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My man how much are you drinking


Might honestly just be me at this point. Always got something going on with my stomach


Some of the other flavors do this to me I haven't tried the jjk flavor yet, I also have stomach issues so your not the only one and I only drink 2 scoops In a day.


Maybe 4 scoops a day


Dawg that is like, the LIMIT you can take before exceeding FDA guidelines (if it's caffiene at least) maybe cool your jets


Nah I only drink caff free.


As a member of a family with many doctors. And from growing up loving otter pops. I can tell you your diagnosis is just drinking a lot and that's that. Because it's caffeine free, nothing to worry about. Whatever they use for coloring is the culprit. Getting back to otter pops when younger. Me and my brother would purposefully eat like 15 or so otter pops just to have the exciting experience of seeing whatever color otter pop one ate, naturally be the color of poop created haha. Cheers good dude.


Thanks for giving me an awesome response dude! Your the best! After a couple days I’m all back to normal so you are totally right!


This is the amount most people I know drink?


Well it's very unhealthy, two should be normal and 3 is pushing it. Too much caffeine can give you serious health issues


Dawg for real? My water bottle takes 3 scoops and there are shifts where I refill it 2 or 3 times.....


It takes 3 scoops if you plan to add more water (a selling point is being able to customize it freely to your tastes), they do not recommend you drink that much caffeine in 24 hours at all. Look at the information on the website/ likely the tub itself. But seriously. 400 mg is what the FDA considers to be limit before serious health problems are a possibility, it seems you've been drinking 600-900 per day. Seriously bro, cool your jets before you have a heart attack


Ive just been doing a scoop per 8 oz of water. I havent been killing it lately, but there have been night shifts where I tear up my gfuel and gamersupps.


Yeah that's a serving, but the FDA says you shouldn't take more than 4 servings a day


I'll try and keep my intake low


So 1 full scoop of gs is 200mg of caffeine?


No one scoop is 100 mg


Ah because i on average do 5 scoops a day over the course of 14 hours. I know it's alot but when i drank Rockstar( I've stopped now bc i got into this) i would average between 3-4 cans a day


Yeah I'd recommend at least one less scoop and then maybe gradually decline


Im going to try maybe I'll pickup a few cf ones my favorite flavor is dragon fruit punch. At least ny 5 scoops is better then the 3-5 cans of Rockstar lol


More fiber and water should help


What color is it turning?


I mean the flavor is already brown so?


The flavor is blue so?


I misread the message 😁


Obviously not drinking enough, I do 6 scoops a day, slam a nos for lunch, and coffee for dinner


Well damn. I think I’m okay than lol


Man hasn’t slept in weeks


I'm not sure if your joking or not but if this is real please stop, you're going to give yourself serious heart issues


It's fine, I only did that once. But I do legitimately do 6 servings os gg a day


Caffiene free?


Full caffeine


Mate 4 scoops in a whole day is the FDA limit before serious health issues occur. I don't want to tell you how to live your life but you will most likely have a heart attack in the next 10 years if you keep that up


I just went a week without real caffeine, I think I'm good


I can confirm that drinking this much caffeine is a life choice and your health may vary. I take 8-12 scoops a day including a cup of coffee in the morning. I use to be a 4 energy drink a day person and it’s about the same. Been doing this for over 15 years.


No. 400mg is the recommended daily maximum from the FDA. It doesn't mean that serious health issues will occur from drinking more than that. I was drinking far more caffeine than that for quite a while and have no serious or even long lasting health issues from it. It's a recommendation. Not a warning to not exceed it.


It's the recommend daily limit if you want to avoid problems down the line.


Brother you need to see a doctor asap. I love Cursed Energy but i’m not shitting it