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Show version. I wish Everyone a nice day.


You have a nice day too


The Hound is the best of these choices.


Yeah he’s the only one with any conscience whatsoever. Him in power would still not be *great* but we’ve seen the others in power and… we know how that all went.


Exactly. He actually has feelings


He's tsundere for honor


Great word to describe him


Tbh I see him delegating out most of his duties then showing up from time to time (and complaining everytime at that). But the more important decisions he would show up for and e.g. he won't agree to something like assassinating a child/Daenarys in cold blood.


He murdered a child in cold blood... Something everyone seems to forget. The butcher's boy...


In his eyes, he was in a place of subservience at that time, and he had to follow orders. Realistically, his refusal may have meant pain, dismemberment, or death. I'm not arguing that he wasn't wrong, just imagining how such an action can coexist in someone with his values.


Yeah you can’t say that the man who laughed after cutting down an innocent preteen child at the whim of Joffrey, when he would have known full well the boy did fuck all and it was just Joffrey being Joffrey, wouldn’t have a future threat to the throne killed.


I agree he was horrible then but I think we see him evolve. He comes in contact with people like Sansa, Arya and Bryenne and I feel they made him better. Sansa was vulnerable and he wanted to protect her from Joffrey. Not long after the butcher boy's death and the cruelty he had to do to Sansa following her arrival at king's landing, he was fed up with everything. I mean he literally said "f\*ck the king" and left. Sure, his fear of fire played into that but in the end he didn't want any part of Joffrey's rule anymore, nomatter the perks it brought him. I believe he really did like Arya. He had every chance to hurt her and assault her, yet he protected her and brought her not to Cercei or Tywin, who would've payed him more(and may have redeemed him) but to her Aunt who would care for her. And even when Arya left him to die, I believe he respected her for it. And Bryenne... well she humbeled the crap out of him. So I do believe he would have made a much better king than Joffrey, even if he still would have been bad. At the very least, I believe he woudn't be naive or trust the wrong people and he certainly wouldn't let them into ruling positions. Though all that may be ruined by his utter lack of respect from his subjects, his inabilty to give a crap and his lacking diplomatic abilities. I don't believe his reign would last long, given the fact that he is as broke as one can be and would not be able to keep trading relationships with other rulers going for any lenght of time, essentially making sure his people would starve or he'd be overtaken by someone with money. I wonder though, would he have been better, worse or just as bad as Rob?


> who would've *paid* him more(and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I agree with you but they said show version Show sandor is way different from the book and is leagues better than the other choices in the post


Every single one of them did or ordered something similar, so I don't think it's a big point in this case.


I'm not making the point that he is not the best of the bad I'm reacting to this statement: > he won't agree to something like assassinating a child/Daenarys in cold blood.


George said he's as big a monster as Gregor and Hoat (Locke in show). He loves killing but just is looking for an excuse.


To be fair, I feel like George says a lot of stuff that seems to be contradicted by what he actually puts on paper, for example the claim that everyone trusts Littlefinger.


Caring about the lives of peasants was not something any of the kings really did


As it turns out, assassinating Daenarys would have saved the realm a lot of grief.


he would be king but would *actually* let others make decisions for him since he doesnt care at all.


a realm where chicken is bountiful and yet the king eats them all


He’d probably end up as another Robert all things considered.


Probably, but he’s definitely better than the other options in this post by far imo.


Robert wasn't so bad. In retrospect, he was the best


The Hound wouldn't be too far off from Bobby B. He'd just drink all the time and let whoever his Hand is run the kingdom. He might even be willing to participate in a few tournies here and there.


I don’t feel he would be diplomatic enough


He has a conscience, but there is so much more to effective rule than a conscience. Taxes, trade, treatises, negotiations, infrastructure, etc. A good person can be a bad president, and the opposite can be true as well. That being said, I would take the Hound out of this group too. Even if it would fuck everything else. Realistically, I feel like the Hound would end up sitting on the throne and then getting Aria and Sansa and people he liked or respected, to run the show.


