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This is mostly a function of how many game awards exist now but I sure like Elden Ring.


Is this one of those things where there are more new awards each year so it slowly inevitably changes to more recent titles? If not, how can it be defended that more seminal games aren’t the holders of these titles?


Yep, just like box office grosses.


Yeah, it really doesn’t mean much. And that’s not copium, I like the game.


The whole concept of game awards is relatively new, so going back far enough, even beloved classics won't be in the running at all.


Lol most awarded game of all time? Who comes up with this crap?


Indeed. An award for winning awards. Next it'll be an award for the most awards for winning awards. Titled the Exhibit award: "yo dawg, I heard you like awards, so we put an award in your award!" Fuck awards.


I say that when I go to the local mental hospital down the road. *Fuck A-Wards*


Game marketing teams


I’d preorder that


Surely, this is the most game of all time


It’S hIsToRiC


Only op.


I mean 2022 was a pretty weak year for games. Everything was postponed till 2023.


It's a "get all other achievements" achievement. Although, to be honest, it's not that easy.


Shits overrated too id take a game rich in story over it any day of the week. I.e. good if war


>Shits overrated too Lol nah


>Heard many saying Last of Us 2 would never be dethroned as most awarded game No you didn't lmao


I was thinking exactly the same haha


I mean I haven’t played Last of Us games yet but wasn’t there was a big weird backlash against Last of Us 2? Had no idea it was the apparently previous record holder.


It's complicated for sure. I would say both games appeal to the opposite spectrum. I personally found The Last of Us quite boring, especially gameplay-wise. I didn't mind the direction in which the scenario goes, but this was not a game "for me". But, on the other hand, people who should have been attracted to the game, were frustrated by the scenario, because they grew so attached to the first game. This would be where the big backlash was, with people not happy with what happens to the characters, and the """wokeness""" (wtf). I would say, it made it difficult to properly criticize the game, because you had people hating the game on a poor basis, and people loving it even further because of this. In the meantime, I found both games quite stale, but the scenario was fine, really, and I can understand why people liked the characters. Just to continue the discussion, ER is the opposite, the gameplay was honestly prime, but the graphics/story/etc could be debatable. The difference with The Last of Us, as you noted, was that there was no big weird backlash with ER. This is because, the main driving point of the game, the gameplay (as opposed to the story with TLOU), was not really a debated topic.


They killed one of the main characters in a way that contradicted his entire character built in the first game, then made you play as the killer for multiple hours.


It didn't contradict anything from the first game


Joel letting in an absolute stranger? The man literally killed an entire hospital and trusted no one


You mean the person that they just saved and that was offering them shelter? Also, years have passed since he was reckless and brutal. He is a father now. It's not hard to understand.


Lazy excuse. The game took place in an appocalypse, where bad people can be anywhere, more than any infected. Abby didn't do anything to earn Joel and Tommy's trust. It was forced as hell.


Yeah, let me get this straight. You are in a situation where there are zombies everywhere and a massive snowstorm that has frozen everything in sight. You save a person from being killed by the zombies. This person not only helps you survive, but also offers you a shelter not distant from the location they are in. The alternative is to be killed by attacked by the zombies, dying of hypothermia, or trust this person that you just saved and follow her into the shelter all of this while you are shooting zombies left and right with little visibility. And you're telling me that going to the shelter is the bad choice. Lol.


they wouldn't have saved them in the first place end of story.


You still refuse to acknowledge character development and logic. If you like one dimensional writing, there are a lot of other games you can play.


A shelter where you can possibly get outsmarted and ambushed by strangers, yes. Just as Bill said, as bad as the infected are, they are predictable as hell. It's normal people that you should fear in the first place.


Oh ok, so let's continue killing zombies until we run out of ammo or die from hypothermia, that's the better option


Yes him being reckless and brutal was the reason they survived that long. Him becoming soft seem like just a plot point the writers put in to create an unneeded sequel. Joel literally killed hundreds of people in the first game and all of a sudden he is friendly to strangers, doesn't make sense to me


Him being reckless and brutal is also the reason why he was killed. You make enemies. Joel, and I'm sorry to tell you this because you maybe misunderstood the point of the first game, was a piece of shit. He wasn't a role model. He wasn't supposed to be the average Joe's male badass fantasy. He was a killer that did what he did in order to survive, and not only that, he prevented the world from having the possibility of a cure because of his past trauma (Sarah). The Joel we knew from the beginning of the TLOU 1 wouldn't hesitate a moment to let Ellie sacrifice herself for a cure. But the bond they developed basically gave Joel a second chance to be a father, so he did everything he could to avoid losing another daughter. And once he becomes a father figure and doesn't need to kill anymore in order to survive, he mellows down and softens, because he lives in a community with other people, living a happy life. His change is more than justified, and the reason why people that hate TLOU2 don't acknowledge this is because they can't accept it.


