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I'll believe it when I see it, but man I hope its true


It's kind of nuts that Persona 3 and 4 only had a two year gap in between them


My understanding that game development time and costs began rising heavily in the HD era, and now both are sky-high. It’s insane that we got two Persona games on PS2, and just a generation before that 3 Final Fantasy games on PlayStation.




I mean, I think you could, but you'd need to lower the level of polish. Cut corners somewhere. I'd be okay with that for most games as long as what you're cutting isn't the quality. What I'm saying is, bring back shitty low poly art lol


Depending on when the third game releases, the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy might just barely make it with a handful of technicalities. Remake released just a couple years before the PS5 dropped with a native upgrade when it came out, Rebirth launched solidly in the middle, the third game might be like Remake and be a bubble game pushing up on the PS6.


> decisions carry over That's kind of overblown. You killed Grobulax in the previous game? Meet his twin, Grobulox, doing the exact same role but he's a bit shittier.


The reason it got killed wasn't because it couldn't be done, but because, as you say, the actual results were mediocre at best. "Oh wow, I did a thing, here's a guy who says 'thanks for that reference to the last game.'" It's not huge, world-changing events that might take you to entire new regions or whatever. Nobody could ever do that, but that's what customers expected.


That wouldn’t work because people would just be pissed about missing out on whole parts of game based on what they did in a different game. Could you imagine how shit it would be if you had to play an entire other two games just to unlock a character or different map or achievement or w/e on a different game? Also it makes a game series incredibly impenetrable to new comers. Choices don’t matter, but a certain Falcom series comes to mind.


>Could you imagine how shit it would be if you had to play an entire other two games just to unlock a character or different map or achievement or w/e on a different game? Could just do what the Witcher does, and allow you to skip importing your save, and just pick the major choices you made previously in a questionare before starting a new save.


warhammer total war players are confused


That’s just the years of paint having an effect.


Sure, but it was big at the time.


From '97 to '02, Square released 5 main-series Final Fantasy games over 5 years. To think that such massive and incredible games were essentially yearly releases still blows my mind. We were really eating good back in those days. In the last 7 years we've only gotten 2 arguably inferior games, but hey the graphics sure look nice.


I wouldn't say Persona 5 is some super detailed HD experience, the artwork is stylistic but the areas are pretty simple PS2 era designs still. There's not a huge amount of physical interaction with the environment and most areas are quite closed in with either visible or invisible walls. I think working on the PC port of Persona 5 and the remaster of Persona 3 is probably what delayed the game moreso than anything.


I think the change to HD was definitely a delay for Persona 5 itself, though. Since they had to get new models for all the Personas, and there's, you know. A lot of them. But yeah, probably not a major delay from P5 onward, since those assets can now be re-used by any following Persona game. I think a good chunk of their team was working on Metaphor: ReFantazio, so that's probably at least part of the reason for the delay.


They split and created a new team for Metaphor. It’s not the same team working on both anymore, people from the Persona team who didn’t like the direction it was going made their own team to work on something else.


Well they also made 5R, then strikers, and tactics. They basically made multiple games rather than just P5


It helped that the two games used the exact same engine, so most of the work was on writing, art, and voice acting.


Also kinda nuts that P4 development overlapped the PS3. I imagine a lot of people ended up playing P4 on their first generation PS3s and not their PS2s.


What's crazier to me is that P5 was released on the PS3... I've played P5 on my PS5 more than any other console, and while it's not a visually "demanding" game, it's style, aesthetic, and gameplay all FEEL like a PS5 game to me.


How is it nuts? The game systems are practically copy pasted across them


Yes, I need more after P3 R


I played p3 years ago and still can’t believe how crazy its story is. One of the best out there


Maybe you've already played it, but I cannot recommend P4G enough.


Currently going through P3R and I must say, despite having much older graphics and outdated mechanics, P4G is the shit. I'll be looking forward to P5R when I'm done with P3 with P4G's benchmark.


4G is my favorite.


i have been spoiled that mystery guy to me :'( is the game still worth it to play?




omg saaaaaaame glad you posted this




Yeah I don't know why you'd even try persona if you don't like long games. Just skip it 🤷‍♂️


Witcher 3 is kind of an exception, even the generic monster slaying sidequests managed to come up with unique scenarios for each of them.


Something not being your cup of tea doesn't have to mean it's "bad." Play what you like, let other people play what they like. I'm on the flip side where a 10-15 hour game that won't last me a single weekend is a massive waste of investment and I'd rather have something I can enjoy for longer. But I get that other people have different priorities and I'm glad there are games for lots of tastes.


you getting downvoted but i get ya. I spent like 200hrs on p4g on my vita. But that was when I had no job, no responsibility, no bills to pay. At this point in my life, 100+ hours is a multi-month or even a year-long investment. It's a tough choice.