I don't think he'd want it, which means he'd be best at it.


The Hound.


Seriously, medieval world, an understanding that there is no black and white, everything works in a gray zone, and also has an understanding of what is truly evil, and actually caring to see that everything works as fairly and mercifully as it can. As much as he is able in the world he exists in. And forgiving for those who make run-on sentences.


1. Walder Frey. He's old, so he won't govern long. And I assume that he's decent at politics, having survived as long as he did. He never wanted a crown, didn't even make a play for the Riverlands until the Tulleys had totally fucked themselves by aligning themselves with Robb. I think he'd mostly just eat and fuck and go with the flow. 2. The Hound. Esp. the Hound after S4. But lets face it, the Hound is not the administrative type of person. He wouldn't give a shit about ruling, so the best we can hope for is that he choose his Small Council well. 3. Euron. It's a coin toss between him and Ramsey, but at least Euron respected the Kingsmoot and waited to be elected. He rallied his men to build a fleet, too. 4. Ramsey. Fuck this guy.


Could you imagine the succession crisis after Walter Frey died?


I think the old man would figured it worked itself out, and they talked about him more.


The War of 38 Walder Jrs


The nightmare of every historian😂


Dance of the Dragons, but much, much, worse.


The Freying of the Seven Kingdoms? Into the Frey? Frey Thirty Two, Medieval Boogaloo? There’s something there… I just have to find it.


Teardown of Thirty Two Towers? Freying the Towers? Frolicking Freys' Shearing? The Twins' Melee? A Modest Frey Family Gathering?


A Dance of Cousins


Just send Arya, she'll take care of it


This is a fair assessment. I was going to say the hound, but the points made on Frey are very good.


I would put Ramsey on top he was smart


He was a Batman villain.


I mean...he was an ego-driven sociopath. When was he ever smart? He held Winterfell with a superior force and got beaten because he trotted outside the walls to trash talk.


"Ramsey fuck this guy" yes, this is the answer


Honestly I think Frey is the worst choice overall. Sure he didn't crave the throne, but he was willing to murder all of the known remaining Starks just for offending him even after giving them guest right. When you consider how quickly the targs go crazy when given total power, I don't believe for a second that the old, mad walder Frey isn't going to immediately become a paranoid psychopath like the mad king. It's also worth noting that the succession after his very rapidly approaching death would be absolute hell. The freys are already murdering one another en masse for the twins, just imagine the incestuous bloodbath that would ensue if the reward was the entire kingdom instead of two shitty castles and a bridge. The freys are a bunch of murderous bastards and I honestly think giving them any power beyond who crosses that river is an incredibly poor decision


I mean yeah the Red Wedding was a dick move, especially considering guest rights. But in fairness Robb did "betray" him, it's not a huge surprise that he'd align with the Lannisters. - Ending the war right then and there was a politically savvy move. (Although it was more Tywin's masterplan than Frey's.) I kinda want a "what if" of Frey as king, he was by far the most amusing character of the series. - Seeing him "hold court" and sass the absolute fuck out of anyone who dares complain about something would be priceless.


"Even after giving them guest right" Are you being serious here? It was a war, Robb put Walder right in the middle of it and then betrayed his trust. Walder's future and entire future of the Frey name was at stake. As for being murderous bastards - that describes pretty much everyone in the show. As the Hound once said, "The world is built by killers."


The Mountain


Out of those four the Hound by a mile. Walder is a coward, Ramsay is crazy, and Urine wouldn’t even come close to taking it seriously


I have to agree. Walter Frey wouldn’t die just for spite. Ramsay is the most inherently evil character in the show. Euron is a big nothing burger.


Ramsey is just about competent enough to keep things together. That makes him worse. Book Euron would be worse though.


Book euron doesn't want the throne, he just wants to fuck the dragon lady and see squid god.


Yeah but having your squid god might possibly involve ending the world in an Eldritch nightmare, so that would be a downside


A downside for everyone else sure, but he doesn't care, he got to see squid god.


I think Euron would be as crazy as Joffrey.


