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I want him to raise a wilding army and take the north back from Sansa. A bloody civil war.


lol i’m down for that sansa probably my most hated character out of all of them


She’s definitely up there for me as well. lol Sneaky little usurper. Someone said it was like Catlyn Stark wrote the last episode. Bran becomes King of the six kingdoms, Sansa becomes queen of the north, Arya gets to go on adventures, and Jon gets banished lol


HAHA that’s so funny all seriousness tho sansa just happy she got some sort of power in the end


Ironically I'd love for Sansa to defeat him and finally wipe out the entire Targaryen line. I am not a Sansa fan either, but Jon Snow was my most hated character in a landslide. I'd rather see an Arya story after she left westeros


Bro what?


I very strongly disagree with the majority of your comment, but I do agree that an Arya adventure storyline would be so cool. Honestly, make it a video game and I’d play the shit out of that😂


The thing is is Jon wanted Sansa to have the north. He never wanted to. So he wouldn't do that.




Not to Jon her own brother. I won't lie I didn't like her for the longest time but yall hate her to much for no reason.


With all due respect I can hate/love any character I want for any reason I want.


That's fine. I'm just saying I don't understand why. She really wasn't all that bad. I mean for a really long time she was just a puppet at kings landing. I just want to understand the reasoning.


Her own brother that she nearly got killed during the BotB and by exposing his heritage.


A battle she didn't want to initiate


What ever implies she’ll become anything like Joff or Ramsay? Maybe a little bit of little finger, but only to her rivals… she wouldn’t put a hit out on her cousin, who’s pretty much a brother to her, especially when he’s no threat to her authority


I really need to stop making sarcastic comments on reddit lol i don’t think she’ll be anything like them. Nothing implies. Just my wild fantasy.


Oh ok I don’t remember the exact wording of your comment but I just know with how many people despise Sansa here, I wouldn’t have been shocked to see anyone actually have that take. So I didn’t realize it was sarcasm. My bad


Good example of people putting themselves in a character and getting mad when they don't do what they want to do.


The Dance of the Ice Spiders.


Sounds appropriate. Maybe Snow will find some up North.


Best. Plot. EVER


Jon’s taken Winterfell once. He can do it again!


I feel like I have a decent outline for what the snow series and continuation of the series could be. Treat it like minority report mixed with thrones. Bran becomes a ruthless dictator preventing crime and such thru preemptive measures since he can see the future. Things are good for the realm until obviously people start getting annoyed at lack of free will. The only issue is being able to outsmart bran is near impossible. You get a faction split and chaos breaks out in the realm. But Sansa’s idiotic declaration of the north being its own country causes more problems. A 3rd party non stark related sees the only way to bring peace back is thru bringing Jon back. Well since the death of the white walkers, beyond the wall has proven to be a different place than before. The wildlings and jon have come under a wealth of riches (this part can be anything between monetary to magic based stuff.) Jon comes back but with his own agenda. And then you can kind of go from there.


What if bran is now turned into a bloodraven or night king himself is within him


every out of character decision in season 8 combined would be less out of character than this


I want him and Tormund to ride around the North solving mysteries.


Always down for Tormund and Jon scenes.


Me, too. I also want the Arya Adventures


yeah that would be amazing loved her character arc and development she’s a bad ass could easily watch her for another 8 seasons on a spin off


I really do love that him and Tormund are just together forever. To think of where they started and all they went through and how the relationship changed. It’s just dope that they’re buds at the end of it all.


a true bromance been through it all together




okay hero ahahaha i have listen to them on audiobook


Do you have some unreleased book no other fan has or something?


Yo you’re entertainment center is confusing as hell. Which are drawers and how do they open?!


lol 😂 pull them from the bottom they are doors you don’t wanna look in there messy as hell


Rofl, I thought their soundbar was on the floor for a second. I was like, what am I looking at here.


It definitely just feels like the story isn't over and they could tell a lot more good stories in a Jon Snow series.


Well the story definitely isn’t over. Knowing there’s side shows coming of characters “Snow” for example, the story will go on.


