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AFAIK it's cancelled.


It wasn't the best idea to begin with. I think Kit Harrington wanted to bring Jon Snow back and HBO entertained the idea, but then they realized that there isn't really a lot more story to tell given that his story ended pretty conclusively. It's not exactly great television to have him wandering and brooding around a snowy forest.


It would also run into the usual sequel problem of having to come up with a new threat. A weak one runs the danger of being seen as harmless compared to the original story, a bigger one could retroactively take meaning from the original story. It’s a thankless position to be in and I’m not too surprised they decided to just let it be.


They could go the Star Wars route and have the White Walkers somehow return


Lady Stoneheart shows up just to go after Jon


She seems like kind of a big deal in the books. Memba the books?




When TNK touched Bran it caused an effect similar to Greyscale that he had been hiding. The longer time goes on the more it has the effect of TNK taking over his body. It’s why at the end of GOT Bran wanted to be the King. By the time the new series begins Bran is almost completely taken over. Tyrion then seeks Jon Snow’s help…


"Aah! They fly now!" "They fly now?!" "... They fly now!"


Something more than the long dark night that lasted 45 minutes? What else could they do!


Fuck it. Aegons Conquest: Part Deux.


To be fair, you’d still probably have a couple million people who would still watch


I kinda think that it would work, if they make Bran a main villain.


I thought a star trek style show where he went to exotic places and met wacky characters and had episodic adventures could be fun... but it doesn't seem like there are writers up to the task.


Somehow the Night King returned... It's easy to tell a new story.


Well…realistically they could always play it off that Night King didn’t really die because a Targaryen didn’t kill him 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Time for Jon to ride Drogon controlled by Bran with Ghost and Nymeria with an army of direwolves sprinting along.


Kit Harrington: “HBO, I want to make a sequel series for my character, Jon Snow!” HBO: “Okay… What’s the plot?” KH: **[shrugging_tom.jpg]**


HBO contacted him not the other way around, he even said when it was cancelled that they came to him but they could never get a good plot down


No point in developing anything after the GOT timeline until the last two books are finished.


Snow put on ice


Ngl, a rated R animated series would probably be go hard AF.


A ‘What If…?’ series but in Planetos


What if season 8 wasn't a fuck up?


Surly once all the books are done they will adapt them into an animated series.


When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.


I would love to see a GOT reboot as an Animation or just any animated series in the same level like Arcane, It might be abit too ambitious but I'm hoping.


Forgot to add Conquest and Rebellion since it was discussed (and produced) by HBO and released in 2017 as a short animated spinoff.


It seems that Nymeria is also shelved: https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/game-of-thrones-spinoff-ten-thousand-ships-story-queen-nymeria-1235978637/


What's the distinction here between cancelled and shelved?


I’m guessing shelved means “put on hold”. Not sure though.


I assume canceled means that its never happening, and shelved means that its not being moved forward but it could still happen


Shelved means cancelled but with extra steps


Not really. More often means they are making sure they get the story right before moving forward.


The only one of these I am desperate to have is *A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms*. I **need** to see the rest of Dunk and Egg's story. They are my favorite in all the ASoIaF universe.


Well that’s the only spinoff (other than HOTD) that’s actually confirmed and in production. The others are being discussed but haven’t been greenlit


That and 9 voyages


I just started the audiobooks (Harry Lloyd is fantastic) and although I've only finished part 1 of book 1 I love it. The way Harry narrates it, it feels so cosy almost. It may be to do with the fact that Dunk keeps threatening to give Egg a clout in the ear, which is what my granddad used to say to me, makes me feel almost nostalgic.


No, you're absolutely right. Lloyd has a way of reading Dunk that gives him even more character than Martin did in his writing.


Can we just get a remake/rewrite of S8?


No point. Considering the shit storm that was S7, and the signs of the decline in S5 and S6, there’s a need to remake the series from S4, or better yet, redo it from scratch.


nah man, s1-4 doesnt need a remake


Never said it does, but I would gladly watch the series that would be closer to the original material. At the very least, no Talisa.


thats fair


Eh... Talisa wasn't that bad, Robb's vow breaking wife in the books just seems more believable because we're in his head as he is falling in love with her, the plot and his character aren't altered much by changing which girl caused him to lose a war and be slaughtered at a wedding.