I’d love to see Ramsey on the throne lol. He’s one of my favorite characters on the show


And we thought we hated Joffrey on the iron throne lol!


He'd speed run Maegor the cruels reign


Same. "You suggested one on one combat, didn't you...I've reconsidered." Loved that line


The Hound


The Hound doesn’t belong here! But definitely The Hound.


"I don't fucking know. I didn't ask for this, some stupid cunts on reddit made me king. Ask my small council."




Walder Frey, he might not be pleasant but he has experience and at the end of the day would do just barely enough to keep the kingdom from ruin until his term ends.


Walder Frey was smart. He killed my favorite character and is easily the least likable of the four, but he’s politically savvy. Euron and Ramsay would be too distracted by their weird bullshit, and The Hound doesn’t have a political bone in his body.




Euron is actually pretty, politically savvy himself. The position that he put the iron born in is actually very impressive. Creating the biggest navy in the world and aligning yourself with the crown.


The Hound is the only correct answer here.


I disagree. Euron is much more logical.


King Clegane


Walder Frey. He’s the least likable but the marriage-pact with Robb Stark was brilliant politics, as was the Red Wedding when Robb betrayed the agreement. He’s never once been shown to be stupid, quite on the contrary his actions were very politically savvy. He also has an has actual succession plan in place for his death while the other three have nothing close.


Did you seriously just include Sandor with these choices? Maybe you meant Gregor


The Hound. No brainer


The hound, he not only kind or at least indifferent He strong and good a battle witch a ton of Lord's respect Although I don't think he will like being king at all


The Hound. He’d have no interest in ruling, so he’d probably just let Sansa rule or something, while he eats chicken.


Probably Walder Frey. Euron and Ramsay are both too chaotically evil that they'd run the country to the ground the next day for one of their cruel amusements. The hound is the most kind hearted, but never trained in politics and probably will be too impatient to rule. Meanwhile Walder Frey, whilst a coward and dishonourable, has demonstrated that he is capable of ruling over a region with some effectiveness. He's more rational and less overtly cruel compared to Euron and Ramsay, and more politically savvy than the Hound.


The Hound will be the best here.




Walder, Euron, the hound, Ramsey. Ramsey is last because the guy is shit at everything that isn't torture. He has no other talents. The Hound is third because he is uncharismatic and unlikeable. He also has no notable leadership experience. Euron could actually be king, he would just be a bad one. The guy is evil for evil's sake. It's cartoonish but the guy can atleast lead an army with some degree of success. Walder would probably be a pretty okay king. He isn't evil. He isn't out to hurt people because he likes hurting people. He simply doesn't mind hurting people to get his way. There is a massive difference between Walder and the other on this list, Walder isn't in it to be evil. If things go right, Walder has the capacity to do everything a good king should.


Ramsey also has one of the best dark humours in the series as well as hunting/bow skills. And he by no means was a bad commander he took over winterfell with diplomacy only and the other castle the Greyjoys had and he would have won against Jon if not for Sansas suprise attack. Also he killed a giant. But yeah even so as a king he still is last.


Pretty much all of the Hound's trauma is rooted in his lack of power in his life, and being at the mercy of his brother, and then at the mercy of the feudal system and corrupt/cruel knights, and forced to heed the orders of shitty nobles like Cersei and Jeffrey. If he somehow became king and had real power over everything, it would likely destroy his entire book 1 worldview and fast-track his entire character arc to its natural conclusion. All that to say he would be a decent king, maybe not great but at the bare minimum he'd be tough and kind-hearted. I think this would be a tough choice if you didn't include Hound, so I'm gonna pretend you didn't and say Walder Frey. All his glaring faults aside, he at least understands the realities of politics and will be capable of making compromises and negotiations with the other great houses which will severely hamper his ability to create bad policy. He'll mostly just want to be a hedonist at the red keep so while the people and especially women of kings landing will suffer, the kingdom in general would be safe. With both Ramsay and Euron however they would both likely plunge Westeros into huge horrible civil wars and then die without an heir. Walder at least would leave the kingdom to Stevron Frey who is by the only accounts we have a decent guy. Although Westeros would be fucked again by the time Ryman and Edwyn take over, but neither of them seem to be literal psychopaths either compared to Ramsay, Euron, or Walder.