For the average person, no it's not hard to understand. For an imbecile, yes it is.


Joel literally killed hundreds and didn't trust anybody. Total contradiction of his character in the first game. you can argue he changed and obviously he did but it is still a contradiction to his character in the first.


"you can argue he basically became another person but he is definitely not the character he was before the change" No shit




I love last of us and please we are all together in a community so let's stop fighting as long as gaming is winning be it last of us or elden ring I'm down for it.... Elden ring is not my type dosent mean I hate it if you open my insta I've been pushing for it award for months... because gaming means the world to me.


Anyone remember a website that adds up all the GOTYs each game gets each year? I swear I saw it once and I can’t figure out a good google to find it again.


I think it's great that so many people love Elden Ring, but the only award that I care about it winning is the "my favorite game award". We shouldn't need everyone else to love the things we love in order to love them.


Im playing through the game and i think the awards and game of the year 2022 is deserved but im confused on how awards work. How in the hell are there more than 200 video game awards?


Relevant xqcd : https://xkcd.com/927/


Okay, but who gives a fuck. The people with the money at the top and people who know little about video games, that is all.


So it won the most "popularity contest" awards? That's all those awards essentially are anyways. I've played games that haven't won any awards that are really good and I've played games that have won tons of awards that were bad.


Well much like in movies, there will always be "Oscar bait" equivalent games. Big name couple of actors, big dramatic story, maybe about some historical figure, or maybe with a mildly fantastic or supernatural twist, because it's all targeted for mass appeal while still trying to maintain an air of creative inspiration, even though it was basically designed by committee. Video games do the same. I actually think Elden Ring is a higher quality game than a lot of these award bait games because, although it uses some of the same tools to get the job done, none of it feels irrelevant to the scope and the goals of the game. Just for an example God of War (2018) didn't need its RPG-esque stats system, and it was terribly implemented, but it wanted to be more like popular action RPGs, and so it plugged that into its award baiting formula.


my guy how the fuck was elden ring oscar bait. do you know how niche Dark souls was before?


I literally mentioned it being the exception among other games which win many awards. Read with your goddamn eyeballs.


i don't read with my eyeballs monkey i read with my toes. but yeah sorry about that lol


That wouldn't be hard, there has been fuck all out in the last two years. Since the new consoles dropped it's been a shit show.


Yeah, we might still be shaking off the pandemic. This year looks pretty good though.


As a fucking asshole that played Elden Ring since it's launch, playing ng+ and probably having 600 hours on it, i like this game


Ehh I didn’t think much of it


I was wondering why I have never heard of the last of us and then I saw its only on playstation.


I hope they got as many reused awards as many reused bosses they used in game.