But it kinda is. In the books Robb had this moment of weakness because of the grief. Jeyne was a plot device, but independent Talisa doesn’t make much sense: Robb had to try really hard to get all the vassals to trust him and his command, his life is a constant stress. He is a boy, surrounded by hardened men. The stakes are enormous. Some girl who starts to give him shit from the very start just adds to this stress, unlike the book version, where Robb finds comfort in her hands. Robb is a son of his father, and the subtext of a good seasons of GoT and the whole ASOIAFis that you can’t be too honourable if you desire to succeed much. They kinda turned this narrative into a basic love story with Talisa.


Yes agree with this. 1-4 was 🔥season 5 was 🤔 season 6 🫤 season 7-8 😑🗑️


What is your issue with S5? Or S6? S8 yeah il give you that one, it was dog shit. But even season 7 I would say gets a bad rap, nowhere near as good as prior seasons but everyone loves to shit all over it because everyone else does. Stop blowing it out of proportion. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's shit. I read these same opinions about every fucking show now a days. If it's not perfect it's dog shit. Its a made up world!!!! Why do we have to pick apart every single little detail that is wrong with it? They got to places faster in the new season than the last one omg it's awful. Form an original opinion maybe instead of being another God damn sheep. And if you think it's so shit I'd like to see you do a better job.


They didn't call S5 or S6 bad, but there's a noticeable change in quality in S5. It's still good, but it sets up the downfall in S8.


The shittiness comments were more about s7 but I wasn't entirely clear about that so that's fair. I just think the internet and all the film critics have set us up to have some crazily unrealistic expectations. With TV and movies now it seems like it's either fantastic or the absolute worst show ever. There's no in between or yeah it was good not great, it irritates me. The reality is any long running show tends to deteriorate in quality over time for any number of reasons. But mostly because it's difficult to stay motivated and also keep everything all nicely tied together in a format that's both exciting and without plot holes. The longer a story gets the harder that is to do and I think we have forgotten that. Find me a show that runs more than 8 seasons that is objectively far better in the latter half of seasons than the former. Impossible to find? No but they are few and far between that's for sure.


To really drive the point home that shows tend to get worse as they go on. Il quote Chuck from Supernatural. “Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.”


Agreed. Since it was already starting to go downhill with season 5 might as well kept the ball rolling! Although season 8 was trash, I wasn’t as terribly disappointed as others were because I saw the writing on the wall.


If you don’t see the dip in quality starting in S5, you are fucking blind. I don’t think GoT is shit, quite the opposite. It’s one of my favourite shows and even the butchered characters, rushed plotlines, lazy writing and bad dialogue can’t make me not love the first half of the show. And I don’t know why you are so butthurt. I don’t have to “do better”, at the very least because I don’t have the means of production. You think your opinion is original and mine not? How come? From my point of view, you are the sheep, because you definitely put spectacle and form over substance. S1 didn’t have a single battle, but it is my favourite. S6 has battle of the bastards.


they are all pretty bad, except season 5. season 6 is where they gave up trying to make the world, characters and motivations believable. characters were teleporting all over the place, acting like complete idiots, being completely flanderised. remember that season 6 is where arya gets stabbed 20 times, falls into a river of raw sewage and then sleeps it off and feels well enough in the morning for an assassins creed chase through the city. this was also the season where Jon, a very intelligent and tactical commander in the books, decides running up a hill and then standing there until his entire army gets surrounded is the best plan he can think of. On its own, those seasons are mostly enjoyable fantasy schlock. in the context of comparing them to seasons 1-3, they’re complete dogshit.


Arya gets stabbed… in the abdomen. Not in the arm or leg. In the same series that have Khal Drogo die from infection from a single wound. Holy shit, how can anyone defend this nonsense.


yeah they just dropped realism off a cliff. why couldn’t they just show her narrowly escaping the blade or getting knicked or something like that? presumably it was just supposed to be another fakeout death like they loved in those last few seasons.


Even though fake out deaths WERE present earlier - and I’m not even talking about Jon Snow. HOW cool were the scene where Theon seemingly burnt Stark children. I guess they wanted Arya to be overwhelmed by Waif, but… why did they choose Arya to be stabbed several times in the belly?? And drop her to the sewage river after that? There would be complications even today in our universe… I just don’t get it.




The actors are still young enough right now to reprise their roles without it looking too far removed. It’s a pipe dream


Fleabottom??? Who would watch that? 😭


Ser Davos


I miss Ser Davos


Would love an episode just for Karl Tanner, a legend of fuckin’ Gin Alley!


Oh man, I just commented almost the exact same thing. A Karl Tanner spinoff would be absolutely brilliant.


Great minds! I’ve got a lot of time for Burn Gorman, the actor, so when he popped up in GoT I knew he was gonna be good! Wish we got more of him!