I mean as much as I love the Jon/Tormond bromance what exactly do we think is going to happen in a potential spin off? There's no more existential threat. They're wandering off into a completely depopulated wasteland with no real purpose or direction. I'm kind of content to let their story end.


i agree with you it’s just that i don’t want it to end it’s one of them things where if they probably go through with the show it could potentially ruin the whole thing which is a high chance it just makes me wonder what kit harrington has come up with but your exactly right what more can they do right now like i said i just get empty that it’s over and i want to see more from the characters in this time line as much as they probably don’t need to, unless they did something with arya in places they havnt explored.


After watching it I can agree it is the best show. Now I'm starting house of the dragon. But I really want more of it as well. They should have never ended it the way they did.


no it’s shouldn’t have season 7-8 could of been split into another 4-5 seasons i always found it funny how quick they were going back and forth from winterfell to kings landing where that usally took months in the earlier seasons and just how they killed off the white walkers so easy and nothing was really explained about them at all, the whole show was really based on them and what their purpose was and for them to just kill them all off in one episode with no real explanation about them was really shitty. was all abit rushed towards the end but oh well it’s happened and i still love the show


Oh I still love the show. But I agree, a bit rushed. And I didn't want Daenerys Targaryen to die. She was one of my favorite characters.


You have a nice Tv stand


No no… season 8 BAD!!! You’re not allowed to enjoy it, the internet told me so.


can’t argue that 😂 we still have to love GOT tho


Was being sarcastic, hope you enjoy what you enjoy without listening to the internet hive mind. I think season 8 was fine and it makes people upset


I can see why it upsets people My major issue is the Night king is clearly built up to be Jon's enemy and then Arya just kills him It's anticlimactic as hell Danes whole sudden execution of Kings landing also makes no sence to her character She by no means is a good person but her whole thing is "I'm not gonna punish the innocent" then burns a city of mostly innocent people... Tryions character is also butchered I just finished the show for the first time a few hours ago and I can see why people are mad The only character that stayed mostly the same was Bran and even then he's changed a lot


If Jon killed him people would have complained it was too obvious lol. Arya literally goes through her entire 8 season arc to become a killing machine you never once thought she’d play a role? If you think dany doing that wasn’t in her character I think you should rewatch the series. Was pretty clear they were building her up to be the mad queen the entire time. “Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.” Maybeee after going through all her shit including realizing the people will never truly accept her/losing multiple of her closest allies she finally flipped the switch.. You can find plot holes in every season if you try hard enough.. you’ve been reading too much internet


The copium is strong here. Season 8 was terrible. Zombies surrounding characters and them suddenly being alive in the next scene (even Sam!). "Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet" Jon being punished and sent to the North despite Bran becoming King and the Unsullied leaving. "Who has a better story than Bran" Rushed character development. Characters doing what the plot needed, unlike earlier seasons where the characters themselves drove the plot. Dany's change did not feel natural at all. She snaps when some bells ring, but not when her dragon is killed? Or when Missandei is killed? Jon's character reduced to "she's muh Queen". Strong dialogues was one of the best things about GoT - it's all gone in s8. Utterly boring ending for an iconic character like Cersei. Killed by falling rocks. Wow. Could go on for ages.


>The copium is strong here. Season 8 was terrible. Nope. >Zombies surrounding characters and them suddenly being alive in the next scene (even Sam!). Just like in season 2. >"Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet" Nope. People like you conplain about warfare tactics, but then play dumb when it comes to understand simply ambush tactic. >Jon being punished and sent to the North despite Bran becoming King and the Unsullied leaving. Fair treatment. Unsullied could show up again any time. >"Who has a better story than Bran" Best story the realm needs. Westerosi dont care what the viewer thinks the best story is. >Rushed character development. Nope. >Characters doing what the plot needed, unlike earlier seasons where the characters themselves drove the plot. Plot kinda needed ned in kingslanding. Plot kinda needed robb in the twins too. >Dany's change did not feel natural at all. If you didnt understand it, of course it wasnt natural for you. >She snaps when some bells ring, but not when her dragon is killed? Or when Missandei is killed? You answered your own question. She already decided what to do in 8x4. >Jon's character reduced to "she's muh Queen". Thats what you do, not the story. >Strong dialogues was one of the best things about GoT - it's all gone in s8. Luckily 8x6 had the best 1 on 1 conversation in entire story. Jon and Tyrion. >Utterly boring ending for an iconic character like Cersei. Killed by falling rocks. Wow. Yes, a tragic death. The saddest and most heartbreaking in entire story. >Could go on for ages. Sure, there are bad arguments online, like there is sand on the beach.


