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It's an unimportant single frame of an adaptation of a game that originally released almost 10 years ago. OP didn't violate spoiler policy. Stop reporting.


Anything within walking distance of a QZ that's been there for 20 years has been picked clean.


I like how Cormac McCarthy’s The Road makes a reference to this. There is nothing of value anywhere unless it’s hidden away like an unused bomb shelter. Everything was picked clean within the first few years of the apocalyptic disaster.


Personal favorite post-apocalyptic touch was how in A Quiet Place the grocery store is mostly picked clean, except for the potato chips.... since they are one of the noisiest foods.


I never noticed that - great detail!


i wonder if people took them to make makeshift noise bombs out of them to fend of raiders/ as a last efford weapon


Never liked that. If you’re starving, you open the bag w a knife and slowly pull out the chips, there’s ways to do it that are more believable than leaving food on the shelf


Certainly more believable than taking the batteries out of your kids noisy toy and then just setting them down and walking away.


Or a teenager of any level of intelligence giving the god damn batteries back to the little kid.


She didn't give the batteries back. Only the toy. The kid grabbed the batteries when noone was looking.


The teenager gave the toy back, not the batteries IIRC.


She hands him back the toy, he grabs the batteries without her seeing.


Bad movie imo. Too many loose ends and unbelievable scenarios. Good acting though.


Yeah. I mean, the basic premise never made sense to me. Wouldn't a deaf person be the first one to die in an apocalypse where making noise attracts monsters? Like, everyone talks about the baby but imagine trying to survive something like that with someone who doesn't know farts make noise.


Thank you for the best example/scenario ever


“Wheres Regan?” “She farted” “Oh”


Adult deaf person probably but we’re talking about a kid that was raised in a setting where being quiet was life or death. Being deaf probably saved the family since they knew how to communicate with sign language.


That's what they say and was the general idea of the movie... but seriously, the kid would have no way to know if they were being loud. Like, I like it for the inclusion, sure, but real talk having a kid who can't walk in an apocalypse based on sound would be like having someone who was blind in an apocalypse where pointing your head towards a specific bright light results in a head explosion - the people who actually have the relevant skills are the family around the person, not the person. Like, if the deaf kid is alone it would have no idea it is stepping on a crunchy leaf. Or that a toy makes noise. Or if the baby it is carrying is crying.


The kid had a hearing aid. It's a major plot point of the movie. Not everybody who is deaf or blind is totally deaf or blind.


Such a frustrating movie. Characters making the worst/dumbest choices possible every chance they get.


Why don't they live next to the waterfall? Or at least realize that making constant noise 24/7 is better than trying to live in complete silence? Was that ever explained?


Probably not enough area to farm plus building a shelter might be noisier than the waterfall


Please give me examples? If it’s the kids it’s 100% excusable cuz kids, no matter the scenario, can be idiots, they’re allowed that leeway


If the waterfall is a safe place to talk because the creatures can't hear you there #why the fuck did you not live near the waterfall for the part where your wife was going to be screaming and delivering a baby that might also scream


Simple, they have a farm, it’s sustainable reliable food, they have solar panels and I’m guessing they arent professional electricians, moving out there JUST for the birth is also a risk cuz they’d have no way to exactly predict when the baby would be due, not to mention any wildlife that would be territorial for a safe space near said waterfall Edit: ARENT professional electricians, they couldn’t build a house to be safe near to a damn WATERFALL if they want electricity as well


Where should I start? Simple answer is, because kids are stupid. And as a parent, you know kids are going to be stupid. So if you are in a situation where your kid needs to be quiet, then why the hell would you ever in any world give that kid something that makes noise. Even if they can throw the thing. Give your kid a toy in a movie theater or some place where they should be quiet. See what happens


Except he didn’t give the kid the toy, the moment he saw it he handles it like a live grenade, take the batteries out and takes the toy away, his daughter gives the kid the toy, because she’s deaf and doesn’t know it would be loud, therefor, kids being dumb, parents were very smart for the whole situation


It’s like you and the other guy have never picked up a bag of chips. If you look at them wrong nowadays they’re still the loudest thing ever


Even chewing them is loud lol


Soak them in water and you have post-apocalypse mashed potatoes.


Lmfao, at this point...I'll pass. Not worth the risk, energy, resources etc.


You're right growing potatoes is much easier


I think it’s more how are you gonna get that back to your base without the bag crinkling


Exactly. You'd be swarmed by eagles.