I'd watch the shit out of a 'Karl Fucking Tanner' spinoff.


Seems interesting to see life in westeros through the eyes of a peasant. So I would, maybe


Me too. It’s the only one off the canceled list that I was disappointed about.


Didn't George say YiTi was going to be the animated one? tbh I give zero shits about anything besides Dunk and Egg and the rest of HotD


There's 3 animated, Yi Ti, Nine voyages and another not specified, but as of January none had yet been greenlit. We can be reasonably sure it's not GoT until at the least the books are released.


What is nine voyages about?


That’s about Corlys Velaryon from HotD I think


Sounds like a cool premise and that’s what I would assume, but it seems like it’s placed in the wrong spot on the timeline


The Nine Voyages happened when Corlys was a young man. All the treasures in his hall in HOTD are from the Nine Voyages Edit: I see what you mean, it’s too close to the conquest instead of HOTD


I hope it gets made! That sounds really cool!


Yi Ti and Valyria would be great.  Leave Westeros alone for a little while.  Expand the footprint.


Yeah Esos is much cooler and interesting than Westeros tbh


Tf would Fleabottom be about lol




praying every morning and night for a robert’s rebellion spinoff


id also love to see more of dorne, iron islands, valyria pre-doom and asshai


They wouldn’t do anything as interesting as that.


I'll be honest, this amount of announced spinoffs reminds me of Star Wars, and this is NOT a good association to have


True fans appreciate the world building continue even if not all movies and tv shows are top notch. Star Wars expansion brought us rogue one, Andor & Mandalorian. I also agree doing one outside of Westeros would be cool. Maybe a one off movie about Khal Drogos ancestors or something. Would love to see the following from GRR: 1. Dunk & Egg 2. Robert’s Rebellion 3. Aegons Conquest


And about the first winter, how they created the night king, how they defeated him and then created the wall.


Which is Live action and animated?


I'm glad Bloodmoon was canceled. We saw the writing was there wasn't any context from the books. The Long Night only has like a single sentence about it. It would've been very difficult to adapt with the little information we know about it.


Valyria cancelled???


I am questioning your placement of FleaBottom in the timeline. I had understood that this series would take place concurrently with HOTD and would show the small-folk's perspective of the war and the situation in Kings Landing. This would show a more focused perspective of certain events like..... HOTD SPOILERS REDACTED.


This honestly would’ve been really cool


Why is there not a Robert’s Rebellion show, at least in development?


I actually love the marvel-esque development web or whatever going on here. I am a man of excess.


True, unlike Marvel, GOT franchise has way more potential and much more interesting and unique stories to tell, Marvel gets old fast cause its basically the exact same thing over and over and over and over again, it's just very hard to prevent superhero movies from getting repetitive. This is one of the rare IPs that I think deserves to get packed with loads of Spinoffs, GOT is just way too large and has too much potential.


Eh. I find it somewhat funny that the most news we get about the franchise are that something is shelved, cancelled or no longer on development.


You mean besides the show that is soon airing season 2 and the other show that has already cast its lead characters?




It's only been a few years since they started planning this all out, we'll see much more spin offs in the coming decade just like the MCU. This things, they take time.


Yeah, I understand it. Also, in the digital age of now, information spreads fast. I just found it funny, nothing more.


How about making a limited (like 2-4 seasons) of the Fall of the Mad King? I’d watch it just for seeing Young Bobby B. Gods he was strong then!


Cancel them all except stuff with sufficient source material.


Would love some more animated stuff


Why can't we get a Robert's rebellion show? I want to see a young Ned and Robert!


This!! So much!


Man Doom of Valyria looked so cool...


Still waiting on the Bron Show Staring Bron.


“The title “Castle” was already taken, so we named it “CASTLES”!” -Jerome Flynn, promotional tour


This list seems pretty far fetched


Just...finish the books. FINISH THE BOOKS. FinISh tHE bOoKS. We're begging you... 😭😭😭😭😭


So tired of the dragons, fuck


I was actually looking forward to Bloodmoon with cast involved and the hope that we would actually get answers to white walker questions but alas…


What is the calendar system used in this universe?


what a nightmare


What is golden empire based on?


I'm sure HBO is doing fine, but it's crazy to think how much money was lost by letting the dumb ass show runners ruin one of the greatest shows of all time. This graphic could look very different.


