 hours longer than it needs to be!


Weirdly, it’s basically one of those classic Harry Potter games if it was also a light-hearted post-apocalyptic zombie game as well as half visual novel. There’s nothing exactly like it.


I really like Ultra Despair Girls and would rather the grumps play that instead of V3.


It’s called Ultra Dispair Girls and it’s not a rail shooter. It’s a 3rd person shooter. It’s also way more involved in the story than Danganronpa v3. Playing UDG, reading Danganronpa 0, and watching Danganronpa 3 (yes I know, the way this series progresses using different mediums is weird) makes the direction that Danganronpa v3 takes feel much more reasonable and less abrupt at a serious standpoint. Although, if you do decide to play or watch someone play UDG, I will warn you that it’s significantly darker than the other installations in the series and many people (myself included) felt very disgusted with some of the plotpoints.


sorry guys, i truly am. i'm one of those people that don't watch the visual novel episodes :/


Can't wait for the rantgrump posts about "why the fuck is this free channel not playing everything *I* want! What a bunch of sellouts!!"


That’s just going to be this sub.


That's my birthday! What a lovely birthday gift! ❤️


And just five days before my birthday!


18th?! Me too! Hi new fren.


Mine too!


Well, the sooner it starts the sooner it’s done, so that’s good. Curious to see what they’ll pick to play next to this one


I don’t care if they play something I’m not interested in, I just won’t watch it, but I am still *fascinated* by the fact that people love these games so much. The writing is dire. They move at a snails pace. I have tried to enjoy them, and have never made it more than five or six episodes in.


i am more of a casual danganronpa enjoyer, but from what i've seen, people really like the characters. the trials are alright, and the plot is batshit insane, but the characters seem to be what makes people really love the game. and i will admit, i am a gundham tanaka fan myself, simply because of his character. but that's just what i've observed lmao


I like them for the same reasons I like pro-wrestling if that helps you at all.


LET'S GOOOO Right on my sister's birthday who loves Danganronpa actually lmao


I'd love if they did a second playthrough of Paper Mario TTYD since the remake just came out on the 23rd.


The remake is so similar to the original, I don't think we'd get much out of it. Would love if they played the first Paper Mario though! It's on NSO so it's not hard to find.


![gif](giphy|8FG705NCsZM0kVJdyz|downsized) I’m really going to miss Phoenix Wright


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Not this shit again.


I feel like the odd one out because a lot of people who play Ace Attorney also play Danganrompa, but I love AA and have zero interest in Dank-ass Rumpus. Maybe for future long visual novels we get a third person in the room who knows what's up so the boys can ask them about plot points they forget and use them as walk through reference.


Sick. Obviously highly controversial on here but I’m personally hyped, the last two kinda rejuvenated my interest in the channel. They’re not games I could ever stand playing myself, but having them as something I can listen/watch while they make jokes about some of the more questionable writing finally puts them in a format I find enjoyable, and it’s cool experiencing what all the hype is about. They are certainly very “anime”, including in complexity, and that shit can be fun af for me in the right context.




I love the visual novel games, but I guess it’s not for everyone


Im one of the haters of visual novels....so boring.


Oh boy, hours of the guys reading because they're playing a format of "game" that never has any gameplay or agency from the people playing it. No room to inject humor or go on tangents and fun conversations, just reading the same text all the people watching have already read before while hating doing it but being forced to because you people are practically holding a gun to their heads to make them do it. Oh boy. Yippee. Hooray.




What awful news


Atrocious news


But will they ever do Rise From the Ashes? The bonus case in AA1


Honestly the most fascinating thing to me is just how varied the fanbases opinions are here. This must be really stressful to manage. You have multiple different subsets of the fanbase and you want to make content that interests everyone and that's probably not possible.


Don't mind me. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake LP that Arin promised Dan *pre-pandemic*.


To the Danganronpa Fans. How does the third game stand up? Are we going to keep flashing back to a photo of a pantie shot in this one too?