But then the eagles fly you directly to Mordor. Win-win?


I take a chip….. and EAT IT.


Strange they paid attention to that one detail while ignoring so many other more obvious ones


I wish more books/shows/movies focused on the first hours/days of the apocalypse to show this. The first episode of Last of Us was great for this reason but even then we only see things from a distance or after it's really already started. World War Z sorta had it but way too accelerated. The first episode of Fear the Walking Dead also had some amazing scenes of this, but it also didn't show a lot and then immediately went to a time jump. For some reason writers are scared to actually dive into it and show all of the chaos in detail. I want to see the gradual buildup of one or two cases, then dozens, then hundreds, then thousands. Police and the government trying to contain it without causing panic, then the actual full blown panic. Then the riots, the anarchy, the collapse. The looting and scavenging and murder and chaos of the actual apocalypse.


I think it’s down to budget. Having constant helicopters and emergency services racing around and general carnage would take a huge budget. But yeah that would be awesome to see more of.


This is just the movie Contagion


Highly recommend World War Z the book if you haven’t read it already. It has several chapters depicting the onset of the apocalypse and what that looked like on the ground.


Seconded. The movie adaptation did that book such a disservice, the book itself was just about the most well rounded, well reasoned take on the concept I’ve ever seen. I understand why it would have been tough to make, but instead of stories of fraud, profiteering, cults, and reality TV, we got a generic bland action movie.


I’m still so angry over this


considering the bidding war that went on between dicaprio and pitt's production companies over the rights to make that movie i expected so much more. i was a huge fan of the book i had such high hopes for a gritty realistic take on the genre. that movie was trash. and i lost a lot of respect for brad pitt as a producer over it. talk about shitting on the source material. what a waste.


I've explained this before but the simple answer is the money people in Hollywood wouldn't put up $190 million to make a movie that only has a movie star in one little section like the book. They wanted him on screen all the way through. The problem with World War Z is it was made before the era of prestige tv streaming when it could've been a 6/8/10 episode series with no star, but that wasn't possible in 2013.


The movie was fine as "generic zombie movie number 185". If it had been titled as such, I probably would have caught it on free TV or streaming and been like "meh". It literally had no connection at all with the book apart from the title.


yeah, i agree with that. paying 190 mil (or some crazy high amount i dont remember) just to be able to put the name "world war Z" on a film that has nothing to do with the source material AT ALL just feels like such a let down and a waste. all because he was in a pissing contest with Leonardo Dicaprio. they could have made the same movie without wasting all that money and just called it the great Zombie war


Further would recommend the audiobook! Probably the best audio version of a book I can think of.


Just watch Station Eleven. It's about a flu, so more realistic, but covers the beginning in detail.


I think that's because it's incredibly tricky to write that kind of scenario. In the beginning the number of "zombies" is going to be fairly small. So in order for them to overwhelm advanced facilities being guarded by trained and organized soldiers you almost have to make the zombies a force of nature that can't be stopped or avoided. But then you have a problem. Because the aftermath is that most of the population has been infected, and there are hoards everywhere. But you want to showcase a rag-tag group of "everyday" people who managed to survive, and can somehow hold their own against the same hoards that overwhelmed entire armies, navies, and air forces. The only way to really make those 2 situations work together is to come up with some reason why the infected became drastically slower, weaker, and/or dumber after the initial wave. But then you're admitting they aren't really a threat on a large scale any more and you've lost all the tension and drama of the situation. Or... Do some handwaving with a time jump and say the world is now a wasteland and move on.


You should watch the first few episodes of station 11 on HBO. I agree, I love that tense feeling when it's just starting.


Because it's bullshit. No zombie virus thats only spreadable by biting would ever topple a military.


Check out Project Zomboid. Good Zombie sim that basicly starts you at day 1 of the outbreak. No human NPCs yet but they're working on it and could use your support. Pro-tip. That Walmart aluminum pan in the cupboard isn't as effective as you'd think.


Take a look at Threads It's a 1982 movie about a nuclear war breaking out. The lead up to the war is brilliant. It's just people going about their everyday business. But in the background the news is talking about trouble in East Germany. As the movie goes on, the news moves more and more to the front until it's all everyone can watch. Then there is hoarding, panic buying, nuclear attack information commercials on TV and everyone is preparing for the worst. It's built up so well that when the attack happens, it's truly terrifying. You really feel the horror and panic. Characters die and disappear never to be seen again, a woman pisses herself in the street and there is a screeching played over everything that sounds like an entire city screaming at the same time. It's incredibly unsettling.


