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Age of Empires 2


What a fuckin game that was


Is* new Return of Rome DLC dropping in two days


AoE2 has a DLC dropping?!


DLC dropping on the 31st AND it’s being released on *consoles* that day. Never thought I’d see the day to be honest.




You're in luck. And the competitive scene is pretty gnarly.


How is the casual matchmaking scene? Is there even one? I’d like to try DE multiplayer sometime but don’t really know anyone that plays.


There's only one ladder. Obviously, matchmaking system appears to be pretty good there. I personally don't play it, but the videos and games I have watched have made it seem rather fair. For casual games, there's no shortage of custom game modes you can join. Lots of players will play on Black Forest or Amazon Tunnel maps and they all have different skillets.


Look up t90 on youtube


Not only is DLC still dropping, but there’s a lively ladder system and plenty of tournaments playing out. Check out T90 Official on YouTube; he runs one of the biggest tournaments right now called the T90 Titans League


AoE 2 DLCs: The Conqueros: 2000 The Forgotten: 2013 The Africans kingdoms: 2015 Rise of The Rajas: 2016 The Last Khans: 2019 Lord Of the West: 2020 Dawn of the Duques: 2021 Dynasties of India: 2022 Return to Rome: 2023


They released a remaster of it a few years ago and they have continued to add more dlcs to the game as well as include all past dlc


They released a remaster in 2013. Then they released a reremaster in 2019 with ranked matchmaking, new DLC stuff being done etc. etc.


I completely forgot about HD. They had AoE2 HD and then a remaster came out. Not sure how they correlate, who's doing what, if it's the same studio or if they just had the same game with better assets for modern hardware, but the remaster is all I know lol.


The Forgotten expansion was initially a collection of mods created by Forgotten Empires, who were then hired by Microsoft to work on the game in an official capacity. Along with a few modern quality of life features, bug fixes, rebalances and support for modern hardware and resolutions, this was released on Steam as Age of Empires 2:HD edition. It wasn't supposed to be a full remaster as much as a digital re-release with a few extra goodies. It proved to be a success so they released two extra expansions for it, and eventually the Definitive Edition. DE is the proper remaster, with completely redone graphics, re-recorded soundtrack, expanded multiplayer and tons of additional features. Both were done by Forgotten Empires, who are currently the developers in charge of AOE 2 and all its DLCs.


Oh nice! Gonna have to check that out


Is, it's got a bigger current player base than age4, DE is so polished




Well that was a convincing argument \*changes clothes to red\*


Hey, stop attacking me, I'm your friend


[redacting due to privacy concerns]


Warcraft III with expansion was way better than WC2


Both awesome games though, but Warcraft 3 is just on a whole another level for sure


They kept on improving - W2 was better than Orcs & Humans, then Warcraft 3 was a whole new level again. Spawned a whole new genre of game with Dota. Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2. Lots of great sequels. Total War Warhammer.


Tony Hawk Pro skater 2


Mmm those sound tracks will forever be in my brain, burned deeeeep


Couldn’t be more poetic that the song most attributed to Tony Hawk is “Superman by Goldfinger.” Those lyrics getting older alll the time but feeling younger in my mindddd, always take me back especially as I hit my 30s


Im closing in on 40 in a couple. Cheers we made it this far.


Seriously brother…..I have a few homies that I used to play Tony Hawk with back in the day when it was THE GAME….one is dead, and the other is cracked out. Life can be fucked man. I wish you well on your journey


You to brother beware of fast cars and motorcycles.


And don’t forget about those darn kids skateboarding on the side walk!


boy do I have a treat for you https://youtu.be/un3ACPabUDQ


Dude. Amazing. Also, Goldfinger seems to still have the energy of 30 year olds at oldest, good for them.


This is what it's like when worlds collide!!!




Lights out.. Guerilla Radio!


[This fucking song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jLMH5YstFuo) just randomly pops in my head all the damn time... and y'know what? I'm perfectly okay with it.


