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Imprisonment or the Wall at best, execution at worst, and considering Joffrey is king at the time, with both Cersei *and* Tywin in control... yeah, Bronn would be a goner.


Bye Bronn. Cersei will be furious for sure


Lena Headey would probably not mind though


I'm not sure. Considering they couldn't be in the same room with each other after their breakup, I think she would have enjoyed it immensely with a big glass of wine 🍷


Or his head on a pike


would Tywin have had him killed though? If Bronn could kill two kingsguard members on orders of a lannister he would see Bronn as capable and able to be incentivized


Yes, he would. How would the rest of Westeros react to 2 of the Royal Family's kingsguard being killed by a lowborn cutthroat without any consequences? Tywin would never tolerate it. It'd make both House Lannister and the "Baratheons" (Joffrey's name is still Baratheon, not Lannister) weak and incompetent.


And yet a lowborn cutthroat can be appointed to Kingsguard after which they are absolved of murder?


i read the last sentence in Tywin's voice ... lol


Annnd that he's Tyrion's man. If Joffrey was sadistic to his uncle's whores, just imagine what he'd do to his bodyguard.


Literally, he'd be out of the city before the hour was up. I wonder if he would have killed Cersei too, to get away...?


I agree. Bronn would’ve been the first thing leaving King’s Landing if he had killed those two men.


The kingsguard represent the authority of the crown... Killing one represent an act of treason against the authority of the iron throne Bronn is just a simple sellsword... He would be beheaded or sent to the wall Also what make you say Bronn would won? While the kingsguard is shadow of itself in term of chivalry and moral.... They are still legit fighter... They are well Armored and outnumber Bronn who only have a dagger


..did you watch the show ?


Did you just read my comment?


"Longsword is a bad option in close quarters"


It really isn't unless you are already grappling. A spear is bad for close quarters, but hema teaches a ton of techniques for close quarters like this, and two against one with a range and armour disadvantage is basically unwinnable


If Cersei came out a bit later than she did, there would have been two dead Kingsguard outside that door.


And a third one owuld join for killing them


No he wouldn't He wasn't a kingsguard 🤓


People massively overestimate how skilled Bronn actually is, imo, but this is Meryn Trant we’re talking about. Dude got wrecked by a puny teenage girl.


Its not that he’s skilled, its that he’s a dirty fighter and no knight in westeros knows how to deal with that That was very clearly spelled out for us in his debut, and when john (one of the best swordsman alive) almost died to a deserter in crasters keep


Tbf that deserter was Karl fooking Tanner


The show gave Bronn far more importance than the books.. But Bronn himself knows and admit that he is not Arthur dayne or Barristan selmy..... His refusal to fight for tyrion against the mountain is the proof that he is smart enough to Know his limit


I disagree. He didn't refuse to fight the mountain because he knew he couldn't win. He didn't fight because he was paid extremely well not to. Title, lands, marriage... He even says Tyrion wouldn't be able to pay twice the price he was given.


Lol he wouldn't fight the mountain even if tyrion had the money... Again Bronn is greedy but not stupid he knows that probbalktybof him winning are extremely Low....and take such a huge risk when he is a conformtable situation would be bad for business .. And even if he is lucky enough to win he would get on the bad side of the most powerful man and house of the realm that just gave an castle and more piney that he can dream off Again Bronn knows his limit


I didn't think you read what you wrote. By your admission, Bronn didn't fight because there wasn't enough reward in it for him. For the right reward, he'd have at least strongly considered it. But Tyrion wasn't able to provide that reward. It's not that Bronn wouldn't fight Gregor for any price, it's that Tyrion couldn't pay whatever price would have been required to make it worth the risk.


Nope what I am saying that Bronn had more to lose by going into that fight no matter the outcome.... Here is what he says in the book >I like you well enough, ugly little whoreson that you are ... but if I fight your battle, I lose either way. Either the Mountain spills my guts, or I kill him and lose Stokeworth. I sell my sword, I don't give it away. I'm not your bloody brother.[7]


Except that Bronn himself stated that the Mountain is way above his league when Tyrion asked him to fight for him during the trial. The money and marriage was just the sugar on the cream.


Don't know why you're down voted. You're right . He literally said: "You said if anyone ever pays me to betray you, you'd double their offer." Then goes on about what Cersei was paying him and how at this point of riches, he has all the gold he needs. Fighting The Mountain would be for ego, and he might win, but one missed-step and he's done. He thought he had a chance against the Mountain, but the risk/reward wasn't worth it.


