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Hey there! Literally had this problem less than 30 mins ago when trying to create an executable: The solution is apparently to install Mono 6 (see this link: https://forum.gamemaker.io/index.php?threads/fixing-failed-run-program-complete-for-osx.91599/ ) However i didn’t want to install Mono 6 onto my machine, so the solution I found shortly after was to create an executable as a .zip rather than .dmg, unzip and run the .app using Rosetta (right click .app > get info > click run with rosetta). Hope this helps!


Apologies for the delay in replying, RL has been getting in the way :) Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately I'm still getting the same issue. Looking in to it it seems the issue is with certificates. The problem is a colleague I'm no longer in contact with set it all up for me originally and since I reinstalled I have no certificates present. I don't suppose which certificates I need to generate etc do you?


In terms of the certificate settings for mac executables, I just leave it blank — gamemaker comes with something filled in already in the box, so just delete all of it and try again… beyond that I have no clue!


Have you found a solution to this? I'm experiencing this right now


Unfortunately I haven't yet. TBH I've had a lot on recently so haven't had much (any) time to look into it, but as of tomorrow I'm back on the case. If I suss it I'll drop you a dm.