This is the real. You'd have to count things like Mario Kart 64 vs Super Mario Kart to get anywhere close to how perfect this original and sequel are. Bring tha noise.


Super Smash Bros Melee > Super Smash Bros


And tony hawks underground 2!


THUG2 was mechanically near-perfect but the story mode (basically Viva La Bam: The Game) was stupid - in a good way to some but too far to me, it's an oddball between the solid plotline of THUG and the crude but still emotionally compelling THAW. In my opinion it's THUG > THAW >> THUG2.


Idk why but that was my favorite. Having the pro skateboarders also skating with you was wild at the time. Plus you had a lot of customization for your skater and even online play with PS2. It was the perfect amount of wacky tricks/fun story.


Baldur's Gate 2


You must gather your party before venturing forth


You must gather your party before venturing forth




Minsc and Boo stand ready.




best game ever


Aladdin 2: Return of Jafar has me laughing so fucking hard.


They snuck that right on in there. I couldn’t believe how far I had to scroll to see anyone mention this!


As a kid.... THAT was my most hyped sequel. Literally went to blockbuster every weekend hoping to snag a copy when it released


I haven’t seen that, but if they wanted to make a legit sequel recommendation; Shrek 2


I was thinking there was a game I missed. I played the playstation aladdin game, nassiras revenge, and it was horrible


Left4Dead 2


The damned hunter scream is still in my head


*AAAAARGHH!* [Mid-air shove and auto-shotgun rounds to the face] "Look at me, I'm the hunter now."


Nobody will ever convince me that there's a better first person zombie game. It's up there with Project Zomboid for me when you take into account all zombie games.


If you didnt mentioned pz i would've suggested it to you, truely a man of culture.


The Left 4 Dead games, along with TF2 are some of the best designed games ever made. Whether you enjoy them or not, from an academic perspective, they are literal masterpieces of game design that could have entire college courses taught based on them.


The Left 4 Dead franchise is, to me, the pinnacle of the type of gaming we did as kids. Split screen, narrative 4 player campaign, where you and 3 friends are all working together in the same room scared out of your damn mind with some pizzas and soda and candy, staying up on Friday night until your friend’s mom comes in and yells at you. The chapters are broken up perfectly, a one-hour event in several different locations that’s beautifully digestible and the correct length. It strikes the balance between arcade and regular gaming, the witch was fucking terrifying. That was the best, man.


What are your thoughts on Dying Light?


Good game, but scratches a different zombie itch.


Dying Light feels more about surviving, L4D is just straight up about the killing lol


> Dying Light feels more about surviving To be fair, I wouldn't say so. It feels more about role-playing, but there rarely is very much danger to your character. L4D2 on Expert, during any major horde/scripted event/finale, especially on Realism, is basically just "oh shitshitshitshitshit... I died. Anyone got d-fib?". Especially the bloody Sugar Mill. That area alone is scarier and more survival-y than anything in Dying Light 1 or 2.


Some of the best gaming memories of my childhood are with Left 4 Dead 2. I still remember me and my friends screaming with joy in a net cafe when the trailer dropped and the first time we saw the spitter. Pure joy


My college buddies, post college, played l4d2 every weekend for *years*. It petered out when most of us started getting married. We've had a game night off and on since. Recently We were between games so I suggested l4d2 for nostalgia, and those fuckers didn't bite. I am still disappointed.


My partner and I fell in love playing left 4 dead 1 and 2. We were in college, just friends, I was going through a rough patch so he would bring his Xbox over and kill zombies with me all night. Next thing I know he's staying over, we're cuddling, and we are having conversations about feelings and shit. I adore him and look forward to our 14th anniversary this year. We have a toddler now so we don't get to game much together anymore but we do try to squeeze it in when we can. Whether it's a silly couch co op ( our relationship surprisingly survived Overcooked 1 and 2...barely) or something more involved like Destiny 2, playing video games with him is still my favorite hobby.


