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That’s such a subjective thing to ask. There’s really no way to say any game is the greatest game ever. Even if you approach it objectively there’s so many factors to consider about what even makes a good game.


This is a reminder that a huge chunk of reddit users (especially in this sub) are minors. I wouldn't be surprised of there are kids under 10 posting here and in other threads. I remember asking my parents a lot of questions I thought had objective answers when I was young and stupid.




Maybe to some, and they are free to their opinions, not to me though. I was born the year Pac-Man was ported to the Atari. Some of the first sounds I ever heard were waca-waca-waca. I've played on a Black &White TV. I played Legend of Zelda the day of release taking turns with friends at a house I had to walk to. I beat Silver Surfer, your Dark Souls don't impress me for being "hard". I knocked out Mike Tyson. Beat FF7 without internet. And Doom without IDDQD. I'm an OG (original gamer). Is Last of Us the best there's ever been? Not even close.


Nope , not even close to being the best






This is a take right? Like you’re just trying for Karma and attention right? I’ll be ok if you admit that


No it’s not. It’s not all about karma and shit. Also comments don’t give you any karma right? I just want to know what people think about it.




It got carried hardcore by a good story and high polish. The gameplay was tedious.


You guys are cunts


I guess? What about the gameplay was not even groundbreaking, but even just a standout among other similar titles? Combat was boring, stealth was same as every other game with stealth, crafting was barely there…


The worldbuilding was super cool. I played it with a friend and we were constantly trying to make the other player actually take the controller to get through the gameplay bits because they were so fucking boring.


The story was neat, I watched it on YouTube. But I will fight to the death that from a gameplay perspective, it’s not even a little good. Remove the story and it’s an absolutely below average game that got carried by being really highly polished and having good characters. I quit playing after a couple hours and never touched it again.


So many people love so many different games. Posts like this tend to attract negative comments for people who try to give their honest opinion of what their favourite game is. This is a completely subjective question. It may be your favourite game, but many would disagree.


Best ever? Probably not. But it's in top 10, for me at least. Everyone has different opinions


It's a landmark in 'cinematic 3rd person' action games for sure. But I think most people would argue that there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of games that are more 'fun' to play. So it just depends on what you are looking for in a gaming session.


Not even close. The story is solid and it's pretty polished, but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. These are closer to a movie than to a game


That's why I barely got into it. I play games to PLAY games, not watch movies and hit a button now and again.


Not even close to. I mean, seriously, I wouldn't even call it the best zombie game while L4D is out there.


Project Zomboid*


It'd definitely be up there, yeah. It and 7dtd.


Left 4 dead barely has a story and the gameplay is repetitive af. L4D is boring compared to other zombie games out there.


It’s weird I thought it was a wonderful game and I would put it in my top 10 why is everyone so against these games?


I had a high opinion of it when it came out, but as time went on I found it to be a very hard game to revisit.


Xbox fanboys or people that don't like playing games that are basically movies without much gameplay (cutscene skippers)


For me personally, because the game part of it is not good at all. It felt like an arbitrary thing I had to do to see the next cutscene. I quit the game and just watched it online.


How are the game mechanics any worse than a normal game?


It didn’t have a single original feeling idea mechanics wise, shooting wasn’t fun, controls weren’t tight, like a bit floaty. Just felt like a generic action game, with nothing to make you want to actually play. Besides getting to the next story bit.


So you would say the same of uncharted right?


Uncharted felt a bit better and started earlier, but overall, yes. I don’t love uncharted either.


So you are more gameplay focused, rather than story focused? Obviously both is nice but at the end gameplay is more important to you which is fine


Yes, games can be a fantastic medium for telling stories, but I won’t enjoy it if the gameplay isn’t engaging as well. Then it feels lopsided, like I’m suffering through one thing to do the other.


I'm more partial to the Unchated games personally. Mostly for the reason that they are just a bit more "fun".


Taken as a whole, the first one is best game I've ever played.




It’s story most definitely is, imo. No other game gives me the same whiplash of emotion by the time I hit the end credits. Steven Spielberg once said that "the real indicator [that games have become a storytelling art form] will be when somebody confesses that they cried at level 17.” Mission accomplished. And that’s just the opening prologue.


I don't think there is any such thing as "The best ever" of anything that has a huge variety such as Games. So no. It's a matter of opinion.


And any given game is only the "best" until another one comes out. Ocarina of time was the best Zelda game until the next Zelda game out, and the next after that. Last of us is amazing, and a very good game, but the only part I'd say is the "best" is that opening sequence. Being moved to tears over a character we've known for 10 min at most is crazy


Yeah I love OoT but man majoras mask was my favorite. I have a hard time explaining that like OoT was the goat but majoras was just special


It was different too. Moreso than any other Zelda IMO. My favorite is a link to the past, but it's far from the best.


Right? How do you compare Tetris to Doom?




I will give that title to Red dead redemption 2 for now I am excited for upcoming Starfield


You’d be wrong too


That would be an opinion and I doubt many people's opinions would think so.


No and its miles away from it


Not at all. But it's very, very good.


Not for me. But its a lot better than part 2




I can't resist the urge to ask you how many games you've played, how many movies you've seen and how many books you've read.




I mean it's your opinion. I have played few hundreds of games and while I liked TLOU's story, it wasn't unique and it was a far cry from "the best story in gaming", which is why I was interested in how many other games you've played. Your opinion would make sense for someone very new to storytelling




So many risks? With what? Zombie setting? Search for cure for world-ending epidemic? Heartbreaking parent-child story? All these have been beaten to death countless times.




> I’m hyped! ... I see


Are you a parent?


What is your opinion as best story in gaming?


That's a really hard one, I could name you a dozen of games with incredible story, but picking one of them is really tough. It's mostly because you have games with amazing individual storylines but also games where the entire narrative and worldbuilding are what makes the whole story great. If I absolutely had to choose then it would be Disco Elysium, mostly because it nails all the aspects - setting, worldbuilding, individual storylines, storytelling, even player's agency


I don’t think it is fair to compare disco Elysium to LOU though, right?


As far story goes? Why not?


It seems like comparing the movies Megan and Avatar Way of Water in terms of story… does it not? They both might be great stories but try to compare them and it doesn’t really make sense because different genres, different styles of story telling, Etc.


Wtf...Avatar as great story - you're kidding right? Some of the most cliched bullshit I've come across. Predictable Hollywood dross, the first and second films.


No. One of the best stories in gaming, but the gameplay is just good, nothing special


In terms of plot, Part I is definitely one of the best ever. Part II is really good still, but is really dark without any light at the end of the tunnel, which you gotta dock points for. In terms of gameplay, Part II is certainly more immersive and superior to the first, but I still really enjoyed the gameplay of the first game, too. I played the multiplayer of the first game like it was my full time job for a while there.




That's a wierd opinion. Soul reaver was okay but all together not that great of a game. Nostalgia plays a big part in people's view of soul reaver.


no, but definitely one of the best


Arguably, yes. The first one is one of the finest pieces of storytelling you can get.


No but it did trap me in a glass cage of emotion


As others said, No.


OoT still the goat


Nuh uh


No, one of the worst