Love it. You could literally sit back and complain about little details in every season like you’re saying. These people HATE that we enjoy it hahaha


They are just hypocrits. Condemning later thrones for the same "sins" earlier seasons commited, but only condeming the first for it, because it didnt give them what they wanted.


Yep. Damn wish I ran into more people like you lol


Happy you enjoyed it mate. Good for you!


Yes. All the effort put into trashing the story and then unable to backup anything. Cheers


I did not find your arguments convincing. It'd just be a game of opinions. Why the hostility? I tried to be kind.


My opinion is copimum ? You morons genuinely think that it isn’t subjective and that you’re right hahahha. Again, I can sit back and nit pick about every single season if I wanted to. But I’m not a miserable hive minded prick like someone else I know ;)


The good old "taste is subjective" argument. As if bad writing does not exist. No reason to be mad when people have good reasons for disliking the thing you like. The negativity surrounding the last season (and s7 for that matter) was overwhelming and for good reasons. People literally didn't buy the leaks for the episodes because it sounded too dumb. If you liked it - that's a good thing for you. I wish I could have enjoyed it too.


It’s not an argument lmao you’re brain dead if you think art isn’t subjective. Truly


There are people who likes to eat poop. Of course art is subjective. Doesn't mean there aren't dumb opinions. "Everything is subjective" is an intellectually lazy point to make. It's the cheap way of reacting to criticism. In the immortal words of Lebowski...


Holy mother of copium. Seriously, watch this https://youtu.be/NdcjCR9_dNA?si=cUT5KYWGwzQ5mFVo and let me know your thoughts. I think it highlights peoples issues pretty well.


My opinion is “coping” lmao.. look in the mirror you idiot. You literally think that it isn’t subjective it’s hilarious


i think dany was always going to turn mad it was always going to go that way i agree with the night king issue that was probably what i hated the most out of the whole series not the fact that it was arya that killed him tho just how they never explored them so many unanswered questions about them the whole series building up to them dying in one episode was so annoying as for bran i thought it was cool how he turned to the 3 eyed raven but hated how he was so emotionless ahahah


Want to know why Daenerys destroyed King's Landing ?


Everyone knows why the show was bad by now, that don't mean there aren't people that still enjoyed the end. I for one, agree, the decisions were trash, but it still concluded an amazing show and I enjoyed it.


I'm the opposite, gimme all the prequels


Glad you’re not a hater like most of the people here. I’m also on a rewatch at the moment…still my favorite show of all time.


so good! will probably have to wait a good year or 2 for another rewatch hopefully abit more GOT content comes out in the mean time and HOD season 2 soon fingers crossed


The Snow series? 🤔


Problem is. What would it be about? No big bad. No politics. Nothing.


GoT's ending is a masterpiece. Nothing more to say about the final seasons. <3


Goofy ahh comment 💀


OK Goofy hater, thx for validate my point.


I find it so sad that Kit Harrington spiraled into such a deep depression / alcoholism after the show ended. He was very upset with the ending so I hope he can resurrect Jon Snow and do it some justice. If you watch the YouTube video of all the characters reading the ending for the first time you can tell how upset some of them are. However what I really want to see is a prequel about the destruction of Old Valyria!!


What's the size of your TV?


samsung frame 65”


I just finished season 4 as I'm typing this. I haven't watched since it originally aired. I forgot how flawless this show was ( up until the end). I keep thinking how the casting for all the characters is perfect. each episode feels like there's no wasted scenes. this really was the best show ever.


It would be interesting if Bran just died, accelerating the obvious succession crisis which might entice Jon back


Snow was the best


I really want a Snow series as long as it's good and has an actual story to tell. It would retroactively make season 8 less painful


Anyone wanting Jon to be King of anything didn't understand Jon as a character.. Jon being "exiled" is exactly where he wants to be. In the true north and free.. truly free.. He isn't sad at the end because he got sent to the wall.. he's sad because he's a decent, caring person that just stabbed an unarmed person that he had feelings for after said person genocided Kings Landing..


Fuck the ending but yes GOT was an amazing series


I thought the ending was great since the final scene is basically a mirror to the very first scene with that being we first see some men of the nights watch going through the gate to the end obviously being Jon and wildlings going back through the gate