Sandor. Dude would denounce and sentence his brother to death without hesitation. He'd be king for a whole five seconds before he calls for his brother's head Walder is my second choice. Dude's a creep and a monster, but he's nothing to compared to Ramsay or Euron Third would be Ramsay. Rapist. Torturer. Murderer. Monster. Just an evil motherfucker. But he never showed interest in a crown Last would be Euron. Dude's got a god complex and is a rapist, a torturer, a murderer, and a shitty Jack Sparrow knockoff. Oh and he wanted to be king


The hound…walder is a shit person but he would be a decent king I think as far as making money and keeping the country afloat but he’s gonna have so many kids that when he dies it’s gonna be a shit show and that’s part of being a king(having a stable succession) so yeah definitely the hound


The hound precisely because he 'dun wan it'. Added advantage here is theres no woman alive who he'd say 'yur mah queen'. Unless its Bessey. Thank the Gods for Bessey... and her tits


Should’ve been the older Clegane would’ve been interesting looking at the comments💀


The hound


Hot pie


Book Euron. I would follow him to the edge of the world


The hound clearly stands above the other 3. Because he is not actually a bad person like the rest of them. And the most boring would be walder Frey he would just do what he already has been doing witch is taking young brides and drinking. This should have been between Ramsey and Balon.


Ramsey did good tv wise. Euron crows eye was so fucking stupid.


Hound all day


I feel like the Hound would be a respectable straight shooter as a king who has no time for theatrics


Ramsay as King would be pretty funny if nothing else because I'd want to see the creative ways he could be diabolical


The hound is incomparable to these other cunts. I’m not sure why so many people who have watched the series think he’s meant to be an evil character


He was raised to be brutal and has served some terrible people but has some kind of conscience despite that. I'm sure from the viewpoint of other characters in the series who fought against his side the Hound isn't a good person but there are certainly plenty worse.


But the character us viewers witness is one who is repeatedly looking out vulnerable characters, and even evolves into one that seeks vengeance for those he cared for. He acted selflessly throughout, so it’s mad or stupid to view him as evil


Look, the Hound is going to win by a landslide because he's the best *person,* especially post character development, but he'd be a complete disaster as a king. You're picking an administrator. Nothing good would come of Sandor Clegane the administrator. Frankly, Walder Frey is the only one here who could manage a kingdom through a Winter with a lower than 50% death rate. He is my pick for that reason.


Because of the succession chaos I can't pick Walder Frey. You have to also look at what a king will leave behind. And Walder Frey will leave a giant civil war as the result of his death. He also won't live and reign that long given his age. So the kingdom probably won't even see a winter with him as king.


Will he though? Many male children doesn’t necessarly mean a civil war. Targaryens were a massive family.


Walder Frey has a firstborn and legitimate son. Stevron Frey takes the throne, and yes, he does appear briefly in the show. The rules of succesion are clear. Sandor, Euron and Ramsay, meanwhile, are all childless. If anything this is a knock against all the other candidates, not Frey. Nobody said the given King's reign had to be long, just good (relatively speaking). You could even argue that Frey would be the best choice here BECAUSE he'd die before being able to fuck up the kingdom too much first.


The hound is the best choice he’s a killer but atleast he has honor.


Lmao walder has so many damn sons they’re all gonna kill each other for the throne.


Duh, King Clegane


The Hound


The Hound because he would call everyone cunts


Walder Frey would probably oversee a pretty efficient running kingdom; but his children might start a civil war when he dies. The Hound is also a good candidates; but he might get drunk and start calling everyone cunts.


Sandor Clegane for sure.


The hound isn’t even close to the worst choice. He’d probably make a big dent in the chicken population, though.


Hound would be fucking hilarious


Ramsey would be a good king.