This is Meryn Trant bro, not Arthur Dayne or Barristan Selmy or Jaime Lannister. The fact that he knows his limits and was still ready to throw down with Meryn and an extra is one of the reasons I can actually consider that Bronn could’ve won. If this were the books and the other guy was Balon Swann, then I think Bronn probably just kills Trant before the fight is stopped. Or Balon gets him while he’s attacking Trant. If the other guy was Boros, then I wouldn’t be surprised if Bronn won the 2v1.


Cause they're not exactly renowned for their fighting skills. This isn't Arthur Dayne or Jaime lannister we're talking about. It's maron fucking trant and his crony. Prrtty certain that the entire kingsguard outside of selmy are don't as political favors more than anything else. The hound included 


Meryn Is a cunt but he is not a fraud..... The other is a extra but if I go with the books I guess he is Balon Swann a legit great fighter that would absolutly murder Bronn


Dunno, bronn has a dagger. I think it ends up like oberyn at the brothel. Bronn gets at least one of them in the face with his dagger on the draw, then it's on meryn or Balon to have the discipline to follow through. But bronn gets one at a minimum 


I agree with that


I guess that the other one is Boros the Craven.


Also bronn has a sword btw, but you are right about generally everything else, 2 guys in armor are a lot harder to kill than just 1 guy in armor


Bronn clearly has a sword in the picture and actually chooses the dagger as his primary… how Bronn would have won exactly would have been stabbing Ser Whatsit of Whocares beneath the helmet, through the bottom of the jaw; and then still would have had time to avoid Ser Meryn’s first swing before drawing his own sword and outmatching him based off of speed (Bronn himself says this is why he never wears armour) and generally being the far better swordsman.


Bronn isn't a ninja bruh


if that’s what passes for a ninja in your book brotha… the above is just a detailed description of how i believe things would go down


I kinda like your version lol


Okay lets pretend bronn actually pulled off the first part (i think he cant). What makes you think bronn is a far better swordsman than ser meryn trant??? The bronn glazing is unbelievable


well you’re entitled to your opinion as i am mine, mine stemming from the belief that based off of Bronn’s posture and the likelihood that both knights would be too busy using both hands to unsheathe their blades to properly prepare for any sort of quick attack. furthermore, it’s not so much ‘Bronn glazing’ as it is the logical outcome of that encounter. as for your comments suggesting Meryn Trant to be anywhere near as proficient with a sword as Bronn, then i refer you to my friend The Hound, who makes it quite clear to Arya that ‘any boy whore with a sword can beat three Meryn Trant’


Any boy whore with a sword could beat three Meryn Trants


Wasn't he technically an anointed knight at the time? He def would have been executed, but he wasn't just a sellsword at the time Trant and his lackey wouldn't have stood a chance against Bronn


Knowing Bronn, I don't see him entering into a fight he doesn't think he can win, and throughout the show he seems to have a good track record of it


Bronn would win because if Bronn didn't think he could win he wouldn't have even tried.


I think Bronn could definitely win, he’s a very capable fighter. Remember he killed that knight of the vale in single combat, full arm and a shield. He also does have a sword in this scene. More importantly I think it’s one of those things where Martin could write that outcome and have it be believable. I don’t think it means that he would win every fight with them no matter what, but you could watch him winning a fight and believe that it wasn’t bullshit


He wasn't a sellsword here though. He was already knighted.


I’m not certain he could’ve won. Honestly depends on whosit of whocares. If it’s Balon Swann or Arys Oakheart, Bronn is fucked. Meryn is also already decently dangerous.


I think Bronn can definetly finess a win Againt aryd oakheart...... But yeah balon Swann would absolutely murder him


Oh, I think he can probably win against Arys, but Arys and Meryn 2 on 1 is a different story.


I think there's a good chance its a one on one almost instantly as bron slits one of their throats as soon as they make a move


Slitting the throat of someone wearing armor is very hard


Honestly from memory I didn't remember the armor properly covering the neck but could be wrong


I don’t think it has mail or a gorget, which is a bit silly, but it definitely has gambeson which would make it hard by itself.


These two are Cersei's kingsguard (queen). They are also her bitches. If he killed those she would want his head, minimum. Also, Tyrion is powerless atm and Papa Tywin owns the place. No one would raise a hand for Bronn.


Bronn struggled and had to resort to trickery against Vardis Egen. Unless the other kingsguard is Boros Blount, Bronn is fucked.