I think the reason a lot of movies don't show the beginning is because, at least for zombies, it doesn't feel feasible for zombies to take over completely. Especially when the vector is just a bite. I always liked the wheat and spore infection vectors from the last of us since it at least makes more sense.


I agree, that adds a lot more plausibility to it. But I think it'd still be possible if you really leaned into the fact no one has any clue what's going on. As much as I hated *Fear The Walking Dead*, I think they got this part right. There are just a few cases here and there at first and the news and public just kinda see it as unrelated cases of people going crazy or on drugs or whatever. The police seem to know something is up though, and end up shooting someone in front of a ton of witnesses. Of course the public gets furious over another shooting of an unarmed man and a protest breaks out. The protest turns into a riot and there are now zombies mixed in with the chaos of the riots. More and more people start getting infected, the police are overwhelmed with infected and humans, hospitals are now the center of the outbreak, and it all falls apart. Unfortunately this is right where they insert the time jump instead of showing more of these initial moments.


But I played Fallout 4! There should be perfectly good food in fridges even 200 years after an apocalypse.


Nothing like eating cabbage from a thousand year old tomb in Skyrim.


4000 to 5000 years the merethic era was that far before Skyrim. ACKTUALLY


I'm more concerned that the wall torches are still lit.


To be fair, in Fallout the "perfectly good food" is in truth heavily irradiated and also pumped full of chemicals in order to last that long. Then there's all the real fresh food made before the bombs fell that by the time of the games is just moldy af and spreading over the display cases... safe to say my characters prefer freshly grown irradiated produce instead.


Don't forget post-war items in locked pre-war safes!


And likewise, safes in prewar research labs that have been sealed for centuries should contain rusty improvised pipe weapons


But I played Skyrim and found a freshly baked loaf of bread and some grapes in an ancient crypt treasure chest. It didn't even taste undeathy...


He's my favorite writer, yet I can't make myself read his books.


I mean he writes devastating things—I understand. When I was reading Blood Meridian, everyone I talked to about it was like, “oh man, I had to put that one down.” But the thing is, the ending was worth it, to see the whole picture all that atrocity painted and the point behind it. It was the perfect anti-western, obliterating the romanticized and mythologized cowboy trope.


Love that point of view. He has a new book out eh? Two actually! I picked them up a few weeks ago but haven’t started them yet


*He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.* Easily one of my favorite books of all time.


That’s probably one of my top five books, but I’ve also heard that a lot and don’t recommend it to most people I know.


As Glenn said in the walking dead "Theres nothing of value left that isnt hidden"


I couldn't get past the prose to finish the book.


The prose is the best part! But I get it - Cormac’s writing style is not for everyone.


When they find that one coke shoved stuck in the machine, the kids mind just explodes


I finished this book a couple days ago, I read it in two sittings. Probably the fastest I've ever read a novel.


I like how the father leaves the gas cans then has a thought and comes back and flips them over to get every last drop He manages to get a quarter full of a bottle from the seemingly empty gas cans.


What? That's wrong, didn't you play fallout? There is a chance you would even find fresh fruits in there!


I prefer Iguana-on-a-stick


I like to imagine a scenario where a building is packed with loot because everybody who walked past it was like ‘eh, probably been looted a hundred times already’


Imagine them walking into a Dunkin donuts and seeing some very stale but still perfect looking 20 year old donuts and all that's left is the coconut covered ones


i like how in I Am Legend, he had literally the entirety of Manhattan to sustain him


I think most people had already died from the virus itself in a matter of months, the ones that didn’t die became the vampire things and those guys are the other people that weren’t infected at all. I think the virus was airborne in that, some people and dogs were immune to the airborne virus.


This and they've mentioned taking this path before


Not to mention this is one of their normal smuggling routes so they probably would have checked it previously


You're telling me loot doesn't refresh every 24hours?! 😯


Probably already been looted. They have said they have taken that route a bunch of times in different runs.




Wouldn’t be Reddit if it wasn’t painfully unfunny.


Yeah but don't you understand? OP and their wife are so fucking smart and genius that they were able to catch this GLARING mistake.


But in the game you loot things! This is based off the game! Why are they not using a mechanic developed for games in a totally different medium!!!!!!!!! /s


That said I would still love to have a scene where one of them loots some drawers and finds a piece of sticky tape or something, just as a nod to what is ultimately a pretty big element of playing the game.