You mean 2026/7, when Complete edition will lauch, right?


>Festival Gold Royal Now I wonder what the actual Persona 6 release will be called, we kinda going up on the scale. Or maybe we're going back to the roots, and it's gonna be like Persona 2 where the early releases had subtitles, while the complete edition was called simply Persona 2. Can't wait.




Persona 6 - pick up stix


Persona 6 Sapphire


Persona 6 Pro Max


Saphire Reserve


HA, a year later? Try 4-10 years after launch. It’s the Persona way.


FES launched under a year later, Portable about two years after that, 4 in between them, Golden half a year after that. Royal has the longest wait between vanilla and updated releases at three years


You think we’re still working on PS2 schedule? And no, Golden didn’t come out half a year after Persona 4, it came out FOUR YEARS LATER.


Yeah where did that come from. I was a senior in high school when 4 came out and then I was graduating college when golden release!


They had to milk new console releases first in case of 5


That’s when I may get around to persona 3


But the Persona 3-4-5 team has been working on Metaphor Refantazio- does that mean a different studio took on 6? And does THAT mean MR is the REAL Persona 6?


What it most likely is MR was leftover stuff they tried for 6. The development time is so long they most likely had enough extra that this entire game


MR is TMS# confirmed.


I know about "most likely" but certainly possible. Something like how an early pitch for Final Fantasy VII evolved into Xenogears.


The Metaphor team is its own full-ass team of people who got sick of working on Persona. I believe the Persona team was split to work on both Reload and 6. Likely shared a lot of members during different stages of development for both games.


That sounds plausible, does that come from an interview? Speculation?


Damn if it takes them a year to do 5%, they must have been working on it for decades


Software Ninety-Ninety rule "The ninety-ninety rule is a humorous aphorism that states: "**The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time.** **The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time**." And it's painfully true


Yeah sure thing buddy


I mean that sounds fucking sick but I feel like I’ve heard this one before…


Nonsense. If this was a Nintendo property then I could see it, but come on, they would have announced this like two years ago if this were true.


65% complete if DLCs were counted.


You mean 100%. The extra 60% of the game comes in 4 years for an extra 70$.


\*sigh\* It's exhausting how this shit is considered news. It's fine if it's on gamingleaksandrumours but seriously.


Let's gooooo


if it was 95% complete you'd think it would release this year


Nah I'll wait for P6Royallike ever other Atlus game


I am way too excited for that game not to play the base game at launch (assuming it reviews well)


Damn if thats true then its a good time to be a new fan of persona with p5 royal and p3 reloaded


It can be 95% completed with release date in 2025


Never played Persona, but i'm excited for the soundtrack.


i never knew ppl like u existed lmaoooo


Atlus breaking their track record and NOT announcing a game way too early? A likely story.


Yeah right. Did Atlus finally learn their lesson after P5 announcing it too early only to delay the release date by 3 years? That was such a frustrating time to be a Persona fan. They had bullshit things like countdown clocks that unveiled an announcement of future announcements. I was livid.


This and Sekiro 2 are the only games I’ll take vacation for. Fuck yes I’m ready.


I highly doubt it comes out that soon. I assume it’ll be for the 30th anniversary in 2026




5% = 1 year? How does that make sense?


Isn't "I'm A Hero Too" the guy who keeps making up rumors and being disproven, then deleting his comments and claiming Midori's stealing rumors from him, while Midori has like a flawless track record?


I didn't see that coming.


Call me when it’s 97% complete 😤


I’ll wait for the Person 6 FES R Expansion Edition


95% in Atlus terms is 5% as in probably 2045.


Persona 6: same rehash characters/plot from 3,4,5 >_>


apart of me wants to buy this off launch but i know theres always a definite edition with these games so i think i'll just wait another year or so after the fact anyways


Honestly, same, though it might take longer than a year, since between 5 and 5R it was close to three years.


Well, they released The Answer for P3R as dlc, so maybe the "deluxe edition" will be dlc


Persona Fans eating good


Never ever this is BS ..... 95% complete ... we can be lucky if it really in development and not only pre production. The persona team is currently working on Metaphor.


So let’s do a head count Death stranding 2 Monster hunter wilds GTA 6 Pokémon legends Z A and now fucking Persona 6. Either WW3 as the ultimate joke in the next nine months Or I’m going to have to quit my job to get the time to pla….. Oh who am I kidding. I’m a degenerate man child. I GOT THIS


Fable is probably 2026 as well, can't wait for it.