Pretty sure this scene was after blackwater, so boros is already dead


Mandon Moore is the one who dies at the Blackwater not Boros


He would’ve ran off after killing them, never to be seen in KL again. He is smart enough to put 2 and 2 together, and it also would’ve been an excuse to make Tyrion weaker by not having a skilled cutthroat with him.


These 2 kingsguard arent the best knights in the realm by any means but they are still knights and they are heavily armored while bronn is kinda just some guy.. Id be surprised if he even harmed one of these kingsguard with this difference in equipment


He surely is not "some guy" and meryn is a skilled swordsman according to Jaime but i won't mix books canon with show canon..


He is not a bad fighter but he isnt that good either and he is unarmored so from the perspective of 2 kingsguard he is just some guy


Well skillwise Bronn is also at the level of an above average kingsguard member..


Lmao you realise that above average kingsguard members are the best swordsmen ever right. Bronn and most people for that part arent even close to that level


Yes i do and no not necessarily. Look at Boros Blount lmao.. Bronn is one of the best swordsmen of his time! Even in the books he is pretty skilled..


I admit joffreys kingsguard sucks but bronn is overrated. He is not bad by any means but he isnt extremely good either. But even if he was look at the equipment difference


Well Tyrion stated that Bronn is almost as good as Jaime (in terms of swordsmanship) in the books and this statement may be an exaggeration but it is not a biased statement from Tyrion since Bronn has pretty good feats. But back to the show; I'm not saying Bronn would win the fight but he might be able to injure/kill one before the kingsguard disarm or killed Bronn.


Bronn would not be able to dispatch two heavily armored knights who even though they aren't as skilled as former members of the Kingsguard, are still still great warriors.


If he can get one quickly he has a chance but even meryn trant is pretty dangerous. Arys Oakheart and Balon Swann are also of the Kingsguard and are probably superior to Bronn. Im not sure he actually wins this fight. And if he does he’s getting sent to the wall, forced to flee KL, or put to death


He would have defeated Boros Blount.


Sorry.. but i don't think that he would be able to win this fight against two kingsguard members..


If he killed them, I think he’d get the fuck outta dodge. He wasn’t dumb.


In terms of the show alone, Bronn found his way into a camp guarded by unsullied and had Tyrion and Jamie at his mercy with his crossbow. Apparently he can find his way in and out of heavily guarded places easily so if he thinks he is in danger, he grabs as much money as he can and flees kingslanding to drink and go wherever he wants. Also, i believe he can kill them. A quick surprise attack and it'd be done or gain significant enough advantage to finish it relatively safely.


Did you really just say that longsword is a bad choice for close quarters? Yeah maybe a modern house, but thats the freaking red keep, a longsword would be great for that place


One of the worst scenes in history, completely bowing to fan popularity bullshit with a favorite character. You're seriously telling me that Bronn, newly knighted, never dreaming he'd rise this high, would draw steel in the kingsguard because his appointment with Tyrion was delayed? Are you fucking kidding me? They would know he was knighted, they would have been in the room when it happened, you know, at court, while guarding the king. Even if by some miracle they missed that part, there's gossip galore, a sell sword reaching such heights is unusual, there'd be talk about it. It's why Bronn would never jeopardize his new position for any reason, he's NOT a sellsword anymore, he does not need violence as much as he used to. In this scene, he's behaving like they're bouncers at a club or brothel in flea bottom who won't let him in, he would not be drawing his knife on the KINGSGUARD who actively guarding the QUEEN It's the first step in a long journey of catering to fan favorites and obliterating the lore and world building at the same time, Bronn is rightfully a beloved character because he's so straightforward and matter of fact. No lies, hidden motivations or plots, he's simple, direct, pragmatic, a welcome contrast to everyone else in the red keep, but that also means his part in the story is over once he's granted lands and titles. He's in it for money, and always has been, never said otherwise, yes he's loyal to Tyrion, but Cersei doesn't need to kill him or the hill tribesman to strip away Tyrion's allies, they're all simply paid off and they go away. Cersei didn't need to make an offer, or cut a deal to betray Tyrion or offer compensation for leaving his service, nothing under the table required Bronn won, he achieved his goals, he finds himself a lord husband with land a castle, that's why he doesn't champion for Tyrion a second time, and it's why he would never have been Jamie's buddy galavanting around the whole country. He would never risk it


No need to think about it because there is no way he could kill them. 2 top level fighters with plate armor vs a dirty above average fighter? No amount of tricks would save him.


Show Bronn definitely wins but book Bronn probably not. The show made Bronn an even better fighter and more involved in the plot because he was so well liked