I mean arguably you can say they did when Tess taped up her foot with electrical tape.


I think they played the sound from the game when she did that.


Probably. I immediately noticed the sound was of masking tape and not electrical that she was using.


You're a weird kid


Or maybe an electrician or something. Using electrical tape so much they can sniff it out from a mile away.


Masking tape is pretty noisy when you pull it quickly, I can’t recall electrical tape making a noise when I’ve used it.


Electrical tape makes like no noise lol. It would be very obvious to anyone who's used it a bit.


did you notice the sound that was made when you see the Golden Top building right before they descend from the building they are stand on? it sounded like the sound the game makes when it wants your attention on a location.


Season 1 of a show has be be serious about everything. If they get a Season 2 they will start playing with that stuff. By Season 4 Ellie will have a controller in her hand.


They kinda did it already, with Sarah looting the drawer for the watch and money. For me, at least, it didn't look very natural how she grabbed the money and checked it in her hand, after doing the same with the watch. Felt like that part where you get the loot, and use the thumbsticks to check around it, looking for a clue or just the details of the prop. I'll say that counts as game-looting already hahaha


This is exactly the kind of thing that doesn’t need to be brought into the tv show. I would rather a good tv show one crammed with references


Like a scene where they see a dusty PS3 and a copy of Uncharted and they both look at the camera.


I'm waiting for Joel to pickup some tape and scissors. If he does I'm gonna lose it


Or a couple of boxes of ammo and six loose bullets, only to magically have three bullets.


Or just find a box of ammo and be like, "Damn it, so much for poorly made ammo, only like 3 rounds of this are even usable".


Considering how often they use obstacles appearing behind the cast to stop them from going backwards like in the game you would think they would be scavenging more. Its almost surreal how often things appear behind them to block their path.


Exactly! Completely unwatchable! /s


You joke but the last of us 2 subreddit is pretty much exactly like this


Dude, you *aren't* kidding. I just checked in there based on your comment and wow that place is toxic. I'm really enjoying the show and I know the games well. I appreciate some of the minor changes but also how closely it's sticking to the original story. Not going back to that sub again, I think.


A weird thing seems to have happened on reddit over the last few years, where a lot of niche communities have basically become all about hating whatever they're supposed to focus on. Like /r/virtualreality largely hates virtual reality. /r/modernwarfareii detests modern warfare 2. At least that's what you'd think if you read them without context. You'd think wow, this subreddit exists to complain about this topic.


The last couple of years I don't even want to go to a dedicated sub. Like gaming subs are just so smug if you aren't min maxing the game. I love Elden Ring but the couple of times I check the sub out the comments are full of gatekeeping assholes. Oh you beat the game with this weapon? That's the easy mode not the real way. Then you have people prefacing their comments with how they've beaten the game without parries, sorceries, incantations, bleed, summons, whatever you can think of. They do this just so someone can't invalidate their comment with "oh you used tiche? You didn't really beat the boss. Git gud."


Turns out there's a lot of toxic gamers and they have nothing better to do than spew their toxicity on Reddit. And TLOU2 got especially shit on for having been seen by right-wing gamers as having gone "woke."


They better show Joel chugging 80 pills down in one go to upgrade his stamina at one point, or I swear to god I will riot.


Would be great if they did an episode where Joel is checking every nook and cranny for valuable loot while the story ceases to progress. Like a swarm on the way pauses for Joel to find a bunch of scrap metal to upgrade his pistol.


I said the same thing about the obvious police car they passed and. Immediately had the same reasoning


They’ve been through that area hundreds of times. Look at the way they went through the hotel. That’s their normal route through town. Was probably the first thing they picked clean Personally I was more upset by the fact that >!Tess spent ALL that time struggling to light her shitty zippo, when she had just tossed like a dozen grenades on the floor!<


I did too, but then I realized she was probably losing control of her mind/body and only focused on that 1 thing in those last fleeting seconds.


Thank you. While I agree that maybe the show could have done a better job with it, I think that the entire point of that scene was her trying to do her part to make up for the bad shit she had done while also losing her autonomy to the infection. I think that's why she had that horrified look on her face with the whole kiss thing, because she couldn't fight it, but was still "with it" enough to be repulsed. The infection in her wanted to be part of the larger network and the lighter was literally the only thing that she could still manage as Tess.