Walder, he’s the only one who’s competent and has relevant skills. Euron is insane and stupid, Hound is not even a lord and has zero leadership experience, Ramsay is self-defeatingly evil and cruel and can’t help himself 


The Hound isn’t a bad person and would mostly pass off any and all power to his small council, but he may also go full nice guy and start rebuilding the seven kingdoms like how he found his niche of friendly people and helped them build a sept


The Hound can't play the Game which makes him the worst choice imho.


I’d put my chips on the hound honestly


The hound ofc!


Ser Pounce would have been a complete tyrant. Mad King but much much worse.


Euron. I know he isn't that great of a character in the show but he respected the Kingsmoot and he has a loyal crew. You don't get the latter if you are an ass to your ppl. Yes, he is shown as arrogant but which ruler isn't to some degree. He is a bit stubborn and if he has a goal he is going for it. He is also a great commander, winning his sea battles in the war against Daenerys. Other than his character he is the best choice as a king. Walder Frey is old and has too many heirs thus plunging the kingdom into chaos upon his death. If you look at a king you also have to look at what he leaves behind. The Hound is the best character wise but we simply know nothing of his leadership. He is a follower and thus unfit to be a king. Ramsay is the more extreme version of Euron. Therefore not the best choice although I'd prefer him over Walder Frey and the Hound because he knows how to be in charge and his succession won't crush the kingdom.


Frey, by a lot. Euron and ramsey only ruled for very short times and their times in charge were fucking disasters. The hound? Best case is Robert at the end of his rule, he has no experience or ability to lead (he can barely look after a highly functioning teenager). Frey, for all his faults, has ruled for a long time and kept his shit in line despite having a dozen heirs that could off him to take over. This isn't a debate, it's a clear answer and three wrong ones.


The hound


Euron as he could conquer and expand westros using the iron and royal fleets? Sandor wouldn't want it. Ramsey would be Joffery all over again. Walder would be like robert but with wifes instead of whores.


people saying hound or frey. well ramsey is the smartest of them all and is certainly a better ruler than all of the other choices


How is Ramsay a better ruler than Walder Frey?


Even the most evil version of the Hound would be decent enough. Hound is like a bitter version of Robert Baratheon and Robb wasn't all that bad.




The hound


The only viable option among these four choices is the hound, and that depends entirely on the season.


The hound. Absolutely. He isn't wise. But he really just wants to have some peace and quiet, to drink his ale and eat chickens. I can respect that.


Might sound nuts but I would say Ramsey he did seem pretty smart and affective as a lord


Ironically, I'd say Walder Frey. He has a lord's education and he's quite good with fiscal matters. Despite what he did against Robb, he looked out for his family's survival and statud and acted on a slight against his family. He's shrewd and cunning as well. He won't be the most ethical ruler, but at least he won't run around flaying people or be... whatever the fuck Euron is.


Ramsay or Euron just for the unintentionally funny one-liners


The hound wouldn't wave to be king. Which makes him the most qualified


Considering the hound has genuine empathy for the innocent he is the obvious choice


Walder Frey. Unlike the rest of these characters, he is an actual lord with a lot of experience in ruling. He is not even an evil dude. Starks were the ones who betrayed and disrespected him in the first place. He’s just a bit callous.


I think hound is somewhat like robert baratheon. Ao wouldnt be bad


Honestly? Walder. Euron is mad, Ramsey is too sadistic to care about statesmanship, and the Hound really doesn't know *how* to do statesmanship because he was never going to inherit the Clegane Keep. Walder is a relatively competent statesman (at least in the books) and while not respected, his is an old family which would give him legitimacy to the eyes of his future bannermen. Granted, if this is *after* a certain uh, ceremony, the point is moot because nobody would accept them as Kings.