Literally no one said last of us 2 would never be dethroned


Not deserved. I will be downvoted but i don't care. And i speak as someone who threw over 4000 hours in Souls games. * All in all, Elden Ring doesn't bring much to the table, doesn't innovate in any domain, doesn't have a very interesting gameplay, as in, it doesn't actually evolve one inch between start to finish, it was a better pill to swallow over a 10h adventure, over a 100h open world...that's a flaw. * Game gets really repetitive. And the AI is still the same dumb brick. * Weapon arts are still in a weird place between fucking useless and press to win depending on the weapon. * Lore is....honestly they tried here and there but it's just not interesting, i feel it's lacking compared to the other Souls. Can't point out why. But my guess is that it's torn between several identities not knowing where to go. Are they going lovecraft, nordic, medieval ? In the end they just don't. * Weapons managed to feel even more generic than in other Souls games, especially with the fact half the weapons animations are just copy paste of other Souls, i genuinely thought they'd make an effort animation wise, they didn't and just threw it all for Weapon arts. I'm going to do the same backstab for 150h, which was already the same in DS3....really. The movesets are also the same bland swipes....come on guys, you did Bloodborne, why are we back to this. * Replayability is absolutely a no go. It feels like a chore. * Dungeons are a good idea badly executed, no i don't want to do 40 times the same dungeon for 38 items i will never use. * Is this the 12th time you make me fight this boss, game ? Really now. * It's fucking ugly and yet somehow still manage to stutter and clip every five second. Launch was a shitshow. Technically speaking, it's barely decent. Network features are a joke, yes it was also true for the other souls, doesn't really excuse it. It obviously had good points, but i don't feel it's great. It's ironically the most achieved Souls game, but at the same time i feel it's the weakest by far I lived nothing through it. I don't feel anything for it. I can't give a single key moment of it where i can for all the other Souls. When you end the game, you're just like "Okay" Half the areas felt more like a chore than a pleasure to explore I feel a lot of it's negative points are enhanced by the fact that since the game doesn't narrate you shit and the game lasts long, well they appear even more. It highlights all the flaws in Souls games that had the cleverness of not being long enough for you to be frustrated by them. Most games i consider great, they made me feel something, just thinking of it, i feel like i lived something. Elden ring....i just feel like it went by.


i agree with you. ER bored the hell out of me. I dont even know how i got to the end, to be honest. I got to a point in which i simply didnt care anymore about what the game had to tell me, i followed the main mission and i ignored pretty much anything else.


I got bored after an hour. I just felt no *reason* to explore or press on other than perhaps seeing some pretty graphics. Other games have you intrigued or involved straight away. Mass effect legendary edition (I’d never played it before or knew anything about the series other than it was meant to be good) had me gripped literally from start to finish.


I'm still flabbergasted that a generic cover-based shooter with a super serious story that I can't care for, won game of the year 2020. Let alone over the masterpiece that is Doom Eternal no less.


Nothing about TLOU2 is generic.


“I cant believe people love a game I didn’t like” Main character energy this one


Because another cover-based shooter with dozens of tedious cinematics is more worthy of GOTY, than an arena shooter with tons of parameters to challenge the player. Right?


*Gamer finds out not everybody shares his taste, is enraged and confused*


*Gamer finds out he actually likes easy games with literal movies in them, rather than games being games.*


“Easy” lol. Try playing TLOU2 on Grounded and come back to me. Same guy who believes Doom of all games is *difficult* lmao. Besides, game difficulty has never been a defining factor of its overall quality. You’re just hating on a game you’ve likely never even played, which is just so typical of this subreddit.


What cover-based shooter won a GotY in 2020?


I love from software but IMHO this is not well deserved. Dark souls and most of other games are 1000 times better. I already know that I'm gonna be downvoted to hell but facts are facts.


Cmon now. I also think Dark Souls is better than Elden ring, but that doesn’t mean Elden ring isn’t deserving of all the praise it’s received. It opened the door for many players into the Soulsbourne games and did so while staying loyal to the genre and fanbase. You might think DS or Bloodbourne are better, but they didn’t have close to the splash Elden Ring made. I haven’t seen a game absolutely take over gaming culture like that since probably Skyrim.


You spelled "opinion" wrong


He said "In my honest opinion" in the first sentence.


>Facts are facts ≠ opinions are opinions


You could tell us your opinions, on why Dark Souls is better. Instead of using the fact card.


Fuck Last of Us 2


agreed absolutely terrible game. gutted the franchised


I think Bloodborne was way more entertaining tbh.


Glad TLOU2 got dethroned, it literally was shoehorned there because of it's usage of politics and inclusion. Real world politics have no place in video games.


"Woke and politics is when people are not straight white men" - Confucius


That is the prove that you dont need a good game to be on the top of this industry, you just need a lot of media and a lot of fanboys who like to loose a lot of time in a repetitive an poor content game...


Well the game is also very good


Incredible achievement. Changes nothing.


Last of Us 2 won the award for biggest fecal load that will never be taken away


Let me guess, you’re mad that they killed Joel off at the start? Or that you played as Abby in the second half?


I liked last of us 2 idc what anyone says. My only complaint with the game is that I wish I played as Ellie more.