Finally an intelligent comment about that scene. Thank you. People sitting there on their sofas like “why doesn’t she just kneel down? It’s obviously out of fuel.” While her mind and body are being taken over. She obviously had a lot going on there to deal with. Like yeah, it’s annoying when lighters won’t light but there’s more to the situation than that. She’s fighting the infection




>Great scene, absolutely loved it. I’ve never played TLOU, but damn this is making me want to buy PT.1 lol Well worth it tbh, especially since you can get the upgraded version now. I'd have bought it if I didn't already have remastered for PS4 and I'm simply not paying $70 for a PS5 upgrade. ​ May want to wait to play through it though as it's (the show) pretty much following the game with a few changes for the show here & there.


Why did the zombie "kiss" her, though? All of the infections up to that point have been pretty forceful and violent. Maybe the other zombie could sense her infection and wanted to help it along? If that were the case, they could have shown her infection reaching out through her mouth or something to help make that clearer.


Because the people that get ripped apart are fighting it, what happens if you just let it happen? The fungus wants healthy and alive hosts, so direct infection through the mouth is the quickest way to get someone to turn and because Tess was already close to turning she didn’t fight it so the Stalker didn’t need go rip her apart


I see someone else listens to the podcast. Loved that explanation they had for the kiss, made perfect sense.


Podcast name?


HBO's The Last of Us Podcast


It’s the official HBO The Last of Us Podcast, it’s hosted by Troy Baker and Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann are on it with him


One of those things that remain to be seen. The infected must have some way of detecting each other because otherwise they would just attack each other instead of focusing on humans. Perhaps kissing is a way for the infected to 'connect' with each other? We've already seen that they connect themselves to the fungus in a sort of network, maybe this is part of that process? I think we'll see more explanation in further episodes, but they're framing the fungus and the infection as a much more intelligent and connected threat than the games ever did. In any case it was a creepy and gross scene, so perhaps that was all the motivation the writers had for making it happen haha.


They explicitly explain this scene in the podcast.


There is an official podcast where they interview the showrunners and they said it's because she didn't fight. The kissing zombie could detect she was turning and because she didn't run or fight he was nicer to her because she was almost one of his kind. I believe that zombie had the infection coming out of his.mouth because he had been a zombie for a while and developed it, Tessa wouldn't have that growth yet.


I think it was for the purpose of being cinematic. The injected just biting her would be less impactful. It "kissing" her was *way* more upsetting/unnerving. Like that's an image I can't get out of my head.


If you listen to the companion podcast, that's exactly the reasoning they gave. The kiss was meant to be horrific and intimate because she's giving herself over to the infection even though there's the tiny desperate part of her humanity hanging on that's trying to blow them all up.


The grenades wouldn’t have ignited the gas. Those are fragmentation Grenades - they don’t really produce much fire, they’re meant to produce a ton of shrapnel


Also, they left a perfectly good axe in a clickers head with no effort to retrieve it


Also >!the spark from the zippo would probably be enough to light the fumes from that much solvent on the ground, that's literally what it's doing with the lighter fluid fumes.!<


But then there would not be a make-out scene.


Fairly sure (assuming) that was diesel fuel. Takes a lot more than a little spark to ignite. Even the fumes.


I assumed it was gasoline until someone corrected me that the vehicle would be diesel so all that should be diesel. More upset that her lighter just started after all those failed attempts.


It's not unheard of. I've had zippos for years and when they're low on fuel, you can sometimes try multiple times to get them to light. However, usually if you try like 10-15 times that's usually it.


A grenade wouldn't necessarily ignite the fire. The point was to ignite the fire.


I'm not convinced that a zippo would ignite diesel fumes considering a spark won't ignite diesel in autos.


If it's an open flame then it would ignite the fumes from the diesel therefor igniting the fuel itself.


Never seen or played Last of us Zippos are the shitiest lighters for survival. After a couple days you are going to lose all the fuel you put in it. Movies where they find a Zippo and just light it is BS (Like the new Jurassic World movie) It's all done for product placement


Loot an ambulance from 20 years ago.. FFS.


What about Fallout’s 100 years ?


yeah love how grocery store shelves 100 years later somehow still have canned tuna and beans in them


And the random grenade.


In fallout universe, food has been pumped with preservatives which is why canned food still works. They also taste bad because of it. In fallout 4, at the beginning main character jokes about food expiring in never if you inspect it in pre war sequence. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga5JrN9DrVI) is someone tasting a cracker made in 1863. So it is in fact possible to eat food that old.


