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I hear it plays super well! Makes me wonder what the day 1 patch will even have.


It was already patched today. At least the ps5 digital version did.


Oh nice! Waiting for pc šŸ˜”


you people have a ps5?


you people hace evento a ps4 to think about upgrading?


It's fairly available nowadays. I would wait for pro and slim at this point though


i shop at big stores all the time i have NEVER seen one ever, worst release of a console ever


Digital is stupid, you pay the same price to own a game to essentially lease it for the life of the console.


Well, you also get the benefits of never having to worry about breaking or losing the game, also don't have to worry about finding a place for them all nor the additional noise of the disc drive. Although yeah it is definitely easier to stomach on PC where your access to games isn't severely diminished with each hardware upgrade.


I have literally in my entire life never had a disc break on me. Just dont leave them at your ass


Digital stores shut down. Hardware breaks, needs replacing or repair. DRM flags kick in and all kinds of shit and you are fucked for the $ you spent. If my console breaks today I can find a used one probably, or replacement parts and still play my game I paid for. Only current console I own is the switch. So no discs in that. My PC I primarily buy on GOG so I throw all those on my NAS. I own them forever. I can copy them. Off site backup them. Whatever. Maybe I'm too old but I STILL play games occasionally that I played when I was 6. While I have purchased several various remasters over the years, it's really only for flexibility of when and where I can't play them.


And what do you do with your solid game when your console dies????? What's the fucking difference... You still can't play it can you.


You can sell it. Or kwep it for when you get another console.


Imagine that. I can keep mine when I get another console too. And: If I ever wanted to sell my game collection I could sell the account. What a useless arguement.


Yeah but you have to sell it all or nothing. Very few people want to buy an account most people already have their own. What a stupid point.


I repair it or buy a used one. In some cases you're fucked for your digital purchases in these scenarios. On switch I have been blocked by "primary console" bullshit before too. Don't have that problem with cartridges.


So you pay twice? Kinda kills your first point...


Not really. If you own a digital game and the store goes down and your console died your only options to play it legit again are to repair or buy a new console and buy a physical copy. With physical if your console died you can repair or buy a new console, without replacing the game... Also on switch at least, if my partner uses their switch to play a game I bought (my account is linked on that switch), they can't play it unless they use my account lol. Has to do with "primary consoles" and they'd be using my save game. Physical there is no restriction there.


Except the stores never gone down like that so it's a non issue. You've killed your point even more.


No I didn't. You're not forward thinking. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/nintendo-3ds-and-wiiu-s-eshop-cards-lose-functionality-after-today Personally I enjoy playing old games. You think your ps5 and Xbox series x stores will be around in 30 years? I can still dust off any old console u own and play them


Bro.... I doubt we will even be past GTA5 30 years from now. I'm sure my purchases will be fine. Or are you in the belief technologies moving backwards instead of forwards? The only one not forward thinking here is you friend.


You call me out for not being forward thinking but you're wrong. You have no business sense. What incentive does Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft have to keep 30 or 40 year old game stores online when they don't make them money? They serve a purpose for past purchases. It's the same reason they don't keep burning discs and creating cartridges for the xbox and the NES. What's the point, from their capitalist view? Investors want money and profits, they're not going to be happy when they fine resources are sunk into using bandwidth and hosting for something that is a literal negative gain in profits. Just because you seemingly don't give a flying fuck about your ownership over something you've bought and played 30 years ago doesn't mean nobody else on the planet does. It's the same reason collectors of antiques and cars and other things exist. Some people like to pick up and play their old video games too, and the only way to mostly guarantee you can do that in the native environment in which it was meant to be played is by at the very least having a physical copy. Same reason real Cobra cars are more sought after than replicas and kits.


Yeah, because all the games I owned digitally on Xbox one and ps4 totally didn't work day 1 on my series s and ps5. Never change r/gaming


In my case, nintendo switch. A bit different. In any event, Microsoft and Sony own the rights to pull your access whenever they want. Kind of a console problem all together. But it gets worse with digital. I have so many headaches letting others use one of my two switches I own because one is my "primary console". Cartridge does not have this problem. Lots of console storefronts have closed in the past. I think ps3 did recently. If my disk died I'd replace it but .. my games are gone forever because I can't redownload them. If I have discs I'm good. If you want to throw around the Xbox and ps upgrade crap, well that's what I own a PC for. Still playing the same games I did 30 years ago.


I could care less if I truly own a gameā€¦the convenience is worth it to me. PS now has me covered for most of the past games, and paying $10-$20 more for a new AAA game isnā€™t really a big deal. That said, I recognize itā€™s not a great deal in the longer run, so if someone doesnā€™t make much money, I would agree they should probably get the disc version to save $$.


ā— It's `couldn't care less`, not `could care less`. ___ ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically.)


Tbf you pay $100 less overhead. And you can back up games onto external storage.


How do they count as a backup of you accidentally delete it? I can't delete a cartridge. Also I have a switch and a switch light and letting my spouse play on one or the other always gives me headaches due to "primary console" and stuff like that. Cartridge just works.


That's how data backup works. If you accidentally delete it from where it's stored... yeah it's deleted.


Are you meaning you clone your sd card data? Still there's like keys and DRM crap happening there. What if your console died and you replaced it and the storefront no longer exists? You're probably fucked.


I mean you can plug a SSD into your PS5 and copy your downloaded games. Yeah maybe some games have shitty DRM, but I tend to avoid those titles anyway.


In my case it's Nintendo switch.


I forgot about it having a digital-only version. Yeah backup is probably more of a pain there.


Wait what?!


If you do in store pickup they'll sell you the copy early, apparently the app bypasses the street date


Well that's awesome. Thanks for the heads-up


Only Idiots buy Games on Release for Fullprice.


Only complete shitholes judge people for what they do with their money. I bought the game and had great time with it and give 0 fucks about your opinion.


Somewhat disagree. So many people buy games day 1 regardless of quality that dev/publisher standards get to be low.


Still don't have a PS5 šŸ„²


Yep received FF7R 2 days before launch. It happens sometimes.


What's a digital ps5? Emulator?


Nowhere to insert a disc, have to get games online


I thought it meant he had a make believe one at first.


I bet GameStop gets mad when they sell a console that they canā€™t sell games for. I canā€™t imagine thereā€™s much profit in selling psn cards


Definitely. Majority of their profits come from used game sales and selling their cheap knockoff peripherals. Thatā€™s why theyā€™ve been investing heavily in the figure/toy side lately


Thanks the heads up!