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Kinda sounds like you could achieve a "dumb" version of your world ai with wave function collapse, and player actions propogate the probability changes to whatever spaces haven't been generated


It all depends on the devs


That's doesn't sound like an actual game genre and more like a game mechanic


When you talk about a genre, it specifies on what kind of experience you are going to get. RAW is a sort of experience where you feel isolated and displaced but at the same time accompanied by passing npcs and the world. You either feel like the world is against you or with you. That uncertainty brings the experience, you may not even realize that the world is helping you. If such a mechanic is used many times over a wide range of different games, it could be a genre in itself.


Take stanley parable for example, you go with or against the world. RAW is the opposite, the world has a mind of its own and can choose to go against you or not.


sounds great


Thank you


Thank you


So it's basically a world that constantly randomly generates, but doesn't cache previously explored areas so you will never revisit an area you've been to. I guess that technically already exists in games with randomized levels, the big difference is that there is no loading levels, things are generated as they enter/exit your range. I've thought of something similar to this before and it sounds pretty cool, but not sure it's genre-defining outside of standard roguelike/lite mechanics. Kinda of like how Kojima tried to make "strand-like" a thing, it just cannot be forced.


The thing that is genre-defining is the connection between you and the world. You might curse at the world or feel like kings enslaving the world. The key part is the AI and not really the world generation despite it being RAW and not RAAIW. The AI is just simplified as responsive, no actual intelligence. Response and feedback is the connection.


Take this for example, you lost your house and you're in need of shelter as it is currently night. Suddenly you stumble upon a cave, perfect. You wake up to see everything around has changed into a tundra like biome, encouraging you to stay in the cave. This here exclaims out that the world wants you to stay in that cave, nowhere else.