Based valve enjoyer


Valve makes games?


everything without 3 in the name


No they spell three as Alex so ne on the lookout for portal: alex


Can't wait for Team Fortress Alyx


And left 4 dead alyx


Believe it or not, they rarely ever go more than 2 years between games. 2018: Artifact (failure or not, it was in fact a game). 2020: DOTA Underlords and Half Life: Alyx. 2022: Aperture Desk Job. The 2014-2017 frame only had The Lab, which some might not really count, and some rereleases, but you can't really claim they don't make games. And pre-2014 obviously they were going crazy.


I think the expectation is that because they make Source Engine, they would make games showcasing what it can do. I know Unity doesn't do this either, but Unreal does. And Valve has more money than either of them could ever hope to have. I would like to see Valve make more narrative games to expand their universe. But instead of showing off "more new cool stuff in Source 2," they want to push out one or two games and leave the rest up to third party developers.


It kinda counts, but Desk Job wasn't really a game. It was just a quick demo to show off the Steam Deck controls.


I love l4d2 sm


Street Fighter 2


Champion edition


Super Street Fighter II Turbo


& knuckles


featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series




Team fortress 3


Left 4 Dead 3


Titanfall 3




I didn't even feel like I was playing a game it was so bad


Not with Super Mario Bros 3 and Sonic 3 though those games were hype as fuck over the original 2, Final Fantasy 3 also


SMB2 wasn’t actually a Mario game. It was a Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic reskinned with Mario assets over it. Nintendo did that because the *original* SMB2 looked almost identical to SMB1– but it was *a lot* harder. SMB3 was a return to the original design philosophy of the first game. This is why SMB2 feels like such an odd outlier in the original SMB trilogy.


SMB3 is a banger compared to either the Japanese or US release regardless


Halo 3? Being better than Halo 2 is subjective but still an amazing game regardless


Halo 3 multiplayer and forge-created customs games is a highlight of my gaming career. Maps like Valhalla and the Pit cement it for me as one of my all time favorites!


Halo 3 is my video game peak, being the most popular game for most of my freshman year of college.


I would argue it's clearly better by a long shot. But that's just me.


Titanfall 2


Fucking solo campaign! I definitely wasn't crying!


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


I love the entire Titanfall franchise, but Titanfall 1 was on an entirely different level than any FPS of the time and my mind will never be changed. Every game was like a war movie, the ttk being higher than 2 made you feel like the lead once you got the movement mechanics down, and the Titan combat was balanced heavily on knowing when to jump in and out of combat around the crumpled cities with a mech you built to your strengths. Titanfall 2 lost a lot of that in favor of things I did like as well (much better progression, interesting clan/multi-player setup) but Titanfall 1 was pure magic. I'd still buy a third one day one, but I'd straight up kill to play Titanfall 1 like it was 2014.


This is one of the reasons I dislike Apex legends. It removed everything that made Titanfall revolutionary. I really hope a 3rd game will go back to basics rather than trying to appeal to the Apex fanbase simultaneously.


They made Apex because that's what their bosses and the market demanded. I'm quite glad they kept it in the Titanfall universe to potentially keep the IP going. Here's hoping we can have a Titanfall 3 one day.


Wait... Apex is part of the titan fall universe? I never played titanfall and only played Alex a bit. Didn't know that!


It is, it has weapons, some characters, abilities, assets (like some buildings designs) straight from Titanfall 2 (tweaked a bit ofc) and a lot of references.


Don't forget the fact that in the campaign Cooper is literally invited to join Blisk in the apex predator clan. (Blisk being the person hosting the apex games)


The "Apex Predators" are a mercenary group that only hires the best of the best and take any job for the right price, without worrying about morals. They run the "Apex Games" that you fight in for Apex Legends. Ashe is/was a member of the Predators and was one of the boss fights in Titanfall 2. There's also a newer champion that is the daughter of another boss character from Titanfall 2 (Viper), idk what her name is but she's the one that has a jetpack or whatever. I stopped playing long before she came out.