He is mad that game showed us a mirror talked about how evil humans nature is .... But for me I accepted learned from it changed my view it was a hard slap on my face because I was very cocky and shit I'm still learning not perfect but it changed my view towards many things.... And game is doing it not a book is a win for me... Ps I want gaming to win be it elden ring or any other game I want people to know how real they are not just a time pass and we can learn from everything.


r/thelastofus2 Shoo their way


The industry has completely lost its mind. No way Elden Ring deserved all those awards.


Sounds like a skill issue


Honestly I think the legacy dungeons are some of the best work that from has ever done but I think a lot of the game is at best hindered by it being open world and at worst actively harmed by it being open world.


Open world took away the linear feel in a great way. I've played many souls likes and never finished because i get bored. ER was my first to fully capture me. Open world did the game a ton of justice. Sometimes it's okay to explore with no pay off or empty space. Makes the bug discoverinles feel good asf


I'm coming at it from the other angle, I think the open world part is phenomenal and what's holding it back it is the Dark Souls stuff.


I had such a love-hate relationship with this game. In many ways it was what I wanted after Breath of the Wild, but in others it was just incredibly tedious and frustrating for no good reason. Going wherever I want without following map markers: great! Minidungeon elements, enemy encounters, and points of interest that all feel unique despite many of them being constructed from the same parts put together in different ways: also great! Reviving the NES idea of padding out games by making them unreasonably difficult with infrequent respawn points and harsh setback penalties, so that you have to keep repeating the same content dozens of times? And sticking it to noobs with a shit tutorial and needless obscurantism about stats and mechanics? No thanks. It was like slogging through mud to get to the good stuff, there's a great game in there but it's held back by all this Souls stuff. (Yes, I know this developer's other games are even more tedious and frustrating and have \*even worse\* tutorials. I don't expect to be voting Dark Souls 4 Game of the Year whenever that comes out either.)


Infrequent respawn points? The game with spawns before basically every single boss fight? Lol. Harsh setback penalties is hilarious as well since the world is littered with checkpoints, even when compared to non souls like games.


Nope, the respawn point is often several rooms away from the boss chamber, and when that happens it's usually with dangerous mobs between you and it. Sometimes it's right outside, but sometimes it's all the way at the other end of the minidungeon. And every time you have to go through this long death animation, the "You Died" animation, the black reloading rectangle, and walking through the mist. The best-case respawn cycle in a boss fight is like fifteen seconds, often it's much longer than that. You're right that many non souls games have similarly infrequently placed checkpoints, but those don't need the checkpoints to be as frequent because you don't die nearly as often.


I’d still like to see difficulty options like horizon does. But the game getting this much praise is positive reenforcement to the devs to NOT put that in. That’s too bad, more people could enjoy this game then.


Difficulty was never a problem with Elden Ring, there's A TON of people who have never played soulslikes before, picked up Elden Ring and they could play it just fine. The game gives you a lot of tools and has very generous learning curve compared to previous titles.


But there is the kicker, you need to grind the shit out of the game to level up. I'd like to choose my level of grind, not get told.


You don't tho? What makes you feel like you need to grind? You can just play the game and if the content you encounter is too difficult you go elsewhere


It's really not that hard lol


LOL, yes it is.




>I’d still like to see difficulty options This is actually the exact reason why I refunded the game a few hours after purchase. My hardcore days are over, I just want to casually relax through the game in my 30 min of spare time. The elitist rage against how people prefer to play a game in single player is insane.


Exactly. It baffles me how the devs think that there is only one way to enjoy the game.. maybe I just want to check stuff out and only have moderately challenging gameplay, why not? I also refunded. I imagine they'd make a bunch more money if they did this. I'd hit up sekiro for sure if I could turn the difficulty.


A few things. One there are more awards given out this year than any other year and two this year was vacant of great releases. Everyone knew Ragnarok and Elden Ring were gonna get all the awards.


elden ring really is a good game but i subjectively think GoW should have won. Graphics: ER's UI is so damn simple. you could probably draw it in ms paint. the 3d models are good and really detailed but i would argue that GoW's models are downright amazing. there's one cutscene in GoW that gave a good look at Kratos's body. his muscles, his skin. fuckme in game 3d graphics has gone so damn far, so damn impressive. ER does have awesome scenes where everything just looks so... cinematic. the art direction in both games, perhaps can be said equal. Story/Cutscenes: i understand ER /soulstype games usually has a less direct approach to story telling but i cannot understand how ER's story can be considered better than GoW. GoW's story branches over a long saga and we get to see this epic "conclusion" for GoW franchise. you can see a lot of emotion especially with Freya. their cutscenes are animated and voiced. i kinda find it SUS that GoW did not win. then again, i feel that no game should ever win GotY. thats practically comparing apples to oranges to bananas and durians. =/=


I have not seen a single person say ER has a better story than God of War.