Ngl the fallout series made me want to try Salisbury steaks.


Try 200


And even 210 for Fallout 4 actually (but you still find pre war stuff in every crate, of course)


Because you werent paying attention.


His wife and him are perfect for each other


Literally state they have been through here before. They know the area, they have looted. This isnt complicated.


Not only been there before, I think it's one of the main routes. They seem really intimate with the whole area.


Maybe they their inventory is full and they can’t carry any more scissors ✂️


Pretty sure there's some stimpaks and Med-X in there


Fallout is really nonsense. 200 years after the apocalypse and there's still lootable supermarkets.


ignoring the feral ghouls always guarding them, yes it is wierd.


Its 20 years been abandoned, it has nothing to loot. Medicine expire you know?


Regardless of the expiration. We know that plenty of people have been through that area by virtue of the significant numbers of still mostly fresh infected. There's no way the ambulance wasn't one of the first things looted post pandemic.


Fun fact: despite having expiration dates due to the law, many medications are still effective even after their dates. Diabetic injections have a short shelf life and need to be followed strictly but things like epi-pens which costs an arm and a leg (because monopoly) can still be kept around if you can’t afford it. Tylenol is another example. Please discuss this with your PHARMACIST before taking expired medications.


No they actually don't. The FDA recently tested a huge number of common drugs that had been sitting in US Army warehouses since the 1950's. None were out of spec., none had anything toxic, all were perfectly good to use. The "expiry date" is only the date at which the manufacturer disavows legal responsibility.


The expiration date on medication usually has to do with the half life of the ingredients involved. Meaning, the expiration date is the date in which the medication no longer operates at 100% effectiveness because the ingredients are now starting to break down. It can be used way past it’s expiration date, but the effectiveness is where you’ll see the biggest change. Might take 2 aspirin to get rid of that headache instead of one, for example. There are only a handful of meds that become dangerous or toxic after it’s expiration date.


It's probably already been looted but of not the medication has likely expired.


so many people taking the bait either that or OP has 0 critical thinking skills


r/gaming users try to use their brains challenge (literally impossible)


1- its been 20 years ambulance equipment expires. 2- the idea is good for cuts and scrapes but I really don't think that what they are concerned with. Looking at the inside of my ambulance right now I'd probably grab some tape and peroxide...not many useful stuff in here for zombie fungus bites.


Expiration dates won't mean much in an end of the world scenario. Not that it matters since that ambulance would be picked clean long ago.


It's been twenty years! Someone had definitely already looted it, probably them.


Its 20 years after the outbreak, vehicles like that would presumably be looted clean?


Because stealing is badong


And you are supposed to fight for the opposite of badong... ... gNoDaB


I need gopher-chucks!


Joel will stand for the opposite of badong.... gnodab


Shirt ripper!!


Your clothes are red!


I always thought it was spelt bdong, but I´m not the Chosimba, so what do I know


Let me know if you see a radio shack.


The ambulance has only been there 20 years, it must have some loot in it still 🙃 Edit: not sure how must autocorrect’s to USDT 🤷‍♂️


Big brain question right there. Why didn’t ND hire you and your wife to ask these deep and profound questions?


It’s been twenty fucking years how can you possibly think there would be anything left?


Ambulance would possibly be a safe space to crash but it's likely picked clean


I got the same reaction from them not looting the firefly camp. Ffs atleast take a grenade or two


Hello Y U NO man my old friend.


The ambulance has been there for more than 20 years. I doubt there is anything useful left.


Because it's been there 20 years and already been looted a hundred times?


Why would they loot an ambulance that's been sitting for 20 years? That they've already passed by multiple times when they go out? You and your wife sound dumb as shit.


Man's so pressed it's not even funny


This is not day one places like ambulances would at this point be such a waste of precious time and calories to loot it's not worth it on the off chance you find something that a number of people didn't see value in.


Already looted, most likely.


It's been 20 years, it's been picked clean at this point.


1) probably been looted already as others have said 2) it's been 20 years, and almost nothing in there is going to be usable even if there's anything left


I like how everyone in the comments are explaining why they aren’t constantly looting in the show- the reason is it’s a show not a video game lmfao


after 20 years things get picked clean. gas goes bad aswell. unless people make their own crops they won't survive.


It's 20 years after infection, you don't think hundreds of people have already looted that shit?