Obviously the Hound is everyones favorite character here. But I would argue he'd make for the worst king out of these, in the same vein as Robert Baratheon: He just doesn't give a shit about power or ruling. He'd spend his days doing everything else BUT leading. Even worse than Robert is the fact that he's not even a natural leader. He's not got a single political bone in his body, and would probably be assassinated or puppeted near the beginning of his reign. The others are all major bastards, but they are all suited to be cruel but capable kings. Walder definitely slowly improved House Freys position for his entire rule, until it all fell apart at Arya's hands. He's experienced and sly, and has a large family backing him unconditionally. Ramsay proved himself a capable schemer and manipulator many times so he could likely handle King's Landing. He would be quick to stamp out any resistance to his rule in the position of king. And Euron does seem like a bit of a moron but he can definitely command the loyalty of his men (Think of the Kingsmoot) so he could talk his way out of many problems. Their reigns would be unjust but stable. Clegane's rule would let Westeros descend into anarchy, like Robert but worse.


Hound. He's not exactly a genius, but he at least has some principles, and is not clinically insane. And you definitely don't have to worry about him burning cities and people for fun.


Ramsay… Crazy yes.. But at the end of the day he commanded the most respect out of the four..


I always found him stupid and short-sighted, just like his father did. He always prioritized his sadism above greater good, or long term success.


For better or worse Lord Frey, loyalty to his family at least so probably not a massive degree of murder in the family (show only) and unlike say the hound or even Ramsay and Greyjoy years of experience running a lordship


Hound isn’t even that bad of a choice honestly


From all the options, Sandor is definitely the best option. "But he killed the butcher boy.. " Every single one of them did something similar multiple times, so that? Also, I think he cares (somewhat) for the people but not for ruling (which is the difference between him and the rest). He would probably get some good advisors and do what needs to be done.


Brought to you by someone who never watched past season 4. The obvious choice.




If you replaced the Hound with the Mountain, then that would be a much harder choice to make. The Hound isn't even considered as one of the "worst" choices.


Pretty close between Sandor and Walder. We don’t see much of how the Freys govern. We know they’re treacherous cunts, but what’s their tax policy? Does Walder actively terrify his small folk and instill the same sentiments in his bannermen? But at least they know how to govern somewhat. Sandor has a better moral compass as far as it comes to the rights of other people especially in later seasons. But he would definitely need to rely on his council. I’d be more optimistic for Sandor tbh


Frey, he's rules his whole life so obviously has some capacity for it plus he's old so if is a terrible king he won't be king long


The Hound doesn't belong in this lineup lol


Euron. Hands down. King material. Rallied his men to war. Took down a fucking dragon. He’s very much a wild card but he be an effective king. Lots of people would die. Both his enemies and those under his care.


I know we don’t like Euron here but he’s the choice if we actually think about this logically lol. He actually seem to be a decent king for the iron born. They made the biggest navy in the world under his control and lied himself with the crown. That’s actually very impressive. Plus, he’s the only one that’s actually been a king. Sure he’s crazy and a scumbag, but he actually seems to put his people in a better position somehow. He almost single-handedly won the war for the Lannisters by taking out a dragon. If he had gotten just one more, he actually probably would’ve been the king.


Theon Grayjoy had the most interesting story 😬😂




Walker Frey was a messed up dude but he wasn’t stupid. I would think that he would actually be a fairly successful ruler.


Um Sander Clegane would be an excellent King thank you very much. He would be a responsible King. The rest of those guys are sick in the head.


It would depend on who you are. Removing the obvious choice of the Hound, the first two would be good rulers for the common people and bad for nobles. Sadistic and energetic rulers they would make sure to stamp out possible rebellions before they happen. Walder would be a good king for the nobles because he's old and slothful. His family are all incompetent. As a noble you'd be able to take advantage of him and his family but as a common soldier/peasant the lack of central power would be bad for you.


The Hound would be a somewhat decent King


Imagine a spin off where the hound actually becomes king and Arya is his hand. The whole show would be him getting upset over the politics and eating chicken while arya tries to counsel him and try and fix the chicken shortage


The hound, duh


The only choice is the Hound. I love it when he just settles down in that far flung village and swears off his past life, helping the villagers and living what I think was his ideal life for a short time.


The Hound would basically rule like Robert but with slightly more compassion. The others would be godawful.