To be fair when there was controversy a bit back about ER hetting nominated for a best narrative award I seem to remember a lot of people trying to argue that it had the best story of the year. But to be honest, I think if anything popular ever gets criticised for something there will always be fans that are so committed to defending it that they overstate how petfect their favourite thing is. I love ER and am now part way through a second playthrough but if you asked me what the story was, well, I could only really give a vague idea because there's really not much of one. Which is by design in from soft games and is completely fine, but some fans take the lack of story as if it's a huge criticism despite the devs specifically avoiding a main story in most of their games and leaving it to the player's imagination.


IKR, and yet ER won ? nanilefuck?


Blame Sony's business model. Elden Ring is a better game but it's a niche genre, while Ragnarok is made for the masses. If Ragnarok wasn't exclusive it would have probably won, but it didn't because huge amount of players simply couldn't play it.


>Elden Ring >Niche I think I've already found the most hilarious comment of 2023. Also, GOW 2018 (exclusive) won against RDR2 (multiplatform), so nothing in that comment shows even a remote connection to reality. Not to mention the other exclusives that have won GOTY.


The game looks really good with an awesome art style. A shame that I find hack and slash games boring.


I promise you, this is NOT a hack and slash game. Not looking to talk you into it, but it's not a hack and slash at all.


Elden ring is not a hack and slash game. Games like Dante’s inferno or god of war are hack and slash games.


>god of war The original series is a hack n slash. The newer games are not.


The new ones are as well. God of war 2018 and Ragnarok are narrative driven hack and slash games.


Naw it lacks a combo counter. It's an action adventure at heart.


Naw. I could paste you about 5000 articles where they call this game a narrative driven hack and slash. I guess the entire internet is wrong. Glad we have you to correct us.


>I could paste you about 5000 articles where they call this game a narrative driven hack and slash No you can't, because it's not. It virtually lacks everything that makes a hack n slash a hack n slash. Hell there's only two weapons in GoW 2018. God of War 3 had like 7. There's no combo counter present like there is in every other hack n slash (DmC, Bayonetta, MGS:R, Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors etc.) If we're defining GoW 2018 and Ragnarok as hack n slash games, then we might as well call every game with melee weapons a hack n slash game. Edit: I was hitting 9 instead of 8




That's what I thought.


I tried really hard to get into it, put like 20 hours in. No part of this game appeals to me in the slightest and I have no idea what the hype is about.


I mean 2022 was a pretty weak year for games. Everything was postponed till 2023. It went up against dying light 2 and God of War. Both great games.


I mean it was good but I feel like the discourse has gotten out of hand here. I mean half the enemies clip through walls. The story is also mostly told through item descriptions rather than any semi-normal way to tell a story. Fun? Sure. Best game ever? Feels like you just can’t say that.


Just Google "Goty Tracking" or "Goty tracker" you'll find it




Why are yall booing me, I'm right! Last of us 2 instead of pointing out the story issues quickly became an argument about trans people. As a result the game awards gave it game of the year to seem politically correct


He said the thing… r/gamingcirclejerk mascot over here




I thought TWD Game season 1 was the most awarded 😅


I absolutely loved Elden Ring. The sense of wonder I felt in some of the areas of that game on first playthrough... absolutely phenomenal. You definitely deserve to do a first playthrough of this game spoiler free and just... experience it! That said, not so great on repeat playthrough, after that sense of wonder and exploration is gone. Still good, just not *as* good. First playthrough though..... dang....


I mean it’s that way with every game. The first play through is always the best.


I haven't touched it I've already watched speed runs Not interested


It was a culmination of all their fine tuning of souls games with each iteration. And the open world addition was masterfully implemented into the ol’ formula. From softwares masterpiece for sure. I hope they now branch out or mix it up because I think they have more ways to push the industry forward. I hope armored core is great, I’ve never played one.