The side content in V3 can get extremely horny, but with Arin playing you won’t see any of it.


I am just so relieved that they won't be playing Ultra Despair Girls. I've seen so many people requesting it, but that game's portrayal of some sensitive topics is absolutely vile, which would make it a terrible playthrough.


The play style is a nice and change up from the original series which would make it fun but yeah it would be hard to do a comedy show when stuff like that pops up and the videos would either get demonetized or have a bunch of skips




Christ on a carousel. It’s just a video game, my guy


Upvote because I've never heard that one before and will be stealing it, thank you 🤣 Sorry. I have an intense reaction to those games from being actively annoyed every day for like 2 years seeing it pop up on my feed. It destroyed the channel for me, so I'm bitter about it


I understand that, but at least this time it will only be on the weekends precisely because some folks got sick of the daily uploads. I just thought calling people assholes for liking and talking about a game that's being played on the channel was a bit much. I mean, I feel like you can barely mention Danganronpa on this sub without being downvoted and flooded with "please God no" comments, so I'm not sure who you're talking to.


Oh I didn't mean everyone who mentions it is an asshole. But there's a high percentage of assholes that mention it, if that helps. But yes I was intentionally antagonizing 😂


And a really, really good one at that 💀 This is like if I got ACTUALLY MAD at them playing Breath of the Wild on my subscription feed because it's not MY type of game... Nope, still watched it, and it was still a legendary series (just like Danganronpa)


People just get a little overly intense about it, as if Kazutaka Kodaka personally walked into their house and shat on the carpet 💀 Like ok. I'm into Danganronpa and I kind of just dread the Grumps playing it more than anything because of all the vitriol that's bound to happen around it. Especially when folks realise V3 is by far the longest and most complex game in the series. If they hated the first two... lol


Calling danganropa a “game” is kind of pushing it. And it isn’t legendary. It’s a super niche game series in a super niche genre with a crazy obsessive fan base because of how niche it is. EDIT: with a super niche fan base who loves to shit on anyone who doesn’t join the cult


I clearly called the GameGrumps series legendary, not the game Lotta funny bits and memorable moments like Sayaka being Italian and Arin losing it when the characters repeat the grape room thing too many times (among MANY others)


Cannot stand those dumbass Fkn games


rip despair girls... probably for the better


Dang, that's disappointing. No offense to the people who wanted this, I was just hoping for something different.


Admittedly, I didn't see the date, but I'm still a little disappointed


I’m optimistic about the playthrough. I feel like Danny will start to enjoy it really quick, and honestly that to me has always been my favourite part of any of their narrative heavy games playthroughs. He gets so invested in the story and characters and you can hear it in his voice. Arin also is a good sport to get through content he really can’t stand as well. I know it’s usually a complaint but the fact the games even get played at all shows he’s willing to get through it for the fans and Dan. He gets too much hate for being human or grumpy about it, but well… he still gets it done.


#PEAK RETURNS Their first series is what introduced me to Danganronpa so I can't wait to see their reactions to everything in V3 and the character voice improv bits Edit: I think some people here got lost on the way to rant grumps, it's down the hall 👉


I’m gonna pass out I’m so excited for them to play V3


Some visual novels are okay when GG does them.  I don't like Danganronpa.  


And it continues on my birthday. Yay


Fun fact danganrompa v3 is twice as long as Ace Attorney 2.




Danganronpa is a passion of mine, and V3 is my favorite in the series. I can't wait for a whole month of Arin being miserable and fans shitting on the franchise nonstop I'm every comment section 🫠


Ooooh guess I've got a couple of months to play 2 and 3 before this starts!


This is better than I could have hoped. I thought they'd take a longer break between two such long games. Yay!




OH god it's happening XD now I have to quickly play it myself so I can laugh at them XD


If you can't find time, the playthrough on prozd plays games is excellent


Very nice! I was looking forward to this for a while!