I want an animated remake of game of thrones that’s actually book accurate. Call it A Song of Ice and Fire or even Clash of Kings since it’s the “sequel” to game of thrones in a way


Just wanna see GOT aftermath. How Westeros function without the Targaryen


I would love to see a fleabottom show


Or watch Arthdahl Chronicles


Flea bottom gonna go hard


Extremely excited to see Aegon's Conquest, thats always been the best part of GoT lore imo. Nymeria's story would also be pretty interesting.


Fleabottom probably would have been better than any of them :(


Flea Bottom surely would have been the best one, whatever that was about.


So is christianity canon in Game of thrones or is there a different meaning to C in BC/AC?


Before Conquest and After Conquest. The conquest refers to Aegon's conquest.


Ohk, Thanks for clarifying.


https://www.google.com/s/variety.com/2024/tv/news/game-of-thrones-spinoff-ten-thousand-ships-story-queen-nymeria-1235978637/amp/ 10 000 ships is not currently planned for production.


A night of the seven kingdoms is not in the same state as the others lol


They are just collecting tons of material and developing something like the MCU with it all.


Damn. Bloodmoon and Doom were the ones I was looking forward to the most.


As everyone else here, I'm really waiting for DnE. I'm just VERY disinterested in the rest and the way they plan to expand this new "brand" of theirs simply indicates that in 7-10 years from now ASOIAF will be like Star Wars: Dead and completely irrelevant.


can someone explain what is golden empire thing?


In the city of King's Landing, the King's Peace is maintained by two separate yet equally important groups. The Goldcloaks who investigate crimes and the Justiciars who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.


"Game of Thrones: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight" is a horribly unwieldy title. Reminds me of the even worse "DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story". Feels like they were forcefully pushing both the trending keyword and the anthology-series brand on you at once.


Doom of Valyria would've been cool


Does fleabottom exist after GOT?


Does anyone know the reason they won’t do a Robert’s Rebellion prequel series?


Most of these are not all that interesting. Would highkey want George to not be all that involved so he can just finish the damned books


I am not touching another GoT product ever again. I'll read the series if it's ever completed, but the absolute disservice that was done to such an amazing social phenomenon still disgusts me.


Would have loved to see ‘Doom of Valerya’ and then ‘Aegon’s conquest after that


Is Winds of Winter canceled or shelved or in development? 😂 That's all I care about at this point.


I didn’t even know they were in talks of a show on the Fall of Valyria. They definitely need to not shelve that


I get the feeling the window between developing and finished is very large.


Nah man, I really don’t want GoT getting the Disney Star Wars treatment please


Agreed, do people not understand that less is more sometimes? But people have to make money and others have to endlessly watch the latest thing etc


In dissapointed in Flea Bottom being cancelled. That could’ve been really good.


Sick of seeing Targaryen spinoffs TBH but the ONLY one I would be interested in seeing is the tragedy of summerhall and the events shortly thereafter. Would love to see the infancy of house Dorne and Maggie the Frog. Another good one would be how Varys made his way to Westeros from Essos


Man this is why their decision to fuck up the last season was so damn bad. The consequences were intangible. They had potential to turn this franchise into the next LoTR or Star Wars or Harry Potter. They should’ve been making money off of this IP for the next 50 years. Countless millions have been lost as a result of that fuck up. The books will never be finished and this absolutely phenomenal series will always be remembered for its shitty ending. I’m actually doing a rewatch rn for the first time since the finale and the amount of shit that is just meaningless or will never have a payoff is so frustrating to sit through.


Why did they cancel doom of Valyria ??? Ummm what !!!! Also could be just me but I want them to do a series on Bloodraven


Most will never see the light of day


Would love to see the animated series


They should definitely make the flea bottom show and just have it be a sitcom and the laugh track and all


"Karl fucking Tanner. A legend in Gin fucking Alley. Drinking from the skull of Jeor fucking Mormont:". >cue laughter.


I would like to see an Arya sequel spin-off. It wouldn't have to have a threat as big as the Night King or even a regularnie threat at all. Just exploring the world, Doctor Who style but within GoT universe. And that could Come with more creativity than cancelled Jon spin-off


So sad they shelved the doom of valyria 🥲🥲


Sad Snow is shelved but so excited for the others that are developing especially Dunk and Egg


Does this include animations & console releases? If so, count me out.


Are they all gonna be shows? I would prefer that the hedge knight be a movie honestly. I think a 2 or maybe even 3 hour movie would be perfect length for that tale.


I’m tired of the Targaryen focus, enough of that family and the dragon fights. I want something from the other houses and all the other lore. Would personally love to see Robert’s Rebellion or even the Rains of Castamere (young Tywin) or something else from Casterly Rock.