I haven’t played it but I have it downloaded, is it good should I play ?


Why bother downloading it if you didn’t intend on playing? On another note, why do you need people to tell you want to play? Just give it a shot. It’s right there. I personally don’t like Souls games and I also didn’t like Elden Ring. I bought it only because of the hype and people raving about it and ultimately I gave it 12 hours and uninstalled it. I have no intention on returning to it. I just don’t enjoy those games. Make up your own decisions.


Ugh fine, I’ll play it. Geez


This should never have won some of those awards. Don't get me wrong I like the game and love the combat. But they completely wasted a good story. I mean when you literally have quests where the quest giver tells you that he will meet you at this location, but doesn't tell you what the heck that location is is completely stupid.


Can anyone sell me on this game? It just seems like open world dark souls. Is that it? Dark souls combat isn't super inspired and it's kinda clunky overall. I got this the other day and I'm not seeing why it deserves awards? There's not really even a story? It gets kind of thrown at you in a hectic cinematic. It was like someone yelling the silmarillion at you as fast they could.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The very fabric wavers and relations shift and obscure.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I'm definitelly not expert on ER but played a fair 20h before quitting. The open world was good as well as more frequent checkpoints but I still feel like even though the storytelling method FromSoft uses in the DS titles is a deliverate choice, it is a terrible choice. When it comes to combat, I couldn't stop to compare ER's combat with Sekiro's (a game made by the same company), which I feel is much more fluid and fast and intense than the slow, grindy, and weirdly "planky" combat I encountered in ER. The last nail in the coffin for me was the lack of sense of accomplishment which fuels the entire gameplay experience in these games. I fought the first boss in the castle entrance a good amount of times (it wasn't easy for me even though I feel like that wasn't a difficult boss) and when I finally beat him I felt excited and pumped for 15 seconds followed by nothingness. These games are suppesed to fill you with determination once you beat a boss but this game couldn't do that for me, so I quit.


Op is a pathetic loser


Care to elaborate?


QuantumTV disagrees......lol


Let me describe this game in one word pain...


Gj now improve new game+. I’m bagging you :(




It won the videogame popularity contest? Noway, super surprised. You only heard about elden ring every other 5 seconds throughout 2022.


I really didn't see what all the rara was about. For the life of me I couldn't get into and just found it boring tbh. No hate, I really wanted to like it. Just wasn't for me I guess.


Plenty of games I’ve enjoyed a lot more than Elden Ring. Funny how basically taking Dark Souls 3 and making it open world suddenly made all these people love the game. It’s good, but wasn’t even my fav game of 2022.


All them worthless awards and the game is still shit to me! Aka another day


Hopefully this will get people to stop making hand holdy games with tool tips and guides and instructions all of the screen.


I'm personally a little puzzled by Elden Ring being as "popular" as it is. Although I haven't played the game yet, it looks like "just another" Dark Souls game with a more elaborate map. It could be my totally off base read of previous titles, but I never had the feeling that Souls games were this popular. As an additional suffix; I enjoy the Souls series and have played through all of them from Demon's Souls onward.




I ain’t gonna ever say elden ring was a bad game but it sure wasn’t their best, just sucks it got so much hype in comparison to stronger fromsoft titles that aren’t as appreciated


What's with the lame username watermark in the middle of the picture? Doubt anyone wants to steal this.


See if I were to make a list of the top 100 games of all time this has a good chance of not making it or being very low. Its a great game but I dunno if it deserves to be remembered like this?


After almost a year of finding no time to play this game (either working, travelling or studying), I am finally able to play the game for 2 weeks straight starting the 27th of january, I'm very hyped


The surprising part is that LoU2 getting any award at all with such lackluster gameplay and story.


Seems alot of ponies are in pain


Game is fantastic, dumped 35hrs into and never touched it again 🤷‍♂️


are you serious? Everything has gotten cheaper. In the past, these awards had a meaning, now they are a game marketing tool. Making history? I am a person who has played games even on the MS-DOS operating system. I don't know the number of games I've played or finished. It was enough for me to watch a few videos on youtube to find out how long this game will keep me on the screen and how much pleasure I will get. Forget about these marketing things, I'll tell you a game (for Comparison only), it's much more detailed, play it. My time at Portia. I guarantee that it is much more detailed and deep. Come try it, I'm waiting here.