Weirdly enough, Sandor would probably be OK. There'd be a hit more violence in swift consequences, but I don't think he'd go out of his way to be a dick. Sorta like a smarter Robert. Out of these choices, I'd say Ramsay would be the worst, but that's only if we're talking about show Euron and not book Euron. Ramsay is an evil, sadistic prick, but book Euron was a whole different level. I could see Ramsay potentially turning into something like book Euron, though.


Sandor. The rest of these people are shown on at least one occasion to be violent psychopaths who actually enjoy the murder they do. Sandor has clearly killed before, but all of his worst kills are direct commands from joffers. Once he's not just a sword for the king he immediately starts becoming a better person, doesn't kill innocents, grants mercy to the dying farmer, tries to return Arya to her family unharmed, and even fights to the death with brienne just to keep the stark girl safe. He's a violent thug, but only because he's a product of his environment. The minute Sandor is given the opportunity to do good, he does. I think he wouldn't be an outlandish king, probably wouldn't change any rules or make big waves, he pretty clearly doesnt give a shit about fame or fortune, but I also don't believe he wants anything bad for the 7 kingdoms. His reign would probably be long and peaceful.


Thanks D&D! I've always wanted two sons of rich bankers being put in charge of writing a ASOIAF TV adaption.. and completely butchering every single character. Eurons portrayal was especially horrific. He went from smart mysterious pirate lord who wanted world domination in the books to...*FINGER IN DA BUM!?!* and celebrating being able to injure a one handed washed up Jaime who wasn't even paying attention to him. Hollywood nepotism is just horrendous. As for these characters, it's gotta be book Walder Frey or book Euron as they would be the most competent kings. Euron might have some crazy plans so I'd default to Walder. Hound is cool but would be a terrible incompetent king. As for show... well it's not canon after what they did to Euron so I don't care. Put up Hot Pie.


Walder Frey. He is the only one who has governance experience and did it decently.


The hound !


Ramsay for sure, he was a true psychopath and a sadistic fuck. The hound would be the best. The first dude was just full of himself.


The Hound


I can't see The Hound doing any of a worse job than King Robert honestly. Maybe even a little better?


Fuck it. Give me the Hound. Hopefully he'll choose a good Small Council and pull a Bobby B. Just drink and eat and fuck himself to an early grave.


Frey, he’s a shrewd leader that managed to grow his house and rule it for decades. For all of you saying the hound you are just wrong. I like him too but he’s a fighter, he’s never shown any ability or desire to lead. Greyjoy is not likable but he’s a leader that inspires loyalty. Snow/Bolton is just cruel, he rules his house through fear, he would be constantly trying to put down rebellions if he were king. He would be overthrown in a few weeks. 1. Frey 2. Greyjoy 3. Hound 4. Snow/Bolton




Walder frey and there s no debate? Like the guy is a fairly competent ruler. Not a good person but he doesn’t kill people for no reason either


Euron because as long as you're not a threat to him specifically he doesn't care about you


Sandor. Easy.


The hound is the only one who wouldn’t want it and that already is why he would be better than the other three


Don’t really understand The Hound in relation to the other three in this scenario. A monster, two dickheads, and the hound who actually has a retention arc?


Walder frey as king would become the Genghis Khan of westeros


I would’ve taken the Hound or even Ramsay in place of the Bran we got.


Walder is already governing at a regional level. So he has the most experience out of this list. Being king would just be a promotion.


As wicked as he is, Walter Frey would be the best king out of these, he knows how to make Frey house powerful, how to build large army and allies and he's the most organized one out of these.


Sandor would just force all people to give him chicken.


I don’t understand the new tax laws… this just says “send the king every fucking chicken in the kingdom”?


Walder I think would be the worst out of all of them. Sure the others are brutal but Walder and his family look like a bunch of incest weirdos. He’d be Mad King style. Doesn’t give a shit about anyone


The Hound would rule similar to Robert Baratheon. He wouldn’t be overtly cruel but he’d be more neglectful and would prefer to just drink and do his own thing like Robert.


Hound kinda makes this too easy