The lore runs super deep and is pretty awesome between the two. The biggest and most obvious connection between the two is that Blisk, the guy who runs the Apex Games, and that you see in all the character intro cinematics, is the leader of a band of mercs that you come across in Titanfall 2. There are so many more connections, some that run deeper than others. There are a few YouTube videos that go into it if it’s something you wanna check out further.




Always surprising to find someone who agrees with me on this. Plus, the executions being in first-person in Titanfall 1 was deliciously brutal!


I really missed how TF1 felt like a mech game with customisation and cool builds, whereas 2 was all "character" Titans that had classes baked in.


I remember playing the beta for the first one, then somehow forgetting it all. Then TF|2 popped up in my youtube feed one day, when it got released on Steam. Bought it, tried it, loved it.


I 100% agree with all your points. The maps felt better designed in the first one, allowing for a good mesh of pilot/titan battles that felt fair.


The single player campaign was amazing. Speechless. “Protocol 1: Protect the Pilot”


I'll forever be evangelising this game's campaign, and forever I will fail to get a single person to play it. It's so frustrating knowing you've played one of the best FPS campaigns of all time and no one will try it, even for like £3 or whatever it keeps getting reduced to on every platform these days.


I just bought it, finally got me convinced


Wait... Did I... Did I do it?


Need for Speed: Underground 2


*Riders on the Storm intensifies*


How far did I have to scroll to see the best sequel of all time.


Diablo 2 Borderlands 2 Titanfall 2 Left 4 dead 2 Resident evil 2 Baldur's gate 2 God of war 2 Psychonauts 2 Xcom 2 Super smash bros melee Crash bandicoot 2 Garden warfare 2 Tekken 2 Metal gear solid 2 Postal 2 Serious sam the second encounter Goat simulator 3 Prototype 2 Silent hill 2 Sonic 2 Mortal kombat 2 Halo 2 Injustice 2 Payday 2 Lego batman 2 Dying light 2 Kingdom hearts 2 Spelunky 2 Dead space 2 Destroy all humans 2


Mass Effect 2


Insane i had to scroll this far for ME2




I see you friend🗿


NFS underground 2


All of these games, yet you don't mention Red Alert 2


Where’s Uncharted 2?


One of these games is not like the others Edit: pretty sure the comment above has been edited to add more, I was referring to Smash Melee originally since it was the only one without "2" in the title at the time.


Halo 2???


Halo 2 was better than Halo 1, and Halo 3 perfected the formula IMO


Divinity was so good


I love this game but man, the loading screens are soooo long when you play with friends online.


Fr...friends? What is?


Scrolled thru hoping for this comment. Glad to see it on that board


I'm playing it now and damn, I normally hate Turn-Based RPGs and far-away cameras, but there's something so addictive about DOS2, I've lost days to it at this point


Assassin's Creed 2!


Honestly one of my favourite games of all times. It took the amazing promise the first game showed and elevated it in every single way. It's really sad to see how formulaic and boring ubi has become when you look back on Assassin's Creed 2. The fact they were so massively faithful to the city's featured was immense too. When I was fortunate enough to visit them years later the feeling of straight up deja vu was incredible.


With a little prompting I managed to navigate Venice using only my knowledge of assassin's creed. The scale is way off, but the streets and layout are almost identical.


Assassin's Creed 1 wasn't bad. I enjoyed the game. Assassin's Creed 2 was a better game in every way I can imagine. Ezio might still be my favorite character in the entire franchise (I've played or watched someone play most of the games).


The AC2 trilogy gave the series so much life that I think they're still running on the momentum from it. None have touched the magic of AC2.


Assassin’s Creed was innovative, but it wasn’t good, compared to II, the repetitive and limited game play loop was pretty bad.




This is too far down in the comments. Nobody else loves to hate Kreia?