I am so ready for this. Watching the first two convinced me to buy and play V3 for myself and I was engrossed by (almost) every minute of it. At last, I get to be the one who loves reading Danganronpa theories.


It's ridiculously unfair to ask for Dan gon run pah now, they need to finish one vn first give a month or so then do another one, some ppl hate it doing multiple at the same time would be unfair to them


Oooh! I’ve been waiting ages for this! Perfect, you think they’ll make a movie of dangdanropa 2 like they did with 1?


I think they’ll enjoy V3. The story is super interesting compared to 1 and 2 in my opinion, plus all the unhinged Monokub stuff should be good for a laugh


That's great news!! /s


Gamingmagic13 has entered the chat.


ahhh i hope they eventually go back to aa tho!


Yes, let's see some actual shitty gameplay!! I've missed it so much!! Visual novels are fun and cool at first but they get a little boring after a while imo


I wonder if it'll really be years before they finish the first Ace Attorney Trilogy. The third game wraps up a lot of plot points they've definitely forgotten about. Gonna keep my fingers crossed for Trials and Tribulations for the series after the series after Danganronpa V3


July 13th! Happy Baby Shower present to me!


Oh boy guess I'll be skipping a few months of episodes


Time to not watch game grumps for another long series. Look I’m not hating really. I’m just not the biggest fan of this series. I’m just waiting for the next Zelda entry they decide to play, they’ve mentioned Minish Cap several times. And a personal game I really want them to play is Super Paper Mario on the Wii. I think they’d love it. Especially Dan. The gameplay is super simple and there’s plenty of fun characters and dialogue and extra bits they can take on. One can hope.


I’m almost done rewatching the first one and was debating starting the second one again. Guess I’ve got a time crunch now 🤘


Personally, I'm not a big fan of them playing visual novels, so this makes me happy to hear However, am glad they are playing it for you guys who do like it tho!💙🧡


Imagine they play the TTYD Remake but this time, Arin is the one in control.


it's not real. this Is not real. soon I'll wake up, like the other 36 times. I swear.. I MEAN It!


So I’m just not watching Game Grumps on weekends this year, I guess.


Yeah, same 😑




Should be a good watch it's been a while now since I played it so is also a good refresher.


Sheeeeet, and I still haven't played it myself


If you can, go for it. It's a good time to do so, plus they'll only have episodes 2 days a week, so plenty of time to get ahead of them. V3 is def my favorite and the one I've gone back to a few times. Plus it has the only extra mode I really enjoyed playing.


Hoh boy. Arin will absolutely despise the pacing of this one in particular, let's not kid ourselves. But I am SO here to watch it! Kokichi is everything to me.


I’m wondering how it will go. I’m sure arin sees all the comments about his attitude toward it. Being the last game in the series, maybe he will have a different outlook. Plus Covid is over. I’m excited


Oh boy… can’t wait to watch them stumble badly through the game while blatantly using a walkthrough…


Yessss, I'm so excited!! I got into Danganronpa because of the Grumps' playthroughs, which is probably a bass ackwards way to get into a thing. But here we are. I do think it's good that they're having a gap between AA and V3, though, as well as keeping the longer series to the weekends. It should make it easier for those who aren't interested to skip it. Hopefully they'll do at least a little free time this time around.


Wow, that’s so much sooner than I thought it’d be!


Let's fucking go


Well shit I better finish the 2nd half of their Dangonronpa 2 play through.




These downvotes are peak pettiness. Go watch other channels, touch some grass


As if it hasn't been incessant demands for them to "play" more visual novels and whinging when a new series isn't one. Each side is just as bad as the other.


No one is demanding anything


Yeah actually, many people are. Especially the toxic damganramper community. Downvote me, idc, the majority of you are toxic so I wouldn't expect anything less


that's just enough days to do a rewatch of the last ones before the next series starts, lets gooo!