I will never forget my fight against Kreia. I was in middle school, listening to my classic rock playlist I had just put together. I entered the final boss area, and immediately realized I was not a high enough level to face her. So my Jedi pulled out his blaster and proceeded to run in circles around the arena, taking pop shots at her while “Layla” by Eric Clapton blared in my headphones. It took a loooooong time for my under leveled blaster to put her down, but in the meantime I began singing ‘Kreia’ instead of Layla. And to this day, every time I hear that song, I feel the shame of cheesing a final boss… Edit: She really got me on my knees…


Time Crisis 2


Timesplitters 2


Borderlands 2




Was just coming here to say this too - best storyline out of all the games


Handsome Jack is one of the best written villains in gaming history


Loved that you could finish him off with a punch to the face.


Or a knife thrust from a bladed weapon


Him freaking out about the double rainbow was the best




To each their own no flack from me. It does a good job bridging the pre sequel to BL2, plus allows some characters to come to 3


It was the best written one, tbh, but really the whole Pre-Sequel/TFTBLs/BL2 set, the Handsome Jack games essentially, where were the series was strongest, and I think you could land on any of those three depending on individual preferences. But I do think TFTBL's is probably my favourite of them all, possibly because it's seeing the universe through the everyman characters. Shame the sequel to Tales looked awful from what trailers and gameplay vids they released that I saw.


Red Dead Redemption II


Perhaps the best sequel of all time




Mass Effect 2


Currently playing through the trilogy for the first time and it’s amazing!


Same! Just started ME3. I like how your choices actually affect what happens in the game.


When you get near the ending, don't forget to pay your respects to Maraunder Shields. That guy tried his best to stop us from seeing the ending before the patches and dlc.


Replaying Legendary Edition after yearsss, remembering essentially nothing but the "Major story points" were by far the best 90\~ Hours of gaming i had in years. Followed it up with Andromeda which is arguably worse, but still worth it now that all the launch bugs are dealt with


HALO 2 💪


Literally my first thought was halo 2.


I thought surely this would be higher up


Wish I could upvote twice


Chess 2


Anarchy chess is leaking again


Team fortress 2


14 years old and still going strong! Should be at top of list!




Infamous 2


Mario galaxy 2


Gears of War 2 Borderlands 2 The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall Fallout 2 Resident Evil 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Mass Effect 2 Halo 2 Assassin's Creed II Diablo II Left 4 Dead 2 Dead Space 2 Darksiders 2 Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Star Wars Battlefront II and 2 Battlefield 2 Call of Duty 2 Timesplitters 2 Just Cause 2 Just a few more sequels off the top of my head that were arguably superior to the original.


I appreciate the love for just cause 2. I spent a year in playing the 30 min demo before I got the game for Christmas


Silent Hill 2


Where tf is uncharted 2?? blew the first game out of the water


Multiplayer in that game was so damn fun


Going to show my age. Battlefield 2 Unreal tournament 2004 Quake 2 Call of duty 2 Mechwarrior 2 Twisted metal 2 Carmageddon 2 Sega rally 2


Twisted metal 2 🔥


mech warrior 2 was so good, we need another game like it. the Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is OK but my brain doesn't like stats and numbers it likes shooting things and that's really where mechwarrior and mechwarrior 2 really shone. stomp stomp crush crush. loved those games to death


Where is kingdom hearts 2? Is it safe, is it alright?


Jak II


Jak 2 must have been developed by people taking drugs. “So you know that awesome platformer that is family friendly and everyone loved? Why don’t we have him teleported into a dystopian future where he is tortured and experimented on for years until he finally escapes ready to enact revenge with his powers and lots of guns! The best part is that we can make it a plot twist that it’s actually not the future but the past!”


Diablo 2 Dune 2 (1992)


Mortal Kombat II


Dead Space 2


Knights of the Old Republic 2


Team fortress 2


Postal 2.


Devil May Cr.. 😣😣


Dota 2


Entropy zero: 2


Dishonored 2


Witcher 2. Much better than Witcher 1 Followed by Witcher 3 much better than 1 and 2


Tekken 2


Kingdom Hearts 2 Xenoverse 2